The Outlaw
I was recently on staff at Camp Birch of the 95' staff, and this was the most popular of them all we did. This is set in the western era in the 1800's. Characters: An Out Law, Partner, swinging doors(that squeak when opened), One person playing Wife of the Out ...
49 49 49
Jumper, bystander Setting: City Street (A person is jumping on up and down, yelling 49! 49! 49! The second person comes by and notices this; he asks what he's doing.) Victim: What are you doing? Jumper: I'm jumping up and down on this manhole yelling 49! 49! 49! It's really ...
7 Jerks on the Line
2 People on the phone, up to seven Victims, ropeEach person is holding the rope at either end and talking on the telephonePerson 1: I went fishing the other day!2: Can't hear you!1: Said I went fishing the other day!2: Can't hear you! Maybe the phone company needs more telephone ...
A Christmas Story
CHARACTERS: HOUSE Hands overhead in inverted “V” SHED Hands in front of the chest in inverted “V” SLED Hands together as in praying, waving from left to right REINDEER One hand, palm forward, at each side of the head, thumbs touching temples PACK Both hands over the shoulder as if ...
A Christmas Story
Characters: HOUSE Hands over head in inverted “V” SHED Hands in front of chest in inverted “V” SLED Hands together as in praying, waving from left to right. REINDEER One hand, palm forward, at each side of head, thumb touching temples PACK Both hands over shoulder as if carrying a ...
A Compass Lesson
Need: 1 leader and 2 or more scouts. Props: A good compass and a map Announcer: In this scene, we see a Scoutmaster teaching a Patrol about maps and compass. Scoutmaster: Now fellows, if you take a bearing from the map this way you can now stand up and, keeping ...
A Drivers Dilemna
CHARACTERS:A Cub Scout and his friend PROPS: 2 chairs for the car (The Cub and his friend are sitting on the chairs. They go through the motions as the narrator reads.) NARRATOR: Cub Scout John and his friend one day Went for a ride in his Chevrolet His friend was cool, ...
A Genius Is This And That
Here’s an audience participation skit - ideal for large group meetings or banquets. There is only one character - the narrator or storyteller - and there is no rehearsal or scenery necessary. Just pick your narrator with care! He is the key to success. Before he tells the story, the ...
A Gift of Goodwill
Personnel: Den Chief & 8 Cubs Setting: A group of 8 Cub Scouts are gathered around. Each boy is wrapping a gift. Den Chief enters. Den Chief: Hey, guys, let me see what each of you is wrapping. Cub 1: Gloves for my dad. Cub 2: An owl plaque for ...
A Hot Meal
Version 1 3 Lost Campers Setting: Woods#1: Boy, am I hungry! We haven't eaten in days!#2: Me too.#3: And I would just love a hot meal.#1: (Looking to ground) Wow! A rabbit! Jump it! (#1 & 2 jump it and catch it; they start to eat it.)#2: (Looking back ...
A Lesson for the Big bugs
BEES: “Buzz, Buzz” ANTS: “Hup, Two, Three, Four” MOSQUITOES: “Bite-e-Bite” FROG: “Croak, Croak” WOODS: All sounds together This is a story about Billy and his family and their adventure in the WOODS. One fine spring day, Billy’s family decided to go for a picnic in the WOODS, where they could ...
A Scouting Story
HISTORY “Way Back” (point in opposite direction) SCOUTS/SCOUTING “Be Prepared” (give Boy Scout sign) CUB SCOUT “Do Your Best” (give Cub Scout sign)This is a story you won’t find in any HISTORY book, but no doubt it will stir up memories for many of you who have had a similar ...
Acting Skits General
These skits are more like plays than the previous group. Each of the characters has lines and perhaps some action to perform. They will need a little more practice and it may be a good idea to give the boys a little help. You may want to write each part ...
Back to the Future in a Time Capsule By Carol Shaw Lord Before the meeting place the awards for each boy in a little “Time Capsule” (plastic bottle). The curtain opens to show a big Time Capsule Machine made from a big appliance box with Christmas lights, knobs and etc. ...

Advancement Ceremony0407
ADVANCEMENT CEREMONIESBefore the pack meeting, cut some fish shapes out of heavy colored paper. Staple each boy’s awards to a fish. Then attach each to a fish line and put all the fish into an empty fish bowl with the lines dangling over the edge. In pack meeting have a ...

Airplane Short Runway
Cast: 2 scouts (If more are desired, they can be passengers, with suitable sound effects and actions. Seating for pilot and co-pilot, and for passengers if required and a compass.Announcer: This scene is on board a very low-budget airline.Pilot: Well, are we anywhere near the airport, co-pilot?Co-Pilot: (peering out the ...
Airplane The
7-Scouts act as the pilot, co-pilot, and radioman on an airliner. 4 other scouts are on the wings as the engines, on the wings of the plane. The pilot announces to the co-pilot that engine one has failed. ...

Alexanders Rag Time Band
Props: Coloured strips of cloth for each participant, spears, and shields if desired.Announcer: In this skit, ALEXANDER THE GREAT has called all his officers together to plan the next day's battle when they will make the big attack on Russia.Alex: Now men, the key to tomorrow's attack will be coordinated. ...
Alien comes in - the traditional "take me to your leader" routine etc. When taken to the leader the alien says, "Stop singing, Ging Gang Goolie -- it's our national anthem..." ...
All Face
An Indian and a white man are traveling together. It's cold and the white man is shivering. The white man is all bundled up and the Indian has very little on (i.e. pants, no shirt) and his blanket. The white man complains about the cold and doesn't understand why the ...
All In a Days Work
Props: A sign reading: "Undertaker, Justice of the Peace, Furniture, Fresh Eggs", some overalls, straw hats, bandannas.Announcer: Here we see old Clem Smithers sittin' in front of his country store and funeral parlor.Josh: [strolling in, thumbs in suspenders] Good Morning Mr. Smithers. I'm Josh Martin.Clem: Howdy bub, call me Clem.Josh: ...
All Over Me
Two scouts are needed, or one scout and the MC."They're all over me, they're all over me!""What's all over you?""My clothes!" ...
America the Beautiful
PROPS: • Curtains on stage - behind which is U.S. Flag (Either a painting or a print or a real flag opened out flat - blue in the upper left corner). • Artist’s Smock for each Cub, large paintbrush, and paper palettes. Den leader: We are honored to have as ...
American Folk Tale Skit
Narrator: America's history is full of colorful characters. I'm sure you've heard of many that you couldn't even begin to count them. But we also know that much of our country's history wasn't written down until many years had passed. Memories fade as time goes by. Now…we're not calling our ...
American Folk Tale Skit
Narrator: America's history is full of colorful characters. I'm sure you've heard of many that you couldn't even begin to count. But we also know that much of our country's history wasn't written down until many years had ...

Announcement The
A five second gag to put into a loose moment.Cast: Campfire chief and a volunteer in the audienceCampfire Chief: And now it's time to make a spot announcement. (Dog barks from the audience.) Thank you Spot. ...
Another CPR Skit
This is a skit that I have done a couple of times in the past few years. Scouter Bill Palmer - 1st Port Elgin, 15th Juan de Fuca Scouts in Victoria, B.C.One person is laying on the floor. Two other people walk up. First-person: "Hey this guy is hurt." he ...
Ants The
Characters: 6 to 8 Cub ScoutsProps: Paper sacksSetting: The skit opens with boys standing together in a backyard. Cardboard cutout trees and bushes could be used.1st Cub: Gee, there's nothing to do.2nd Cub: Yeah, I know.3rd Cub: Hey, let's have a backyard picnic.All: Yeah!4th Cub: But it's going to rain.1st ...
Artistic Genius
The scene is an art show where judges are inspecting several canvases are displayed. They comment on the brightness, color, technique, that is used in the different pictures. They select one for the prize and comment additionally on the genius, imagination, and beauty of the picture. The artist is called ...
Two scouts lay down on sleeping bags on the stage. Two other scouts, pretending to be bikers "ride" over to one of the scouts who is on top of the bag and proceed to beat him up. They do anything they want to make it look like they have hurt ...
Bad Breath
One blanket-covered player is the terrible dragon with terrible breath. Plant three or four "volunteers" in the audience who come up, one by one, to say hello to the dragon. Each time the dragon replies, "Hello!", the "volunteer" falls over dead (lots of scope for hams, here). Then, ask for ...
Bad Turn
Akela: "Now, (Cubs name), you know you should always do Good Turns."1st Cub: I tried, honest!Akela: OKEach Cub enters and says similar things to AkelaLast Cub: (carrying a small frying pan with a "pancake" in it) I did a good turn! (flips pancake over and catches it in the pan). ...
Balloon Orchestra
The players in the orchestra each hold a balloon. They blow up their balloons in unison, then let out the air in a squeak at a time to the rhythm of some easily recognized rhythm such as "Blue Danube" or "Jingle Bells". To end the skit all fill their balloons ...
Action: Several boys repeatedly blowing up balloons until they break.Boy 2: What are they doing?Boy 1: Blowing up balloons.Boy 2: Why?Boy 1: It's a contest.Boy 2: Oh. What does the winner get?Boy 1: NothingBoy 2: What does the loser get, then?Boy 1: He gets to buy more balloons! ...
Banana Skit The
This skit is ideally suited for four people since it takes the form of a four-beat chant. However, any number can participate. The group forms a line, facing the audience.See banana, see banana, see banana, see banana!In turn, and in rhythm with the chant, the patrol members point to the ...
Bareback Rider
Two clowns come out and get down on all fours, facing the audience. A third clown comes out and stands on their backs, facing the audience, then he gets down and comes forward and takes his bow. Ringmaster: “Is that the whole act?” Clown: “Well, of course, what more did ...
Be Prepared01
The first scout walks to the center of the stage, stands to attention, salutes, and says, "BE PREPARED." This is repeated by three other scouts. When they are all standing side by side, a loud motor horn or explosion is let off behind the audience.The scouts then all say, 'WE ...
Beam Me Up
Scout: Walks on stage, looks around slowly, and says, "Scotty! The aliens are very unfriendly!! Quick!! Beam me aboard!!"Another scout in the audience: THUNK (the sound of a 2x4 landing on stage) ...
Bear Hunt
A variation on A Talking Martian! And Saloon.Cast: Bear, two huntersSetting: The woods#1: (Whispering) Ah! There's a bear! I can shoot it, and I'll have my take for the day! (Bang! And the bear falls down.) Well, I'll go get some rope to drag it.#2: No! It's mine!#1: Hey! I ...
Bee Sting
1st scout "OOOOOUCH , OOOOOH , OOOUCH."2nd scout "What's the matter with you?"1st scout "A bee's stung my thumb."2nd scout "Try putting some cream on it then."1st scout "But the bee will be miles away by this time." ...
Bell Ringer 1
Props: Coat with football or wadded clothing under it for the Hunchback, hat, or nightstick for Gendarme. Announcer: The Hunchback of Notre Dame has decided to retire, and has placed an ad in the Paris Times for someone to come and learn how to ...
Bell Ringer 2
(The trick with this skit is to do it the night after doing Bell Ringer #1, and to do everything exactly the same - perhaps with a little more hamming it up) (When the Applicant arrives the Hunchback says:) Hunchback: You look just like ...
Bell Ringer 3
(To be used ONLY when Bell Ringer #1 and #2 have been used.) Props: Rain slickers, blanket, and Gendarme gear from above. (Two players enter in rain slickers holding blankets between them like a jumping net. The jig and jog around the performing area. ...
Bell Ringer 1
Props: Coat with football or wadded clothing under it for the Hunchback, hat, or nightstick for Gendarme.Announcer: The Hunchback of Notre Dame has decided to retire, and has placed an ad in the Paris Times for someone to come and learn how to ring the bells.Effects: (Knock, knock, knock)Hunchback: (Gravely ...
Bell Ringer 2
(The trick with this skit is to do it the night after doing Bell Ringer #1, and to do everything exactly the same - perhaps with a little more 'hamming it up')(When the Applicant arrives the Hunchback says:)Hunchback: You look just like the guy who was here yesterday.Applicant: Oh, that ...
Bell Ringer 3
(To be used ONLY when Bell Ringer #1 and #2 have been used.)Props: Rain slickers, blanket, and Gendarme gear from above.(Two players enter in rain slickers holding blankets between them like a jumping net. The jig and jog around the performing area.Gendarme : (Entering) Hey, what are you guys doing?Fireman ...
Best Spitter In The World The
The key performer is the Catcher, who must wave around a can of water without spilling. He simulates the spit hitting the can by tapping on the can with his finger. He will need to practice so that he does not spill, does not ...
Better Thief The
Cast: 2 Scouts There are two scouts, they each say, "I'm the better thief." "No, I'm the better thief." Then one says, "Wait, let's have a contest, we will walk past each other three times, and whoever steals the best thing wins." The scouts ...
Big Game Hunting
Two to four hunters talking together each says that he is packing a heavier and more powerful gun to shoot with. The first starts out with a small handgun, and the last ends up with a very powerful rifle, shotgun, whatever. Two others come over who have overheard the hunter ...
Big Itch
Cast: Guy, 4 People on lunch breakSetting: Park BenchThe guy is sitting on a park bench.Guy: I'm waiting for my girlfriend. I hope she comes soon.(Luncher #1 sits on a bench and moves him over. #2 sits on end, and they move over, further pushing the guy. #3 comes, and ...
Black Bart
There are several Black Bart skits, all revolving around the basic plot of the hero chasing Black Bart. The hero and BB come face to face. BB is cornered, building up the tension. Destroy it with the anticlimactic line: "You get the ping pong ball, and I'll get the paddles, ...
Recruit three or four volunteers and blindfold each one. Have the volunteers stand in front of the audience and instruct them to take off anything they have on. The smart ones will remove their blindfold, but those caught up in the joke will continue to remove items. Continue with those ...
Blue And Gold
CHARACTER: BANQUET Let’s Eat (Rub Tummies) CUBMASTER Signs Up!!! (Cub Scout Sign) CUB SCOUT Yippee!!!! (Jump Up And Down) DEN LEADER Oh Dear! (Hand On Top Of Head) DEN DAD Not Again!!!! (Hands To Side Of Head) PARENTS Us Too!!! (Points To Self) COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Thank Heaven!!! (Hands To Ceiling) ...
Bob Cats Big Catch
CAST: GRAY SQUIRREL, RUNNING DEER, SMALL BEAR, LITTLE WOLF, BOB CAT, CHIEF AKELA. COSTUMES: Assorted Indian Costumes: headbands, vests, breech cloths, etc. PROPS: Drum for Gray Squirrel. Small bow and arrow for Bob Cat to carry SETTING: A clearing in the forest. As scene opens, all but Bob Cat and ...
A leader begins to explain how to lay a campfire. The leader decides to use members of the audience to represent different pieces of wood. The bonfire builders bring up various volunteers. Some of the volunteers are bunched in the center for tinder, with others placed for kindling with the ...
Border Crossing
A variation on The Ghost of Midnight and The Ghost With One Black Eye.Cast: Border Guard, Supervisor, Several Crossers, 2 BroomsGuard: Hi, Boss! I'm new here! What do I do?Supervisor: Well, you have to make sure that people don't try to cross the border without stopping first. You can shoot ...
Border Crossing
A variation on The Ghost of Midnight and The Ghost With One Black Eye. Cast: Border Guard, Supervisor, Several Crossers, 2 Brooms Guard: Hi, Boss! I'm new here! What do I do? Supervisor: Well, you have to make sure that people don't try to cross the border without stopping first. ...
Boss The Train
CAST: 2 BOYS tracking animals Rest of den acts as TRAIN. PROPS: 3 flashlights, Other props as desired. SETTING: 2 boys are walking across the stage shining their flashlights on the ground as if they’re looking for something. BOY #1: Look! Bear tracks! BOY #2: (sarcastically) There ain’t no bears ...
Bouquet The
Cast: six Cubs on an outing.1st Cub (glumly): I don't think Akela is having such a great time.2nd Cub (looking at 3rd Cub): Well, you didn't help much - giving her that garter snake!3rd Cub: I was just trying to help her collect stuff for our nature display.4th Cub: And, ...
Bouquet The
Cast: six Cubs on an outing. 1st Cub (glumly): I don't think Akela is having such a great time. 2nd Cub (looking at 3rd Cub): Well, you didn't help much - giving her that garter snake! 3rd Cub: I was just trying to help her collect stuff for our nature ...
Bragging Fisherman Skit
CAST: 6 Cub Scouts PROPS: Stools (for fishermen to sit on) Fishing polesSETTING: 6 fishermen sitting on stools by a lake, hanging their poles in the water. Heads droop until it’s time for them to speak their line. 1st Fisherman: Not bad for a day. 2nd Fisherman: Not bad. When ...
Bragging Fishermen
CAST: 6 CUBS PROPS: Stools (for fishermen to sit on) fishing poles SETTING: 6 Fishermen sitting on stools by a lake, hanging their poles in the water. Heads droop until it’s time for them to speak their line. 1ST FISHERMAN: Not bad for a day. 2ND FISHERMAN: Not Bad. When ...
Brain Shop
Customer, Shopkeeper Setting: Brain ShopCustomer: Hi! I'm bored with myself. I'd like to buy a new brain and have an all new personality.Shopkeeper: (In one of those evil, horror movie voices) Ahh, yes. Well, I can sell you this brain from Billy Crystal for $5000. Here. ...
Brain Shop
Cast: Customer, Shopkeeper Setting: Brain Shop Customer: Hi! I'm bored with myself. I'd like to buy a new brain and have an all-new personality. Shopkeeper: (In one of those evil, horror movie voices) Ahh, yes. Well, I can sell you this brain from Billy Crystal for $5000. Here. Try it. ...
Brain Transplant
A group of Scouts goes to a new Scientific Laboratory where they have developed a new process for brain transplants. The Scouts ask to see the selection of brains. The doctor shows them a selection. (the brains may be in cans, where they look in it). The first one is ...
Brain Transplant
A group Scout goes to a new Scientific Laboratory where they have developed a new process for brain transplants. The Scouts ask to see the selection of brains. The doctor shows them a selection. (the brains may be in cans, where they look in it). The first one is marked ...
Brer Possum
Location? Where else but in the woods? A cast of 4 is needed for this one. Brer Possum, Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox, and Brer Bear. When the skit starts, Brer Fox and Brer Bear are out of sight. Brer Possum is sitting by the campfire as Brer Rabbit strolls (hops?) ...
Brer Possum
Location? Where else but in the woods? A cast of 4 is needed for this one. Brer Possum, Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox, and Brer Bear. When the skit starts, Brer Fox and Brer Bear are out of sight. Brer Possum is sitting by the campfire, as Brer Rabbit strolls (hops?) ...
Brotherhood of Scouting
This skit has a Brotherhood theme and is well-suited to the older sections (Scouts and higher) and leaders, particularly in an all-sections campfire. It is best presented near the end of the campfire when things are winding down (and the children have settled down). ...
Buc Tuocs Roundup Skit
CAST: ANNOUNCER DR. CURE-ALL CUB SCOUTS (number can vary) ANNOUNCER: Presenting Dr. Cure-All and his marvelous medical discovery, “BUC TUOCS” DR. CURE-ALL: Thank you, my friends. Boys, have you been feeling sluggish lately? Do you have that gray feeling? Do you have that over-seven feeling? I have the answer to ...
Buffalo Stories
These are a variation of the popular elephant jokes. They can be set up with two boys for each "joke".Cub 1: How can you tell if a buffalo is under your bedroll? Cub 2: The ceiling of your tent is very close.Cub 3: Did you know buffaloes are originally from ...
Bus Driver
Several Passengers, Bus Driver, "Stinky" Setting: BusBus driver drives the bus along the route, and at each stop, more and more people get off the bus, holding their noses, telling the driver to hurry up, pushing against each other, running off the bus, until finally only ...
The first Scout comes out, walking around. He suddenly grabs his chest and falls to the ground. Two other scouts come in talking about just completing their first aid merit badge and find the scout on the ground. They rush to his aid and begin C.P.R. Adjust head, listen, feel ...
Camp Coffee
You need a large dixie or billy in the center of the stage and four scouts.In England, we have nesting sets of aluminum cooking pots with a steel wire handle. They look like a small straight-sided bucket or paint pot. These are called Billys or Billycans. We also have larger ...
Camp Coffee Sketch
Props: A large cooking pot and mugs for actors1st Scout- (Walks to pot carrying his mug. He dips his mug in and brings it up to his lips for a drink) "This camp coffee is getting worse".2nd Scout- (Walks to pot carrying his mug. He dips his mug in and ...
Campers and Bears
Two campers are walking through the forest when they suddenly encounter a grizzly bear! The bear rears up on his hind legs and lets out a terrifying roar. They're both frozen in their tracks.The first camper whispers, "I'm sure glad I wore my running shoes today.""It doesn't matter what kind ...
Campfire Conference
Six or eight weary-looking campers enter the campfire circle, silently circle the campfire once, and sit in a ring around the fire. After a pause, the first camper sighs and says, "What a day!" There's another pause for deliberation before the second camper sighs and says, "What a day!" and ...
Campfire Ethics
"Scouting is a Game with a Purpose"Thoughts on bringing the values of Scouting through to youth By a Quiet CampfireIt is getting late. You are sitting by the fire. The Scouts are in their tents asleep. At least you think they are. After all, it's your first night out. Just ...
Can You Do This
Cast: 2 People, campfire blanketHave one person lie down on his back, and the other kneel directly over him. The top person wears the campfire blanket so as to hide his legs and expose the legs of the person lying down, to create the effect of it being one person ...
Candy Store
The leader gives instructions for playing candy store. He asks that one person take a long string and hold on and then adds others until there is a long line of people holding onto the string. Then the leader explains that this is a candy store because there are some ...
Candy Store 2
Announcer: This skit takes place in a candy store.Owner: [Working behind the counter, mumbling to himself]Yep, yep, just like always, costs are up, and profits are down.Boy: [entering] Hi, mister.Owner: Hi, son. What would you like?Boy: I'd like two bubble gums.Owner: O.K. [reaching up on shelf] What else?Boy: I'd like ...
Candy Store 3
A candy store owner enters carrying a long pole. He asks two members of the audience to hold the pole, draping a blanket or sheet over it, explaining that this is the candy store. One by one customers come in asking for different types of candy. To each, the owner ...
Candy Store 4
Props: Need a Scout stave or a stick about 1" diameter x 5' long.Pick out two unknowing people from the group to hold up either end of the stick about elbow high. Let them know the stick they're holding in now a counter in a candy store.Scout #1 stands behind ...
Candy Store 5
This one can be really hammed up and includes the kid walking up in a dance kind of way and the old storekeeper, being old, very laboriously climbing up a ladder, getting the candy jar, coming down, counting out the candies, and so on.Cast: Old storekeeper, very young kid (4 ...
Cant Pay the Rent
(In this skit, one person plays all three parts by changing the voice and by using a paper napkin as a mustache, hair bow, and bow tie, as the parts call for.)Villain: [sound effect] Knock, knock, knock.Girl: [very timid high, pitched voice] Who is there? Villain: [fiercely] I've come for ...
Car Skit
Cub Scouts are bringing in their derby cars for their Pack meeting. Cub Scout #1: “Hey! That’s a nifty car! Did you make it?” Cub Scout #2: “Nah! My dad did! Did you make yours?” Cub Scout #1: “No Way! My granddad did mine! Wow! Look at that one! Hey! ...
Castor Oil
CHARACTERS: YOUNG MAN DRUGGIST PATRON SETTING: A 1950’s drug store YOUNG MAN: Is it possible to disguise the taste of castor oil? DRUGGIST: Certainly young man. YOUNG MAN: It’s such horrible stuff to take. Yuck!!! DRUGGIST: It certainly is. PATRON: (Enters Drug Store) Chocolate soda, please. DRUGGIST: Would you like ...
Chewing Gum
You will need 5 Cub Scouts. Props should include a lamppost, park bench, and tree.Scene: Park area, Cub Scouts walk one at a time. This is a pantomime skit and is great to use with younger Cub Scouts and shy boys.One CUB walks on stage chewing imaginary gum (use exaggerated ...
Action: Several boys are watching another boy crack a whip at a frozen chicken.Boy 2: What's he doing?Boy 1: Practising.Boy 2: Practising what?Boy 1: He wants to be a lion tamer.Boy 2: But that's not a lion. That's a chicken!Boy 1: So is he!! ...
Chief Shortcake
Pick a "volunteer" to be the dead Chief Shortcake (adult leader) and have him lie down covered with a towel/sheet except for his head.Have each boy repeat a line on what to do with Chief Shortcake, such as: burying the Chief with all his worldly possessions, should be burned in ...
Chin Faces
Performers arrange themselves with their heads hanging upside down over the edge of a table with a sheet or other drape covering their body with holes cut out exposing their mouth and chin. Place sunglasses just below the chin in front of the neck for "eyes." The chin becomes the ...
Chinese Story
The Gate Gods: A Chinese Fable Many Gods are worshiped in China, especially during the Chinese New Year. At this time of year many Gods are invited to be a part of their celebrations, tonight we would like to introduce you to the Gate Gods. It was said a long ...
Christmas With The Right Family Skit
Required: small gifts for every scout Preparation: have all scouts stand in a circle, each with a wrapped gift Explain that you are going to read a story and every time the word Right is said, you pass your gift to the right and every time the word Left is ...
Circus Closing Act
A den of Cubs in costumes, to represent acts in the circus, parade in and say their lines. The Ringmaster asks audience to guess what each boy is. We bring you now these circus characters from near and far, listen to their stories and guess just who they are. It’s ...
City Slickers
CAST: 6 Cub Scouts as follows MA PA BOY SIS. All dressed as Hillbillies. 2 CITY SLICKERS PROPS: Large cardboard car with handles on the back. Log cabin. SETTING: 2 City Slickers drive up in front of the cabin and honk their horn. MA: (Hillbilly woman comes out of the ...
Clarence Slept Here
CAST: 2 CUBS MOTHER OTHER CHILDREN (in the family) SETTING: 2 boys playing Nintendo 1ST CUB: Clarence, I hear something. Is it raining? 2ND CUB: Sure is, 1ST CUB: When you came over there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. 2ND CUB: Sure wasn’t 1ST CUB: Wow! Look out the ...
Climb That
Two Scouts meet, and the first scout begins to brag he can climb anything.Scout 1: "Can you climb that tree?"Scout 2 "Sure, I've done it lots of times."Scout 1 "Can you climb the steep hill over there?"Scout 2 "No sweat, no problem for me."Scout 1 "How about the Empire State ...
Colored Music
Each member of the Patrol has a clear glass pop bottle that has been partly filled with colored water, each with a different color. Each bottle is filled to a different level so that the eight notes of an octave can be played by blowing over the top of the ...
Contagious Disease Ward
The scene takes place in the waiting room of a doctor of contagious and communicable diseases, Dr. Ringworm, M.D., l.s.d., v.i.p., l.c.b. Have four chairs and a stand for magazines or books. In walks a fellow (a) with an itch which he scratches periodically in different places. He grabs a ...
Props: A cardboard cutout of a prison window, or a few sticks as bars, and 3 candles.Announcer: The scene is the outside of a prison.[Enter 2 Scouts. One holds out his arms at full stretch, one above the other, and the second inserts between them the window or a number ...
Cotton A JC Penney Variation
The spokesman keeps meeting guys with new clothes - a loud shirt, new shoes, bright socks, new pants, a hat, etc. Each time he remarks how snappy they look and ask where they got such neat clothes. “FROM COTTON” is always the reply. A while later he meets up with ...
Country Scouts in the Big City
Two scouts enter campfire circle #1 Hi, we are country scouts, and this is our first trip to the big city. #2 Hey, (looking around) did you ever see such big buildings? #1 & # 2 ham it up, describing all the things they see, stores, statues, offices, traffic, etc. ...
Court Case
A second person walks in with a suitcase. First-person already on stage asks where he is going, and the first person replies that he is going to court. A little while later, he comes in with the case and also a ladder. This time he says that he taking his ...
Court Scene
Guy brought in - "I'm Innocent! I was just picking up pebbles on the beach!" Two or more with similar stories. The last person comes on stage either dressed like a guy dressed like a girl or a girl, saying, "Hi, I'm Pebbles", in an alluring manner. ...
CPR Rescuers
CAST: 3 CUB SCOUTS SETTING: Cubs are standing around reading newspapers or magazines as if waiting for the bus to come. 1ST CUB: (Suddenly grabs his chest and falls down on the ground.) (All others gather around him.) 2ND CUB: Looks like he’s had a heart attack! 3RD CUB: Sure ...
Crazy Charlie
The scene is set up so that Crazy Charlie is portrayed as being in a mental institution. It's dinner time, and before he can ask for anyone to pass the meat, someone calls out 37, and the room bursts into laughter. Moments later, 57 is called out, and more laughter ...
Crazy Collecting
Actors pantomime the different types of collectors as the narrator introduces each one. The narrator may start with something like this: NARRATOR: Everyone collects things. You collect things, I collect things. Let’s take a look at some things other people collect. (Samples of collectors you might pantomime) A mother collects ...
Crazy News Flashes
Today, Lady Blenkinsop Smythe laid a foundation stone. Both are said to be doing well.A lorry load of artificial hair has just overturned on the motorway. The police are combing the countryside.This afternoon, two girl scouts went for a tramp in the woods. The tramp got away.A hundred-dollar bill has ...
Cub Scou Ting
Props: Draw frogs on poster board; cut holes for faces Scene: Three frogs are sitting to the side of the stage facing the audience. As the Curtain Rises: The first frog softly says, “Cub.” The second frog says, “Scou.” The third frog says, “Ting.” Frogs continue as the skit begins, ...
Cub Cookout
Characters: Several Cubs around fake campfire pretending to cook hot dogs on sticks. Two Cubs dressed as mosquitoes--antenn', wings etc.Setting: Boys around the fire keep slapping as if they are being attacked by mosquitoes throughout the skit. As the scene opens, the two mosquitoes enter the stage and continue walking ...
Cub Olympics
Characters: TV reporter, 4 Cub athletes getting ready for the Cub Olympics.Props: Frisbee for discussion, a pile for javelin, a bag of cookies, toothbrush and basin of water on a stand, fake mike for the reporter (can be dressed in a suit jacket and have ID for his station on ...
 SKIT----THE MAILBOX Person kneeling with a sign on that says ‘mailbox.’ Place elbows against chest with forearms pointing up, fists clenched. #1 enters and pulls down on fists and looks in, shakes head and closes mailbox, goes away. This happens a few more ...

SKIT --- BE PREPARED First scout walks to the center of the stage, stands at attention, salutes, and says, "BE PREPARED." This is repeated by three other scouts. When they are all standing side by side, a loud motor horn or explosion is sounded behind the audience. The scouts then ...

STORY --- THE RABBI AND THE SOAP MAKER A Rabbi Cubmaster and a Wolf leader who was a soap maker at Lever Bros. were walking along and the soap maker questioned the Rabbi by asking, "What good is religion? There's been religion for a ...
SKIT --- SUCCESSFUL FISHINGÂ Â A Cub is fishing and catching fish like crazy. Two other Cubs are watching and wondering what his secret is. They ask what his secret is and he just mumbles in reply. This happens exactly the same a couple more ...

SKIT --- I GOTTA GO WEE Five guys sleeping in a tent, all in a row. The Scoutmaster on one end, the little Scout on the other. The little Scout climbs over all the other sleeping Scouts, who try to remain asleep, and shakes the Scoutmaster. "Scoutmaster! Scoutmaster! ...
JOKES / DEN CHIEF RUN-ONSÂ Â 1. Is this water healthy for swimming? 2. What do baseball players eat on? 3. What do you get when you cross an answering machine and fat football player? 4. What charges did the police bring against the baseball ...

SKIT --- THE AIRPLANE  7 Scouts – Pilot, Co-pilot, and Radioman on an airliner. 4 other Scouts are the Engines on the wings of the plane. The Pilot announces to the Co-pilot that Engine One has failed. Engine One (ham this up) sputters, makes ...

SKIT --- THE BABIES AND DADSÂ Â Cast: Doctor, three Dads Setting: Hospital Doctor: Mr. Thompson, congratulations. You're the proud father of twins! Thompson: What a coincidence, I come from Two Mountains in Summit County! Later -- Doctor: Mr. Smith, you now have triplets! Smith: ...

Cub Scout Socks
Characters: Den leader, 3 Cub ScoutsProps: A pile of socks on a table. Den leader sits behind table.Den leader: Boys, I'm pleased to announce that our new Cub Scout socks have arrived! Please step up for your supply of clean socks.Cub #1: I need four pairs.Den leader: What do you ...
Cub Scout Stew
Setting: On stage is a huge pot, made from a cardboard carton. The pot could be painted on the side of the carton. Boys in the pot, pile on top of each other face down. Boy with chef's hat is stirring in pot with a broomstick. Chef: (Pretends to taste) Hmmm-mm. Tastes like ...
Cub Scouting is Many Things
This can be used as an opening or a skit. Each of 12 Cubs (or adults) holds a candle, which is lighted as he gives his message. The room lights are turned off. Cub # 1: Cub Scouting Is A Boy, He is somewhere between 7 and 11 years old. ...
Cub Shop
4 Shoppers, Storekeeper, Kid (in underwear, or nightgown), full uniform Setting: Store#1: I'd like to buy the Cub Shirt.Storekeeper: Sure. One moment, please.(You hear the kid struggling with the keeper in the background-"No, you can't have it!") (Comes back with a shirt.)#2: I'd like to buy the accessories for the Cub ...
SKIT --- BEAR HUNT  Cast: Bear, two hunters Setting: The woods #1: (Whispering) Ah! There's a bear! I can shoot it and I'll have my take for the day! (Bang! And the bear falls down.) Well, I'll go get some rope to drag it. #2: No! It's mine! #1: Hey! I shot that bear myself. It's clearly mine. #2: Look. You couldn't have shot that bear if I didn't drive us here. #1: Well, I've got news for you. I just killed that bear. It's mine. The two continue arguing when all of a sudden, the bear rises, growls, and frightens the two hunters away.  JOKES / DEN CHIEF RUN-ONS 1. What happens when you eat yeast and drink shoe polish? (You rise and shine.) 2. Why does the stork pull ...

Damn or should I say Darn
Cast: Director, 2 Workers, Cameraman, Clapperman, Light Man, Soap Setting: On the Setting of a MovieDirector: Okay, people! Remember what I said about the language! Action!Clapperman: Scene 5, Take 1!Worker 1: (Eating lunch with #2) You know, Gerry, the wife is always nagging me for some more money. And I ...
Dancing Knee Dolls
Paint faces on the knees of the performers. Use dresses (or pants and shirt) to dress the legs as dolls with the arms bulging out. The clothes can be made out of crepe paper, cloth, or real clothing. Cover the upper legs and body with a sheet. Direct a flashlight ...
Daring Sailormen
CHARACTERS: 10 SAILORS (the play opens with the 1st settler on stage) (A NARRATOR reads the verses aloud while the SAILORS perform actions quickly and briefly.) NARRATOR: One daring sailorman sailed the ocean blue (a player marches on-stage, faces the audience, steers ship) Along came a friend of his and ...
Did You Have V8
Cast: Weakling, three or four Thugs, Old Lady, Director, Cameraman Setting: Street Corner Set in a StudioWeakling: Hi there. I'm advertising the great effects of this wonderful vegetable cocktail, V-8, on your stamina. You, Sir. (To a tough-looking thug.) Did you have your V-8 today?Thug: Duh, no. Real men don't ...
Dinner Special
Characters: two customers waiter. Let actors develop actions and dialogue from the situation. Props: table with tablecloth, candles, menus, etc. Most important - a storybookTwo customers enter a fancy seafood restaurant, study the menus, etc. The waiter arrives to take orders.One customer orders shrimp and the second says, "I'd like ...
Dinosaur Hunt
Have the audience repeat the words and motions Going on a dinosaur hunt. (Slap thighs) And I’m not afraid. (Point to self) There’s a tall mountain. (Look with hand over eyes) Can’t go under it. (Move hand down) ...

Viking Council A Cub runs on stage with a large ladle in his hand “What do you have there?” Asks Boy 1. “The big dipper” Another Cub runs on stage with a spoon in his hand, “And what do you have?” asks Boy 1. “The little dipper!” ...
Dirty Socks
Need: 4 scouts, One large can (Billy can or gallon can) with water placed in the center of the stage. 1st scout (Walks to billy carrying his mug. He dips his mug in and brings it up to his lips for a drink. ) " THIS CAMP COFFEE IS GETTING ...
Discover America
CAST: LOUWEEGEE CHRISTO ANTONIO GENO NAVIGATOR MARIO LOUIE (all in sailor costumes) INDIAN (In appropriate costume.)PROPS: Table, Boats, if desiredNARRATOR: Scene 1. Christopher Columbus and his sailors are standing by their ship talking.LOUWEEGEE: Hey Christopher, I hear you are going on a trip.CHRISTO: How many times do I have to ...
Discover America Skit
CAST: LOUWEEGEE NAVIGATOR CHRISTO MARIO ANTONIO LOUIE the LOOKOUT GENO INDIAN (in appropriate costume) PROPS: Table, Map, and Telescope. Cast are dressed in sailor costumes. Boats, if desired NARRATOR: Scene 1. Christopher Columbus and his sailors are standing by their ship talking. LOUWEEGEE: Hey Christopher, I hear you are going ...
Do a Good Turn
Cub 1: Comes on stage turning around. Cub 2: Comes on stage doing frontward rolls. Cub 3: Comes on stage rolling over and over. Cub 4: Comes on stage doing cartwheels. Cub 5: “What are you doing?” All Cubs: ‘Don’t you know a good turn when you see one?” ...
Do You Have A Cub Scout Garden
This can be used as a skit or a ceremony. Have the boys make pictures of peas, lettuce, squash, and turnips with the keywords printed on them. (Ex. Peas - preparedness, etc.) As the Narrator reads, have each boy walk out, show his vegetable and sit down in a row. ...
Doctor Doctor
The secret to success with this series of quickies is to keep them moving along. You can have one doctor and different patients, but it may add greater rush and flurry if a different doctor and patient fly in and out for each quickie.Pat: Doctor! Doctor! I feel like a ...
Doctors Office
The first patient comes in hiccuping and asks to see the doctor. The second patient comes in cross-eyed, with a silly look on his face. The third person can't control his muscles and is all jittery. They are all asked to sit down. The first person is asked to go ...
Doggie Doctor
A person comes to a psychologist and says that he needs help. He thinks he is a dog, holding up his hands like a dog begging. The person acts like a dog throughout the skit and does doglike things, like scratching behind his ear, whining, etc. Doctor asks how long ...
Doggie Doo
Cast: Two friends, doggie doo Setting: StreetTwo friends are walking along the street, perhaps having a conversation about something, talking about a movie or the latest hockey scores, when all of a sudden --John: Hey Frank! Watch out! That may be doggie doo! Smell it to see if it smells ...
Don Diego And The Super Jumping Beans
This skit has three main characters: Amigo, Pancho, and Dan Diego. In addition, you will need other characters for JUMPING BEANS. YOU can have as many jumping beans as you wish. Amigo, Pancho, and Don Diego are dressed in Mexican costumes. As the scene opens, Amigo and Pancho are on ...
Dr Frank N Stein and Igor
Here’s a cool skit I learned at Webelos Camp. One Person is the announcer, one person is Igor, one person is Dr. Frank N. Stein, and all the other people are salesmen.Step 1. The announcer walks up and says, "We will now take you to the home of Dr. Frank ...
Driving Video Game
Equipment: Set up two chairs side by side with Scouts sitting on them. Scout 1 acts like he is driving. He starts acting like he is racing through a city and doing crazy stunts. The crazier the better. Scouts 1 and 2 both sway with the motion of the car, make ...
Dude Ranch
Props: A couple of western hats and a bandana would help set the scene.Announcer: This skit takes place at a dude ranch.Old Hand: [slouched against a fence, with a slow western accent] So, you want to go ridin' eh?Dude: [city voice] Well, yes, that's what I came to this expensive ...
A patrol of scouts lines up, facing the audience. One announces that this is the Earwash Skit. At the end of the line, Scout drinks a glass of water. He puts his hands on his ears and shakes his head. Then he pretends to spit the water into the ear ...
Easter Bunny
The Easter Bunny is out delivering his eggs, and the police arrest him for breaking and entering a house. The police don't believe that he is the Easter Bunny but finally, decide to believe him and let him go. He decides to finish delivering and tries to enter another house ...
Echo 1 Baloney
(Before the skit begins, one player hides a few feet into the woods behind the campfire circle and plays the part of the ECHO.)[PETER AND TIM enter]Peter: Here we are, Tim, at the famous Echo Mountain. Why don't you give it a try?Tim: Sure, might as well. [raises his voice] ...
Echo 2 Jerk
(Before the skit begins, one player hides a few feet into the woods behind the campfire circle and plays the part of the ECHO.)Scout: Boy, it's been a tough day at camp. But now I've hiked up to the famous Echo Mountain, might as well give it a try. [raises ...
Echo Point
Once modified to suit a space theme -- it was a tour around the galaxy to different planets, people traveled in a spaceship to get from planet to planet (a drawing of the USS Enterprise, no less,) and they went back to the starbase. But essential details of the dialogue ...
Echo again
A Scout enters the campfire area, walks around, and collapses to the ground. He lays there seriously ill and dying. Soon another scout enters and finds the ill scout. He screams out: "Someone is lying here!" then, the echo effect outside the campfire area. Soon the scout calls out, "I ...
Elephant Walk
The clown trainer comes on with a group of elephants, wearing over—sized tennis shoes. The elephants parade in a line, bent over as though walking on all fours. At a signal from the trainer, they stand up straight as though they were standing on their hind legs. The elephants bend ...
Elevated Gum
A boy enters chewing gum, acting like a businessman, with a briefcase, etc. Walks up and enters an elevator and sticks gum on the wall. A kid listening to rock & roll on his portable stereo, dances into the elevator, leans on the wall, hands stick to gum. Tries hard ...
Elves applause
1.“Saw, saw, saw†(make sawing motions) 2.“Tap, tap, tap†(make hammering motions) 3.“Paint, paint, paint†(make painting motions) ...
Emergency Room Doctor
The scene is an emergency room at a hospital. The Doctor is totally self-absorbed, combing hair, looking in the mirror, etc. A guy runs in, a hiker with a branch stuck in his stomach. He is screaming in agony. The Doctor insists that he must ask him some questions before ...
Emergency Skit
This Skit should be learned by all Cubs and Scouts if they find themselves called on unexpectedly for a skit (Be Prepared) or in case some other Six or Patrol used their planned skit earlier in the same Campfire.[The first boy enters and begins crying] [The second boy enters and ...
Emergency Test
A group of scouts come out and stand in a line across the stage. One, the announcer, stands in front of them.Announcer: "This is a test."All: Hmmmmmmmmmmm. (Or Beeeeeeeeep)Announcer: This has been a test of the emergency warning system. This was only a test. If there had been a real ...
Energy Savers
Characters: Six Cub Scouts in uniform; one den leader in uniform. Setting: Den meeting place, decorated as desired. Den leader sits at a table. As skit opens, all “Cub Scouts arrive together and sit down. Den Leader: Today, let’s take turns and tell how we can help to conserve energy ...
Enlarging Machine
(This skit is best set up in the opening of the campfire circle so that no one can see what is happening "backstage".)Props: A blanket (or on stage a large piece of cardboard on which is drawn a machine, with a flap in the front), a teaspoon and a ladle, ...
Eskimo Pie
Scene: Group of Cub Scouts around a table. Props: Ping pong ball, sponge, white golf tees, pan with ice cream bars in the bottom.Cub 1: Isn't it great our leader is letting us make a pie for our den meeting treat?Cub 2: Sure is. I don't know what kind of ...
Fall Quickie
A player walks across the area, scattering handfuls of leaves he takes from a big bag. Another player approaches and asks, "What are you doing?"1st Player: I'm leaving! ...
Family Lost In Space
Props: 5 chairs set up like a "space car" - 2 front, 3 in back row Participants: Father, Mother, 3 kids, 1 sign carrier Arrangements: Father is driving with mother beside him in front seat, three kids are in the back seat. SIGN CARRIER: Walks out and holds up sign. ...
Famous Talking Dog
Two scouts run in front of the campfire. One Scout introduces himself as the owner of the World Famous Talking Dog. Second Scout puts up his hands in a paw-like fashion, makes small barking noises, and scuffles his feet like a dog might do.First Scouts says: Now, World Famous Talking ...
"They're all around me!""What?""Cheesy run-ons!" ...
Fire Drill
Different people run through during the meeting or campfire with some containers (cups, buckets, cans, etc.). Eventually, the MC stops one of them and asks what's going on, to which the reply is, "your tent (car, house, whatever) is on fire". We add a great deal to it when we ...
Fire The
You need two players and a behind-scenes person to move the fire (an artificial campfire with invisible strings attached).The players sit by the fire, reading, doing a puzzle, etc. The fire moves slightly. They don't notice. It moves again; they don't notice. This continues until, finally, the fire is pulled ...
When we entered the campfire theater the first four scouts walked in with large cans filled only with torn up news paper. The Staff immediately noticed and gave us their attention. One or two came over to see what was up. We let them examine the cans and they found ...
Fish Market
Two people, one a fisherman and the other a fish market manager come on stage and hold a long cord between them. The fish market man attempts to call the fisherman on the telephone to see if he has any fish today. The fisherman acts as if he can't hear ...
(The scene opens with the two players rowing an imaginary boat.)Andrew: Whew! It sure is a long way out here.Robert: Yep. (puts a hand to eyes) I can't see the shore anymore. Ready to start fishing?Andrew: I think so. Looks like a good spot to me.(Both ready imaginary rods, reels, ...
Fishing on a Park Bench
Three guys are sitting on a park bench. Goober is quietly reading. Gomer is pretending to swim in a lake (jumps off the bench and swims around). Gopher is pretending to be fishing, reeling fish after fish. A policeman comes in and watches them. The policeman asks Goober if he ...
Fishing Success
Five or six fishermen sit on the end of the dock (chairs), casting and winding in their lines. One fisherman is catching all the fish: the others have no luck. In turn, the unlucky ones ask the successful fisherman why he's doing so well. Each time, he mumbles a reply ...
Center stage is a lad fishing from a billy can or bucket, he keeps pulling the rod as though he has something on the line. A passer-by looks at him as he walks by and then walks on, after a few steps the passer-by comes back to the lad.Passerby: "What ...
Five Thousand Chicks
Props: Farm clothes for both players. Special Effects: [Knock, knock, knock]Farmer: Is this the farmer's information office?Manager: Yep, what can I do for you?Farmer: Well, I'm havin' an awful time on that chicken farm I bought.Manager: You're that new feller that moved in from the big city, right? Tell me, ...
One member seems to be wearing nothing but an overcoat in front of the campfire. As each scout approached him, he would (with his back turned to the audience) flash the "innocent" bystander. Each time that he flashed, the person would either be frightened off or else roll down a ...
Boys standing in a line, first boy scratches, then second on down the line, the last boy feels it and says, "Oh there you are Marvin, I've been looking all over for you. You've got to stop hopping around, Marvin (boy acts as though Marvin has hopped away). You come ...
Flora the Flea
Performer(The performer is putting his trained flea Flora through all her tricks, explaining all her tricks as she does them. His eyes follow every flip, jump, etc. as she performs and lands back in his hand.Then he asks her to jump to the ceiling. His eyes lose her and she ...
Fly in the Soup
Customer: Waiter, waiter, there's a fly in my soup!Waiter : (Enters, very snooty, peering into the soup) Oh, yes, you are right, sir. That will be an extra 25 cents for the meat.Customer: But waiter, he's swimming all over the top!Waiter : (Still snooty) You are right, sir. It doesn't ...
Flying High
Boys on a flight to Germany or another destination. They act up and really give the stewardess or steward (den leader, 11-year-old patrol leader, etc.) a hard time. Finally, one of them bumps into her/him and knocks a tray on him/her. The steward/stewardess smiles and says, "Why don't you boys ...
Food Water Mirror on the Sahara
2 or 3 People, a cup of water, combs, Narrator Setting: Sahara DesertNarrator: Here are some poor, thirsty men on the desert who've been stranded on the desert for days. Let's watch.(Two or three people are crawling, calling out for water. Time to really ham it up. Finally, they see the ...
Four Leaf Clover
A person finds a four-leaf clover. He feels sure that it will bring him good luck. Another person runs into him. They accuse each other of running into each other. They start hitting each other. A policeman comes along, the other guy accuses the lucky person. The lucky person is ...
Franky 2 The Monster
Announcer: We are in Dr. Frankenstein's laboratory, and as the scene opens, the he is just bringing his monster to life.Doctor: [connecting wires to monster] There, Igor, everything is all set. Pull the switch.Igor: [pulls switch - makes weird sound effects]Monster: [thrashes about]Doctor: Enough, enough! He's alive.Igor: [shuts down power, ...
Franky 3 Youre it
Announcer: The scene is in a schoolyard where the children are playing tag. [children run around, playing tag, but do not use the words ["You're It."]Boy: [entering, excitedly] The Frankenstein monster is coming, the Frankenstein monster is coming! [children scream and run to the inside edge of the campfire circle ...
Fred the Trained Flea
"Here in my hand is Fred the Trained Flea. Fred will perform for you some amazing feats. Watch closely.""Fred, do jumping jacks! Very good! Cheer, everyone!""Fred, do a somersault!""Fred, do a high jump!" Watch him go way up, then back down."Now Fred will do a long jump. I need a ...
French Restaurant
This skit is best done with older scouts because it's rather complicated, and even better if the volunteer is an unknowing new adult leader. It always gets big laughs from everyone involved.Props needed: two chairs, two glasses of waterCast: at least three peopleFor this skit set two chairs facing each ...
Fresh Fish
Merchant (hangs up sign FRESH FISH SOLD HERE): Sure did spend a lot of time and money having this sign made up, but it's worth it, it's worth it!Boy 1: You don't need the word FRESH, surely? You wouldn't sell anything else, would you? (rips off word FRESH, exits)Boy 2: ...
Friends of Years
Three guys are sitting on a park bench. Goober is quietly reading. Gomer is pretending to swim in a lake (jumps off the bench and swims around). Gopher is pretending to be fishing, reeling fish after fish. A policeman comes in and watches them. The policeman asks Goober if he ...
Frontier Life
A narrator tells a story of the harsh frontier life out on the prairie. Scouts perform various actions cued by the narrator, including a large group to act as a thundering herd of buffalo, and three act as “volunteers.” The narrator begins by asking for three volunteers from the audience ...
Fun Stuff
Cub # 1: I know a person who thinks he’s an owl Cub # 2: Who? Cub # 1: Now I know two. Cub # 1: How many birds can carry a big basket? Cub # 2: I don’t know. How many. Cub # 1: Toucan! Cub # 1: Why ...
Fur Bearing Trout
Now it happened that there was a mining camp in Colorado where more than an average number of the miners were bald. An enterprising hair tonic salesman from Kentucky decided to take advantage of this golden opportunity, so he made the trip north. It was a rainy summer evening. The ...
Future Careers
Props: A large box that Cubs can step into and out of; decorate front with knobs and dials. Cub #1:Ladies and gentlemen, this is the fantastic, terrific magic future machine. By entering this machine you will know your future career. Cub #2: Let me try it first! Cub #1: OK, ...
Future Careers
Props A large box that Cubs can step into and out of; decorate the front with knobs and dials. Costume pieces representing the future career for Cubs to have on when they announce their future career. (e.g., Chef’s Hat for a chef) Cub #1: Ladies and gentlemen, this is the ...
Game Show
The skit starts out with a couple of campers (or scouts in your case) asking for some volunteers from the audience (parents will do JUST fine…evil grin).The volunteers are then removed from the room by one of the scouts in charge of the 'Game Show' (thank you, Vanna…)After the volunteers ...
Gathering of the Nuts Version 2
Vincent: I am the famous artist Vincent Van Go-Go. I have come here this evening at great expense to create one of my living nature paintings which will express the atmosphere of this camp! First I am going to need some trees. (Two trees are selected from the participants in ...
Getting the Bird
It is explained to the audience that they are to try and guess the name of well known local birds that will be acted out. Then, members of the patrol enter singly or in pairs, in quick succession and mime the name of a bird. The cornier the acting, the ...
Ghost Story
Boys lined up in file tiptoed onto the stage and suddenly stop. The message is passed in a mock whisper from the head of the line to the foot and vice versa.Head: (points) That's where I saw the ghost!Foot: Where?!Head: About six meters away!Foot: How big was he?Head: About three ...
Ghost With One Black Eye
Ghost, 3 Pedestrians Setting: City Street#1: (Bends over; picks up coin.) Wow! A loony!Ghost: (Comes out; scary voice.) I am the Ghost with one black eye!(#1 scared; drops loony; runs away)#2: (Bends over; picks up coin.) Wow! A dollar!Ghost: (comes out) I am the Ghost with ...
Two guys start a ghost-catching business. They go to this house and can't get rid of the ghost. The ghost finally leaves because one of the guys sings very badly and is off-key. The ghost can't stand it and leaves. ...
Giant Worm
On stage, you have a boy concealed in a sleeping bag that is open on both ends. He is the Giant worm. Several "hikers" happen upon the worm. The hikers are eating and carrying with them a supply of candy bars. They look at each other in amazement and ask ...
Glass of Water
There is a glass of water in the middle of the stage. The first scout crawls across the floor, crying for water. He dies dramatically shortly after beginning his crawl. The second person dies just short of the glass of water. The third person, on his last bit of strength, ...
Going Places
This is a question and answer skit for up to 9 Cubs. Two sets of answers are given and should be used according to whether you wish the skit to be serious or silly. A cub can read each riddle and another cub may answer, or the audience can be ...
Going The Distance
Personnel: Any number of boys Opening: All start out walking: 1st Boy: (stops) I’m thirsty. (All get a drink.) (Continue Walking.) 2nd Boy: (stops) I’m hot (All wipe off face.) (Continue Walking.) 3rd Boy: (stops) I’m hungry (All get something to eat) (Continue Walking) ...
Going to Court
This one is a run on that requires the above-mentioned partner whose been around for years and will be for years more, and good timing. One of the nice things about this one is that you can use as little as two appearances or if necessary, you can expand upon ...
Gold is Where Ya Find It
Props- Pie tins, old flannel shirts, old hats, maybe a shovel, a large gold cardboard heart with double-stick tape on one side! All boys put on old shirts and hats except for one that stays in full uniform. One boy dressed in a flannel shirt comes out on stage and ...
Shout "FORE" and pretend to hit the ball, place hand over above eyes to follow where the ball went. Variation: Add: Duck and cover your eyes saying: "OH NO! I HIT SOMEONE!!" ...
Make a motion as if polling a boat, singing out:"O, SOLE MIO" ...
Gone Fishin
Three boys sitting on a bench or chairs in the front of the room. The two boys outside have fishing poles. The one in the middle is reading a newspaper. Boys with lines act like they are fishing.Cub 1: Sure haven't been catching much.Cub 3: I haven't even had a ...
Good Soup
Props: a large pot, several spoons, and a floor mop. A chef's hat would also be useful.Announcer: This scene takes place in the camp Dining Hall.(Several boys are seated around a large pot, sampling the imaginary contents with the spoons.)Scott: Boy, this is sure good soup.Brad: Yep, it's got REAL ...
Good Turn
Stand up and turn around. ...
Goodbye Santa Applause
Pretend to throw a pack onto your back and say, "Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night." ...
Gotta Go Wee
(The boys are seated in two rows, as in a school bus, with one at the front as the driver.)Tommy: [running to front] Stop the bus, I gotta go wee!Driver: [making driving motions] I can't stop here. You can hang on, go on back and sit down.[Tommy sits down, driver ...
Granny Wake Up
Cast: Grandson, Granny (2 people), Volunteer, Victim, campfire blanket(s) Setting: In Granny's RoomGranny is in bed (say on the floor) and, of course, is covered with blankets. Your two grannies lie down on their backs, as close together as possible, with heads in opposite directions. The head of one is ...
Grannys Candy Store
Paint a verbal picture of the various scouts acting as a cash register (the person says ching, ching), popcorn machine (goes pop, pop), door (person holds arms horizontal, swinging saying creak, creak), tree, chair, etc. Have three guys standing there with no parts to play. Have several scouts come in ...
Boy 1: Tonight, we are going to be talking about ancient Greece.(Boy 2 walks on stage carrying a can of Crisco.)Boy 1: No, no, not that kind of grease. You know Greece, the place.Boy 2: Oh yeah, that's in the back of the cafeteria. ...
Green Side Up Green Side Up
Characters: A Building Contractor, A Couple (if a lady isn't available, changes can be made for one person)Contractor (inside the house): Okay, we need a color for the wall in the living room. (walks to space that is a living room).Wife: I like white.Husband: No, how about blue?Wife: How 'bout ...
Greetings 2
This is a classic that appears almost every year for your Holiday Pack Show. Commissioner Dave Set Up: The Den Chief explains that the audience is to respond by doing as the boys say and then introduces the ceremony. The boys hold cards that ...
Hairy Hamburger
A man sits down in a restaurant and orders a hamburger. The waiter brings out his hamburger. The man starts eating his hamburger and finds a hair in it; complains to the waiter, and another one is brought out. The second hamburger has a hair in it and is taken ...
Happiness is Misery is skit
CAST: 2 to 8 Cub Scouts, or more. (Cubs alternate, first boy says, “HAPPINESS is…,” second boy says, “MISERY is…”) PROPS: Hold up cards or cardboard cutouts (painted) of smiling and sad faces that boys can make themselves. 1ST CUB: HAPPINESS IS…hearing your Dad has won an all expense paid ...
Happyness Is Misery Is
CAST: 2 to 8 Cub Scouts, or more (Cubs alternate; the first boy says: “HAPPINESS IS…,” the second boy says: “MISERY IS…” PROPS: Hold up cards or cardboard cutouts (painted) of smiling and sad faces that boys can make themselves. 1ST CUB: HAPPINESS IS…Hearing your Dad has won an all-expense-paid ...
Harlem Globetrotters
Three scouts are doing laundry, each is sitting behind a bucket that holds his "laundry". Two of the buckets really have water and a rag or two. All three work at scrubbing and wringing water from their laundry for a few seconds. One sitting on the end shakes the water ...
Hat Skit
(This skit is done by one person. A hat type or position and voice indicate the character. The Mother talks in a high voice with the lower lip out and up and wears a fancy shower hat. The Father wears a ball cap with the peak to the left side ...
Have You Seen my Belly Button
Cast: Dog owner, Passengers on a bus, stuffed animal Setting: City BusThe owner goes around on the bus asking people if they've seen his Belly Button. Some ignore him, and women gasp. People are horrified. Some respond, "The nerve of him!" "How crude!" "What a rude person!"Finally, he spots the ...
Heavens Gate
You can get your favorite leader or friend with this one.Need: 5 or more scouts (1 is an announcer, 1 is an Angel).Announcer: Here we are at the Gates of Heaven.Scout 1: (Walks up to angel at gate) Hello, I see I've come to Heaven.Angel: Well, you're not in yet! ...
Herman The Trained Flea
The trainer has a flea various tricks when suddenly he loses Herman, his trained flea. He searches around for Herman, calling for him, eventually, a person is brought forward with a flea in his hair. The punch line is, "This isn't Herman!" ...
Hiccup for Me
A boy comes out and says something like, "Hic - I can't - Hic - get rid of these Hic-ups". Another person comes out and asks what's wrong. He is told and yells "BOO!" to help the boy get rid of his hiccups. It didn't work. Several more people try ...
High Wire Act
The clowns come on and single file walks along an imaginary wire on the floor. They use the standard umbrella to help balance themselves and make the walking look difficult. After they all finish, the clowns come forward and take their bows. Ringmaster: “That was an amazing, skillful performance, but ...
How Far
Personnel: Any number of boys Equipment: Pedometer (can be an oversized prop for effect) Setting or Opening: Boys are heaped in a pile - looking worn out after a long hike. Cub 1 Wow, that was a long hike. Cub 2 We sure walked a long time!! Cub 3 Did ...
How Not To Build A Rocket
Think of this as the 3 Stooges building a rocket ship. It is pantomime only. With all the slapstick bumping, shoving, and horseplay possible. Cast: 3 boys as astronauts in white suits and helmets 1 Cub in uniform Props: 3 five-gallon popcorn cans or something similar painted white or covered ...
How The Sun Moon Stars Got Into The Sky
Dress up all the boys as Indian Braves and assign four of them the following parts. Have the rest of the boys sit around a “campfire” and listen to the story. CHARACTERS: CHIEF Stand with arms folded across chest and say “Ugh” SUN Cover eyes with hands MOON Frame face ...
How to Build a Thingamajig
Doodads: Clickety-clack, clickety-clack Dingford: Whiz, bang, boom Freedistant: Whoosh, whoosh Higoricky: Snap, crackle, pop Scatereekus: All sounds together Very few families these days can get by without a thingamajig. Sure you can buy one at the local hardware and appliance store, in all sorts of colors, sizes, shapes, makes and ...
Doodads: Clickety-clack, clickety clack Dingford: Whiz, bang, boom Freedistant: Whoosh, whoosh Higoricky: Snap, crackle, pop Scatereekus: All sounds together Very few families these days can get by without a thingamajig. Sure you can buy one at the local hardware and appliance store, in all sorts of colors, sizes, shapes, makes ...
How to Make the Team
Two boys, one eats vegetables, exercises, ballerate (ballet & karate), runs (gets a kid to chase him home, the school bully). The other kid eats candy bars and plays baseball with guys. The first guy (vegetable eater) makes the team, and the other kid doesn't. The other kid says, "What ...
How to Wash An Elephant
Before introducing this stunt, choose three people to leave the room. They should not overhear the narrator. The narrator explains to the audience that the stunt is called "How to Wash an Elephant", a classic example in communications. He tells the following story and pantomimes the motions as he goes. ...
I Gotta Go Wee
Five guys sleeping in a tent, all in a row. The scoutmaster on one end, the little scout on the other.The little scout climbs over all the other sleeping scouts, who try to remain asleep, and shakes the scoutmaster. "Scoutmaster! Scoutmaster! I gotta go wee!""Huh? Wha? Go back to sleep." ...
A short, silly skit about scampish elves and their concern for Santa. CAST: SANTA 9 ELVES EXTRA ELVES (Non-speaking parts) PROPS: 1 large sign on wall or drapes saying “DO NOT DlSTURB - SANTA’S SLEEPING” paper and pencil, 1 large sign saying “DECEMBER 24” standing on stage 1 envelope addressed ...
No props are needed, although the actors can make up bits of costumes that emphasize their roles.The evil professor can wear a long white lab coat. Some rehearsal is wise to get the most out of each performance.A large Scout lies stiffly in the middle of the stage. The Professor ...
Important Papers
Props: Chair, roll of toilet paper, blanket for cape, tinfoil crown, sheets of notepaper.King: [seated] Sir Roger, bring me my important papers!Roger: [enters with notepaper] Here you are, your Majesty.King: Those are not my important papers. Go do something useful, like cleaning the moat!Roger: [exits dejectedly]King: [loudly] Sir Edward, bring ...
Improv Skit
Equipment: assortment of odd items Split into small groups. Each group is given an item or a bag of items and is given 2-3 minutes to come up with a skit using the item(s) given to them ...
In the Furniture Store
You need a furniture store salesman and a customer who knows what is happening. Before the salesman can sell anything, he needs stock. Call for volunteers from the audience: four to lie down to make the rug; three to crouch as the couch; one or two chairs; a lamp; and ...
Indian Scout
Props: Feathers and headband for the Indian, hiking gear for Scouts(As the scene opens, we find an Indian laying with his ear to the ground)[Enter Patrol on a hike]Patrol Leader: Well, fellows, we've seen a lot of interesting things on our hike. [Pointing towards Indian] Look there! I think we've ...
Infantry The
A variation of the Viper.A scout runs into a camp of soldiers yelling, "The infantry is coming! The infantry is five miles away!"The soldiers look up, mumble, and act nervous.A scout runs into the camp of soldiers, yelling, "The infantry is coming! The infantry is one mile away!"The soldiers stand ...
Two ditch diggers are digging a ditch when their boss walks by and then just stands around. One digger turns to the other and asks why they have to do all the work while the boss gets paid more. The other man does not know and suggests that he go ...
Is a Train Comin Today
Grandma, Grandpa Setting: Train StationGrandma: (In old voice) Grandpa, is a train Comin' from the south today?Grandpa: (Hobbles over to the station, checks the schedule, looks to the south, returns, and in an old voice,) No, Grandma.Grandma: Grandpa, is a train Comin' from the north today?Grandpa: (Hobbles over to the station, ...
Is a Train Passing Today
One of those skits rarely done yet quite funny if done right. Cast: Grandma, Grandpa Setting: Train StationGrandma: (In old voice) Grandpa, is a train passing from the south today?Grandpa: (Hobbles over to the station, checks the schedule, looks to the south, returns, and in an old voice,) No, Grandma.Grandma: ...
Is Captain Kidd Afraid of Himself
Cast: Captain Kidd, Other people, walking by, MirrorSetting: StreetC.K.: I'm the roughest, toughest, meanest, ugliest pirate to roam the seas. Watch this. (Tries to scare the first man walking by.)Man: I'm not scared of you!C.K. keeps on trying to scare people going to work ("Late for work!"), walking the dog ...
Is Captain Kidd Afraid of Himself
Cast: Captain Kidd, Other people walking by, Mirror Setting: Street C.K.: I'm the roughest, toughest, meanest, ugliest pirate to roam the seas. Watch this. (Tries to scare first man walking by.) Man: I'm not scared of you! C.K. keeps on trying to scare people going to work ("Late for work!") ...
Is It Time Yet
Need: 5-8 Scouts standing (or laying) with left foot crossed over right and right arm crossed over lef First Scout in line asks: "IS IT TIME YET?" - Second Scout asks third, etc down the line. Last Scout says: "NO" Word is passed back to the first Scout, one Scout ...
Is It Time Yet
CAST: As many Cubs as you have.SETTING: The Cubs are lying on the ground, on their left side, using their left arm as a pillow, the right stretched over the next person’s shoulder. (Both questions and answers are repeated singly by each person up and down the line.)1ST CUB: “Is ...
Is It Time Yet 2
Group lines up sits down, crosses right leg over left leg, crosses arms in front of the chest, and bows head as if to be asleep.First-person wakes up, nudges the next person, and says, "Is it time yet?".Each person asks the next one all the way down the line.The last ...
Is It Time Yet 3
Have several boys standing in a line (facing the audience) with one arm on the next boy's shoulder. The first boy in line looks at the second and asks the second boy, "Is it time yet?" The second boy asks the third boy the same question and so on down ...
Is the Train Comin
Members of a six or patrol stand in a straight line facing the audience. Pa stands at one end, next to Ma and an assortment of sons, daughters, cousins, etc. All speak in slow, southern drawls.Pa turns his head toward Ma and drawls, "Hey Ma, is the train comin' from ...
Its All Around Me
You need two characters, one on stage and the other to rush on in a panic, swatting the air, looking desperate, and yelling, "It's all around me, it's all around me!""What? What's all around you?" the first player asks. The other replies,"My belt, of course!" ...
Im a Rabbit
Cub 1: Ask me if I'm a rabbit.Cub 2: Okay, Are you a rabbit?Cub 1: Yes. Now ask me if I'm a beaver.Cub 2: Are you a beaver?Cub 1: No, stupid. I already told you I was a rabbit! ...
Im Gonna Get You
Cast: Murderer, BUTTER knife, Jar of peanut butter, Sleeping Family Members Setting: In House at Night When All Are AsleepThe thief is looking around the house, with a flashlight perhaps and holding the BUTTER knife (anything else would be overkill and dangerous) and is always saying, "I'm gonna get you!" ...
Im Russian
One of those skits that may be inappropriate. Cast: 4 Russians, 1 Person late for workAll actors come out one at a time, using Russian accents except the last person.#1: (Comes out) I'm Russian!#2: I'm Russian! Thank you! (Bows.)#3: I'm Russian! Questions?#4: I'm Russian!#5: I'm late for work, and I'm ...
JC Penney
Version 1: One Scout is standing on stage. A Second Scout walks up. The First Scout says, "Those are nice shoes. Where did you get them?" The Second Scout says, "J. C. Penny [J.C. Penny is a department store in the USA.] " and walks off. A Third Scout walks ...
JC Penney 1
CAST: As many CUBS as you’d like (at least 6 recommended) One person was designated as J.C. PENNEY. PROPS: Towel and one article of clothing for each character, SETTING: One boy on stage, another boy enters 1ST BOY: Where did you get that hat? 2ND BOY: I got it from ...
JC Penney 2 A More Obvious JC Penney Variation
CAST: STORE CLERK J.C. PENNEY CUSTOMERS (as many as desired) PROPS: Table for the checkout counter Cash register(optional) Towel Various articles of clothing (Suggest Cub Scout uniform parts) SETTING: Clerk in store. 1ST BOY: Hi. Do you have a Cub Scout neckerchief?” CLERK: Yes we do. Just a minute. (Clerk ...
Jeb And Ebb
No campfire is complete without the two Hillbillies, Jeb and Ebb. Barefoot, jeans and plaid shirt, droopy hats, and a bit of wheat or straw sticking out here and there. EBB: Where ye been, Jeb? I ain’t seen you in four years. JEB: I been off to college learnin’ ’bout ...
Joe and the Button Factory
There are umpteen zillion versions of this skit. The one that I know goes like this.Hi, my name is Joe,And I work in a Button Factory.I've got a wife, three kids,And that's a lot.One day my boss said to me,Joe, are you busy?I said no. He said,Then press this button ...
Join the Army
Cast: Army Recruiter, Trainees Setting: GymnasiumRecruiter: (To audience) Join the army and learn some great skills! You can become rough and tough like me! For instance, you can learn wrestling! (Two trainees wrestle on the floor) And how about judo! (Trainees do a judo flip) And Tai-Chi! (Trainees do Tai-Chi ...
Joke Teller
A patrol of scouts is sitting around the campfire, eating their dinner. Every once in a while, an older scout will yell out a number, and all of the scouts will laugh hysterically. All except one new scout who just looks around. Finally, after three or four numbers have been ...
Joses Dilemma
Assign the parts to 5 groups; everyone will respond to FIESTA with “Olé. JOSE: I want to go MAMA: Take your sombrero SOMBRERO: It’s too hot SISTER: Take me, Jose BURRO: Hee-haw FIESTA (Everyone): Olé Scene is a small town in Mexico, about 65 years ago. JOSE was excited. It ...
Jumbo Burgers
Cast: 2 People, Radio Voice Setting: Park#1: Boy, what a lunch! Those Jumbo Burgers were really strange -- but good. I wonder why they wouldn't tell us what kind of meat was in it?#2: Oh, you know, they tell that then people will expect the kinds of spices and other ...
Jungle Drums
Cast: Mowgli, who drums out messages on a tom-tom; several Cubs in full uniform; Akela. As Mowgli beats out messages, Cubs take turns translating for Akela. (Mowgli drums)Akela: What's he saying?Cub 1: Mowgli says there will be a special meeting next week. (Akela nods. Mowgli drums again, and Akela looks ...
Jungle Interview
Cub 1: We're here to interview the jungle animals.Cub 2: Tell me, Bagheera, how do you keep your fur so shiny and bright?Bagheera: I rub it with baby oil day and night.Cub 3: Hey Kaa, you're skinny enough to slide, but tell me, how do you open your jaws so ...
Karate Orientale
Once done with a Pirate theme whereby instead of having a karate expert, had a pirate who was good with a sword. No change in progression or punchline, though. Cast: Karate Expert, 3 Muggers, 1 Mugger with a gunExpert: I now can feel safe when I walk through the park ...
Keep America Beautiful Contest
6 Cubs or Scouts Setting: Five Cubs Sitting in Their Clubhouse (indicated by appropriate signs) playing a game. Cub 1: (Runs in, very excited) Hey, you guys! Did you hear about the big contest? Cub 2: What contest? What's it about? Cub 1: The "Keep America Beautiful Contest," that's what! ...
Keep America Beautifull
Scene: Flower and grass wave gently in the breeze. Trash can is sleeping. Litterbug is laughing and throwing pop cans and bottles on flowers, and candy wrappers and newspaper on grass. Flower: Oh, what hit me? My petals are crushed. Grass: You should complain. They buried me. Pop can: You ...
Keep Canada Beautiful Contest
Otherwise known as "The Contest" in the Leader Magazine. Text from The Best of the Leader Cut Out Pages. You could just as easily do this as Keep America Beautiful or any other country for that matter.Cast: 6 Cubs Setting: Five Cubs Sitting in Their Clubhouse (indicated by appropriate signs) ...
Knot Demonstration
A person comes out with a length of rope. He proceeds to give a knot demonstration, some of which do not turn the way he expects. He has creative and imaginative names for his knots, such as the double hitch back loop tie, clove hitch with a triple loop bight, ...
Lawn Mower
One person bends over pantomiming a lawnmower. This "mower" rumbles and shakes, sputtering, as the gardener tries to start it. It doesn't start. Other members of the skit try to start it with no luck. The gardener chooses a volunteer out of the audience to try and start it, and ...
Lawnmower Salesman
CHARACTERS:2 CUSTOMERS LAWNMOWERS, played by 2-6 Cub Scouts SALESMAN SCENE: In front of a store (Cub Scouts are down on their hands and knees representing lawnmowers. The salesman is waiting for a customer.) CUSTOMER: (Enters) Hi! I need a lawnmower. Mine blew up this morning. SALESMAN: Sure thing. Let me ...
Lawnmower The
(One participant is on his hands and knees as the mower.)Owner : (Yanking imaginary rope while mower sputters) This darned old mower, I can't get it going. I need some help. (Gets help from another participant.)Helper #1: So you just want me to yank on this rope and get it ...
Learning English
Yet another which may be considered inappropriate. Cast: Narrator, French Person, Storekeeper, Border GuardNarrator: This man (indicate French person) wanted to learn English so that he could go to the US to do some shopping. So he went to a store and bought a radio (transaction made with the shopkeeper.) ...
Learning the Alphabet
Cast: Teacher, Kid Setting: ClassroomKid: (To a teacher) May I go to the washroom?Teacher: First, you have to recite the alphabet.The kid recites the alphabet BUT leaves out the letter P.Teacher: You forgot the letter P. What happened to it?Kid: It's running down my pants! ...
A player walks across the area, scattering handfuls of leaves he takes from a big bag. Another player approaches and asks, "What are you doing?" 1st Player: I'm leaving! ...
Let Me Have It
This is an old, old vaudeville stunt. It depends on the interaction between the players and the crowd. Overacting and showing off should be encouraged. The only prop needed is a length of rubber tubing, such as a piece of old bicycle inner tube. The skit should be practiced, both ...
Letters from Home
Props: Two sheets of paper.Scott: (Enters) Gee, it's always nice to get a letter from home when you're at camp.Robin: (Enters) Hey, look, I got a letter from my Mom.Scott: Me too. Listen, my Mom says she's writing this letter slowly because she knows I can't read fast.Robin: Mine says ...
Lie Detector
A transparent container (i.e., an old vase) and a coin with a string attached. The container sits on a table with a cloth over it. Have two guys start up a conversation where one tries to convince the other that the container and coin is a lie detector. The coin ...
Life On Other Planets
Boys come out representing each planet Mercury: (Jumping around) You'd really get a hot foot if you lived on me. The temperature is 950 on Mercury. Venus: (Moving hands as if parting fog) You might think that Venus is lovely as can be. But with these 200 mile thick clouds ...
Lighthouse 2
Director: The community has decided to build a lighthouse so that its fishermen can find their way safely home.[A tall person is chosen to be the lighthouse]Now, we all know that a lighthouse is surrounded by a reinforcing wall. [Boys are chosen to form a circle around the lighthouse] We ...
Lighthouse 3 Cornflakes
PROPS: A fake microphone, suitable attire for WIFE.DAN LATHER: [knocking at lighthouse door] Well, here I am at the famous Mariposa Lighthouse to find a top news story for the day.LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER'S WIFE: [coming 'round and 'round the campfire as though coming from top of lighthouse] Keep your shirt on, ...
Lightning Strike
A group of scouts is out hunting along with the troop chaplain. The Troop Chaplain says, "Look, there goes a duck." A Scout using an imaginary rifle takes a shot and missing says something beginning with Dang. (Dang, I missed. Dang, missed it again. Dang, can't hit anything, etc.)Each time ...
Lights Camera Action
This skit is performed on a Hollywood sound stage. You have a director, cameraman, and actors: Doctor, leading man, and maiden. The man is on his death bed. Maiden runs to call for the doctor, and the doctor comes and says he can't help. With the maiden at his side, ...
Listen at the Wall
One person goes along a wall listening and listening. Others come along and ask him what he is doing. He says dramatically, "Listen," and the others do. One of them says, "I don't hear anything", in a disgusted voice. "LISTEN", he says more dramatically, and they listen some more. Again ...
Litter Hurts
A scout comes out and begins talking about low-impact camping and the importance of preserving nature. As he walks around, he sees a piece of litter and picks it up. He complains about the thoughtlessness of campers who litter. Next, a scout enters and drops lots of litter in his ...
Little Brother
Scout 1: Whatcha doing?Scout 2: Writing a letter to my little brother.Scout 1: Why are you writing so slowly?Scout 1: Because my little brother can't read very fast! ...
Little Green Ball
The first scout comes on and says, 'Oh no I've lost it' He then starts to search around on the floor. The second scout comes in and asks what he is looking for. The first scout replies that he has lost his little green ball. Both scouts continue searching the ...
Living Xylophone
The instrument consists of several kneeling performers. The player strikes each on the head with a fake mallet or his fist as if playing a xylophone. Each player utters a single note when struck. Simple songs such as "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" can be played this way. ...
Lobster Tail
Two Scouts enter a fancy seafood restaurant, seated by a Host, given menus, they study and discuss the menus, etc. The waiter arrives to take orders. One customer orders shrimp. The second says, " I'd like a lobster tail, Please." The waiter says appropriate things, goes away, returns with a ...
Lost Dog
CAST: DAVE BOB SETTING: Dave is crying DAVE: Boo hoo hoo! BOB: Hey Dave, why are you crying? DAVE: (still sniffling) I lost my dog BOB: Maybe he’ll come home. DAVE: No, he won’t come home. He’s lost. BOB: Why don’t you put an ad in the lost and found ...
Lost Instrument Skit
Cast: Billy and five other Cub Scouts Props: Comb wrapped in wax paper, Kazoos for the rest of the boys, small musical instrument case. Billy: I can't find my comb! Cub 2: Why do you need a comb? Cub 3: Your hair doesn't look messy. Cub 2: When did you ...
Lost Item around Campfire
First boy searches the ground around the campfire. Second boy: "What are you looking for, maybe I can help you find it. First boy: "I dropped my neckerchief slide." Second boy: "Where were you standing when you dropped it." First boy: "Over there." (He points into the darkness." Second ...
Lost Money
CAST: Several CUB SCOUTS SETTING: 1st Cub is circling around and looking down at the ground. 2ND CUB: What are you doing? 1ST CUB: I dropped my money and I’m looking for it. 2ND CUB: Well, I’ll help you look (Other Cubs come up one at a time and ask ...
Lunch Break
Props: Lunch bags or pails.Announcer: We see here a construction site. It is now lunchtime, and two friends are about to eat.Worker 1: (Opens lunch bag and looks very disgusted) Yechhhh !! Egg salad sandwiches again!Worker 2: Look, if you hate them that bad, I'll swap with you. (Both pretend ...
Mad Reporter
The scene is a bridge where a very depressed reporter is about to jump off (the end of the stage or a platform could be the end of the bridge). The reporter says that he has had it, can't get a big story, is all washed up, and wants to ...
Magic Campfire
MAGIC CAMPFIRE STARTSCompiled by Scouter Stewart Bowman 8th Whitby Scout Troop Whitby District Lakeridge Region Ontario, Canada November 1992INTRODUCTIONThe following compilation of "Magic Campfire Starts" has been collected over a period of years and from a variety of resources. Although new methods have been added to this production, the core ...
Making A Cub Scout
CHARACTERS: Child Two Leaders Two Parents PROPS: You will need a large table for the child to lie on during the “operation.” The “doctor” can carry a large cardboard knife. Props to be “removed” are tacked to the back of the table, out of sight. Those to be “put in” ...
Making a Cub Scout
Characters: Child, Two Leaders, Two Parents Props: You will need a large table for the child to lie on during the “operation.” The “doctor” can carry a large cardboard knife. Props to be “removed” are tacked to the back of the table, out of sight. Those to be “put in” ...
Martian Mamma
Mamma is washing dishes, back to baby. Baby says that he wants a drink. "Right in front of you, dear", says mamma. Baby picks up a green drink. Baby says that he wants Martian Cream Pie, getting real pushy, aggressive, and bratty; throwing the drink on the floor. Baby tells ...
Measurement Problem
Need: 3 scouts (2 older scouts and 1 cub scout). (Two Scouts come on stage carrying a long pole. They prop it up, then stand back and look at it.) Scout 1: Now, there are several ways we can figure out the height of this pole. How do you want ...
Medical Genius
The setting is the office of a famous psychiatrist. He is seated behind a table. A nurse brings in a patient with a flowerpot on his head. Another patient enters and runs around, waving his arms as if flying. The next patient keeps brushing his clothes and complains about bugs ...
Military Genius
Sergeant is drilling a group of uniformed men, who are a pretty sloppy lot - shoestrings untied, shirttails out, collars unbuttoned, hats at odd angles, etc. Sergeant drills in a march, but they go in the wrong directions, trip while turning, and so on. Finally, he has of the group ...
Scene 1: Guy juggling balls. Drops one. Snaps fingers and says, "Missed!" Exits.Scene 2: The same guy juggling balls. Drops one. Snaps fingers and says, "Missed!" Exits.Scene 3: The same guy Says. "If I don't get it this time, I'll shoot myself!" Juggles balls. Drops one. Exits (Sound of gunshot)The ...
Mister Bones
CAST: MR. JONES MR. BONES CHOIR, behind Mr. Jones and Mr. Bones with banjos and tambourines COSTUMES: Boys are dressed like minstrels.) MR. BONES: Mr. Jones, why does the chicken cross the road? MR. JONES: To get to the other side. Ha! Ha! MR. BONES: That’s not the reason the ...
Mixed Body Acting
Fasten a shirt backward around the first person's neck, leaving the sleeves empty. Have a second person stand behind the first and put his arms through the shirt sleeves. A sheet is held by two others behind the head of the singer hiding the second person. As the first person ...
Mixed Up Magic
The child is told to clean the room. The child hates to clean his room, so he gets out his book of magic spells and uses one to clean the room. Unfortunately, the room gets worse with clothes, etc. thrown in >from offstage. This happens again twice. The child decides ...
More Thoughts About Campfires
Reg Roberts The Leader, December 1985As promised in the August/September Issue, here is the second in a series of articles about campfires. Again I have used as my resource some material provided by Dave Stephenson of North Vancouver, B.C.The last article dealt with such things as campfire leadership, instruments at ...
Mowgli Goes To The Pack Meeting
Have the audience give the correct response or sound to the following words as they are read in the story. Mowgli: Laugh Baloo: Growl Wolf Cubs: Howl Pack: Say ‘Do Your Best’ Jungle: Scratch under the armpit make a sound like a monkey. Once upon a time, there was a ...
Mr Kerplunk
Announce him as Mr. Kerpluk, the world-renown spitter. He could be French, German, etc., with the appropriate accent. He says he will demonstrate several of his famous spits for the group. An assistant holds a bucket across the stage for Mr. Kerplunk to spit into (tap on the bottom of ...
Muscle Building Champs
CAST: 6 boys in uniform holding props as described below. Setting: All boys come on stage and one at a time step forward and speak their lines. ALL TOGETHER: We all excel in building muscles We’re champs at that, you see; Just listen to our stories And we're sure you ...
Musical Genius
The announcer makes a flowery introduction about how fortunate the audience is to have the opportunity to hear the splendid vocal group about to perform. After the introduction, the group marches onto the stage and lines up across the front. The announcer states that their first number will be the ...
Musical Toilet Seat Salesman
A scout is a door-to-door salesman, selling Musical Toilet Seats: If you have some cardboard make props like toilet seats. A salesman approaches each home knocks on the door and sells the seat: Salesman: "Good morning sir, I like to show you the newest thing in electronic technology. My company ...
My Belt
You need two characters, one on stage and the other to rush on in a panic, swatting the air, looking desperate, and yelling, "It's all around me, it's all around me!""What? What's all around you?" the first player asks. The other replies, "My belt, of course!"Or even simpler:One Scout walks ...
Napoleons Last Farewell
The narrator walks to the center of the stage and says that he would now like to present to his audience that historical event, Napoleon's last farewell to his troops, after his defeat at the battle of waterloo. He builds up the atmosphere by asking his audience to imagine these ...
New Car The
Cast: Salesman, Buyer, 5 People to be Tires, Victim Setting: Car Showroom 4 of the tires are crouched in "tire" formation as on a car. The fifth is the spare tire at the back. Salesman: Here, Sir, is our latest and best model. It also has an unbelievably low price. ...
New Family Induction Campfire
Props: Appropriate Cub Scout book, a stick of wood for everyone, campfire (maybe a prop). Asst. CM: We have some boys and their parents requesting to join our pack. Cubmaster: Bring them to our pack fire. (Boys and parents come to the campfire.) Please join me in the Cub Scout ...
New Saw
Need: 3 scouts (1 as announcer). Announcer: This scene takes place in a hardware store in a small north woods lumber town. Lumberjack: (Enters) My old crosscut saw is worn out, and I need something that will let me cut more wood, or I'm going to go broke! Owner: Yes, ...
News Flash
Cast: Reporter, Editor, toy gun Setting: Newsroom Editor: Okay, you're new on the job, so I'll give you a tip. You have to go and get a current story. Something new. Reporter: Right, boss. Great news. Goes out and comes running back in. Reporter: Boss! Boss! Two weeks ago, John ...
No Rocket Scientist
Setting: Rocket pilot in the cockpit on one side of the stage. Ground control with a computer on another side. ...
No Skit
CAST: As many as you wish SETTING: 1ST Cub walks on stage in tears. He carries on, crying incessantly and blowing his nose. 2ND CUB: (Enters) What’s wrong? 1ST CUB: (Whispers in his ear) (They both cry and carry on.) 3RD CUB: (Enters) What’s wrong? 1ST CUB: (Whispers in his ...
No Skit 2
Scout #1 Oh, no!Scout #2 What's the matter?Scout #1 whispers to Scout #2. No one hears them.Scout #2 Oh, no!Scout #3 What's the matter?Scout #2 whispers to Scout #3. No one hears them. This continues down the line.Second to last Scout, to last Scout Oh, no!Last Scout, What's the matter?Second, ...
Noise Pollution
THE FIRE SIREN (Moan) THE POLICEMAN (Loud Whistle) THE LIBRARIAN (SSSSh!) THE DUCKS (Quack-quack) THE DOG (Arf, Arf) THE CHICKENS (Bok-Bok-Bok) THE PIGS (Snort, Oink) TWO BOYS (sing, Row, Row, Row your Boat) (If there is room, appropriate motions can accompany the sounds, such as marching feet for the boys, ...
Norbert is an unusual young Scout who is very proud of being self-sufficient and likes to tell us about his ability. He is a little uncoordinated, much to the delight of the audience. This skit is best presented indoors with a relatively small audience, so Norbert's demonstration is appreciated up ...
Person with nosebleed, 3 Pedestrians, 4th Pedestrian Setting: City Street(Nosebleed person is looking down at the ground. #1 comes in and looks around, then down, and mumbles,)#1: Hmm, what's going down, man? (No answer.)#2 walks in, does the same thing, as does #3. #4 walks in, looks up for a moment, ...
Nurses The
The scene is an emergency room at a hospital. The nurse is totally self-absorbed, combing hair, looking in the mirror, etc. Whether you have a male nurse or a boy dressed up like a girl is up to you. A guy runs in, a skier with a pole stuck in ...
Offensive Bus Passenger
Players are pretending that they are riding a bus. There is a bus driver and several passengers. Every time the bus stops, the passengers holds their nose, cough, etc., looking at a specific passenger as they get off the bus. The bus driver complains to the offensive passenger that he ...
A guru with a turban on his head comes out and sits down in the middle of the stage. Members of the audience are solicited to take part in the session. They are told to repeat the magic phrase after the guru. Whenever this phrase brings enlightenment, they may return ...
Old Movie Scene
Run through a short movie scene. Use jerky motions, flashlight flicker, etc. Just as the scene is about to end, the narrator says, "Oh no! Something's wrong; it's going backward!" Then run through the whole scene backward. Keep the scene short to only a minute or two. ...
Old Socks
A group of scouts approach a scout and smell a foul odor. After some carrying on, the scouts determine it smells like old socks. One scout says: "Good Grief, when is that last time you washed your socks? The Scout replies: "1959". The other scout says" "goodness, you mean you ...
Olympic Drama
Have den line up on stage. One scout steps forward and announces that this is the first international exhibition of a new Olympic event. This is the cue for the rest of the scouts to grin as wide as possible. The narrator announces that this was the Standing Broad Grin. ...
One Step at A Time
Characters: Senior Scout (like a Den chief, Denner, etc.) Junior “Cub” Scouts. Setting: All Scouts are on stage as the skit starts. Cub 1: When I grow up I’m going to be the world’s greatest broad jumper and jump like this… (Jumps about one 1 foot and falls down.) Senior ...
One Step at a Time
Characters: Senior Scout (like a Den chief, Denner, etc.) Junior “Cub” Scouts. Setting: All Scouts are on stage as the skit starts. Cub 1: When I grow up I’m going to be the world’s greatest broad jumper and jump like this… (Jumps about one 1 foot and falls down.) Senior ...
Have a huge wag of chewing gum (or homemade modeling clay), green and black, lying on a plate in the middle of a table on the stage. The first boy walks in, looks at the table, and comments on how gross the bug is. Other boys come in one at ...
Out Where Men Are Men
Assign the following characters to different groups, then read or tell the story. As each character is mentioned, the proper group rises makes the appropriate sounds, and sits down. CHARACTERS: COWBOY raises his right fist and shouts “Yippee” HORSE clap hands on knees CHIEF RED JACKET taps palms on lips ...
Over the Cliff
The Senior patrol leader arrives with his troop and begins to admire the view from the top of the cliff upon which they are standing. He began to organize things and asked for various items such as food, saw, matches, water, etc. Each time another scout says begins to look ...
Pain Is Where You Find It
CAST: DOCTOR PATIENT (Add extras according to the number of boys in den) SETTING: Doctor’s office DOCTOR: Good morning Mr. Smith MR. SMITH: (Bending over in pain.) Oh...Oh...this pain!!! DOCTOR: Where does it seem to be? MR. SMITH: In my back. I can’t straighten up. DOCTOR: When did the pain ...
Painting the Walls
In the middle of the singing, a person wearing two coats, holding a paint bucket, paintbrush, and a step ladder, pushes through the crowd. He excuses himself saying he is a painter and needs to do the next room. The leader asks him why he is dressed for winter. The ...
Panther Tracks
Two Scouts are walking along when they spot some interesting tracks. Scout One - "Hey!! Look animal tracks! I wonder what kind of tracks are those?" Scout Two - " They look like cat tracks, big cat tracks. Let's take a closer look." Scout One - "Gee... you don't suppose ...
Pass the Pepper
Setting: Family Sitting at the Dinner Table, talking in a very thick Southern Drawl.Ma: Pass the peppa, Pa.(Goes down the line to Pa, who responds)Pa: Here's the Black Peppa, Ma.(Goes down the line to Ma, who responds)Ma: No, not the Black Peppa, Pa.(Goes down the line to Pa, who responds)Pa: ...
Patience Jackass Patience
You can ham this up a bit, but here's the gist of it.Two scouts enter (one on all fours if conditions allow) and move across the stage as the skit proceeds. One is the mule, and the other is the driver. A narrator stands just offstage.Narrator: "In the heat of ...
Judge, Bailiff, 3 (or more) Scruffy Guys, Peanuts (person) Setting: Courthouse Judge: Order in the court! Order in the court! Bring in the first case! (Bailiff brings in a scruffy guy.) Judge: What's your problem? #1: Duh, I like to throw Peanuts against walls! Hic! Judge: 30 days psychiatric treatment! ...
Peanuts 2
Cast: policeman; three boys; police chief. (Policeman hustles scuffed-looking boy up to boy sitting at the table marked CHIEF.)Policeman: Here's a bunch of trouble-makers for you, sir.Chief: O.K. Constable. I'll deal with this. (dismisses officer, turns sternly to Boy 1.) Well, now. Why are you here?Boy 1: (embarrassed) I threw ...
Peanuts in the Lake
Each person has a handful of peanuts hidden away (except the girl's peanuts which are visible), perhaps in a campfire blanket pocket. All family members are present on the stage. Cast: Girl, Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Cousin, Aunt, Uncle, Grandmother, Friend, etc., and a Bag of Peanuts. Setting: Up at ...
Pencil Salesman
A sales manager is trying to teach a dumb salesman how to sell. The manager tells the trainee to listen to him carefully, and he will teach him how to sell. He gives him the following instructions:1) Hold pencils in your hand and say, "Pencils for sale." Practice saying that.2) ...
Man Wearing Cap Sideways (looking Goofy) holding pencils says quietly: Pencils, Pencils, Pencils. People Walk by in disgust. Good Scout: Let me help you sell your Pencils. Vendor: Okay! Good Scout: First, you need to get their attention. first, you must Yell "PENCILS!" Now you try it Vendor: Quietly "pencils" ...
Pet Shop
Customer, Shopkeeper Setting: Pet ShopCustomer: I'd like to buy a turtle.Shopkeeper: Well, here's one of the only three turtles I have left-they sell real well out here but turtle shipments are few and far between.Customer: Gee, thanks! Just the kind I was looking for, too!(Later, customer ...
Pickin Cotton
A guy is standing in the middle of the ring. Someone wanders in, stage left, carrying a boombox. "Hey, nice radio! Where'd you get it?" "Pickin' Cotton," and he continues wandering off stage right. Another guy wanders in wearing a fancy shirt, stage left. "Wow, cool shirt! Where'd you get ...
"Freddy Fingers and Hands Harry" meet and embrace each other. They tell where they've been in the last few years, and as they say goodbye, one says to the other, "on you may want this." He gives back his watch. This exchange of articles continues until one hands back the ...
Two friends meet and ask each how they are doing. Each reveals that he has become a pickpocket and claims to be the best pickpocket ever. They agree to find out. They back up ten steps and walk toward each other, bumping into each other as they pass. The first ...
Pie in the Face
This skit requires pie plates, shaving cream, towels, three plastic raincoats, or something similar (i.e., plastic bags). At least five people need to be involved. There is the narrator, the three members of the pie in the face team, and the person(s) who delivers the pies to the pie in ...
Plane Landing
The pilot and control tower voices are located on opposite sides of the stage area. An out of sight on the pilot's side makes engine noises. Another person starts the skit by saying, "I think that there is a plane overhead."PILOT (yelling loudly): "Pilot to control tower - "I'm coming ...
Play Ball
The scene is set with an umpire, a catcher, a pitcher, a first baseman, a second baseman, and a third baseman. The players run out to their positions, start talking, and acting like they're ready to play ball. The Umpire tells the players to play ball. Then the pitcher looks ...
PLC Meeting
Scene: Six to eight players sit around a table scattered with papers, a couple of water glasses, etc. They mime a discussion, some jotting down notes, etc. Enter the narrator, outfitted as a news reporter. In confidential tones, the reporter explains that this is an important meeting of the Patrol ...
Poison Spring
One by one, the boys drag onto the stage, crying for water. Each reaches a bucket with a ladle and takes a drink, splashing some water to show there is really water in it, and dies. Ham up the dying as much as you want. More than a ladle may ...
Pop Commercial
Have one fellow standing, holding an unopened pop bottle, the next holding a bottle opener (or stands ready to open the container, one hand as if holding the container and the other hand raised over it), the other two doing nothing. The first guy examines the bottle real close and ...
Pop Quiz
Teacher: What has five fingers and can be made of leather?Johnny: Eh… I don't know.Teacher: One glove! Now, what has ten fingers and can be made of leather?Johnny: Eh…. I don't know.Teacher: Two gloves! Now, who is the Governor-General of Canada?Johnny: Eh... Three gloves? ...
Post Office Kings Royal Paper
Version 1Post Office Clerk, People in line, Person, a few letters and small boxes, and one wrapped box with a roll of toilet paper in it. Setting: Post Office (Person is last in line, the clerk is behind a desk, serving people, a box with toilet paper) 1: 5 stamps, ...
Potted Plant
A scout pretending to be a delivery boy comes wandering through the meeting with a potted plant which he says is for Mrs. Mergertroid. He comes back through the meeting several times each time saying, "Potted plant for Mrs. Mergetroid." Each time the potted plant gets bigger. The last time ...
Presents for the Teacher
Kids bring in presents for their teacher on the first day of school. The teacher can tell what the child's parents do by the present he brings, such as apples from the parent's fruit stand, a baker's child bringing rolls, and candymaker candy. The last person brings in a crudely ...
A prisoner is brought before a judge. The policeman says that he caught him red-handed. Judge asks if it is true, and the prisoner says, "Well, maybe so and maybe not". The prisoner is asked if he has stolen before, and he replies, "Mmmm ... now & then". Judge, impatient ...
Pulling String
Two scouts are needed, or one scout and the MC. One: (walks onto stage area pulling a string big enough to see) Two:(asks) What are you doing? One: I'm pulling a string Two: what are you doing that for? One: Well, have you ever tried to push one?! ...
Puppy in the Box
Need: 5 scouts (1 as announcer) Props: A cardboard box, and a stuffed dog (or rabbit, etc.) Announcer: This scene takes place on the street outside a grocery store. (Several participants are gathered around outside the store, chatting.) Scout 1: (Enters holding the box) Hi guys, would you please hold ...
Puppy in the Box 2
Props: A cardboard box and a stuffed dog (or rabbit, etc.)Announcer: This scene takes place on the street outside a grocery store.(Several participants are gathered around outside the store, chatting.)Roger : (Enters holding the box) Hi guys, would you please hold this box for me while I go into the ...
Pussy Willow
PROPS: Various twigs, stuffed cat.One boy is identified to the audience as the "World's Greatest Woodsman" along with the fact that he can identify any kind of wood by smell alone. The "World's Greatest Woodsman" is seated and blindfolded. Other boys each bring in a piece of wood which is ...
1st Scout comes out: Gets down on all fours, pretending to be a table.2nd Scout comes out, looks at the table, and declares;2nd SCOUT: "Ah, a fly, I think I'll pull its wings off" Proceeds to pick it up, pluck the wings, put it back on the table, and walks ...
Real Thing
7-up salesmen is sent to Africa to establish a market there. He is reported missing along with a large supply of 7-up. A search party is sent out after him. After a long search, they finally come to a village of cannibals. Questioning the cannibal chief, they find out he ...
Reggie and the Colonel
Characters: Reggie, big, dumb, Bermudas, high socks, safari hat, glasses, down on nose, mustache, carries a gun in front of him. Colonel: short, limp, monocle, no gun, just small knapsack, has a cane.Scene: Walking in place through darkest Africa, speaking pronounced English accent.Colonel: (excited, jumping and pointing with cane) Reggie, ...
Remembering Pearl Harbor Skit
1ST CUB: Around 750 AD, the Polynesians discovered the Hawaii Islands and gave them their name.2ND CUB: The British explorer, Captain James Cook discovered the islands in 1778. Herenamed them The Sandwich Islands after Britain’s Earl of Sandwich.3RD CUB: In 1813, the first pineapple plants were introduced from Spain.4TH ...
Restaurant Minutes
The scene is two guys entering a greasy spoon type of restaurant that has a customer and a grill type cook with a stained apron. The cook says that all they have is soup and a hot dog. The first man says he will take the soup and the other ...
Rip Van Cub Scout
CAST: Rip Van (see below) Boy Reporter President Astronaut Scientist (Additional characters can be easily worked in if needed) PROPS: Tree Long white beard “Press” badge Paper and pencil Stack of papers for President Notebook and pencil for scientist Helmet for astronaut COSTUMES & MAKE-UP: Characters may wear appropriate costumes ...
Rise Walk and Kill Igor
Cast: Dr. Mad, Igor, Bank Manager, Cable Company, Electrician Setting: Dr. Mad's Laboratory Dr. Mad: (Talking to the crowd, with one of those sinister, horror movie voices.) I just love my new invention, Igor. He is a robot and is such a good servant. I would just love to demonstrate ...
River Run
The narrator tells the audience they are going to explore the wilderness. He sets the scene with members of his patrol. Two members are the river, (they are always moving around. The Trees and bushes remain still. The uniformed volunteers play the rocks and they are in the front with ...
Robin Wood
Gather a few logs and sticks and stack them like they are in a fire pit. Find, a robin hood type hat, and possibly a bow for effect. You need someone to be an MC, and someone to be the robber. The others could be actors posed in the background, ...
Rollicking Robots
CAST: DEN CHIEF ANNOUNCER, ROBOT NARRATOR, 6 ROBOTS (Cub Scouts) DEN CHIEF: Den presents “The Rollicking Robots From The World Tomorrow.” (Robots enter slowly in a line, then turn to face the audience) ROBOT NARRATOR: We‘re the very latest triumph of engineering skill; We can walk, we can talk, we ...
Rollicking Robots Skit
Cast: Announcer (Den Chief) Robot Narrator Six Robots (Cub Scouts) Den Chief: Den presents "The Rollicking Robots From The World Tomorrow." (Robots enter slowly in a line, then turn to face the audience.) Robot Narrator: We're the very latest triumph of engineering skill; We can walk, we can talk, and ...
Rope Skit
Equipment: long piece of rope, at least two Scouts All of the Scouts (except the one with the rope) line up in a straight line facing the audience. Then from off stage, the Scout with the rope walks right in front of them pulling the rope behind him. One of ...
Four or more people sneak up behind the speaker and set chairs down so that "the speaker can't see them." They then begin to go through the motions of casting a line and reeling it in. After a while, the audience is watching what the group is doing and then ...
Rudolph Applause
Put thumbs to head with fingers pointing up to form antlers. Wrinkle nose and say, "Blink, blink, blink!" ...
RunOn Skits
BOY: (Comes on stage with a stick in his hand. He puts the point of the stick down on the floor picks it up, puts it down in another place.) CUBMASTER: What are you doing? BOY: Oh, I’m just stickin’ around. BOY: (Runs on stage with his hands grasping his ...
What happens when a cat crosses the desert at Christmas? It gets “Sandy claws!†What lives in winter, dies in summer, and grows with its root upward? An icicle! Why does Santa like chimneys? They soot him. How did Scrooge score a touchdown? The ...
Russian Pianist
The world renown Moresofi Vodka is introduced to perform his original composition Chopinsky Stickovich. He plays Chopsticks. ...
A scout begins to sell white water balloons to scouts at summer camp.: He is yelling water balloons for sale. Various customers come up to him to buy one. However, they want colored balloons and the salesman only has white balloons. The salesman is very rude to them. He replies: ...
Cast: 2 Cowboys, Sheriff, Goofball Setting: Saloon #1 & 2 and the sheriff are in talking to each other while goofball is polishing his gun.#1: I'm so brave that I once faced a pit full of hissing, poisonous snakes and shot each one before I climbed out.#2: That's nothing. I ...
Santas HelpIn
CAST: SANTA with list and empty sack. HELPERS, 6 (or more, if desire) with red caps, working tools and toys. HELPER ‘X’ (last helper) with green cap. SETTING: Santa’s Workshop, with all 7 helpers busy working on toys and whistling or singing “Jingle Bells.” As curtain opens, Santa enters, puzzled, ...
Sarge and the Private
Sarge and private walking. Private: "I want to rest!" Sarge: "No! we have to finish this hike keep going!" Private: "But my feet hurt" etc. (Whining.) Here you can be creative, add a few more excuses... Sarge: "Absolutely NOT!!!" Private: "I'll cry..." Sarge: "Go ahead!" Private: "WaaaaaaHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!" Here Sarge gives ...
Schools on Fire
Scout wanders through the area several times holding a glass of water: When asked what he is doing, he replies that the school is on fire. Leader: How do you expect to put the fire out with a tiny glass of water?" Boy answers, "this ain't water, it's gas. ...
Science Class
Setting: Teacher and students enter classroom. Bell rings. Teacher: Class, today we will begin our study of astronomy. Student 1: (Loud whisper to Student 2) What's that? Student 2: It's way over your head. Teacher: Attention please, students. As t told you, we're going to take up a new topic ...
Scientific Genius
The scene is the launching pad of a large rocket which can be cut from a large piece of cardboard. There is an elaborate countdown, but the rocket fails to go off at zero. All those present inspect it and check on a number of highly-scientific-sounding devices - the supersonic ...
Scout at Camp
 Setup: Scout or scouts hidden in background for voices. Scoutmaster walks into camp and sees a Scout sitting near a tent, whittling on a stick. Scoutmaster: Hey! Cool tent. Mind if I speak to him? Scout : The tent doesn't talk.  Scoutmaster: Hey, ...
Scoutmasters Brains
A Scout goes to the trading post and asks to buy some tenderfoot brains, that'll be 25 cents. OK, (money and brains exchanged). Narrator: six months later. Same Scout back at the trading post. "I'd like to buy some second-class brains." "That'll be 50 cents." OK, (as before) Narrator: six ...
Scoutmasters Gift
Six or seven scouts each bring in a wrapped present. The "presents" can be anything (paper clips, envelopes, a pencil, a block of wood); The Scoutmaster (camp director) being honored stands in front of the group. Scout 1 comes up with his present (paper clips, for example) and gives it ...
Scoutmasters Saw
Announcer: This scene takes place in a hardware store near Camp _______ home of the oldest surviving Scoutmaster. Scoutmaster (very old man): "My old crosscut saw is worn out, and I need something that will let me cut more wood for camp!" Owner: "Yes, sir! For only one hundred bucks ...
Sea What You Can See And Hear
Make up signs with the following phrases on them in Large letters. (The audience MUST be able to read them.) Bye now. It’s time to go. Glad you came. See you later. Sweet dreams. Happy Cubbing. This is the end. Outta’ here! Cubs walk in holding the sign with the ...
Sergeant and the Private
Need: 2 scouts (Private and a Sergeant). Sarge and private walking. Private: "I want to rest!" Sarge: "No! we have to finish this hike. Keep going!" Private: "But my feet hurt" etc. (Whining.) Here you can be creative, add a few more excuses... Sarge: "Absolutely NOT!!!" Private: "I'll cry..." Sarge: ...
Seven Jerks on the Line
A 2-person skit that only requires a length of rope. Cast: 2 People on the phone, up to seven Victims, rope Each person is holding the rope at either end and talking on the telephone Person 1: I went fishing the other day! 2: Can't hear you! 1: Said I ...
Seven Steps to Successful Skits
Tom Gray The Leader, November 1987.A group of boys on stage or around the campfire are putting on a skit. Most of them are inaudible. Those you can hear forget their lines. The punch line is smothered in the actors' giggles. Then there is an embarrassing silence before it dawns ...
Shape Up
Cub 1: I can lift an elephant with one hand. Cub 2: I don't believe you. Cub 1: Give me an elephant with one hand and I'll show you. Cub 3: I can bend bars with my bare hands. Cub 4: Iron bars? Cub 3: No, chocolate bars. Cub 5: ...
Shut Up
Shut Up, Trouble, Police Officer, Narrator Setting: Woods, Then a Police Station (as per narration)Narrator: There once were a brother and sister called Shut Up and Trouble. They liked to go on walks together. (SU & T are walking through the woods.) One day, they were walking along in the woods ...
Sidewalk Climbing
Cast: 1 Sidewalk Climber. 2 - 3 Passers-by and 2 offstage personnel Also needed: "Tools" - Climbing tools or even two tent stakes will work. Long rope The skit begins with the "sidewalk climber" lying on his stomach on the floor. (The plastic garbage bag is used if needed to ...
Silly Filly Inny for Home Alone
The leader passes around slips of paper with various brief phrases on them. Each member of the group draws a paper from the proverbial hat. The leader reads the story below. When there is a pause in the story… signified by ***, the leader points to one of the group ...
A guy comes on stage singing in a terrible voice. He acts pompous to a friend saying how is such a great singer. Friend says that he had better quit because of poor health, not the singers, but everyone else. ...
Six Wise Travelers
The six wise travelers came to a river and discuss ways to get across. One of them sees a boy with a boat and asks him to take them across. the boy says they can use the boat, but he will not take them across. The travelers all get in ...
Skit on Nature
The Den Leader (labeled Mother Nature) says “Everything living, and properly cared for, grows. There are things that a tree needs to grow. It needs warmth, water, care, and protection. Cub Scouts grow. What does a Cub Scout need to help him grow? Cub #l : He needs food to ...
Skits Storytelling 0208
JUST A HIKE IN THE WOODS  A guy's going on a hiking vacation through the mountains out West. Before setting off into the boonies, he stops at a small general store to get some supplies. After picking out the rest of his provisions, he asks the old store owner, "Say, Mister, I'm going hiking up in the mountains, and I was wondering, do you have any bears around here?" "Yep," replies the owner. "What kind?" asks the hiker. "Well, we got black bears, and we got grizzlies." "I see," says the hiker. "Do you have any of those bear bells?" "What do you mean?" asks the store owner. "You know," replies the hiker, "those little tinkle-bells that people wear in bear country to warn the bears that they are coming, so they don't surprise the bears and get attacked." "Oh yeah," replies the owner. "They're over there," he says, pointing to a shelf on the other side of the store. The hiker selects a couple of the bells and takes them to the counter to pay for them. "Tell me something," the hiker inquires, "How can you tell when you're in bear territory, anyway?" By the scat," the old fellow replied, ringing up the hiker's purchases. "Well, um, how can I tell if it's a grizzly territory or black bear territory?" the hiker asks. "By the scat," the store owner replies. "Well, what's the difference?" asks the hiker. "I mean, what's different between grizzly scat and black bear scat?" "The stuff that's in it," replies the store owner. Getting a little frustrated, the hiker asks, "OK, so what's in grizzly bear scat that isn't in black bear scat?" he asks, an impatient tone in his voice. "Bear bells," replies the old man as he hands the hiker his purchases.   A HIKING WE WILL GO This skit takes place inside a tent. If using a real tent, lines could be read because cubs will be out of view of the audience. Pete: Hey Ben. Are you all right? ...

Skits Storytelling 0209a
 DOGS IN THE WILD WEST Bartender: We don’t serve dogs here Dog: I got money. Root Beer: gulp, gulp One hot and dry day in the Wild West, this dog walks into a saloon and says, "Gimme ...

Skits Storytelling 0209b
 DAVY CROCKETT SKIT Davy comes in the singing the first verse of the “Davy Crocket†song. DAVY: Boy, this looks like a good place to stay. Guess this is where I’ll settle down. I better go get ...

Skits Storytelling0201
Santa's Big Secret Skit  Cast: Santa, Reporter, Elves (any number). Costumes: Santa outfit, Scout uniforms under jackets - elves wear jackets and knit hats or hooded sweatshirts. Props: Toy-making equipment and bags, microphone. Setting: Elves are in the background working, making toys, or putting ...

Skits Storytelling0201
A WINTRY MIX-UP  Instructions: Print the following phrases, one per card. Distribute to the audience. The Narrator reads the story aloud, pausing at each blank space. The person with the next card fills in the blank. A quart of eggnog           A Little Lamb            Bubble Gum A Snowman                A pound of butter ...

Skits Storytelling0202
THE BAND Costumes can be a poster hanging around each boy with a picture of the instrument he is representing. The instruments walk in, mumbling and grumbling. Violin: Well, everyone knows the importance of strings. As head violin, my lovely tones ring. Cello: Really, you must be a riddle. You ...

Skits Storytelling0204
I FIXED ITTommy: I can fix it! Dad: Be careful, son. Wrench: Oh, nuts! Screwdriver: Straight or Phillips? Bike: Drrrinnngggg. Pliers: Hold me tight.Tommy had a problem. His bike was broken. Now Tommy and his dog, Ralph, could not ride to the park to play with his friends. But Tommy, ...

Skits StoryTelling0403
Image by BA93 from Pixabay MIXED UP FAIRY TALESTake a fairy tale, such as ‘Cinderella and the Glass Slipper’, and divide it into sentences. Cut the sentences out and pass the strips out to the audience in no particular order. In fact, the more mixed up the better. Start reading ...

Skits StoryTelling0404
BEEN FISHING#1 Where have you been?#2 We’ve been fishing down at the Jordan River.#1 Really? What kind of fish does it have in it?#2 I caught this Sole [sole of a shoe]#3 I caught this Snapper [rubber band, old girdle, or sling shot]#4 I caught this Shellfish [Shell oil can]#5 ...

Skits and Storytelling0203
 OUR PRESIDENTS Each Cub Scout should dress as the president they are representing. Teddy Roosevelt: Comes in riding a stick horse, holding a Teddy Bear, wearing wire-rimmed glasses. George Washington: Comes in with an ax, saying “I cannot tell a lie.†Ronald Reagan: ...
Skits and Storytelling0205
THE FIRE OF THE DRAGON (An Egyptian Star Story) Orion (the Hunter) Char-r-r-ge Pegasus Nei-i-i-gh Big Dipper Drip, Drip (Loudly) Little Dipper Drip, Drip (Softly) Milky Way M-m-m-m-m-m-m-good The Dragon Fire & Brimstone Once upon a time, on a very dart night, a great ...

Skits And Storytelling0206
 COMEDY NEWS  By Michelle Ekins Opening music comes on for the news program. Anchorman Al: Good evening, and welcome to CUB News. I am Anchorman Al, and tonight we have some sad news. Senator Door, who always had his door open to the public, kicked the bucket today in Washington. (bucket comes flying in) We now go to Windy the Weatherman, who comes to us from a location nearby. Windy Weatherman: I am coming to you from Pack _______’s pack meeting. Let me tell you all, there’s a lot of hot air flying around here tonight. We expect it to rain like cats and dogs later. You'd better batten down the hatches. (stuffed cats, dogs, and balloons come flying in. ) Anchorman Al: Thank you, Windy. We now go to our Sports Reporter, Sam Slider, who has a fast breaking news story. Sam Slider: Good evening, Al. We are here where the Cubs are whipping the Webelos 4-2. (4 Cubs come out chasing and whipping 2 Webelos scouts--use paper strips-- across the stage.) I don’t think the Webelos can come back from this, but only time will tell. Anchor Al: Thank you, Sam. Stay safe out there. That’s all for this evening. Remember, a day without CUB News is a very boring day!  LOVE THOSE COMMERCIALS Use a large cardboard box and turning it into a television. Cubs stand behind it during their part of the skit. Cub 1: Stay tuned and watch our advertisers rave. Cub 2: Have you tried the new Lost? It’s a product of the Thrive Company. (Hold up a bottle of beans or marbles) If your liver quivers, or if your lung is sprung, try new Lost. and you’ll be there. Cub 3: We dare them all! Yes, friends, we dare them to bring out a toothpaste that can out- perform Lye Scour Toothpaste. After one use, you will have no problem with tooth decay. It really takes care of your dental problems. Get Lye Scour toothpaste today, and you won’t be worried about your teeth. Cub 4: Don’t come any closer. Is that what your friends are saying? Do you suffer from offensive breath? Have you discovered your relatives trying to back you into a garbage can? Then get UP. Yes, get new UP for some tantalizing breath. No longer will people drop dead when you enter the room. No longer will folks stampede when you approach a crowd. And remember, folks- UP spelled backward is P-U. ...

Skits And Storytelling0207
POPCORN  Boys are suntanning on the beach. Boy 1: It’s awfully hot today. Boy 2: Pass me the oil, please. Boy 3: (as he hands the suntan oil) We’ve been out here for a long time. Do you think we should go in now? ...
SPACE THE FINAL FRONTIER— ANOTHER ADVENTURE WITH STAR TREK NARRATOR—Space the final frontier. These are the voyages of the _____ Den from _________________, United States of America, Earth. Its mission: to explore strange new worlds, seek out new life forms and new civilizations, to boldly go where no Den Leader ...

AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION-- THE TWO CLOWNS WOULDN’T-- “Do I Have To?”(shrug shoulders, palms out) SHOULDN’T—For shame (rub other finger) CALLIOPE—Pull an imaginary cord and say “Toot, toot!” Once there was a well-known circus that had working with them two clowns who were always creating problems. One of them was named ...

 VEGETABLE PUPPET THANKSGIVING SKIT Make puppets. Pilgrim women--Use a yellow squash, corn silk for hair, paper towel for a hat. Draw features Pilgrim man—Use Zucchini squash, paper for hair & hat brim, paper cup for a crown. Indian—Ear of corn, paper headband, feathers. Turkey—White ...

Slug Trainers
Several slug trainers bring on their trained slug and deposit it in the stage center. A slug is a person encased in a sleeping bag. On command the slug performs various tricks such as rolling over, leaping in the air slightly, etc. A volunteer is brought from the audience and ...
Smart Dog
CAST: TOM JOHN John’s DOG TOM: That’s a nice dog you have. JOHN: Thank you. He’s nice and he’s smart. DOG: Arf! TOM: A smart dog, huh? What’s his name? JOHN: Snoop. DOG: Arf! TOM: What- kind of dog is he anyway? JOHN: A police dog. DOG: Arf TOM: A ...
Smart Scout The
A young Eagle candidate is brought in for his Eagle Board of Review. He is asked if he has completed all of his required Merit Badges? The scout says, "Well, maybe so and maybe not".The Scoutmaster asks the Scout if he has lived with scout spirit? The scout replies, "Mmmm ...
Smelly Bus
(As the skit opens, we see several people seated, as if on a bus, with a driver at the front.)Effects: [bus sounds, strong coughing, ding, ding.]Martin: Driver, driver, let me off here! [exits]Effects: [bus continues, then wheezing, ding, ding]Paul: Oh, let me off, let me off! [exits]Effects: [bus begins again, ...
Smoke Signals
1st Scout: "Hey George, look over there, smoke signals".2nd Scout: "Oh yes Mike, what do they say?"1st Scout: "Help............My..........Blankets............On ..........Fire." ...
Soldier In the Battlefield
This skit can be played by just one person, or you can use two. A person in battle dress falls to the ground moaning that he is about to die. The orderly kneels over him frantically trying to record his name for the records. He keeps on asking his name, ...
Some Are Some Arent
Props: A broomAnnouncer: The scene of this skit is in a store, where a rather dense boy is visiting his uncle, the store owner. [enter uncle, with a broom, begins to sweep store, then nephew enters]Uncle: Well, John, you came at just the right time. Do you think you could ...
Someone Chanted Evening
Props: Blankets and rope to make Monk's Cassock.Friar: Good morning, everyone.Monks: Good morning.Friar: For our Matin, we are going to practice chanting. All together now, repeat after me: (Chanting) Morning, morning, mor-or-ning.Monks: (Rather raggedly) Morning, morning, mor-or-ning.Friar: Not bad, but we need to get more feeling and rhythm into t. ...
Songs Cheers Sparklers 0209a
SKIT: "LOST HUNTERS" Pretending to be hunters lost in the woods. Cub 1 – I know how to handle this. We’ll fire three shots into the air for the rescue party. Sign – Hours later, still lost Cub 1 – I’ll fire three more ...
Songs Cheers Sparklers 0209d
 SPARKLER: CLARA BELL AND BEN TRIUMPH AGAIN By Val Chatwin (characters listen to narrator and act out parts) The curtain opens and the play is on [Curtains walk to side]. It is early morning and the sun ...

Songs Cheers And Sparklers0204
SONG – WHY?  (Tune – Rock a Bye Baby) Why does it do that? Why does it go? When the wind blows it, Why does it twirl, When the cogs turn, The hands go around, Oh! Why does it do that? I’ll figure it out. JOKES 1. Why do they use knots instead of miles on the ocean?  They’ve got to keep the ocean tide. 2. Why do lazy Cub Scouts have to go to school?        Because the school can’t come to them. 3. What do you call a sleepy bull?                     Bulldozer. ...

SKIT – The Fly Here's a neat run-on skit. While the Cubmaster is welcoming the kids (after the Promise), a Cub Scout jumps up and pretends to catch a fly. After a few leaps, he says, “Aha! I caught you,” and pretends to pull off the wings. He places the ...

Sounds of the Lost Scoutmaster
Storyteller, Bird, Frog, Tree, Breeze, Lost Scoutmaster(Storyteller is telling the story to the campfire crowd, while the other actors, with the exception of the Lost Scoutmaster, have the option to hide in the woods, sit in the crowd, or stand beside the storyteller. I suggest the first, for effect. The ...
Sounds of the Woods
For this, a cast of at least 4 is needed. However, the entire patrol should be involved. Use only as many woods critters as you need to give a role to each patrol member. The only person to be seen at the campfire is the narrator. The others will take ...
Soup Skit
Customer: Waiter! Waiter! There's a fly in my soup! Waiter: (Enters, very snooty, and peers in the soup.) Oh, yes. You are right sir. That will be an extra 25 cents for the meat. Customer: But waiter, he's swimming all over the top! Waiter: (Still snooty.) You are right. He ...
Sour Notes
The director tunes up the orchestra or chorus and they begin to make music. One by one each player hits a sour note. Each time the director gets upset and throws the player offstage. Repeat until only the accompanist and the director is left. The director then turns to the ...
Space Derby Skit
While Cub Master is doing the pack meeting Two adults enter. They are wearing coveralls and motorcycle helmets. They carry their jet (made from an eight-foot piece of Styrofoam and set it by the derby track They pay no attention to what Dan is saying.. Cub Master: " Excuse me, ...
Spaced Out
Mission Control: The astronauts are now boarding the space ship. Let's listen to their discussion as they prepare to blast off. Astronaut 1: I get to sit by the window this time Astronaut 2: No. I get to this time! Astronaut 1: No, you don't. It's my turn! Astronaut 2: ...
Spaceship on the Moon
(Narrator instructs others to follow the motions demonstrated as he tells the story.) One hot summer day my spaceship had just landed on the moon and needed some repair. I took a pair of pliers and I worked, and I worked, and I worked. (Use left hand to pantomime using ...
Spelling Contest
Contestants have numbers on their shirts and the judges have badges to distinguish them from the contestants. Need a list of spelling words, toy guns (or hand if necessary), and a trophy. There are two judges and four contestants. Judge #1 asks are you ready for the annual spelling contest. ...
Spooks From Fire Island
Try this skit during Fire Prevention Week. It was developed by Den Leaders at a Cub Scout leaders’ conference at Philmont Scout Ranch. CAST: 7 GHOSTS, Cub Scouts dressed as ghosts (Or use decorated ghost paper puppets.) SETTING: Dim lights Draped sheet over table for graveyard effect. 1st GHOST: I ...
Spooks from Fireland
This is an excellent skit that can be used during Fire Prevention Week (in October).Cast: Seven boys dressed as ghosts or use decorated ghost paper puppets.Equipment: Dim lights and a sheet draped over the table for graveyard effect.First Ghost: I smoked and smoked and smoked in bed,Second Ghost: My pop ...
Gather to the front of the group some people to be trees, birds, and babbling brooks. Then ask for a volunteer to be the most important part, the hero. When he comes to the front, have him run among the trees. Have a little narrative and then say; "Maybe the ...
Spring is Sprung
A one-person skit that is one of my perennial favorites, and another one of those repetitive skits. Cast: Poet, Grass, Flowers, Birds, Frogs, 3 Trees, Victim Setting: A Poetry Reading Session DO NOT READ THIS POEM IN ITS ENTIRETY; READ IT LINE BY LINE AS INSTRUCTED; AT EACH STOP, GET ...
A quickie goes like this: Persons runs "onstage" screaming "they're after me! They're after me!" MC asks "Who's after you" Person replies "The squirrels, they think I'm nuts" ...
St Peter
Announcer: Here we see St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. Ian : (Walks up to St. Peter) Hello, St. Peter. I see I've come to Heaven. St. Peter: Well, you're not in yet ! First you've got to tell me how you suffered on ...
Star Gazing
A scout walks to the center of the campfire looking up at the sky, keeping his head and neck very still. Soon he is joined by another scout and then another and so on. Each scout looks around and then begins to look toward the sky. The last scout enters ...
Statues In The Park
The scene opens with a statue (boy, standing still) posed as a famous statue such as The Thinker or The Discus Thrower. Another person introduces himself as Dr. Arthritic Kneecap of the University of Amputation and Mutilation. He talks about having discovered a formula to revitalize calcium deposits; even would ...
Stiff Neck
CAST: SEVERAL CUB SCOUTS 1ST CUB: (Enters, looking up at the sky.) 2ND CUB: (Enters, looks at the first person who is still looking at the sky, and then also looks up at the sky.) NEXT CUBS: (Enter, one by one, look at the first person who is still looking ...
Strangers in a Strange Land
Scout 1: Are you sure that there’s nature around here? Scout 2: Oh yah . . . there’s nature all around. You’ve just got to watch for it. Narrator: Unknown to these Cubs, they have just stepped into a world far different from the ordinary, a land of dreams and ...
Try this as an icebreaker or a seat relaxer. Everyone imitates the actions of the leader as he tells the story. One day while he was at sea, Christopher Columbus stood up. He looked to the north, Then looked to the south, Then to the east, And to the west. ...
Submarine Version 1
Get one volunteer from the audience and the den/patrol lines up sitting in a straight line with the volunteer at the end. The scout in front (Captain) looks through his periscope and yells, "Enemy Ship!" which is repeated down the line. The Captain then issues the following commands which are ...
Submarine Version 2
This version uses a similar format to format one with the same commands being given, but the following changes occur: The scouts are standing in a row instead of sitting. When the command comes to fire the torpedo one comes, and the last person in line says, "I don't know ...
Submarine Patrol
All the Scouts are standing in a line one behind the next. Each time the first boy says his line to the second boy. The second boy repeats it to the third. This continues until it reaches the last boy in the back. The boy in the back then replies. ...
Submarine Training
Storyteller, Victim, appropriate sound effects & Helpers, raincoat, a cup of water Storyteller: I need a volunteer to take submarine training.(Put the victim under the coat and hold up an arm of the coat to use as a periscope.)Now to be a good submarine captain, you must ...
Submarine Training
Another 2-person skit you can use on the spur of the moment if you just so happen to have the props, the main ones being the raincoat and drawings.Cast: Storyteller, Victim, appropriate sound effects & Helpers, raincoat, a cup of waterStoryteller: I need a volunteer to take submarine training. (Put ...
Super Clutz
Once done at a campfire and it went smoothly. Then when it was finished, the author was exiting the stage and accidentally kicked over a lantern. Eerily appropriate, wouldn't you say? Cast: Super Clutz, Little Kid, 3 People Setting: City Street Super Clutz is wearing a jacket for a cape, ...
Super Scouts to the Rescue
Props: Uncle Sam costume; bush, bench, etc. for park setting Narrator reads his piece and others act their parts. Narrator may be more than one boys. Narrator: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Tonight we recognize one of our most famous American characters, Uncle Sam. [Uncle Sam enters and stands, smiling.] ...
Talking Dog
The scene opens in a restaurant where a waiter is taking a customer's order. A man walks in with a dog. Upon seeing the dog a conversation begins between the agitated waiter and the man.Waiter: "Hey! You can't bring that dog in here."Man: "You don't understand sir, this is no ...
Talking Martian
Requires a lot of imagination or some props to show that these guys are horses and a Martian. Cast: 2 Horses, Martian, perhaps some costumes Setting: Race TrackIf necessary, explain that these are two horses and a Martian.#1: You know, I had a bad day on the track today. My ...
Tankety Tank
This skit requires little preparation and no props and has only two speaking parts. It can use a cast of hundreds, and it is full of blood, gore, and dead bodies. That makes it perfect for Cub Scouts and campfires.Preparation The Wizard and the lone Scout need to rehearse their ...
Telephone Answering Skit 1
Pete: "Hello, this is Pete."Pat: "Hello Pete. What's up?"Pete: "I'm in Winnipeg and I'm broke and I need $100 right away."Pat: "What's that, Pete? I can't hear you. Must be a bad line."Pete: "I said I want to borrow $100."Pat: "Pete, I can't hear what you're saying. Bad line."Operator: "Hello, ...
Ten Little Settlers
CAST: 10 SETTLERS (the play opens with the 1st settler on stage) INDIANS (on stage, in the background.) TURKEY (keeps wandering back and forth on stage.) (Settlers read their own parts or a NARRATOR can read their parts as the settlers enter.) 1ST SETTLER: 1 little settler Discovering the land. ...
Thars a Bear
The object is to set up a bear warning system. One at a time set up five to eight fellows standing shoulder to shoulder. The warning system is set up by having each of them repeat the following message:Leader: "Thar's a Bar." (correct pronunciation is important)Bear Warner: "Whar?" (be certain ...
The Airplane
7-Scouts act as the pilot, co-pilot, and radioman on an airliner. 4 other scouts are on the wings as the engines, on the wings of the plane.The pilot announces to the co-pilot that engine one has failed. Engine one (ham this up) sputters, makes noise, and dies, Co-pilot instructs radioman ...
The Announcement
Campfire chief and a volunteer in the audience Campfire Chief: And now it's time to make a spot announcement.(Dog barks from the audience.) Thank you Spot. ...
The Ants
Characters: 6 to 8 Cub Scouts Props: Paper sacks Setting: Skit opens with boys standing together in a backyard. Cardboard cutout trees and bushes could be used. 1st Cub: Gee, there's nothing to do. 2nd Cub: Yeah, I know. 3rd Cub: Hey, let's have a backyard picnic. All: Yeah! 4th ...
The Babies Dads
Doctor, three Dads Setting: HospitalDoctor: Mr. Thompson, congratulations. You're the proud father of twins!Thompson: What a coincidence-I come from Two Mountains!(Later,)Doctor: Mr. Smith, you now have triplets!Smith: That's quite astonishing! I come from Three Rivers!Third father faints; doctor revives him.Doctor: Mr. Smart-what's wrong? Your wife hasn't ...
The Baseball Game
This is great fun in warm weather at a campfire, and it takes a little practice for the perpetrators. There is plenty of room for variation, depending on what the Scouts can imagine and how the volunteers react at the time. As usual, the Scapegoat gets wet. Preparation You will ...
The Beer Commercial
Actor(s), Director, Cameraman, Others in a studio Setting: Studio Director: Okay, People! Let's get going! Cameraman: But Sir! Director: No interruptions! Action! (Actor, speaking in a dull voice, does a commercial for Scout Beer, talking about its great taste, made from dishwater and leftover porridge, and lots of the special ...
The Beer Commercial 2
Actor(s), Director, Cameraman, Others in a studio Setting: Studio Director: Okay, People! Let's get going!Cameraman: But Sir!Director: No interruptions! Action!(Actor, speaking in a dull voice, does a commercial for Scout Beer, talking about its great taste, made from dishwater and leftover porridge, and lots of the special ...
The Best Spitter In The World
The key performer is the Catcher, who must wave around a can of water without spilling. He simulates the spit hitting the can by tapping on the can with his finger. He will need to practice so that he does not spill, does not show the audience that there is ...
The Better Thief
Cast: 2 ScoutsThere are two scouts; they each say, "I'm the better thief.""No, I'm the better thief."Then one says, "Wait, let's have a contest. We will walk past each other three times, and whoever steals the best thing wins."The scouts then walk past each other twice pulling out objects such ...
The Bicycle Shop
(The scene begins with three players on their hands and knees, in a row, like bicycles.)Shop Owner: Well, there we are, three brand new bicycles all set up for sale.Customer: (Entering) Hi. I'd like to buy a bicycle. Shop Owner: Sure thing. Why don't you try them on for size? ...
The Bigger Jerk
A simple, one-person skit that is great for those loose moments in a campfire. Cast: 1 Person, log (or imaginary mower), "Volunteer," VictimPerson: (Groans and grunts as he's bent over carrying a "heavy" mower.) Uhh. (Lets it down.) These old models, I tell you. They are so heavy, and they ...
The Biggest Turkey
An alternate ending follows the regular skit.Cast: Box or suitable covering, Person in Box, Announcer, Victim, regular and serving spoons, stick and log, paper and book, rubber chicken, small cue cardSetting: Circus, Boardwalk, Technology ShowAnnouncer: Ladies and gentlemen! To demonstrate my enlarging machine, I will need a volunteer! (Get your ...
The Blanket Tossing Team
This takes about six guys, who form a circle around an invisible blanket, with a small invisible guy (Bruce) who sits in the middle of the invisible blanket and gets tossed."We're an Olympic blanket tossing team, and Bruce in the middle here is our star blanket bouncer. We'll toss Bruce ...
The Bombing Run
In this one, the Scouts are seated one behind the other in close formation. The first Scout becomes the pilot, the second becomes the wings, the next one becomes the side gunner, the next one is the fuselage, the next one is the tail, and the last one is the ...
The Bone
SETTING: 8 boys are needed.SCENE: Have all but Cub #8 on stage talking. Cub #8 will walk in at the end.CUB #1: Hey, did you hear?CUB #2: No, what?CUB #1: (Cub #8's name) found a dinosaur bone in his backyard.CUB #3: How do you know it was from a dinosaur?CUB ...
The Briefcase
Scene: A person standing on a stage reciting a long story (or some other activity). A second person will enter at various stages and interrupt him, after which the storyteller starts again.The second person will need the following props: A briefcase and a step ladder.1. Person 2 walks on with ...
The Brutal Miner
(Each character in the skit has a distinctive sound to make when the Narrator says their name during the reading of the skit. The Narrator should pause, after reading the name of each character so they can make their sound and for audience's reaction.)Brutal Miner - Grrrrrrrrrr Tired Wife - ...
The Bubble Gum in the Studios
A quick, 2-person skit you can use to fill a moment when a six or patrol isn't ready (but should be.)Cast: Announcer, BoySetting: StageAnnouncer: Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the world-famous WHEEL OF FISH! (Boy comes crawling onto the stage.) I say, young man, what are you doing down there?Boy: ...
The Bubble Gum on the Street
One of those skits Cubs just love and laugh at.Cast: Kid, Dog, Basketball Player, Car, Jogger and Old Man Setting: City StreetKid: Blowing bubbles is just great. Watch. (Blows imaginary bubble; it pops and lands somewhere on the ground.) Hmm. Where did it go? I should look for it. (Goes ...
The Burning Schoolhouse
CAST: Old man and several boys. SCENE: Boys are standing around talking when an old man comes by OLD MAN: The schoolhouse is burning! BOYS: (The boys become very excited and shout.) The school is burning! The school is burning!” (The old man stays on stage. The boys run off ...
The Bus Ride
Scouts on a bus going wild over girls they are passing. Then the driver tells them that they have to get into uniform. When another girl is spotted, all duck out of sight. ...
The Candy Shop
Old storekeeper, very young kid (4 years old) Setting: Candy Shop Kid: (Kid walks up to storekeeper and asks) I want five of those penny candies way up at the top. Storekeeper: You mean those penny candies, way, way, waaaaaayy up top? Kid: Yes, please. Storekeeper: Sigh! (Kid takes innocent ...
The Candy Shop 2
Ask for two volunteers who just stood there in the candy shop.A customer comes in and asks for chocolate-covered cherries. Sorry, no chocolate-covered cherries. Peanut brittle? Sorry, just sold our last peanut brittle. Toffee. You must have toffee. Um, well, not today. Licorice? Fresh out of licorice.Well, what do you ...
The Chanter
Props: Blankets and rope to make Monk's Cassock.Friar: Good morning, everyone.Monks: Good morning.Friar: We are going to practice chanting this morning. All together now, repeat after me: (Chanting) “This morning, morning, mor-or-or-or-ning.”Monks: (Rather raggedly) This morning, morning, mor-or-or-or-ning.Friar: Not bad, but we need to get more feeling and rhythm into ...
The Checkup
Props: Chair, paper, pencil, white smock.[Patient is on the chair while the Doctor looks down his throat, listens to heart, tests reflexes, and does doctor type things]Doctor: Ahh, My goodness, Hmmm, Well, well. etc., as he does each test.Patient: [looking worried] What's the problem, Doctor?Doctor: [writing on several pieces of ...
The Comedians Retirement Home
The scene is set up to portray Charlie as being in a retirement home. It's dinner time, and before he can ask for anyone to pass the meat, someone calls out 37, and the room bursts into laughter. Moments later, 57 is called out, and more laughter results. Charlie asks ...
The Compass
Props: A good compass and a mapAnnouncer: In this scene, we see a Scoutmaster teaching a Patrol about maps and compass.Scoutmaster: Now, fellows, if you take a bearing from the map this way, you can now stand up and, keeping the compass away from your belt buckle, walk along the ...
The Complaining Monk
Cast: Monk, Abbot, narrator Scene: Abbot's officeNarrator: This skit is about the monks in a monastery who are only allowed to speak two words every ten years. Our friendly monk is about to come in and say his two words, after ten long years of silence.Abbot: (Chants some blessing, then,) ...
The Constellations
Since time began, it seems that people have been fascinated by and interested in studying the stars. So much so that the groupings of stars, what we call constellations, have been given special names with special meanings. The Cub Scouts are at a perfect age to absorb all the information ...
The Dangerous Tent
Cast: 2 guys, 2 bikersSetting: Campground#1: Well, time to go to bed. AND I GET THE TENT! (Beats up little guy.)#2: But… Oh well, it's no use. (He sets up his sleeping bag under the stars.)Bikers: (Make motorcycle noises & come in.) Ha! Ha! Let's beat up this guy! (They ...
The Dead Body
Number of Participants: 2Scene: One person lying on the ground, dead. Another sees him and runs for the telephone and, panicking, gasps: "Police, there's a dead person here... Where ? .... Un, (looking for a sign), "I'm at Montgomery and Westchester... Spell it ?... Uh, M-o-t-n... Uh, M-o-t-g," (confused), "Just ...
The Den Mothers Bouquet
Characters: Six Cub Scouts in summer uniform or Cub Scout T-shirts. Scene: A nature walk.Props: Cub-fashioned bouquet, with strands of ivy.Cub 1: Gee, Fellas. I don't think Mrs. Brown's having a very good time.Cub 2: Well, you didn't help things much, giving her that garter snake.Cub 3: I was just ...
The Dog Skit
Cautions:…. There is always the temptation for the doggie to do “doggie type, off-color things. Make sure that this type of stuff doesn’t get into your campfire skit!…. In the third and fifth lines, you must be careful to say “your dog”, rather than “he”. The punch line depends on ...
The Dumb Actors
Director, Others in a Studio (Clapper Board, Lighting Men), Mother, Son, Doctor, Undertaker, brooms for the actors("Set the scene" with the "actors" standing around on break, and the Director calling them in, saying that they'd had enough time already.)Director: Lights, Camera, Action!Clapper: Scene one, Take one!(The actors play the scene without ...
The Echo
CAST: CUB SCOUTS DEN LEADER ECHO (offstage) SETTING: The Den approaches Echo Point. DEN LEADER: This is Echo Point. Anything you shout will echo throughout the whole valley. (He demonstrates with a loud yell.) Hello ECHO: HELLO…Hello…hello (Each one of the Cubs takes a turn at it, shouting or singing ...
The Echo 2
During the singing, the club leader announces that he has noticed an echo in the room and will try it out (also could be on a hike overlooking a canyon). The following is a dialogue between the leader and the echo - a person out of the room or out ...
The Elevator
The scene opens with an elevator operator intoning "Ground Floor". A passenger gets on and begins to jiggle slightly. The elevator operator intones each floor with a description of what's on that floor. A passenger gets on each floor and begins to jiggle as well. As the elevator gets higher, ...
The Empty Boxes
You need a manager, a guard, three workmen, and a few large cardboard boxes. Setting: a factory gate.Manager (to new guard): I'm giving you the very responsible position of gate guard at this factory. Because of the lack of vigilance by your predecessors, the workers have stolen so many finished ...
The Failed Reporter
"I'm a reporter. I have been for 12 years. And in all that time, I've never had a real scoop. Never. I'm a failure. I've done this long enough, so now I'm going to jump off this bridge and kill myself. One, two, …""Wait! Wait! Why are you jumping?""I'm a ...
The Failing Engine
Props: Seating for the pilot and two rows for passengers.Announcer: This skit takes place on an airplane.[Participants enter and form up in two rows, seated. The Announcer becomes the pilot at the front. Various sound effects of flying are suitable][The plane is flying along when the pilot announces:]Pilot: Ladies and ...
The Farmer The Ox
Cast: farmer, three merchants, hired handFarmer (enters and falls on knees): Oh, woe is me! It's time to plow, and I have no oxen (raises arms to the sky). Oh, whatever fates there are, please send me an ox so that I can plow my fields and plant my crops! ...
The Fearless Toreador
Characters: Fearless Toreador, Brave Bull, and any number of Spectators Costuming: Toreador wears knee socks over jeans, white shirt and short jacket or vest. Pin fringed paper patches to shoulders. He should have a red cape or jacket and a cardboard shield. For the bull, let two boys get under ...
The Firing Squad
A firing squad lines up with a prisoner. The leader of the firing squad calls out, "Ready … Aim …." The prisoner shouts, "Tornado!" The soldiers all run for cover, and the prisoner escapes. A Second prisoner is brought out, the leader calls out "Ready … Aim ..." and the ...
The Fishing Trip
Cast: 4 to 8 Cub Scouts.Props: Fishing gear, a small rowboat or cardboard silhouette of a boat, and a sign that says "boat dock".Setting: The scene starts with the boat about 10 feet away from the boat dock. The Cub Scouts and their Den Chief are on their way to ...
The Flea Circus
Characters: Ringmaster, Cub Scouts in Uniform (any number). RINGMASTER: Ladies and Gentlemen, we are proud to introduce the Den _____ Flea Circus. We will now present Hugo, who will walk the tightrope. When he reaches the center, he will turn a double somersault. May we have silence, please? [Two Cubs ...
The Fortune Teller
This is a campfire skit. You can plan it carefully if you want. If you have a good spontaneous actor, he might be able to ad-lib responses to each object presented to him, without advance planning. The Announcer should always tell the audience what object is given to the Fortune ...
The Four Seasons
The narrator narrates, everyone else is volunteers."I need eleven volunteers for this skit.""This skit is called the Four Seasons. You three are trees. You three are leaves in trees, get up in the trees. You're poison ivy, cling to the roots of one of the trees. You're tree's blood, you ...
The Frightened Hunter
Cast: Storyteller, hunter, game wardenThe storyteller tells the story, while the hunter pantomimes the story and his actions. The game warden comes in on cue.Story Teller: There once was this hunter who was hunting for several years in the same location. Every year, he would see a deer grazing on ...
The Ghost of Midnight
Ghost, Family asleep in house Setting: House at NightGhost: (Going up to Mom, wakes her up-uses scary ghost voice.) I am the Ghost of Midnight!Mom: Ahhh!Ghost: (To Dad-same thing.) I am the Ghost of Midnight!Dad: I'm getting out of here!Ghost: (To son.) I am the Ghost ...
The Ghost of Midnight
Scene: Four or five Cub Scouts “camping out” (laying on the floor next to each other). The ghost approaches the first Scout. GHOST: (in an eerie voice) I am the Ghost of Midnight! (Scared, the Scout jumps up, screams, and runs away. The ghost goes up to the next Cub ...
The Gift Of Trees
The Indians believe that the secret of happiness comes from giving to others. Many, many moons ago when the Great Spirit first put man on the earth, man was frightened. “Where will I find food and water?” he asked. The trees laughed softly. “We are your brothers,” they said. “We ...
The Good Samaritan02
A Scout walks out from backstage, stumbles, and falls on his face. He struggles noisily to get up but keeps his forehead on the floor. He sometimes succeeds in getting into a position with his feet and his forehead on the floor, and his butt in the air. He rotates ...
The Grand Fiesta
Fiesta: “Ole, Ole” Mexican: “Si si, Si si” Rocket: “Zoooooo-oom” Castillo: “Ahhhhhhh” Today is the Grand CASTILLO, a special FIESTA day in the village. It is the day that the village honors it’s patron saint, as does every MEXICAN village once each year. In the afternoon, there is a parade ...
The Great Aug
Important Guy: "OK, Aug, I want you to sell these pencils."Aug: "Pen-solls"Important Guy: "That's right, Aug. Now, when you see someone coming down the street, I want you to tell them what you're selling."Aug: "Pen-solls"Important Guy: "Yes, Aug. Be more enthusiastic about it!"Aug, waving his hands in the air: "Pen-Solls!!!"Important ...
The Greatest Spitter in the World
GSITW, Partner with metal pot (with a bit of water in it) and a pebble Setting: Boardwalk, Circus, Amusement Park(Separate GSITW and partner by about 15 feet.)Partner: Ladies and Gentlemen! May I present to you the Greatest Spitter in the World! He does all kinds of tricks with a mere spit! ...
The Greyhound Bus
Cast: Shopper with a BIG package higher than his head, Pedestrian, People who are Cars, and One Bus Setting: Busy IntersectionCars and trucks whiz by and don't stop for pedestrians.Shopper: Excuse me, Sir, could you tell me when there's nothing coming down the street so that I may cross?Pedestrian: Sure. ...
The Growing Machine
The cardboard box needs to be large enough to hold one of the players and various props. "Load" it and push it on stage, where a narrator explains that this marvelous machine has been invented by tonight's guest, Professor…, who will demonstrate its tremendous powers. He introduces the professor, who ...
The Hair Cut Machine
The cardboard box needs to be large enough for a player to poke in his head. Face the opening away from the audience. Set up a striped pole and use a few other barbershop props. The "customer" wears a tight-fitting light-colored bathing cap to hide his hair and, over the ...
The Happy Hiker
NARRATOR: We’re going on a hike. Just do what I do and listen carefully. (Begin walking in place) Here we go on a hike through the woods and over the mountains. Come along with me. (smile, wave to the group, and hike in place) We’re coming to a steep hill. ...
The Heart Attack
Cast: Heart Attack Victim, 2 "Rescuers" Setting: City StreetHAV is walking down the street, and all of a sudden, he falls to the ground, holding his chest. Two men come up, and seeing this, they begin CPR.#1: Mister! (Claps' hands.) Hmm. Check for breathing! I'll check for a pulse! (nothing) ...
The Highest Tree climber in the World
Again, this can be a 2-person skit. Cast: 2 Friends, HTCITW Setting: CampfireTree climber is hidden in the woods and is able to ruffle a bush or tree.1: You know, they say there's this really good tree climber trying out for the Olympics. I wonder if he's practicing around here?2: ...
The Highest Tree Climber In The World
Again, this can be a 2-person skit. Cast: 2 Friends Setting: Campfire; (Tree climber is hidden in the woods and is able to ruffle a bush or tree.) 1: You know, they say there's this really good tree climber trying out for the Olympics. I wonder if he's practicing around ...
The Hoot N Holler Tribute
Here is a simple, humorous skit which you can adapt to pertain to your home town newspaper. It is easy to produce, requiring very little in the way of costumes and props. The action is mostly pantomime and the dialogue is quick and easy to remember. There are eight characters ...
The Important Meeting
Scene: Six to eight players sit around a table scattered with papers, a couple of water glasses, etc. They mime a discussion, some jotting down notes, etc.Enter the narrator, outfitted as a news reporter. In confidential tones, the reporter explains that this is an important meeting of the group committee, ...
The Infantry is Coming
3-4 People, Person carrying a sapling#1: (Runs in) The Infantry is coming! Go to the bomb shelters!#2: (A moment later, runs in) The Infantry is coming! Save yourselves!#3: (A moment later, runs in) The Infantry is coming! Let's help them!#4: (A moment later, runs in) The Infantry is coming! Let's ...
The Infantry Version 2
Cast: 3-4 People, Person carrying a sapling#1: (Runs in) The Infantry is coming! Go to the bomb shelters!#2: (A moment later, runs in) The Infantry is coming! Save yourselves!#3: (A moment later, runs in) The Infantry is coming! Let's help them!#4: (A moment later, runs in) The Infantry is coming! ...
The Injury
One person is lying on the floor. Two other people walk up.First-person: "Hey, this guy is hurt." he goes and checks his heartbeat.First-person: "No heartbeat. Help me do CPR"The second person goes down and starts pumping on the chest, and the first guy does the mouth blows.Do this for a ...
The Inspection
Cast: Leader, 3-4 Kids in messy uniforms, missing hats, inside out, not tucked in, and so on, and One Kid in perfect, full uniformSetting: Meeting HallLeader: Troop! (Does the sign.) Line up for inspection.A kid in a perfect uniform is at the end of the line. The leader checks each ...
The Invisible Bench
Need: 4 (or more) scouts.The first boy is squatting as though sitting on an invisible bench. The second boy comes in and asks what the first is doing."I'm sitting on the invisible bench.""Can I join you?""Sure, there's plenty of room."The second boy pretends to sit.A third boy comes along, and ...
The Jump
One of those exceptionally good skits that is known out there but strangely is rarely ever done; always a hit. (Probably any good joke makes an exceptional skit; the key is not repeating it too often.) Cast: Reporter, Doctor, Bus driver, Pilot, Mechanic, Cook, Tax Consultant (and/or just about whoever ...
The King With The Terrible Temper
This may be used as a den skit or as an audience participation skit. Select a capable narrator and five people (or split the audience into five groups), each to impersonate one character as he is mentioned in the story. CHARACTERS: KING WITH THE TERRIBLE TEMPER “Grrrrrrrrrrr.” SHORT, FAT DAUGHTER ...
The Kings Raisins
"I am the King. Bring me my raisins!"First squire, "Here are raisins, sire, from the hills of California!""Those raisins are not fit for peasants! Bring me my raisins!"Second squire, "Here are raisins, sire, from the vineyards of France!"The King, "They are hardly worth sneezing at. Bring me my raisins!"Third squire, ...
The Land Shark
The scene is a living room with a radio playing. A Scout is changing stations. There is an announcement, read from off stage: "We interrupt this station to bring you an important news bulletin. A criminal known as the Land Shark has been seen on the streets of this town! ...
The Lawnmower Sale
Here is a good one "to get" your favorite Scout Leader with. Need: 3 or 4 boys as lawnmowers, 1 Salesman, and 5 or 6 customers Lawnmowers on hands and knees in a row. Salesman standing around talking about lawnmower sales: "Lawnmowers, Good Condition, Sale today only. Come and try ...
The Letter Fly
PROPS: Magnifying glass, fly swatter, a bucket containing some bits of paper.ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen, we are pleased to announce that we have the world-famous specialist on camp flies with us this evening, Professor N. T. Mologist.HOST: Professor Mologist, it is a great pleasure to have you at camp this ...
The Lighthouse
Cast: 1 narrator 3-6 Scouts for the lighthouse walls 3-6 leaders, counselors, kitchen staff, etc., number to equal the Scouts and will be 'recruited' during the skit 1 flashlight, or 2 if using 5-6 Scouts Scouts stand in a circle, facing out, feet spread 2' - 3' apart but touching ...
The Lighthouse
Cast: 1 narrator 3-6 Scouts for the lighthouse walls 3-6 leaders, counselors, kitchen staff, etc., number to equal the Scouts and will be 'recruited' during the skit 1 flashlight, or 2 if using 5-6 Scouts (Scouts stand in a circle, facing out, feet spread 2' - 3' apart but touching ...
The Lighthouse Sketch
First of two guys: "This is the lighthouse sketch. We need a volunteer from the audience to be the lighthouse. Any volunteers?" (Pick a girl, but don't say you need a girl.) "OK, you are going to be the lighthouse. I need you to stand up straight right here and ...
The Lighthouse Story
A lighthouse keeper runs in circles, pretending to run up the spiral staircase at the lighthouse to check on the light on top. The phone rings, and he runs down the spiral staircase. He misses the phone call and goes back up. The phone rings again, and he goes down ...
The Lion Tamer 1
A clown comes in with five “lions”. The tamer cracks his whip as the lions circle single file around him. Suddenly, one lion comes up behind the tamer and bites his leg. The tamer stops, glares, then proceeds to get the lions going again. A second lion bites his leg; ...
The Lion Tamer 2
Cast: Ringmaster, Lion Tamer, 5 Lions Props: Hula hoop (wrapped with crepe paper flame), whip, cap pistol, water pistol, applause sign, 5 boxes of stools for lions, costumes or signs with Lion names. Ringmaster: Ladies & Gentlemen! I am proud to present “The Great Gonzales and his fierce man—eating lions, ...
The Litterbug
CHARACTERS: PAPER Crackle-Crackle TRASH Dump-Dump CANS Clatter-Clatter LITTERBUG Toss and Throw NARRATOR: God put bugs in this world for many reasons. He made them to live in every kind of season. But the pesky LITTERBUG with his PAPER and CAN, was made through neglected TRASH by the foolish person. To ...
The Litterbug
CHARACTERS: PAPER Crackle-Crackle TRASH Dump-Dump CANS Clatter-Clatter LITTERBUG Toss and Throw NARRATOR: God put bugs in this world for many reasons. He made them able to survive in every kind of season. But the pesky LITTERBUG with his PAPER and CAN, was made through neglected TRASH by the foolish person. ...
The Litterbug
CHARACTERS: PAPER (Crackle-Crackle) CANS (Clatter-Clatter) TRASH (Dump-Dump) LITTERBUG (Toss and Throw) NARRATOR: God put bugs in this world for many reasons. He made them to live in every kind of season. But the pesky LITTERBUG with his PAPER and CAN, was made through neglected TRASH by the foolish person. To ...
The Loon Hunt
Narrator, two hunters, Medicrin, Loon, wise man Setting: Out in the woods Narrator: This is the story of the little-known Medicrin and two hunters' efforts to capture it. For instance, watch. (The Medicrin, which has been dancing around during the Narrator's speech, suddenly spots the two hunters, who blunderingly, and ...
The Loon Hunt 2
This is a cute one obtained from the Mt. Norris Scout Reserve, Vermont, Staff Campfire. Cast: Narrator, two hunters, Melican, Loon, wise man Setting: Out in the woods Narrator: This is the story of the little-known Melican and two hunters' efforts to capture it. For instance, watch. The Melican, which ...
The Lost Aliens
Cast: Two space aliens, Ma, Pa, Sonny, and Sis Setting: The two aliens arrive in front of the hillbilly family seated around a cook pot or a campfire. Ma: Howdy strange lookin' green fellers. What ya'll want? Alien #1: Tell us how to get to Bloomington. Ma: Well I don't ...
The Lost Lollipop
Need: 2 scouts. Small boy is sitting, crying Passer-by #1: (Enters) What's wrong little boy, why are you crying? Boy: (Sobbing) I lost my lollipop! Passer-by #1: Have you looked for it? Boy: (Continues to sob) Oh, yes, I've looked under my bed, in my sock drawer, and even in ...
The Lost Lollipop 2
(Small boy is sitting, crying) Passer-by #1: (Enters) What's wrong little boy? Why are you crying? Boy: (Sobbing) I lost my lollipop! Passer-by #1: Have you looked for it? Boy : (Continues to sob) Oh, yes, I've looked under my bed, in my sock drawer, and even in Charlie's pocket. ...
The Lost Quarter
Number of Participants: 5 or more Props: None.Scene: One person acts as a lamppost, shining a flashlight on the ground. Another is groping around in the pool of light. (He's # 1).A third person enters, sees # 1, and asks: "What are you looking for ?"# 1: "A quarter that ...
The Magic Bandana
Two guys come out, one is the magician, one his not so smart assistant. The magician introduces his act and sends his assistant to a table behind him. The magician facing the audience tells Herkimer to do exactly as he says. There is a table by Herkimer which has a ...
The Magic Doctors Chair
Characters required, 1 doctor and four patients. Props required, two chairs. Scene begins with doctor sitting on one of the chairs.First patient enters twitching their left arm.DOCTOR: 'And what's wrong with you sir?'Patient 1: 'As you can see doctor I have this terrible twitch'DOCTOR: 'Just sit on my magic chair ...
The Motorcycle Driver
CHARACTERS: CUB SCOUT 2 Ambulance Attendants PROPS: HELMET, MOTORCYCLE (toy, battery operated or peddle), AMBULANCE (made from wagon), STRETCHER. CUB SCOUT on MOTORCYCLE rides across the stage, as he gets half way he falls over. AMBULANCE enters with two Cubs as AMBULANCE ATTENDANTS, who run over and pick up the ...
The Motorcycle Gang
Sometimes the loser loses, no matter what he tries. A small tent is set up on stage. It should be easy to collapse and probably should not be your best tent; it gets collapsed by the weight of several Scouts. Two Scouts walk on stage together. They call each other ...
The Motorcycle Shop
The Motorcycle Dealer introduces himself and his shop. He stocks many types of motorcycles, and they are all in excellent condition. In fact, he will demonstrate how good they are by making a sale to the next customer who walks in the door. First, of course, he needs some volunteers ...
The New Badge
Cast: Leader, 3 or 4 Kids Setting: Meeting Hall Leader: Boys, they're having a contest to redesign the World Conservation Badge. So you guys should try to come up with some ideas. Kids: Sure thing, Akela. After a pause, #1 comes in. #1: Here's an idea, Akela. Leader: Hmm... not ...
The New Bike
Salesman, Buyer, 4 people to be bicycles, Victim The five "bicycles" are in a doggy position.Salesman: Here, Sir, is our most popular model. It also has an unbelievably low price. Try it.Buyer: OK -- (tries it) -- no, it's not the right size.Salesman: Then try this one. It's got 25 gears ...
The Nutty Fisherman
Center stage is a lad fishing from a billy can or bucket, he keeps pulling the rod as though he has something on the line. A passer-by looks at him as he walks by and then walks on. After a few steps, the passer-by comes back to the lad.Passer by: ...
The Old Gum
This skit is entirely silent.The first person comes in, chewing gum. He blows a big bubble. It pops, and he scrapes it off his face. He wads up his gum, throws it over his shoulder, and walks offstage.A second person walks in. Halfway across the stage, they stop. They've stepped ...
The Operation
A shadow show is where you have the bright light behind you and the sheet between you and the audience so that they see the shadows. Your heads can be seen over the top and on the sides, but the action MUST be shadowed on the sheet and be the ...
The Operation 2
By setting up a white sheet and using a light behind it, a hospital operation can be silhouetted onto the sheet, which is set up like a screen. Ham it up with humorous dialogue, occasionally throwing a peeled tomato or a piece of raw liver or spurt of ketchup out ...
The Outhouse in the Yangtze River
You need: A boy to be the Chinese father, and three or four more boys to be his children. The father starts out alone and calls his children to come to him. He is very angry. They all line up behind him.Father: "As you know, someone has pushed the outhouse ...
The Outhouse Sketch
Back in the “Old West”, a father lines up his three sons. "One of you pushed our outhouse over the cliff two nights ago. Which one of you did it?" "Not me" "Not me!" "Not me!!!" "Come on. I promise not to punish you. Who did it?" "Not me!" "Not ...
The Page The Skit
Cast: The Scout Master, Assistant Scout Master, The Eagle Scout, The Life Scout, The Tenderfoot, and the Monster.Setting: A plague has taken over the Camp. A monster is lurking in a nearby forest known as "Dark Forest," home of the monster: "Yellow Fingers". The only hope is to obtain a ...
The Parachute
Two scouts are "on stage," First Scout showing the other a backpack. First Scout: This is our top-of-the-line parachute, guaranteed to work. Second Scout: What is this cord for? First Scout: That's the ripcord, you pull that, and the parachute opens. Second Scout: What's this other cord for? First Scout: ...
The Party Warehouse
Warehouse Person, Store Manager, 5 Customers, Two Victims, Broomstick Setting: Party Supplies Store(Get two victims to hold, at each end, the broomstick-this will be your manager's store counter.)Customer #1: Hi! I'd like to buy some balloons for my daughter's birthday party.Manager: Of course, Sir. Let me check with the back. (Calling ...
The Pilfered Warehouse
Manager, Guard, 3 Workmen, large cardboard boxes. Setting: Factory Gate.Manager: (To new guard) I'm giving you the very responsible position of gate guard at this factory. Because of the lack of vigilance by your predecessors, the workers have stolen so many finished articles that the firm is heading for bankruptcy. Your ...
The Pirate Family
A good joke on Scouting. Of course, it can be easily modified, but keep the punch line. Cast: Pirate Parents, three or four Pirates, one or two Beavers, Cubs, or Scouts in full uniform. Mom: You know, we came from a great lineage of pirates. All were really mean and ...
The Pirate Voyage
PIRATES – “Brave and daring” BLUEBEARD – Stroke beard and say “Walk the plank” PORT ROYAL – Stand up and say “Land Ho” SHIP – “Jolly Roger” SPANISH GALLEON – “Watch out!” SAILING OR SAILS – “Oh my aching back” Long, long ago, before any of you were born, on ...
The Poor Excuses
Boy, do skits ever-present variations of themselves over time, this one over but a period of a month. Cast: Army sergeant, three privates Setting: Boot Camp The three privates are in line, side by side, listening to the sergeant's instructions. Sergeant: (using one of those yelling voices) OK, men! Listen ...
The Professors Address
A silly fill-in for a number of dull moments. Cast: Announcer, Professor Glitzenshiner Announcer: Yes, ladies and gentlemen. Today I have the great honor of presenting to you, Professor Gliztenshiner. Professor Gliztenshiner is a little-known quack whose main field of expertise is geography. He attended Whatsamatta U. for his undergraduate ...
The Raisin
Need: 5 Scouts (1 to be a table). 1st Scout comes out: Gets down on all fours, pretending to be a table. 2nd Scout comes out, looks at the table, and declares; 2nd SCOUT: "Ahh, a fly, I think I'll pull its wings off" Proceeds to pick it up, pluck ...
The Recycle Machine
Personnel: 4 Cubs. In addition, another is hidden inside the machine. Equipment: Large box made to look like a recycle machine: other items mentioned. Jack: Hey, look, guys, a recycling machine! Jim: Let’s try it out! (Turns switch on) Bob: Let’s see what it does with this rusty, old pocketknife. ...
The Reluctant Knight And The Magic Herb
CHARACTERS: KNIGHTS at least two in appropriate costume SIR QUAKE-A-LOT a seedy-looking knight with bent sword MESSENGER pageboy type MAGICIAN Merlin-type with white hair, beard and flowing robe LADY GWENDOLYN long robe, conical headdress with veil SETTING: Courtyard outside medieval castle. Courtyard is center left of stage, with woods indicated ...
The Restaurant
Use plastic glasses, and have the Waiter wear an apron and carry a towel over his arm. The Waiter will need a tray for glasses of water. Two volunteers are recruited from the audience. They get down on their hands and knees. The Announcer welcomes everybody to his restaurant and ...
The Root Beer Commercial
Cast: Actor(s), Director, Cameraman, Others in a studio Setting:Studio Director: Okay, People! Let's get going!Cameraman: But Sir! Director: No interruptions! Action! The actor, speaking in a dull voice, does a commercial for Scout Root Beer, talking about its great taste, made from dishwater and leftover porridge, and lots of the ...
The Rough Riders
Who: 4 Rough Riders (North, South, East, West) [probably older scouts], two campers Works well at a campfire and when it's dark outside. Produces great surround sound ("From the North!", "From the South!"...)Camper 1: Well, we only have room for one person in the tent. You want to sleep inside ...
The Ruler
Mike: Why do you keep the ruler on the newspaper when you're reading? Spike: I want to get the story straight! ...
The Sap Keeps Runnin
8 people --1 narrator, 2 birds, 4 trees, and the Cubmaster or Pack Committee Chair Have the 4 “trees” form a line and hold their arms up with sticks to be branches. Have the 2 “birds” off stage to the side. Put narrator out front to the side. Narrator: For ...
The Scout Uniform
This skit needs two Scouts, both dressed in full Scout uniform, complete with shoes, socks, neckerchief, and hat. Only a little rehearsal is needed, and it is best to ad-lib as the Scouts go along. Scout #2 should demonstrate Scout#1's requests as quickly as possible, playing for the audience's response. ...
The Short Runway
Number of Participants: 2 (If more are desired, they can be passengers, with suitable sound effects and actions.) Props: Seating for pilot and co-pilot, and for passengers if required. A compass. Announcer: This scene is on board a very low-budget airline. Pilot: Well, are we anywhere near the airport, co-pilot? ...
The Shrimpy Boxer
Version 1: Cast: Announcer, big boxer, 72 pound weakling, fry panAnnouncer: Ladies and Gents! May I bring your attention to the center ring where we will have our main attraction! Little John will be fighting against a new contender, named Shrimpy! 1-2-3 Go! They box -- Shrimpy gets hit this ...
The Siberian Chicken Farmer
Farmer: "Here, chick chick chick ... Here, chick chick ... chick ..." Two military types come up behind the farmer. Police: "Comrade! Vat are you Doink!" Farmer: "I'm feedink my chickens" Police: "Vat are you Feedink dem, Comrade??" Farmer: "Corn." Police: "Fool! There is a shortage of corn!!!" They beat ...
The Sick Rabbit
Props: Stuffed toy rabbit.Announcer: The scene is at a veterinarian's office, where a Scout has taken his pet rabbit.Scout: [handing rabbit to vet] I'm really concerned about my rabbit Doc.Vet: What seems to be the matter?Scout: Well, he just seems to be very sluggish, and he hasn't been eating well.Vet: ...
The Skit
The Announcer comes on stage and tells the audience that there will be a baseball pitching demonstration. He introduces the Pitcher as the greatest pitcher of all time, who will show us his famous specialty pitches. After a buildup about how great the Pitcher is, the Announcer positions the Pitcher ...
The Sleep Walker
You will need three scouts or male scout leaders and one girl scout or lady leader. You can do this with adults or youngsters, but do not mix adults and youngsters.The scene is where three boys are chatting in a group when from the side of the stage, a young ...
The Sneeze
A line of Scouts comes on stage marching. The scout in the back sneezes. The leader turns to the second in line and asks, "did you sneeze?" The second in line says "no". The leader says, "liar" and hits the second in line. He falls to the side.The line of ...
The Sound
Props: Noisemakers such as drum, bell, whistle, kazoo, guitar, etc., carried by each Cub Scout; a triangle or dinner bell. (C.S.#1 comes on stage.) C.S.#1: I’ve just got to find THE SOUND. I’ve got to! (C.S.#2 comes on stage, carrying his noisemaker) C.S.#1: Have you got THE SOUND? C.S.#2: Sure. ...
The Sounds of the Wilderness
Four or five Scouts enter the stage (more can be accommodated) and stand facing the audience. The announcer explains to the audience, "If you listen quietly you can hear the sounds of the wilderness: the birds" (one Scout whistles a bird song, then stops).The announcer continues: "… or the deer" ...
The Special Papers
"I am King, squire, and I need you to bring me my special papers."Bringing in some diplomatic-looking things "Here are your papers, sire.""Fool! These are not my special papers. Off with his head! Squire two, bring me my special papers! Do not fail!"Bringing in a Wall Street Journal "Here are ...
The Split Ball
Characters: Bud the pitcher, Bill, the reporters, Shorty the catcher, Gentleman from Australia, Other visiting gentlemen, Two flashlight operators.Scene: Practice field. The front stage is very dimly lit. Across the back is a sheet or lightweight curtain through which light can shine.The success of the stunt depends on the ability ...
The Statue Warehouse
Tour Guide, Group of Tourists (optional), 1 Victim, Statues, Aquaman Statue with a mouthful of waterSetting: Statue Museum (or Warehouse of Old, Unused Statues)Guide: Welcome to the museum of Superheroes. We have a unique collection of statues in that you can press a button and the statues come alive to ...
The Statue Warehouse Version 2
A good alternative is to have a Museum of Working History, the last person being a window washer and using a pump spray. No mess.Cast: Tour Guide, Group of Tourists (optional), 1 Victim, Statues, Aquaman Statue with a mouthful of waterSetting: Statue Museum (or Warehouse of Old, Unused Statues)Guide: Welcome ...
The Story of the Moor Monster
The entire audiences at your pack meeting will enjoy this group participation stunt. When you hear the names HARRY or HARPER in this story, you CLAP once. CLAP TWICE when you hear the word MONSTER or the word MOOR Stamp both feet, one after the other, when you hear the ...
The Strange Trees
A cute play on French accents & associated puns -- a real groaner. Some sort of French accent greatly adds to the credibility of the skit. By the way, what does the C H on the Canadians' shirts mean? Center Hice! Cast: General Montcalm, Sergeant-Major, Captain, Sergeant, Private Setting: French ...
The Submarine
Need: 4 to 8 Scouts. Have them stand in a line.A line of submarine officers on a Japanese sub during WWII . Captain sights a ship in the periscopeCAPTAIN; "Tanker bearing 259, Range 1 mile" He yells this to the first mate, who in turn tells second mate, down the ...
The Submarine Captain
A line of submarine officers on a sub. Captain sights a ship in the periscopeCAPTAIN; 'Tanker bearing 259, Range 1 mile' He yells this to the first mate, who in turn tells the second mate, down the line until finally the torpedo operator is told. The torpedo operator just shrugs ...
The Successful Fisherman
Five or six fishermen sit on the end of the dock (chairs), casting and winding in their lines. One fisherman is catching all the fish: the others have no luck. In turn, the unlucky ones ask the successful fisherman why he's doing so well. Each time, he mumbles a reply ...
The Thinker
A Scout is sitting in his tent which is a mess, everything scattered around. Several other scouts come over and ask what he is doing. The Scout replies he is thinking. The other Scouts continue asking questions and are finally told, "I am thinking about my invention." The other scouts ...
The Thirsty Fisherman
Cast: 5 fishermen, and props to show a boat, water level (about two feet off the floor), and a bench Setting: Fishing on a lake#1: I'm thirsty, but the cooler's on the beach. I guess I'll have to go get one there. (He seems to walk on water, by walking ...
The Three Bears
Narrator: Once upon a time, early in the morning, there were three bears: Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Baby Bear. (Bears enter, sit down at the table).Papa Bear: Somebody's been eating my porridge!Baby Bear: Somebody's been eating my porridge, too!Mama Bear: Gripe, gripe, gripe! I haven't even put it on ...
The Twist Mouth Family
retold by S. E. Schlosser A while back there was a family I know of that had a mother, a father, and several children. Four of them had mouths that were twisted into strange shapes. The mother’s mouth twisted up while the father’s mouth twisted down. The sister’s mouth twisted ...
The Weather Man
This is performed on a stage. Hang a large map, or a sheet with some outlines drawn on it, across the back of the stage. Since the skit involves water, it is a good idea to use a waterproof ground cloth to protect the stage. Plan the skit, assemble the ...
The WideMouthed Frog
Setup: Narrator, 4 boys to be Wide-mouthed frog, Elephant, Hippo, Lion When you do this, you have to do the frog’s lines while stretching your mouth really wide. Narrator: A wide-mouthed frog went to the zoo to see what the other animals feed their offspring. Wide-mouthed frog: Elephant, what do ...
The Wonderful Cellar Band
(DUSTY OLD) CELLAR: “Cree-eek, Ah-choo!” EMPTY GLASS JUG: “Boop, boop!” RUSTY SAW: “Whaaag, whaaang” BEAT UP TRASH CANS: “Crash Bang” FADED OLD HAT BOX: “Rat-a-tat” Once upon a time, as many stories begin, in a DUSTY OLD CELLAR there lived a group of very good, very old and very out-dated ...
The Yellow Cadillac
CAST: 2 HUNTERS GUIDE SETTING: The Guide is laying on his side with his ear to the ground. Hunters enter. 1ST HUNTER: What’s with this lazy good for nothing guide? We’re paying him good money to help us hunt and he’s laying down! Where did you get this guy? He’s ...
Theres a Bear
Nature Guide, 3-4 Victims (line them up as you get them)Guide: I'm going to bring you through an imaginary trip to follow a bear's daily activities. First, I need a volunteer (He will be a victim). First, we'll kneel down, you in front of me. Then I'm going to say, ...
Theres a Hole In My Bucket
Props: Bandana, apron, broom for Liza; a bucket for Henry.This skit is done to the words of "There's a Hole in My Bucket", which you will find in several songbooks. Liza enters and begins sweeping, then Henry enters and speaks the first part of the song in a lazy fashion. ...
Three Against 1000
Three guys all bandaged up and smeared with dirt and blood come dragging into the meeting with the disbelieving tail of the fantastic battle that they had just gone through. "what a battle, what fantastic odds, we never should have attempted it in the first place, 3 against 1000, unbelievable; ...
Three Rivers
Scene: Two prospectors meet. First prospector has camp set up and good cooking. Dog is sitting beside him. (Boy on all fours is dog.) Second prospector comes in pulling mule named Sunshine. (Two boys covered with blanket are mule.)Props: Pick, pan, No. 10 cans for cooking, two beat-up hats, a ...
Three Rivers 2
Players: a prospector, two tired hikers, and a "dog" Scene: An old prospector seated around his campfire eating dinner. The first tired hiker walks up to the campfire. 1st Hiker: "Hey, old-timer. That grub smells mighty good; would you happen to have any extra to spare?" Prospector: "Sure, sonny; hand ...
Three Scoops
Basically, you get the Den or Patrol together, and they sing, "We're three scoops of raisins, three scoops of raisins, We're three scoops of raisins-- In Kellogg's Raisin Bran!" At this point, another scout comes running out with a big wooden spoon, saying, "Yum yum, raisin bran, ohh boy, I ...
Three Scout Leaders
The scene is that three scout leaders are sitting around the campfire swapping yarns, after having had a little too much of the amber nectar to drink.1st leader: These scouts today don't know they're born. I can remember the scout hut that we had. There was a hole in the ...
Throwing Up
And one more from me…Walk across the front of the room tossing a ball several inches to a foot up in the air. Set up a plant in the audience or Cubmaster asks "What are you doing?"Replies, " I'm throwing up!" ...
Ticket Line
Fans are standing in line waiting to buy tickets for the big game, movie, or concert. Four fans are standing in line, saying how much they want to attend the event and wondering when the ticket window is going to open to sell tickets. A person walks up to the ...
Time on the Park Bench
A Scout is sitting on a bench in the park reading the newspaper, getting tired he lies down for a nap. A few minutes later a Scout comes by, wakes him, and asks for the time. The Sleeping scouts say it's 6:45. The Scout goes back to sleep. Repeat this ...
Timothy Eaton
Number of participants: 4 or moreProps: Articles of clothing# 2 enters and passes # 1, wearing a hat.# 1: "Where did you get the hat ?"# 2: "Timothy Eaton."#3 enters and passes # 1 carrying a pair of pants.# 1: "Where did you get the new pants ?"# 3: "Timothy ...
Tonto Applause
LEADER: Where does Tonto take his garbage? BOYS: (in rhythm with the Lone Ranger tune while slapping thighs). To de-dump, to de-dump, to de-dump dump dump ...
A boy with a toothache complains to another boy. The other boy says he will help and pulls out a tooth with a pair of pliers. The boy with the toothache says wrong tooth. Another person comes along and gives him some apples saying that will cure his toothache. The ...
In this, you need two cups of water and four or more people. The people in the skit all line up in a row in front of the audience. The first person in line has water in his cup and the last person in line has an empty cup with ...
Top Secret Mission
Scout 1 ( to audience) Me and my partner are just taking off in our airplane on a top-secret mission.Scout 2 ( Checking Everything ) Brakes?Scout 1: CheckScout 2: Speed?Scout 1: CheckScout 2: Oxygen?Scout 1: CheckScout 2: GasScout 1: Terrible, it's been bothering me all day. ...
Boys enter with magnifying glasses as if following a trail. Cub # 1. Look at those tracks! Cub # 2. Wow! They look like wolf tracks! Cub # 3. No, they look like bobcat tracks! Cub # 4. I think you’re both wrong. I think they’re bear tracks! Cub # ...
Two boys enter as if following a trail. They begin to argue over what kind of tracks they are: "I say they are raccoon tracks" "No they're wolf tracks" "No they're badger tracks ...". The argument continues until they are suddenly run over by a train. (Several boys are linked ...
Train Skit The
Two boys are standing on a track arguing over what the animal that has been run over on the track is.... #1: It's a deer #2: Nope, it's a bear #1: I'm sure it's a deer #2: Uh-uh... look there. It's a bear... As this goes on continuously, a group ...
Trained Giant Caterpillar
A Group of girls lined up under a sleeping bag and did tricks, much like you would have a dog do, led by its trainer. For the last trick, have some leaders come up and lie down for the caterpillar to walk over. The girl at the end has a ...
Travel Horizons
In this narrated skit, five boys pantomime and carry props representing different kinds of travel. Props may be made from cardboard. As each paragraph is read, the appropriate prop is displayed and moved across stage. At closing, all props are brought back and placed together as final paragraph is read, ...
Treasures Beneath The Sea Puppet Skit
SONG: The song is sung to the tune of ‘The Grand Old Duke of York’ in the Cub Scout Song Book. STAGE: For this puppet skit, use a large box for your stage. Paint the back of the box to look like an underwater scene. PUPPET CAST: 2 or more ...
Pass out a few small treats to the audience. Each time they hear the word that indicates some direction they move the treat to the person closest to them in that direction. A few could be bigger or wrapped to appear more special. Right Left In Front Behind The Cub ...
Trees The
All the boys except one lined up in a row facing the audience, spaced at least three feet apart. The remaining boy was the narrator. An adult "volunteer" Was selected; usually, this was the scoutmaster. He is instructed to stand off To the side until he hears the word spring. ...
Trick or Treat
A child comes home with a bag full of treats. The parent says that he needs to inspect the candy. Gives excuses for not giving most of it back. After the child leaves, the parent says that he must do what he has to do to protect the child and ...
Trimming the Christmas Tree
Cast: Mother, Father, Child, scout staff with a sprig of evergreen lashed to the top; materials to make snipping and sawing sounds (you can pre-record these on cassette tape.)Setting: KitchenMother is on stage, father, and child out of sight.Father tells the child to go ask the mother how the tree ...
Trip To The Moon
Cast: Controlman, 2 Spacemen, President, Man-In-The-Moon, 2 Space Mice Props: Spaceship, Telescope, Moon with door big enough for head to stick out, Chair Setting: (As curtain opens, Controlman is looking at the moon through a telescope, at left. Spaceship stands close by. Man-in-the-Moon & Space Mice are hidden behind moon ...
Turkey Contest
Four guys dressed up like turkeys waiting for the Best Turkey Contest with one turkey really strutting his stuff. Feathers can be made from construction paper and brown-type clothes worn. The one turkey who is strutting his stuff really wants to win, he preens, even leaves for a minute coming ...
Twist Mouth Family
A mother and a father had several children, now all the children had their mouths twisted out of shape except their son John, who they had sent to college and had just returned. They all got ready for bed and Mother asked Father to blow out the light. "Yes I ...
Two Cannibals
I'll bet you can turn this pun into a skit!Two cannibals meet one day. The first cannibal says, "You know, I just can't seem to get a tender Missionary. I've baked them, I've roasted them, I've stewed them, I've barbecued them, I've tried every sort of marinade. Just can't seem ...
Ugliest Man in the World or Bad Breath
Cast: UMITW under a blanket, Circus Announcer, as many people as you want (say up to 4 or 5), victim Setting: Circus, BoardwalkAnnouncer: Ladies and Gentlemen! Boys and Girls! Come and see the Ugliest Man in the World! (or Smell the Worst Breath in the World!) Ah you, Sir, would ...
Ugly Baby
A lady is riding on a train with her baby wrapped in a blanket. A stranger comes and sits down next to her. He asked if he can see the baby. Upon opening the blanket the stranger says: "Ma'am, that's the ugliest baby I have ever seen." She yells at ...
Umbrella Skit A nodialogue skit
Two Scouts cross the campfire area, entering from each side. One has a raised umbrella, the other is carrying an umbrella that is down. When they are about 10-15 past each other, each glances back in the direction of the other, but not enough to actually see each other. They ...
Up Harold
Mad Scientist and a monster named Harold. The mad scientist talks about his greatest creation Harold. The scientist asks for a volunteer out of the audience. The mad scientist tells Harold to rise up, walk forward, and then the monster gets near the volunteer to kill him. Harold grabs the ...
Upside Down Singers
The singers are on stage. An announcer explains that they are going to sing upside down! They duck out of sight behind a curtain (a sheet held by two accomplices will do). Placing their hands in their shoes, they wobble the shoes above the curtain top looking as if they ...
Vampire Snack
Scene: One vampire, standing onstage, takes a can marked "blood", pours tomato juice from it into a glass, and drinks it. The second vampire enters.Vampire #1: Mmm. Delicious. Vould you like some?Vampire #2: no, thanks. I couldn't drink another bite.Vampire #1: So vat's new.Vampire #2: Nothing much. I just saw ...
Viper is Coming The
An office setting with a boss and an assistant who runs in and tells the boss that he just received a message that the Viper is coming. The boss gets very agitated and upset repeating the assistant's message. Several others come in repeating the same message. They are all in ...
Wait Wait
Shopper: Have you any four-volt two-watt bulbs? Clerk: For what?Shopper: No, four-volt, two-watt.Clerk: Two what?Shopper: yes!Clerk: No. ...
Cast: Waiter, Customers Setting: RestaurantCustomer 1: Waiter! There's a fly in my soup!Waiter: Shh! Everyone else will want one!The same line continues on with other customers about a fly being in alphabet soup (He's learning to read!) What's this fly doing in my soup? (The backstroke, Sir!) There's a fly ...
Waiter The
Three Scouts are seated in a restaurant. A waiter approaches them.Waiter: What'll you have?Scout 1: I'll have a tuna on rye.Waiter: Why tuna? Salmon's much better. And have it on whole wheat, it's healthier.Scout 1: Okay, okay. Make it salmon on whole wheat. Waiter: And you?Scout 2: I'll have bacon ...
Waiting Room The
Seen at a Vacation Bible School Summer Camp. You need six chairs together, and one for the secretary. The scene is a doctor's office.The first person comes in. His shoulder twitches once every 3 seconds. Secretary: "Please take a seat, the doctor will be with you shortly."The second guy comes ...
Wall The
Ideal for a six or patrol, this skit calls for three or four members standing close together, backs to the audience, as the wall; one to play an employee leaning against the wall, and one to play the boss. The scene opens with the employee leaning against the wall. The ...
Washingtons Farewell
It is announced that a member of the troop has memorized Washington's Farewell Address and is about to do a dramatic portrayal of it. A boy emerges dressed as Washington and delivers his farewell address, "Bye Mom!" ...
Washingtons Farewell Address
It is announced that a member of the pack has memorized Washington’s Farewell Address and is about to do a dramatic portrayal of it. A boy emerges dressed as Washington and delivers his farewell address: Washington: Bye, Mom!†...

Watch Out For Critters
Setting: An old mountain guide is leading two pioneers up into the mountains. The three walk-in place, pretending to climb uphill and down. Pioneer 1: Are there wild animals here? Guide: Yep, bobcats. They’re bad. Pioneer 2: Is there anything else? Guide: Yep, there are wolves. Mean critters! Pioneer 1: ...
Watching TV All Day
(As the skit begins, Tim is seated on the "floor" staring forward.)Kyle: [enters] Hey, Tim, whatcha doin'?Tim: Watchin' the TV. Come and join me. [Kyle joins him, stares forward]Brad: [enters] Hey, what are you guys doin'?Kyle: Watching the TV, have a seat. [Brad joins, stares] Jerry: [enters] Whatcha up to ...
Water Skit
Over to one side of the "stage" area, there is a glass of water. One by one a scout approaches and crawls across from the opposite side of the "stage" area, toward the glass, exclaiming "Water, water!" Each scout stops short of the glass and "collapses down dead" a little ...
Water Water 2
CAST: Several CUB SCOUTS PROPS: Sahara Desert scenery (Have Cubs draw cactus for background.) A glass of water. 1ST CUB: (Crawls across stage gasping and saying:) WATER! WATER! (Collapses about one-fourth of the way across) 2ND CUB: (Same as #1 but he gets a little further before he collapses.) 3RD ...
Water Water 1
A man, crawling across the stage: "Water, water!!" Someone walks by, and the crawling man tugs on his pant leg. "Water, Water!" Man walking by: "Sorry." He continues walking. Another man walks by, and the crawling man tugs on his pant leg: "Water, Water!" Man walking by: "All I've got ...
Watt What
Shopper: Have you any four-volt two-watt bulbs?Clerk: For what?Shopper: No, four-volt, two-watt.Clerk: Two what?Shopper: Yes!Clerk: No. ...
We Aint Got the Money for the Mortgage on the Farm
One of those repetitive jokes. The difference is, you do the skit to a beat, and everyone bends their knees in sync (or tries to.) Successful or not, the knee bending (and attempts to keep in sync) alone makes it hilarious. Cast: Ma, Pa, Bro, Sis, Cousin Joe, Auntie M', ...
We Hit
A silly repetition skit that gets the victim wet. Cast: 4-5 Crew members, Victim, a cup of water Setting: SubmarineSit in a line just like in Veech Boton. Place your victim anywhere in the line but make sure in advance you know where so that the person before or after ...
WellTrained Elephant The
Cast: Trainer, Two People to be the Elephant, a blanket to cover, 4 Victims (or 3 Volunteers and one Victim; make sure the elephant knows who the Victim is), a cup of water Setting: CircusTrainer: Ladies and gentlemen! I would like to show you the great tricks that my trained ...
What a Day
(Three tired-looking hikers enter, drop packs, and flop in a circle.)Hiker 1: (groans) What a day.Hiker 2: (after a pause, groans) What a day.Hiker 3: (happily) Yeah, it sure was!Hiker 2: (angrily) If you can't stick to the subject, I'm leaving! (First two hikers stalk off, leaving the third looking ...
What Are Cub Scouts Made Of
This may be used as a reading or a skit. To use as a skit have a narrator who pauses to let the Cubs pantomime their parts. NARRATOR: Cub Scouts are made of 8, 9, and 10-year-old boys. (Enter 3 Cubs, one saying “I’m 8,” one saying “I’m 9,” and ...
What Makes A Leader
CAST: Master of Ceremonies (EMCEE) COMPUTER OPERATORS Attendees at the Banquet PROPS: Computer made from cardboard box with large slot so a large cardboard figure can fit. A piece of paper on each table at the banquet Cardboard figure of AKELA (Attendees at each table list the three qualities they ...
What the Heck Was That
Cast: Actors, directors, Gus Scene: TheaterDirector: Okay! Who's next for the auditions? You? Okay! Let's hear you!Actor #1: I'm trying out for the part of the Unknown Soldier. (He lies down, dead.)Director: Don't call us, we'll call you. Next!Actor #2: I'm trying out for the President ordering the men into ...
What Time is it
Three Scouts walk onto the stage, two of them carrying logs. The two carrying logs sit down and begin pounding the stage with them, making an incredible racket. They pause, and the third Scout announces, "How cavemen tell time". The first two Scouts begin pounding again.A voice from offstage yells, ...
Whats 22
Captain, three or four Pirates Setting: On the Bridge (Or Deck of a Ship)Captain: First Mate! What's 2+2?1st Mate: Duh! One, Sir!Captain: Good! Bosun! What's 2+2?Bosun: Uhh ... let's see ... (Counts on fingers) Uhh ... Five, Sir!Captain: No problem! Gunner! What's 2+2?Gunner: Sheesh, Captain! Why ...
Whats My Hobby
SETTING: The scene opens with a bunch of boys talking about their hobbies. Each, in turn, gets the others to guess what his hobby is by using the “ten-dollar word” to describe it. (Here are some suggested hobbies and what they are:) Numismatist - coin collector Philatelist - stamp collector ...
Whats the Problem
Leader, three or four Kids, Campfire Chief (in campfire blanket) Setting: Tent Area Swasin: (Crying on stage) Kid 1: (Sees leader; goes to him.) Swasin! What's the problem? Swasin: (Whispers in kid's ear.) #1 begins to cry too. #2: Hey! What's the problem? #1 whispers in #2's ear, and he ...
Whats the Problem 2
As cute as it is, it really only is a skeleton. Maybe you could use it as a gag to either place in the order as with any other skit, or get the campfire chief involved, so that when he calls up the group, you can make it look like ...
When Knighthood Was In Flower or Good Guys Always Wear White Hats
CHARACTERS: LORELEI THE LOVELY, a beautiful princess KIT THE KING, a pip of a king GODFREY THE GOOD, almost too good to be true EDGAR THE EVIL, Almost too bad to be true EDGAR’S HENCHKNIGHTS, as many and as ferocious as you like COSTUMES AND PROPS: Costumes should be traditional. ...
Whistler Precision Drill Team
Acquire an album such as Mitch Miller's choir whistling the theme song to "Bridge Over the River Kwai", the "Colonel Bogey March", or one of Sousa's marches. Use as many guys as you would like to involve. Each boy provides a shirt and tie, a jacket and slacks, and a ...
Who Sneezed
One boy plays sergeant and the rest line up in a row facing the audience. The sergeant tells them to come to attention for inspection. The last boy in line sneezes. The sergeant asks who sneezed and doesn't get an answer. He asks the man who sneezed to step forward ...
Why Are You Late
Boss, 4 Workers Setting: OfficeBoss: Why are you late?#1: (Rushing into work, breathless.) Sorry I'm late, Boss. My car broke down, so I took the bus. But the driver hit a tree, so I had to take a cab. And it broke down, too. Fortunately, I was near a stable so ...
Wide Mouthed Frog The
One morning the wide-mouthed frog decided to take a walk to see the world and enhance his education. As he hopped through the meadow by the pond he came upon a cow. He hopped over to the cow and said:HELLO MRS. COW, I'M THE WIDE-MOUTHED FROG, TELL ME WHAT DO ...
WomanMan Disrobing
A woman throws a whole extra set of clothes over a screen that she is standing behind. She throws them over a piece at a time until the screen starts to fall over. She screams and as the screen falls the audience sees her standing behind it, fully clothed. ...
Worlds Greatest Pitcher
You need a screen (white sheet), Flashlight (bright), and a sick (size of a baseball bat).The announcer introduces the world's greatest pitcher and elaborates on how great he is. No one has hit him in the last 100 games, (at least with a ball), etc. Get volunteers (4). Have the ...
Worlds Greatest Spitter The
The world's greatest spitter is bragging and demonstrating how well he can spit. He has an assistant, who has an empty pail. When the assistant catches the spit, he thwacks the bottom of the pail with his fingers to make it go ping.First, do the world's highest spit. Spit up.Next, ...
Worlds Ugliest Man The
A scout gets up and says, "Tonight, Den ___ is going to present to you a rare public showing of The World's Ugliest Man.""This man is so ugly, that no one can bear to look upon his face without shrieking and fainting dead away. So, in the interests of safety, ...
Wrong Skit The
For this skit, you need a character from a known skit -- one that was done previous to this one during the campfire, for instance. It doesn't matter who it is or what he's doing, as long as he's immediately recognizable, and of course, you use the punch line, "(Looks ...
Yellow Bandana The
Actors: 1 magician, 1 volunteerProps: 1 yellow neckerchief, 1 banana, 1 jacket, 1 shirt with a front pocket(like a Scout shirt)The magician is on stage, with the yellow bandana and banana placed behind him (preferably on a table, but the ground will work), in plain sight of the audience. He ...
You Dont Say
Person on the phone, Friend Setting: Living RoomPerson: (Phone rings, picks it up.) Hello? Yes? You don't say ... You don't say ... You don't say ... You don't say? ... You don't say! ... You don't say. Bye!Friend: Say, who was on the phone?Person: He didn't say! ...
You Need a Tie Sir
Person, 3 Tie Salesmen, Maitre d' Setting: DesertPerson: (Gasping) Water! I need water!#1: Sir! Would you like to buy a tie? This one would look so good on you!Person: I want water, not a tie!#2: (After a pause) Sir! We're having a tie sale. Would you like to buy a nice ...
Youve Broken the Rules
Mean Pirate Captain, 6 Pirates, Lifeguard Setting: Pirate Ship at SeaCaptain: Okay let's see the first o' you. Which rule did you break?#1: I... I... I ran around in the dining hall when I should have been sitting down!Captain: Walk the plank! And you?#2: I pushed into the canteen line, Sir!Captain: ...
Yukon Winter
One day Scouter Kent ( camp chief ) and Scouter Jason ( assistant camp director ) decide to get away from it all and move to the Yukon. The story goes, they sell everything and pack up for a long trip to the Yukon by canoe (get in and row) ...