Old storekeeper, very young kid (4 years old)
Setting: Candy Shop
Kid: (Kid walks up to storekeeper and asks) I want five of those penny candies way up at the top.
Storekeeper: You mean those penny candies, way, way, waaaaaayy up top?
Kid: Yes, please.
Storekeeper: Sigh! (Kid takes innocent pleasure in watching the storekeeper go up.)
(Storekeeper climbs up and gets him five candies, and receives the five cents.)
(This scene repeats itself several times over 3 more days, with the storekeeper being more and more tired each time and becoming equally more frustrated until)
Storekeeper: Oh! I see that kid coming. I know what he's coming to get, so I'll climb up now to get the candies before he comes in and have it ready for him. (Climbs up and gets the 5 candies.)
Storekeeper: (Kid walks in.) I bet I know what you want. I bet you want five of the penny candies from way up top, right?
Kid: Nope! Not today!
Storekeeper: Sigh! Now I have to climb back up to put them away. (He climbs up, puts them away, then comes down.)
Storekeeper: Now, sonny, what would you like today?
Kid: I would like three of those penny candies way up at the top!