InsaneScouter - Space Derby Skit - Activities Skits

Space Derby Skit

While Cub Master is doing the pack meeting Two adults enter. They are wearing coveralls and motorcycle helmets. They carry their jet (made from an eight-foot piece of Styrofoam and set it by the derby track They pay no attention to what Dan is saying.. Cub Master: " Excuse me, gentlemen, EXCUSE ME, GENTLEMEN!!!" This gets the First adult's attention and he taps the Second adult on the shoulder. They both turn and face Cub Master like men from Devo. Cub Master: "What are you two trying to do?" Both the Second adult and First adults make flying motions with their arms. Cub Master: "Oh you two think you are going flying do ya?" Both the Second adult and the First adult nod their bodies yes from the waist up. They butt heads?? Cub Master: "Which one of you is the pilot?" The first adult raises his hand. Cub Master: "What does the other guy do?" The second adult makes the sign of the cross and put his hands together to pray. Cub Master: "Oh you pray huh? Do either of you two have any flying experience?" The first adult and Second adult pull out paper airplanes from their coveralls and fly them. Cub Master: "Is that the only experience you have. Both the Second adult and the First adult nod their bodies yes from the waist up. They butt heads?? Cub Master: "I'm afraid I am going to have to see your flying permits before I let you take off on our course." The first adult and Second adult look at each other, dig through their pockets, then look at Cubmaster and shrug. Cub Master: "Well if you don't have any permits you know what that means don't you?" The first adult and Second adult wave goodbye and pick up their airplane and leave. Cub Master: "Yes it means goodbye and don't forget to file your flight permit before you come back.


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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders