Each Cub Scout should dress as the president they are
Teddy Roosevelt: Comes in riding a stick horse, holding a
Teddy Bear, wearing wire-rimmed glasses.
George Washington: Comes in with an ax, saying
“I cannot tell a lie.â€
Ronald Reagan: Comes in eating a bowl of jellybeans.
John F. Kennedy: Comes in saying, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what
you can do for your country.â€
Abraham Lincoln: Comes in with a top hat saying, “Four score and seven years ago...â€
Jimmy Carter: Comes in with a bag of peanuts
Thomas Jefferson: Comes in saying, “I was called ‘Red Fox†because of my hair. I wrote the
Declaration of Independence and helped write the Constitution and the
Bill of Rights.â€
Andrew Jackson: Comes in saying, “I was called Old Hickory and was a general during the
War of 1812."
Narrator: Just like America needs her Presidents, she also needs us to do our part as
citizens. Remember, Uncle Sam needs you.
A uniformed Cub Scout stands blindfolded, gagged, and tied up
before the audience.
1st Cub: This is an American boy. The American Revolution
won his freedom.
(untie boy)
2nd Cub: The Constitution guarantees him free speech.
(remove gag)
3rd Cub: An education gives him the ability to see and understand. (remove blindfold)
4th Cub: Cub Scouting teaches him to preserve and enjoy his glorious heritage and become
a good citizen.
5th Cub: Every Cub Scout knows that Uncle Sam depends on you!
Great Salt Lake Council