CAST: 2 BOYS tracking animals
Rest of den acts as TRAIN.
PROPS: 3 flashlights,
Other props as desired.
SETTING: 2 boys are walking across the stage shining their flashlights on the ground as if they’re
looking for something.
BOY #1: Look! Bear tracks!
BOY #2: (sarcastically) There ain’t no bears around here. These are raccoon tracks.
BOY #1: Those are bear tracks.
BOY #2: They can’t be!
BOY #1: I know what bear tracks look like and those are bear tracks.
BOY #2: Raccoon tracks!
BOY #1: Bear tracks!
BOY #2: Raccoon tracks!
(Boys grab each other and start to wrestle. As they are rolling around on the ground, the
other boys enter making train noises the first one carrying a flashlight to simulate the
headlight of the train. Boys stop wrestling)
BOY #1 and #2 (Look at each other and say in unison.)
Train tracks!
(They jump up and start running as the train chases them offstage.)