Props: Blankets and rope to make Monk's Cassock.
Friar: Good morning, everyone.
Monks: Good morning.
Friar: For our Matin, we are going to practice chanting. All together now, repeat after me: (Chanting) Morning, morning, mor-or-ning.
Monks: (Rather raggedly) Morning, morning, mor-or-ning.
Friar: Not bad, but we need to get more feeling and rhythm into t. Let's try again. (A couple more attempts are made, each one better, then on the third try it sounds excellent, but one Monk chants loud and clear, "Ev-en-ning".)
Friar: Cut, Cut! What was that?
Brother Daniel: What's wrong, Friar? I thought it sounded good.
Friar: (Breaking into song) Someone Chanted Evening!