Arrow of Light Ceremony 3
Cubmaster: Cub Scouts, Parents, and Leaders, we are here tonight to honor No. of our Webelos Scouts, who are to come before this Pack to be presented with the highest award in the Cub Scout program, the Arrow of Light. Akela: Akela was the Big Chief of the Webelos ...
Arrow of Light Games
The Webelos Scouts have more fun if you set up a few of these for each meeting. Set up stations and have the Cubs rotate through them. All these activities can be done for both the Boy Scout Oath (Promise) and the Boy Scout Law (12 Points). #1: Repetition Write ...
Arrow of Light Requirements
The Arrow of Light award is to the Cub scouting, what an Eagle rank is to Boy Scouting. Quite simply, the highest honor a Cub Scout can earn. Better yet, the Arrow of Light is the only Cub Scout badge that can be worn on your son's Boy Scout uniform.Arrow ...
Bird Calls
Have the boys learn some bird calls. Have the boys do the bird calls while other boys are looking around with binoculars naming the calls they hear. Have them walk off stage like they are going to look for more birds. Have boys doing flag ceremony walk on. ...
Boy Scout Badge
The three-point design of the top half is like the north point of an old sailor's compass. This shows that a Scout is able to point the right way in life as truly as the compass points it in the field. The three points are like the three fingers used ...

Boy Scout Review 1
Boy Scout Promise Number these in the correct order. (hint: God, Others, Self)_____ To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight_____ To help other people at all times_____ To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law_____ On my honor, I will ...
Boy Scout Review 2
Boy Scout Law Number these in order. (hint: The first letters are T L H F C K O C T B C R)A Scout is ____ Courteous ____ Helpful ____ Loyal ____ Kind ____ Friendly ____ Trustworthy ____ Clean ____ Cheerful ____ Brave ____ Reverent ____ Obedient ____ Thrifty Boy Scout StuffMatch the item on the left to the information on the ...
Boy Scout Review 3
Boy Scout Stuff Match the item on the left to the information on the right. Scout Motto Do a Good Turn Daily. Scout Handclasp Use your left hand and don't interlock fingers. Scout Slogan Three upraised fingers with the thumb clasping the little finger. Use when saying the Scout Oath or Scout Law. Scout Sign Be Prepared. Scout Salute They ...
Custom Coasters
Personalize your drink coasters with this excellent themed craft. Your kids can customize them for special occasions like New Year, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and more. What you'll need: Graphics software (Avery Kids Printertainment works well) Color printer duplicate checker Avery Kids #03111 Square Stickers Photos, ...
The Webelos Badge
Uniform Font and Alignment for Table Content /* Setting the font and alignment */ body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; line-height: 1.5; } table, tbody, tr, td, span, li { text-align: left; } strong { font-weight: bold; } That's where the name Webelos comes from. Webelos Scouting the next ...
Tommy the Trustworthy Scout Song
Use this to help teach our Webelos the Scout Law....and have some fun.Trustworthy Tommy was a Scout, Loyal to his Mother, Helpful to the folks about and Friendly to his brothers.Courteous to a girl he knew, Kind unto his rabbits Obedient to his father, too and Cheerful in his habit.Thrifty ...
Turn your Webelos into Boy Scouts
1. Start early with your program for the first-year boys to get all of them to Arrow Of Light (A.O.L.). 2. Do not wait for September to start a new Webelos den into the active program. 3. Get together during the summer months to do some ...
Webelos Scout Program
Align Fonts /* Aligning the fonts */ p, span, li { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; /* default font size */ line-height: 1.5; /* default line height */ } strong { font-weight: bold; } Welcome to the Webelos Scout program This document is designed to supplement material on Webelos Scouting ...
Webelos to Scout Transition
The Transition Plan Every graduating Webelos Scout deserves the opportunity to continue his Scouting experience as member of Boy Scout troop. Your help can make a difference. Here's a plan that bridges the gap between Webelos Scouting and Boy Scouting. It results in better prepared and more enthusiastic new ...