1Foot Square
Outdoors Equipment: Per Six: 1 magnifying glass; pencil; paper; rope Formation: SixesPut the group into their Sixes. Place a box or object over a piece of the ground approximately 1-foot square. Give each group five minutes to write down as many living things as they see in that square. ...
30 Inch Dash
Formation – IndividualEquipment – string, marshmallowsGame – Thread the string through the marshmallows. Have the string tacked on the wall with the marshmallow at the end of the wall. The girl who can chew the string and reach the marshmallow first wins. (make sure they don’t ‘eat’ the string, ...
50 Stars Relay Race
Divide the group into equal teams, each lined up a few feet away from the table. Place a bowl on the table for each team. Lay 50 cutout paper stars (approx. 2 inches in diameter) out on the table beside each bowl. Give each player his own straw. On the ...
A Christmas Telegram
Have everyone write down the word Christmas leaving a space after each letter. Then allow ten minutes for all players to compose a telegram, the first word beginning with C, the next with H, the third with R, and so on. The first word should be the name of the ...
A Little Inconvenience
Water game, outdoors.Equipment: 1 soccer ball; 2 innertubes; 1 waterball; 2 water basketball hoops; blindfolds; string.Formation: teams.The object of this game is to allow players to experience the sensation of having a disability.Divide the players into four teams, and set up a rotation so that each team takes part in ...
A Trip To Rome
The player who is "It" walks around saying, "I am going to Rome. Haven't you a gift for me? The other players each hand him some awkward object, e.g. lamp, umbrella, shoes, cartons, coats. "It" must now walk across the room without dropping anything. ...
ABC Ship
Indoors Equipment: 5 beans for each Cub Formation: CircleThe Pack sits in a circle with the leader. Starting with the Cub on the leader's left each Cub has to say in turn...1. The name of a ship - Arcadia;2. The name of the Captain - Alexander;3. The surname of the Captain - ...
ABC Song
Practice the tune for the Alphabet song. Once the players know it, change the words to sing a nursery rhyme. For example, sing “Mary Had a Little Lamb” to the tune of the Alphabet Song. ...
Above and 02
Indoors Equipment: None Formation: CircleArrange the players in a circle. Call out the names of things that are found above the ground or below. For example, strawberries grow above the ground and potatoes grow below. When you call something that signifies above, the players stand; if below, they sit down. Failure to ...
Above And Below01
Formation – Group CircleEquipment – noneGame: Arrange the players in a circle. Call out the names of things that are found either above the ground or below. (ex. – Bananas grow above ground, potatoes grow below ground). When you call something that indicates above, the player stands up: if ...
Air Pressure Experiment
You need two drinking straws and a small bottle filled with water. Have a boy put both straws in his mouth, with the end of one straw in the water and the other outside the bottle. Now ask him to suck water out of the bottle. He can't - because ...

Outdoors Equipment: A supply of apples Formation: TeamsDivide the group into two equal teams. In a yard or park, mark out a large rectangular area. One end of the area is the home base, the other end is the outpost, and in between is enemy territory. The job of the airlift team ...
Akela Leader of the Wolves
Mark a 4-foot-diameter circle on the ground or floor. Akela stands in the center. One by one, the other "wolves" (Cub Scouts) try to push or pull her or him completely out of the ring. A wolf who succeeds becomes the new Akela. ...
Equipment: Craft supplies (such as toilet paper tubes, scissors, yarn, eyes, pipe cleaners, tissue paper, glue, tape, etc.)To Play: Give the players ten minutes to create an alien. Variation: Give awards for scariest, funniest, cutest, etc. ...
Alphabet Songs
Choose a letter of the alphabet. Starting at that letter, a player names a well-known song whose title begins with that letter. Proceed through the alphabet until someone is stumped. Start again with another letter. For example, the letter chosen is “C” The first player says, “Clementine.” The next player ...
Alphabet Test
Formation – circleEquipment – noneGame: Start by having the first girl say a word beginning with the first letter of the alphabet. Then each person in the line of the circle has to say a word beginning with the same letter. They cannot repeat a word said before nor ...
Alphabet Treasure Hunt
Formation – IndividualEquipment – paper and pencils/pensGame – Give the girls paper marked with the letters of the alphabet down the side. Give the girls 2 minutes to try to fill each letter with a word.Variation- name a category that they must stick to (Animals, Cars, Colors...) ...
Amoeba Race
This game from Science Is...takes a lot of cooperation. Explain that an amoeba is one of the tiniest, simplest animals on earth - a microscopic one-celled animal that lives in water. It consists of jelly-like protoplasm that changes shape as the creature moves and feeds, and a control center called ...
Animal Over Population
Formation – SpecialEquipment – NoneGame – This activity is intended to be a simple but powerful way for students to grasp some basic concepts: that everything in natural systems is interrelated; that populations of organisms are continuously affected by elements of their environment; and that populations of animals do ...
Animal Themed Games
Animal Calls: Boys see who can do the best animal impersonations. Can be for fun or judged for prizes.Animal Relay: Each member of a team is allocated a different animal. He must then move across the hall in the style of that animal. Birds on a Telephone Line: Divide the ...
Animammal Conference
Indoors Equipment: Construction paper; scissors Formation: PairsEach person is given a cut-out piece of construction paper with the name of an animal (e.g. mouse; long-tail). The group is put into pairs so that, for example, a rooster and a giraffe are together. Each pair tries to figure out the name of their ...
Arrow of Light Ceremony 3
Cubmaster: Cub Scouts, Parents, and Leaders, we are here tonight to honor No. of our Webelos Scouts, who are to come before this Pack to be presented with the highest award in the Cub Scout program, the Arrow of Light. Akela: Akela was the Big Chief of the Webelos ...
Art Consequences
Semi-active, indoorsEquipment: Per six: 1 piece of paper, 1 pencil.Formation: Relay.The first player in each group walks to the end of the playing area, picks up the pencil, and draws the head of a man, woman, or child. After he draws the head, he folds the paper so that only ...
Art Contests
Boys design projects or posters on a particular subject for fun or to be judged. ...
Art Relay
Equipment needed: three colored felt pens for each team, masking tape, sheets of newspaper.Divide boys into six or eight-man teams. In front of each team, a large piece of newspaper is hung on a wall with masking tape. Pens are placed on a chair, or on the floor, beside each ...
Artful Cars
Have a car show and race. Have each boy decorate a toy car (Hot Wheel/Matchbox size). You can supply one, or he can use his own. These can be decorated at the activity or prior to it. You may also want them to make a way of displaying it, such ...
Players sit around a table, each with paper and pencil. The right-hand Scout draws a picture, in separate firm strokes, of an ordinary figure or head, putting in his strokes in unusual sequence so that for a long time it is difficult to see what he is drawing. Each player ...
Australian Circle Game
A player stands in the center of a circle, holding a tennis ball. He tries to throw this ball to someone in the circle who will drop it. Another ball is also being passed around the circle from one boy to another.The player in the center may throw his ball ...
BacktoBack Balloon Bursting
Indoors Equipment: A supply of balloons Formation: PairsPick teams of two parents or Cubs from each Six. Have the pairs stand in a line, back to back, with a balloon held between their backs. On signal, they should press together and try to burst the balloon. If the balloon falls before breaking, ...
Bag Of Clothes
Formation – TeamsEquipment – enough ‘bigger’ clothes to suit one person per each team.Game: Have one girl on the team line up on the opposite side of the playing field (they are ‘it’) with a bag of clothes in front of them. To start, the first girl in the ...
Bag Play
Divide the group into two or three teams. Give each team a bag filled with an assortment of scrap items found around the house and backyard. For example, the bag could contain a clean empty yogurt cup, a plastic bottle, a piece of rope, a twig, and some newspaper. Each ...
Bagged Heads
Type: Pack Equipment: Bell for each Six or stones in tins. Paper bag for each Cub or can use a scarf for a blindfold. Cubs sit together with bags over their heads. Sixers stand some distance away ringing their bells which should all sound ...
Bagheeras Eyes
This is an observation game. Divide the den into two teams. Give each team a dozen or more common articles-pencil, ball, card, a toy truck, Cub Scouting book, jackknife, paper clip, etc. Ask the teams to go to opposite sides of the room and arrange their articles on the floor ...
Balancing Pepito
Download the image of Pepito and enlarge the parrot to about nine by six inches. Use the pattern to cut two parrots from the cardboard of posterboard. Tape two pennies to the inside of the tail as shown, and glue the pieces together. Paint in bright colors. Pepito will balance ...

Ball Over
Indoors Equipment: 1 soccer ball or volleyball Formation: TeamsDraw a line to divide the area and have two teams take positions on either side. Players must not cross the line. Blindfold one Cub and provide him with a whistle. When the whistle sounds, put the ball in play. The object of the ...
Ball Pass
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: 1 ball Formation: CircleThe Pack forms a circle and one Cub has the ball. He passes it to the neighbor on his left and immediately starts to run around the circle, his aim being to be back in his place to receive the ball when it has been passed right ...
Ball Tag
"It" must touch the other player by throwing a ball. "It" must pick up the ball himself after it has been thrown. ...
Balloon Balance
Active, outdoors/indoorsEquipment: Per team: 1 big balloon; 1 small balloon.Formation: Relay.Divide the group into teams of six to eight players. Each team is given one large and one small balloon.The first player of each group, on the word 'Go', balances the smaller balloon on top of the larger one and ...
Balloon Baseball
Active, outdoors/indoors.Equipment: Balloons, balloon baseball markers.Formation: teams.Players are divided into two teams. Each team designates a pitcher who pitches to his own team.Each batter gets two pitches to hit a balloon with his fist. If the balloon is hit, the fielding team tries to blow the balloon to the ground ...
Balloon Basketball
Indoors Equipment: A small supply of balloons; 2 boxes or wastepaper baskets for goals Formation: TeamsUse a balloon for the ball and boxes or wastepaper baskets for the goals. Score as in basketball, except that a broken balloon counts 5 points off for the offending side. ...
Balloon Batting Relay
This game may be played by two or more teams. Arrange teams in parallel lines with teammates spaced about 15 feet apart. On signal, the first player on each team bats the balloon with either hand toward his next teammate, who bats it to the next, and so on until ...
Balloon Battle
Type: Team game Equipment: BalloonDivide the Pack into three teams. Mark three bases on the floor. The balloon is hit by hand, and when it is hit into a base that team scores a point. The balloon is then started off in the center again. If a Cub drops the balloon ...
Balloon Battle Royal
Indoors Equipment: A supply of balloons; string Formation: Scatter or circleArrange all the players in a large circle or scattered around the room, each with a balloon hanging from a string tied to his waist. On signal, have each player try to break all of the other balloons. When his is broken, ...
Balloon Bursting
Indoors Equipment: 1 balloon; uninflated, per Cub Formation: ScatterGive each Cub a balloon to blow up. The first one to break his balloon wins.Have them try this with no hands. ...
Balloon Busting
Give each player a balloon, inflated to standard size. These are tied onto a rear belt loop of each player with a piece of string about 6" long. Each player has a newspaper which he rolls up tightly. The players pair off and on the signal, each player tries to ...
Balloon Crab Ball
Indoors Equipment: A supply of balloons Formation: TeamsEstablish two goal lines, 40' apart. Divide the players into two teams and have them sit on the goal lines facing each other with their arms extended backward to support their bodies off the floor. Place a balloon on the floor midway between the goals.On ...
Balloon Crab Walk
Formation: Form teams in single linesEquipment: Balloons (have plenty on hand)Game: Each team is to line up in a single file. The first person is to get in the crab walk position (hands and feet on the ground – back facing down). They then place the balloon on their ...
Balloon Darts
Indoors Equipment: A supply of balloons; darts; a backboard Formation: LinesHang an inflated balloon in front of a backstop. See that the players take turns in throwing darts at it. Score 1 point when the balloon is popped. Give no credit for a hit that does not break the balloon. Use a ...
Balloon Fan Race
Formation: Form teams in single lines (indoor only game)Equipment: Balloons (have plenty on hand), cardboard fan.Game: Give each team 2 fans. The first 2 girls use the fan to ‘blow’ the balloon across the room and back. Then they hand the fans to the next 2 girls in line ...
Balloon Football
Indoors Equipment: A supply of balloons Formation: TeamsThe Cubs form two teams and sit on the floor facing each other, their legs stretched out so that their feet almost touch those of the boy opposite. Two Cubs are chosen as goalkeepers and stand one behind each team. The leader throws a ballon ...
Balloon Kangaroo
Formation: Form a lineEquipment: Balloons (have plenty on hand)Game: This is just like sack races but each girl must place a balloon between her legs and jump to the finish line. Dropped balloons must be picked up and replaced between the legs before any further progression is made. If ...
Balloon Passing
Give each team a balloon inflated to about six inches in diameter. On signal, the first player on each team tucks the balloon under his chin and, without using his hands, passes it to the next player, who must take it under his chin. Continue until all have received the ...
Balloon Pop
Formation: Can be teams or singlesEquipment: Balloons (have plenty on hand)Game: This game requires the player to blow up the balloon, tie it off, and then sit on it to pop it. The first one to do this wins. Team relay as follows. Have the teams form single lines. ...
Balloon Push Ball
Indoors Equipment: Balloons Formation: TeamsDivide the group into two teams and station them at opposite ends of the room. Toss a balloon up in the center of the room and have the teams rush for it. Each tries to bat it to the other team's wall. The first team to hit the ...
Balloon Relay
Formation: Form teams in single lines Equipment: Balloons (have plenty on hand)Game: Arrange the teams in parallel lines. Give the first player in the line a balloon. At the start of the game, each player bounces the balloon while running to a determined spot. Then they go back to ...
Balloon RoundUp
Materials: a large box, 4 different colors of balloons-one for each player To Play: Divide the group into 4 different teams of equal numbers of participants. Each team is given a specific color of balloon, and each player ...

Balloon Stampede
Type: Pack Game Equipment: Balloon for each playerEach player has a balloon tied to his ankle. The object is to tread on and burst the other players' balloons while trying to keep his own intact. ...
Balloon Volley
You’ll need one inflated balloon and one 4-5 ft stick, pole or broom for every 5 players. Give each player a number from 1-5. Players 1 and 3 hold the stick at shoulder height. Player 4 holds the balloon. Player 5 stands between Players 4 & 1. Players move in ...
Balloon Volleyball
Indoors Equipment: Balloons; rope to stretch across the room Formation: TeamsStretch a string across the room and divide the players into two teams, placing them on either side of the string. Throw a balloon into play. Have each side try to keep the balloon from touching the floor on their side. They ...
Banana Relay
Semi-active, indoors/outdoors.Equipment: 1 banana per boy.Formation: relay.Line up the boys in relay formation, facing each other, and give each boy a banana. He must keep his right hand behind him while he eats the banana, which he must peel with his teeth. On the signal, the first boy peels and ...
Banana Split Slide
Everyone remembers their very first slip and slide out in the yard on a hot summer day. Here's a variation. Get approximately 50 feet of plastic tarp and items that would be found on a banana split (ice cream, strawberry syrup, caramel syrup, chocolate syrup, banana pieces, and maraschino cherries). ...
Barefoot Marble Relay
The Cub Scouts remove their shoes and socks. Place two marbles on the starting line in front of each team. On signal, the first player on each team grasps a marble with the toes of each foot and walks to the finish line. When he reaches the other end of ...
Baseball In Sacks
An ordinary game of baseball is played with each member wearing a sack. ...
Baseball Strike Zone
Required: Plywood painted baseball game board, Fun Gripper Baseballs For serious ball throwers, you can have something set up for them but for those little ones you might want to set up a game for them as well. Make a baseball strike zone that will stand up. This can be ...
Bat Ball
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: Soccer or volleyball Formation: TeamsAny outdoor area or gymnasium will do. Mark a home base in the middle of a 40 - 50' end line. Then mark a far base about 80' from home base.The batter himself tosses up the ball and hits it with his hand or fist. After ...
Bat the Balloon
Semi-active, indoors. Equipment: Balloons. Formation: Relay.Teams line up with members standing side by side, separated by the distance obtained when players stretch their arms sideways. Fingertips should touch between players.The first player in line takes an inflated balloon, and bats it towards the second person in line, who bats it to the ...
Bawl Game
The player who makes the most noise for a given period of time wins. ...
Bean and Straw Relay
Semi-active, indoors.Equipment: Per Six: 15 beans, 2 containers, 1 straw per boy.Formation: Relay.Have the first player in each line pick up a bean with a soda straw, carry it across the room and deposit it in a container. The first team to have all its beans deposited wins. ...
Bean Bag Relay
Formation – TeamsEquipment – Bean BagsGame: Divide each team in half, putting one half of the team on one side of the room, and the other half on the other. The first player on the first side throws a beanbag to her teammate on the other side who holds ...
Bean N Spoon Relay
Formation –TeamsEquipment – one plastic spoon, (x) beans, 2 cups per teamGame: After each team is lined up, give the first person in each line a plastic spoon. When the game is started, the first person races over to the marked bean cup. They then grab one bean and ...
Beanbag Medley
Formation – TeamsEquipment – beanbagsGame: At the start, each girl places a beanbag on her head. On the signal, they must walk to the determined point and come back without dropping the beanbag. If the beanbag falls they must replace it before they can continue. When they return they ...
Beating the Bounds
Indoors Equipment: 4 oil drums or metal pails or metal chairs; 2 large tent pegs or sticks Formation: TeamsThe Pack divides into two teams, each with a stick. When the leader calls 'GO', the first Cub in each team runs around the square, banging each drum as he goes. If he misses ...
Bee Battle
Formation – 10’ CircleEquipment – Tape, foam cup, chalkGame: Draw a 10’ circle on the blacktop. Have 2-8 players with their arms folded get together in the circle. Fasten the foam cup using the tape to the rare of each player. On the signal, each player should try to ...
Country - FranceFormation – TeamsEquipment – beret or scarfGame – The girls split into two equal teams, and form two lines opposite from each other at least 15’ apart. Each member of each team gets a number (from 1 to 10 if there are 10 members)A beret (or scarf) ...
Bicycle Polo
Use croquet mallets and balls. If on a paved area, use chair legs as hoops; set up larger than usual croquet course. Divide boys into groups of four to six for this game so there is not too much waiting for a turn. ...
Bicycle Relay
Type: Pack Equipment: Nil Pack in spoke formation in Sixes. The Leader tells a story about a Cub going off somewhere on a bicycle. Every time there is something wrong e.g. no bell, no brakes, wrong signal, etc, the outside boy from each Six ...
Bicycle Trip
Players sit in a circle and are assigned the names of bike parts. (i.e. chain, wheel, spoke, handlebar, etc.) The storyteller (usually the den or pack leader) tells a story of a fictional bicycle trip as he moves around the circle. As the storyteller tells the story, the parts mentioned ...
Big Lantern Little Lantern Oke chochin chichai chochin
Country - JapanFormation – CircleEquipment – noneGame – One player is ‘it’. She turns to her neighbor on either her right or left and says ‘Big Lantern’ (O-ke cho-chin). At the same time, she makes the shape of a big lantern with her hands. The person addressed then turns ...
Bird Or Animal
The chief imitates the sound of a bird or animal and the players, standing in a circle, try to guess what the sound is. The brave who guesses correctly is praised by the chief and given the chance to make the next bird or animal sound. ...
Birds Fly
The leader tells the boys to flap their arms up and down when he names something that flies. When he mentions something that doesn't fly, they must hold still. Those who make a mistake must drop out. To confuse things, the leader flaps his arms at every command. The commands ...
Black Hole
Equipment: Flying saucers (Staple or glue the rim of a paper bowl to the center of the bottom of a paper plate, then staple or glue another plate to the first around the rim and decorate if desired. Or use a throwing disk), black hole (Large piece of cardboard painted ...
Black Hole Bean Bag Toss
Required: 5" Beanbags Take a piece of plywood or foam board and cut a hole in it. You'll need one package of 5" beanbags that you can find on our site. Paint the cutout into some type of theme, animals, a circus, an adventure, or some type of science. One ...
Black Knots
All players have a piece of rope. Assign a specific knot. Shut out lights for a specified time and see how adept the group is in the darkness. Vary the knots called and time lights are out. ...
Black Magic
Materials needed: none Play: The leader chooses a helper before the game, who understands how the trick works. While in the group, the leader chooses the helper. The helper leaves the circle. While the helper is gone, the group decides on an object. The helper returns to the group. The ...
Blast Off
Cub Scouts sit in chairs scattered around the room. Each is given the name of a planet - Venus, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, Earth, etc. One boy is picked to be Mission Control. He stands and says, “Countdown”... walking around the room, he calls out the names of various planets. When ...
Blind Balloon Volleyball
Indoors Equipment: 1 volleyball net; 1 blanket to cover net; 1 referee per balloon Formation: TeamsTeams of four or more people line up in volleyball fashion on either side of the net. The blanket is placed over the net so that neither team can see the other one.The referee throws the first ...
Blind Drawing
Formation – Spread out at tables or chairsEquipment – drawing paper and crayonsGame: You can either split the girls up into teams or just let them draw alone. On a number of index cards, come up with 10-20 different animals or objects. Next, blindfold girl(s) a handkerchief will do. ...
Blind Man Hop
This is played like Blind Man's Bluff, except that all but the "blind man" must hop. Any player who puts both feet to the ground becomes the "blind man". ...
Blind Tag
Type: Circle Game Equipment: NilForm a large circle, facing inwards, and have two Cubs blindfolded. These two are started from opposite sides of the circle, on the inside, and the second one tries to catch the first. Neither must wander around the ring, but must remain in touch with one of ...
Blindmans Bluff
Indoors Equipment: 1 chair per person; 1 blindfold Formation: Circle'It' is blindfolded and stands in the center of a seated circle while the players change seats. 'It' now sits on a player's lap. No words are spoken. He must guess whose lap he is sitting on. If he's correct, the two change ...
Blindmans Knot
The squad is blindfolded. The leader passes down the line, holding a piece of cord knotted in one of the familiar knots. Each boy may finger it for ten seconds to discover which knot it is. The squad is then provided with a cord. At the word "Go" each blind ...
Block and Tackle Experiment
This simple apparatus shows how blocks and tackles increase power. You need two lengths of broomstick and a length of clothesline. Fasten one end of the line to one of the sticks. Wrap line loosely around both sticks as shown. Have two of your biggest den members grasp the sticks ...

Blow Ball
Formation – 2-4 players at a small tableEquipment – 1 ping-pong ballGame: Have the girls sit at a table that is small enough to place them together. Put a ping-pong ball into the center of the table. On the word ‘GO!’ the girls began to try to blow the ...
Blow Hard Trick
Place three small bits of paper on the back of your hand. Let anyone select one of the pieces. Claim that you can control your breath so as to only blow away the chosen one. It sounds impossible.Solution: Place two fingers on the other two bits of paper, then blow ...
Blow Blow Blow
Indoors Equipment: 1 jack-o'-lantern; 1 candle; 2 blindfolds Formation: TeamsForm two teams - the 'ghosts' and the 'witches'. Take a grinning jack-o'-lantern with a glowing candle and place it in the center of a table. Lead each ghost and witch to the jack-o'-lantern, one at a time. Blindfold him and turn him ...
Blowin In The Wind
Materials needed: A fan, artificial leaves (craft store), 2 child size plastic rakes, and a watch with a second hand. Scatter the leaves on the ground. Divide the boys into two groups. The object of the game is to be the team with the most leaves in its pile (designate ...
o Boil, clean, and dry chicken bones. o Press in clay and let dry. o Using a hammer and nail have the boys carefully chip away the clay without damaging the bones. ...
Book Quiz
Type: Sixes Circle Equipment: A book, pencil, and paper for each Six. Have the Cubs in their Sixes in a circle. Pass the book around the circle and tell the Cubs to look at it.` Cubs now in Sixes corners with pencil and paper, ...
Bottle Clothespin
Formation – LineEquipment – a canning jar or suitable open-mouthed container and clothespinsGame: Have the girls line up behind the jar. Give each girl 10 clothespins. They are to try to drop the clothespins into the jar by holding the pins at eye level above it. Count how many ...
Bowling On The Green
Play this game on a smooth, close-cut lawn. Croquet balls or wooden balls made especially for this game may be used. Each player has two of these balls, called "bowls." A smaller ball is called the "jack." The first player bowls the jack out on the lawn and the bowls ...
Box Code Writing
All good wizards have their own special codes for writing down their spells. We will teach you some of the basics -- then you can create some of your own -- to keep your spells secret. Replace the letters to decode the messages! A ...

Boxes A Game For Buddies
In this game, opponents compete to make the greatest number of boxes out of a dot grid. To begin, players draw a square grid of 16 dots with four even rows of four dots. (After you get good, use a larger grid)Players take turns drawing lines connecting any two dots ...
Boxing Blindfolded
For this game, you need two pairs of boxing gloves, two blindfolds, and two people to prepare the two boxers. Take the two boys to the center of the ring, let their gloves touch, back them up a couple of paces, turn them around and let them go to it. ...
Bricklayers Relay
Active, outdoors/indoorsEquipment: Per team: 1 hard hat; 1 dustpan; 1 flag; 3 or more 'bricks' - stones, pieces of styrofoam, blocks of wood.Formation: Relay.Divide the group into teams. Have them stand in parallel straight lines at one end of the playing area.The leader shouts 'BUILD'. The first member of each ...
British Bull dog
One or two of the bigger players take a position in the center of the room, facing the group. At "Go," the entire group charges and tries to reach the other side of the room or a given area, without being caught. To catch someone, the "bulldogs" in the center ...
Broken Chain
Formation – TeamsEquipment – noneGame: Line up each team behind a single line. On the signal, have the girls run in single file, each one with one hand on the belt loop of the girl in front of her. Have them run to a determined point and back. If ...
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: None Formation: Two circles, one inside the otherDivide the Cubs into groups. Group A forms the inner circle facing outward and group b the outer circle facing inward. Have the players facing each other hold hands to pair off like 'brothers!' They drop hands and on signal, the circles march ...
Formation – Group CircleEquipment – noneGame: Have the girls form a circle. Select a girl to start a story. At any time as the story is being told, any other girl can yell ‘ Brownies’, and take the story over. If she adds to it correctly – she can ...
Bucket games
Scouts see a series of buckets in a line, they are told that there are treats under the bucket that is exactly 60 ft. away. They are instructed to stand next to the bucket that they think has the treat. They will share whatever is under the bucket with everybody ...
Bucket Relay
Active, outdoorsEquipment: Per Six: 1 bucket half-filled with water; 1 empty bucket.Formation: relay.On 'Go', the first player runs to the other end of the playing area where the buckets have been placed, pours the water into the other bucket, leaves the empty bucket there, and carries the full bucket to ...
Bug Bite Tag
One person is IT (the "bug"). Whenever someone is tagged by the bug, they must hold a bandage (their hand) on the spot where they were tagged (bitten by the bug). Then the game continues. When someone runs out of bandages, (they get tagged three times), they are frozen until ...
Burst the Balloon
Outdoors/indoors Equipment: 30-40 balloons; pencil and paper for the scorekeeper Formation: ScatterThe balloons are blown up and scattered on the floor. Players stand in scatter formation.On 'GO', the object is to break as many balloons as possible, by sitting on them! When a person breaks a balloon, he shouts 'I SCORE!' and ...
Button Stringing
Formation – single or paired teamEquipment – buttons (a bunch), stringGame: Provide each player with an assortment of about two dozen buttons and a piece of string about 18in. long with a knot at one end to serve as the stopper. On the signal, the players start stringing the ...
Buzz Circle Game
Form a circle (big as you need). The objective is to be the last person left in the circle. The game is played by counting around the circle from one person to the next starting with the number one. But anytime you hit a number with a SEVEN in it ...
BuzzBomb Balloon
Indoors Equipment: 1 uninflated balloon per Cub Formation: LineHave everyone inflate a balloon and release it in the direction of a target on the floor. Score 1 point for the closest balloon and 15 points for a direct hit. ...
By One Twos etc
Call out numbers beginning with one. Have group members gather by the numbers. Those who don’t fit into a group are out. When the group becomes one large group, then call out numbers in reverse order. ...
Equipment: 1 beanbagFormation: circle The Cubs sit in a circle with the beanbag in the center and the leader gives them a letter in the order C.U.B.S. all the way around the circle. The leader calls out one of the letters and all the Cubs with that letter run right ...
Groups must construct a cage from staves, sisal, and rope large enough to hold a small boy from another group. The boy in the cage must escape within one minute. ...
Camel Race
Type: Contest Agility Equipment: NilGroups of three Cubs. One is the head, another makes the back and holds the waist of the 'head', the third is the rider, who is seated. Race over a given distance. This can be played with the `head' blindfolded being steered by the rider. ...
Camp Golf
Groundsheets folded to about 3' square represent holes and tin plates represent balls. Layout the golf course as desired to include hedges and streams as obstacles. If a plate falls in one of these hazards it must be retrieved and carried behind the obstacle and one throw added to the ...
Can You See Them
Type: Pack Equipment: Twenty small objects, and lists of them for all players The objects should be placed in a room so that they are in full view, but difficult to see. E.G. piece of black wool tied round the poker; a red stamp ...
Candy Land
Formation – Group CircleEquipment – paper plate, plenty of candyGame: have the girls form a circle facing inward sitting on the ground. Start a candy dish around the circle. At any time call ‘stop’. Whoever has the candy dish at that time has to answer a question about Girl ...
Captain Zoom I
The Adventures of Captain Zoom, Space ____________ (NOUN). Captain Zoom is a superhero who wears a/an ____________ (COLOR) cape and a/an____________ (COLOR) suit of long underwear. He has his own ____________ (ADJECTIVE) rocket ship, which takes him all over the universe. His ship is fueled by ____________ (A FOOD) mixed ...
Captain Zoom II
One day Captain Zoom heard that a group of ____________ (A NATIONALITY) --____________ (PLURAL NOUN) had been picked up by some little green ____________ (PLURAL NOUN) who were in a flying saucer. He learned they were locked in a ____________ (A RECEPTACLE) on the ____________ (ADJECTIVE) planet Hang-On. At once ...
Captain Zoom III
After zapping everything he could see around his spaceship with his Alpha Particle Disintegrator ____________ (NOUN), Captain Zoom began to explore the ____________ (ADJECTIVE) planet Hang-On. Hang-On had a/an ____________ (ADJECTIVE) atmosphere containing lots of ____________ (A GAS) and ____________ (A LIQUID). The natives were about ____________ (NUMBER) feet tall ...
Captain Zoom IV
"Although I cannot be your ____________ (NOUN) King, " Captain Zoom told the ____________ (ADJECTIVE) natives of Hang-On, “I will be your ____________ (NOUN). And I will ____________ (VERB [PRESENT TENSED you like a father." At this the natives cheered. "____________ (AN EXCLAMATION)!" they shouted - ____________ (ADVERB). And they ...
Capture the Flag
Evening game, outdoorsEquipment: 2 handmade flags on staffs 2' long; 2 different colored sets of arm or headbands made of crepe paper.Formation: teams.Divide the group into two teams. Identify each by a set of arm or headbands.Set up a jail area (3-4 square yards) and a separate hiding spot for ...
Capture The Fort
Divide players into two sides: Attackers and Defenders.Defenders form a circle, holding hands and facing outward, with their captain in the center.Attackers surround the fort at about eight or ten paces distant. They try to kick a soccer ball into the fort; it may go through the legs of the ...
Capture the Fort
Divide the players into two sides: Attackers and Defenders. Defenders form a circle, holding hands and facing outward, with their captain in the center. Attackers surround the fort from a distance of 20-30 feet. They try to kick a soccer ball into the fort; it may go through the legs ...
Card Toss
Formation – Sitting in a chairEquipment – bucket and a deck of cardsGame: Place the bucket around 6ft from the chair. Have the player sit in the chair and try to toss the cards into the bucket. Limit the number of cards used. You can use two or more ...
Cardbord Box Car Race
Have each boy get a cardboard box and decorate it like a car. Set up a race course for the boys to drive their cars through. Make it challenging with turns and obstacles. Include special directions for tasks, such as make a Uturn, spin out, or repeat a scout item. ...
Cat And Mouse01
Formation – Group CircleEquipment – noneGame: Have the girls form a circle and select one player to be the mouse (and place her inside the circle) and one player to be the cat (and place them outside the circle). The object of the game is for the cat to ...
Cat and Mouse02
Indoors Equipment: Whistle Formation: NoneThe Pack lines up in 4 or 5 lines, each line of Cubs joining hands across. One Cub is chosen as 'Cat' and another as 'Mouse', the 'Cat' chases the 'Mouse' up and down the lines.When the leader blows the whistle, the Cubs turn at right angles and ...
Catapult Experiment
Catapult Experiment -Use a ruler and an eraser or other soft projectile. Have a boy strike the short end of the ruler. How far did the projectile go? Now have him try it with half the ruler over the edge and hit it with the same force. Is there ...

Catch Ball
Type: Pack game Equipment: Large ball Each sixer has to stay within his own six corners and the others pass a ball about. No one may run with the ball it can only be thrown. The cubs try to pass the ball to their ...
Catch It
Type: Arrow Activity Equipment: Three or Four Balls Cubs in a large circle with three or four in the center with a ball each. Ones in the center throw the balls to any Cub in the circle. If a Cub misses his catch once, he kneels, twice, he sits, three misses and ...
Catch the Balloon
Indoors Equipment: 3 or 4 balloons Formation: CircleArrange the players in a circle on the floor and have them number off. Put the highest number in the center to act as 'it'. He should hold a balloon and suddenly drop it as he calls out a number. The holder of that number ...
Catch the Dragons tail
Materials needed: handkerchief, Chinese music, cassette or CD player Play: The boys line up in a single line, each holding onto the waist of the boy in front. The boy at the end (the tail) has a hanky hanging out of his back pocket. The boys count down together, “EM”-1, ...
Catch The Snake
The snake is a piece of rope several yards long. One player who is "It" holds an end and drags the rope about, so that the snake writhes over the ground. The other players give chase and whoever succeeds in catching the snake becomes "It." ...
Caterpillar Race
It is best to run this race outdoors on soft ground. If you try it on a hard floor, it will be hard on the hands and knees. Divide the group into teams of two players each. The ...

Caterpillar Relay
Formation – TeamsEquipment – NoneGame – Each team forms a line and each girl must hold onto the waist of the girl in front of her. They may stretch out as far as possible so long as they don't separate. When the whistle blows, the girl at the back ...
Cats Tail
Indoors Equipment: A supply of colored yarn, 2 colors, one for each team Formation: TeamsTo get your Cubs in the Hallowe'en mood, try this game. Hide several pieces of cloth or yarn - a different color for each team. One Cub on each team is a 'cat without a tail'. At the ...
Center Catch
Players form a circle with arm's-length spacing. "It" stands inside the circle. The players pass a basketball, play ball or football from one to the other. "It" attempts to touch it or catch it. If "It" touches or catches the ball, the last player who touched it is "It." The ...
Centipede Race
Line up teams of 8, 12, or 16 boys each. Have the first four boys on each team straddle a broomstick with only their left hands grasping the broom. On the signal, they run to the goal line and run back. They give the stick to the next four boys ...
Chair Basketball
Indoors Equipment: 1 chair per person; 1 set of headbands for one team; inflated round balloons; 2 scorecards Formation: Circle-sitting on chairs- alternating teamsDivide the group into two teams. One team wears headbands. Teams sit in the pattern outlined above (chairs are a few feet apart).The players must remain seated throughout the ...
Chair Pass Ball
Indoors Equipment: Soccer ball or volleyball; whistle Formation: TeamsThe Cubs form two teams. A firm chair is placed at either end of the room as a goal for each team. A Cub from each team stands on a chair as a goalkeeper. The ball may only be passed from hand to hand. ...
Players act out the syllables of a word or phrase while the others try to guess what it is. Divide the den into two teams. Write a word or phrase and give it to one team. Ask them to leave the room to plan how they will dramatize the charade.After ...
Checker Relay
Scouts race up and down the hall in relay fashion, with a pile of 6 checkers balanced on the back of one hand. They are not allowed to steady the pile with the other hand. The only time they can touch the checkers with ...
Chinese Laundry
Hang small articles of clothing on a clothesline, fastening them with ordinary clothespegs. Players toss rings at the pegs. If they succeed in circling one, they win the suspended article. ...
Chinese Wall
Materials needed: masking tape or rope, measuring tape Play: Players line up along one side of the gym. Two parallel lines of masking tape are made down the center of the gym about three to four feet apart. The catcher stands between the lines and tries to tag players as ...
Christmas Card Jigsaw Game
Make a Christmas jigsaw game. Gather 10-20 cards and cut each one into 3 or 4 pieces, using straight lines. Shuffle them all up together and lay them out on a flat service such as a dining table or the floor – then put them back together again. Store the ...
Christmas Handshake
Give each boy five Christmas cards or seals. On signal, each boy introduces himself to five parents other than his own. Each time he must leave a card or seal with them. (Parents should not accept the card or seal until the introduction is complete and the boy can repeat ...
Christmas Stocking Contest
Two or more red stockings are hung up, the number depending on the number of contestants you have for each side. Each boy is provided with a teaspoon and three apples, or tennis balls. These apples must be picked up off the floor with the spoon, carried to the stocking, ...
Circle Ball
Formation – Group CircleEquipment – Bouncy ballGame: Have the girls form a circle with their legs spread out so that they are touching feet to feet. Select one girl to be ‘it’. She stands in the center of the circle with the bouncy ball. The object of the game ...
Circle Twisted
Required: Music, sound system with microphones, platform Players: Medium to large groupsHave youth group leaders get all participants standing and form two circles. One of the circles should be inside of the other circle. It’s helpful if there are a couple of the leaders standing on a stage above the ...
Players scatter throughout the room. The leader blows several blasts on a whistle. If there are four blasts, the players must get into groups of four, hands joined and held high. ...
Circular Pillar Ball
Type: Team Equipment: Two balls The game caters to a large crown in a reasonably small space. The players arrange themselves as shown in the diagram. The attackers, stationed around the circle, endeavor to hit the post; the defenders try to prevent the post ...
Cleanliness Tag
Type: Boomerang Equipment: NilFour boys from the Pack are chosen to be 'It'. One is called a Toothbrush, another Nailbrush, the third Hairbrush, and the last Shoe Brush. These four chase the rest of the Pack. When a Cub is caught he has to imitate the action of that particular brush. ...
Cleanup Sponge Game
Announce a reward for the scout that returns the “last” sponge to the bag. They will be beating the bushes for every last sponge. :] This also works for litter pickups, trying to pick up the “last” piece of trash is exhausting. ...
Clear the Deck
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: None Formation: GroupThe four sides of the room are given names, i.e., 'Clear the deck!'; 'Man the boat!'; 'Shore leave!'; 'In the galley!'.When the leader calls out any of those commands, the Cubs rush to that side of the room.There are extra commands as well: 'Boom coming over!' - lie ...
Clodhopper Race
A series of pieces of paper are placed in a circle after a team member is blindfolded. The team member must step on each piece of paper following directions from teammates. They cannot touch him or move him. ...
Clothespin Mixer
Equipment: Clip-on clothespins - 3 or 4 for each person Give everyone 3 or 4 clothespins. Tell them that the object of the game is to get rid of their clothespins without having anyone else pin THEIR clothespins on them. With everybody trying to ...
Clown Walk
Players are evenly divided into two teams. A starting line and finish line about 30 feet apart are marked. Each team forms a unit by holding hands, interlocking arms, riding piggyback, or by any other means that can be devised, The only limitation are the number of arms and legs ...
Two Cub Scouts hold their left ankle behind them with their left hand and keep their right arm close to their side. The arm must not be used to strike or shove. On signal, they try to upset each other by charging or shouldering or trying to force the other ...
Collecting Cocoons
At this time of year caterpillars that will become moths and butterflies can be found on trees and bushes. So can cocoons, the next stage in the life of a moth or butterfly. If your boys find a cocoon on a nature ramble, carefully cut off the piece of the ...
Collection Relay
Type: Relay Equipment: NilThe course is marked out as shown in the diagram above. The leader runs from the start line over the line AB. He then runs back and grasps the hand of number two. They both run over the line AB, and then go back to pick up the ...
Color Blind
Put out all the lights and ask all players to find an object of a certain color. Set a time limit, Points are awarded on basis of the correctness of the color of objects collected. Variation: Try objects of different shapes -- round, square, ...
ColorAsYouGo Turtle
Manitoba Council's Beaver Tales passed along this hunt idea. Make a big turtle as illustrated and after checking the route of your next nature walk, put into each section of shell an item the Beavers will see, hear, or smell along the way. On your walk, either give each lodge ...
Come Along
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: None Formation: CircleAll the Cubs stand in a circle with their right arms outstretched with one Cub outside. He runs around the outside of the circle and grabs the arm of one of the other Cubs who follow him around. They go on collecting others until there are six to ...
Comet Ball
Equipment: Tennis ball, nylon stocking, large playing areaTo Play: Put the ball in the toe of the stocking and tie a knot behind it to secure it, leaving a long tail. Hold the tail to throw, either by twirling above the head and letting go in the desired direction or ...
Commando Course
Active, indoors/outdoorsEquipment: Per team: 1 6' pole; 1 small bike tire; 1 bowling pin; 2 balloons per team member; 2 chairs; rope to tie ankles.Formation: relay.Divide the group into teams of six. Line up each team at the start of each obstacle course.On 'Go', the first member of each team ...
Compass Golf
Bury a small tin can in the center of a large circle marked on the ground. Mark North, South, East, and West with small pegs on the circle's circumference. These are used to tee golf shots toward the buried can. Record how many strokes you need to get in from ...
Compass Hike
Formation – HikingEquipment – CompassesGame – Have one troop go and (using the compass) layout the hike giving directions by compass only. Have the other follow it later. ...
Compass Point Contest
Make two compass boards by drawing a circle on a piece of cardboard (one for each compass board) and securing it to a wooden board with brads at each of the eight compass points. Let the brads protrude about 1/2 inch, and mark one point N for North. Initial the ...
Compass Relay
Line up teams in relay formation, parallel to each other. Opposite each team a compass is drawn on the floor, the points indicated but only the North lettered. The leader calls out a point. No. 1 man in each team steps out and places a pencil on the compass, pointing ...
Give each boy a pencil and paper and have him draw the head of a man, woman, or child. After he draws the head, he folds the paper so that only the neck shows. Each paper is passed on to the next player, who draws the shoulders, folds the paper, ...
Consumers Report
Semi-active, indoors Equipment: Per team: 1 balloon; 1 bib; 1 bowl of soda crackers; 1 orange, peeled; 1 bottle of pop; 1 bowl of peanuts; 1 straw per person; 1 long table. Formation: Relay.Divide the group into teams of six to eight. Line up each team at one end of the room ...
Cotton Ball Relay
Formation – TeamsEquipment – Plastic spoons, a bag of cotton balls, and an empty bag.Game: Each team member is given a plastic spoon. The first person in line receives a bag of cotton balls, the last person in line receives an empty bag. The team lines up in a ...
Count to Ten
All players stand on one line except one player who is it. "It" stands with his back to the other players on a goal line about 30 to 35 feet from the starting line. "It" counts to ten as fast and as clearly as ...
Cover the Chair
Indoors Equipment: 1 chair per Cub Formation: CircleHave the players seated in a circle and select one to be 'it'. He stands in the circle leaving his chair empty. When he commands, 'Shift to the right!', the person who has the empty chair on his right shifts to it, the next person ...
Crab Relay
Formation – TeamsEquipment – noneGame: Line the teams up for a relay. Have the first player in line sit on the floor with his back to the finish line. He should then walk on her hands and feet with his body parallel to the floor. When he reaches the ...
Crazy Artist Game
Divide the den into two teams for a relay drawing contest. Provide each team with a piece of crayon or a marking pen. Place two large pieces of paper or poster board on a wall or table across the room. The object of the game is for each team to ...
Creating Critters
Indoors Equipment: Scissors; construction paper; glue Formation: Small groupsDivide players into small groups. Give each group a pair of scissors, glue, and a variety of colors of construction paper.Within a time limit (15 minutes to have an hour) each group designs and constructs a new species of animal. They must decide on ...
Creature Symphony
This noisy idea comes from the binder Science Is..., by Susan V. Bosak.Sit players in a circle and move around it whispering the name of a different animal in everyone's ear (mouse, duck, owl, frog, cow, bear, etc.). Give them a few seconds to think about their animal sounds and ...
Creeping Past
Type: Pack Equipment: Blindfold One player is blindfolded near one end of the room, the rest, one at a time try to come from the other end as quietly as they can. When all have passed, the listener states how many he thinks have ...
Type: Pack Equipment: NilEach Leader is a crook with a funny name. They are spread out over a wide area, and each team of cubs is given a different name to ask for first. When they find the leader who responds to this name, he gives them another name, until they ...
Crossing America Obstacle Course
Statue of Liberty - Each boy is given a small amount of foil in order to make a liberty torch.Go West Young Man - Each boy is given a pretend horse and runs a course that is marked by orange cones.Crossing The Mississippi River – A swimming pool filled with water has several ...
Crows and Cranes
Divide Cub Scouts into two teams. Teams line up facing each other about a yard apart. One team is the Crows and the other the Cranes. Mark off a baseline 30 to 50 feet behind each team or line them up in the center of a room and use the ...
Heat one-fourth of a glass of water in a pan. Stir in three or four teaspoonfuls of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) until no more will dissolve. Remove pan from fire and add a drop or two of liquid glue; stir until the glue has dissolved.Using a wad of cotton, spread ...
Cub Car Races
Use cardboard boxes as cars. Dens should decorate their vehicles. One lap equals a trip around the room. Pit stops mandatory. Change tires (remove shoes and put them back on). Wash windshield (other team member sprays driver’s face with water bottle and then wipes face dry). Fill up with gas ...
Cub Scout Salute Race
A great way to help prepare boys for their Bobcat badge. Line up the teams. At "GO", the first man on each team runs to the judge (one judge is required for each team), snaps to attention and salutes. The Player then returns and touches off the next member, while ...
Cub Scout Salute Relay
For this relay race, divide the boys up into teams. You can have however many teams you want, 2 to 4 is probably best. Everyone starts at a certain point, and each team is lined up in its own line. At the go signal, the first person runs to the ...
Cub Scout Word Scramble
Ideas: • You can put these all on a sheet of paper for unscrambling and have everyone work alone or in pairs. • You can give those coming into your meeting each a scrambled word and you put the unscrambled word on someone else's back. They will then need to ...
Cup Race
Thread paper cups onto a cord stretched between chairs, or posts. Each team member blows cone to the end of the cord, brings it back; next boy does the same. First team finished wins. ...
Custom Coasters
Personalize your drink coasters with this excellent themed craft. Your kids can customize them for special occasions like New Year, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and more. What you'll need: Graphics software (Avery Kids Printertainment works well) Color printer duplicate checker Avery Kids #03111 Square Stickers Photos, ...
Dairy Fruits And Vegetables
Formation – circleEquipment – noneGame: One person sits in the center of the circle and calls out ‘Dairy’, ‘Fruit’, or ‘Vegetable’. At the same time, they point to one of the girls in the ring. The girl must answer correctly any item within the grouping called out. If she ...
Type: Pack Equipment: Two wet sponges or rags Two Cubs sit about 2 feet apart on chairs in the center of the den. They are blindfolded, face each other and each holds a wet sponge. The rest of the Pack must creep up, as ...
Dark Square
Mark a square on the floor about one-yard square or use designated marks on the floor (definite areas of tile design markings of basketball courts, etc.). Teams are at opposite ends of the room and when lights are put out they must try to get all the team in the ...
Deadly Circle
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: Rope Formation: CircleTie the ends of a long rope together in order to make a large circle. Mark off another circle about one-third the size of the rope circle. Have all players take hold of the rope with both hands, forming a ring around the marked circle. On signal, try ...
December Games0201
SORTING GAME Materials: Two bowls or buckets on chairs Ten mixed items Teams or patrols stand in single file facing the front of the hall. Facing each team is a bucket or bowl on a chair. In each bowl, there are ten items (the same items for each ...

December Games040201
ANIMAL TRACKS Needed: a large snow-covered field. See how many animal tracks you can find in the snow in the field. See if you can identify the different tracks. OTHER SUGGESTIONS: Build snow forts Snow angels Fox and Geese Hayrides Ice Skating Build unique snowmen ...

Defender Of The Castle
Type: Circle Game Equipment: Three balls, three tinsPack in a large circle. Stand the three tins in the center of the circle. One of the players stands in the center and stands up the tins as they are knocked down by the circle of Cubs with the balls. When all three ...
Defending the Fort
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: 1 soccer ball Formation: CircleThe Cubs divide into two teams, the attackers and the defenders. The defenders form a circle holding hands and facing outwards; they choose their captain who stands in the center.The attackers surround the fort and try to kick the soccer ball in. It may go through ...
Den Safari
For the third den meeting this month, it is suggested that the den goes on a safari within your community. Your destination could be a nature center, wildlife refuge, or large park where local wildlife might be spotted. Or safari could be a nature ramble. ...
Two Cub Scouts are chosen to be Detectives and are sent out of the room. The others select an object that the Detectives will try to discover. This may be a piece of furniture, a book, a button on someone's clothing, or anything else. The Detectives are called back in ...
Dino Dares You
This game is based on an old Cub Scout game called Shere Khan. All players except one line up at one side of the play area. Dino stands in the center. Cross Dino’s area without being tagged by him. All other players want to the others all run for the ...
Dino Snatch
Divide the group into two teams and line them up across opposite ends of the room. Each team counts off from “one” through the number of players on the team. Put a rag or neckerchief in the center of the room and call out a number. The player with that ...
Dinosaur Bones
Let the boys shape play dough into bone shapes, creating a dinosaur skeleton with the bones. Take pictures and let them dry until the next meeting. At the next meeting let them try to reassemble their dinosaur from the picture. ...
Dinosaur Charades
Either write out the names of different dinosaurs or place pictures of them on individual pieces of paper. Fold them and place them in a hat/bowl/anything. Each boy picks a piece of paper and then ...
Dinosaur Dig
This energy-burning bone hunt is best set up in a dry sandbox, but a sheet of plastic covered with sand and set in an easily cleaned spot will work as well. Before the meeting, bury twenty to thirty dog-bone biscuits of various sizes, as well as one plastic dinosaur skeleton. ...
Dinosaur Duel
Divide the boys and parents into two teams. Each team is a dinosaur. The dinosaurs form with players in single file, ah grasping the waist of the teammate ahead of them with both hands. On signal, the “mouth” of both dinosaurs tries to catch the “tail” of the other dinosaur ...
Dinosaur Duel
Divide the players into two teams. Each team is a dinosaur. The dinosaurs form with players in single file, all grasping the waist of the person ahead of them with both hands. On signal, the “head” of both dinosaurs tries to catch the “tail” of the other dinosaur by tagging ...
Dinosaur Hunt
This game is good with lots of boys to play. One player is the dinosaur and another is the knight. The dinosaur and the knight stand in the center and the other players form a circle leaving enough space for a player to pass through. Then the game starts, all ...
Dinosaur Hunt
This game is good for lots of boys to play. One player is the dinosaur and another is the knight. The dinosaur and the knight stand in the center, and the other players form a circle leaving enough space for a player to pass through. Then the game starts, all ...
Dinosaur Match
Tape names of dinosaurs on the back of the boys, two of each name, and each boy has to find out who they are and find their match by asking questions. Be sure and use dinosaur names that the boys are familiar with. ...
Dinosaur Nest
Hide a nice big watermelon outside in the bushes somewhere, and send the boys out to hunt for the dinosaur's nest and bring back its egg. When they find it, cut it up and share it with the entire group ...
Dinosaur Toss
Either make rings out of rope or purchase ready-made rings for tossing. The object of this game is to see how many rings you can get on the dinosaur’s neck. ...
Direction Finder
Type: Pack Equipment: Chalk, Blindfold A "road" is chalked out on the floor with sharp bends and level-crossings. Each Cub is allowed to stand at the start and study the road before being blindfolded. He then walks blindfolded as far as he can between ...
Directions Game
(a communication game) The group is divided into an instructor and numerous artists. The director attempts to describe a simple picture to be drawn by the artists under various handicaps. This will progress in stages. Stop and reflect at each stage. Have written instructions ready for the director at each ...
Disappearing Knot
Tie an 18-inch piece of string so there is a loose, open, overhand knot in the center. Now tie the ends together with several knots so the string makes a loop. Let someone examine the string and explain that you are going to remove the overhand knot without untying ...

Discovery Scavenger Hunt
Give each patrol a list and half an hour to see how many items they can locate within the boundaries of your play area. Remind Scouts of the importance of making minimum impact. They write notes on the items they observe in each category but do not collect specimens.When the ...
Discus Throw
Players lie on their backs and throw a shoe over their heads with both feet. Another method is to throw a paper pie plate from a chalk line. The plate should be held flat in the hand rather than sailed with thumb and fingers. ...
Type: Pack Equipment: Fancy dress or disguise for a Six One Six is told to bring a fancy dress or anything for a disguise. They must wear masks. They are sent out of the room to get dressed. They then re-enter the room and ...
Disposable Camera Rally
This is a crazy scavenger hunt where each team has a disposable camera and a vehicle to get around town in (I recommend adult drivers). Give them a list of items, worth different points, to get a picture of. You can develop the pictures ...
Dizzy Izzy
Active, indoors/outdoorsEquipment: none.Formation: Relay.Line up the Sixes for a relay race. Have the first player in each line run up to a given point, place one finger on the floor, revolve around his finger seven times, and run back to tag the next player in line. Repeat until all have ...
Dizzy Izzy01
Formation – TeamsEquipment – noneGame: Line the teams up for a relay race. Have the first player in each line run up to a given point, place one finger on the floor, revolve around it 3-7 times, and run back to tag the next player in line. Repeat until ...
DizzyFrog Handstand and Ankle Hop
Dizzy -Cub Scouts hold their left ankle in the back of their right leg with their right hand. Then they hop, making three turns in place without losing their balance. Then they reverse position and try hopping on the left leg. Frog Handstand -Scouts squat and place their hands flat on ...
Do a Good Turn Relay
Divide den into two teams. Give each team a list of things the team must do in order to complete the game. Make up your own list with things such as carrying a pail of Legos from point A to B, sweep a circle around the team, read one joke ...
Do This Do That
Players can be in spread-out relay formation, or in a circle three or four deep--so that all the boys can see the game leader. Leader says, "Do this." and touches his nose, claps his hand, or some other action. All players must repeat his action. Suddenly saying, "Do that," he ...
Do You Love Your Neighbour
The group sits in a circle with enough places for everyone except for one. This person stays in the middle of the group and calls on different people asking the question, “Do you love your neighbors? The person called upon says either: 1. “No, I do not love my neighbors” ...
Doctor Who and the Daleks
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: None Formation: ScatterThree 'Daleks' and three 'Doctor Who's are suitable for a Pack of 24 boys. The 'Doctor Who's turn their caps back to front for identification and the 'Daleks' wear their scarves back to front. At the word 'GO' from the leader, the 'Daleks' chase the rest of the ...
Dodge Ball
Type: Team game Equipment: Two or more large balls.The aim is to dismiss as many of the opposing team as possible within a given time. The time can vary, but each game takes from about 10 to 15 minutes. About 15 on each side is ideal.Rules: Players have allocated areas, indicated by ...
Divide boys into two groups. One group forms a large circle; the others scatter inside the circle. The circle players throw a volleyball or other ball at the inside players. The center players dodge but cannot leave the circle. When hit by the ball they join the players in the ...
Dog And Possum
Type: Circle Game Equipment: Two different bean bagsThe Cubs form a circle. The Leader takes one bean bag (possum) which he starts on it way round the circle. A moment later he starts the other bean bag (dog). The dog must catch the possum before it reaches the starting point. ...
Down And Around
Formation – TeamsEquipment – noneGame: Form two teams and have them get into individual circles. At the start, the first player gets up and runs around her teams’ circle, and sits back down in her spot. Then the girl to her right gets up and runs around the team ...
Draw A Face
Type: Circle Equipment: NilPlayers in circle. Cub Leader draws a face in the air. First the outline, clockwise, then right eye, then left eye; nose downward; mouth right to left, all with the LEFT index finger. Each Cub tries to draw the face in exactly the same order and in the ...
Dress the Mummy
Required: Rolls of toilet paper Players: Small to large groups Set up teams with 2-4 players on each team. One person on each team will be the mummy and each team will be given 2 rolls of toilet paper. They will have 5 minutes to complete the game. The team ...
Duck In Water
Type: Water Equipment: Large rubber ballCubs in a circle in water at least waist-deep. Three or four in the center. The rest try to hit the Cubs in the center who avoid being hit by ducking under. When hit they change places with the thrower. ...
Dunk The Clowns
Pint size plastic bottles • Medium size plastic tub • Board to lay across top of tub • Rubber balls • Permanent Colored markers Design the plastic bottles to look like clowns. Set them on the board placed across the water filled tub. Divide the den into two teams, let ...
Dutch band
The leader assigns the name of a musical instrument to each player, including himself, and names a popular tune. The leader starts to “play” his instrument, making the proper sounds and gestures, and all others join in with their instruments. At any time, the leader may switch to the instrument ...
Dutch Compass Game
The fifteen players stand in a circle, 10' to 12' in diameter.The umpire stands in the center of the circle holding a staff upright with one end on the ground. On the words, "Fall In," players take up positions on the circle (facing inwards) to represent the compass points, the ...
Dutch Football
Indoors Equipment: Piece of chalk; 4 balls Formation: TeamsThe room is divided into four sections with chalked lines.The Pack is divided into four teams, one standing in each section with a ball. On the word 'GO', all the Cubs must hop on one leg and endeavor to keep the balls out of ...
Earth Water Air and Fire
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: 1 bean bag Formation: circleThe Pack sits in a circle with one Cub in the center holding the bean bag. He throws the bag at someone and shouts 'Earth!', 'Water!', 'Air!' or 'Fire!'.If it is 'Earth', the chosen Cub must reply with the name of the animal, before the center ...
Earth Water Air and Fire
Materials: 1 bean bag The pack sits in a circle with one Cub in the center holding the bean bag. He throws the bag at someone and shouts ‘Earth!’, ‘Water!’, ‘Air!’ or ‘Fire!’. If it is ‘Earth’, the chosen Cub must reply with the name of an animal, before the ...
Easy Three Leg Compass
Teach the scouts basic pacing and compass bearings. Test them by giving them a series of short 2 and 3 leg compasses courses. I like the there and back courses to see if they can come back to the same spot. ...
Eat the Fishtail
Indoors Equipment: None Formation: Single lineHave the Cubs line up in a single file, holding each other around the waist. The first boy is the fish head; the last boy, the tail. On signal, the head tries to catch the tail while the tail tries to avoid being caught. All must continue ...
Eating Race
Formation – IndividualEquipment – cookies / crackers/ wafersGame – Have a small plate of each food item. The girls have an eat-off. Whoever clears the plate first wins. ...
El Reloj
Country - ArgentinaFormation – InformalEquipment – A long jump ropeGame – Two players swing the jump rope, the others stand in line. The first person in line jumps and jumps the rope once saying, ‘One o’clock”, then jumps out. The second person jumps in and jumps the rope twice ...
Empty Pockets
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: Prize Formation: Straight lineWithout telling anyone in advance, offer a prize to the one who can produce the largest number of articles from his pockets. Ask each one to spread the articles on the table in front of him and have two or three judges look over the collections and ...
Endurance Hop
This is a relay race. You’ll need 4 different objects for each team (such as a ball, a basket, a hat and a beanbag). Teams stand in adjacent rows along the starting line. The 4 items are placed 3 feet apart in a straight line in front of each team. ...
Energy Wasters Hunt
Before your den meeting starts, go and plant energy-wasting items for the boys to find, such as; water running, lights on, refrigerator door slightly ajar, recycle items in the trash and so on. Give them a piece of paper and give them a limited time to go around the yard ...
Every Man In His Own Corner
Everybody selects a corner. If there are not enough corners or trees, players can make corners by drawing two lines at right angles on the ground or floor. Any player may start the game by leaving his corner. A second player chases him and a third may chase them both ...
Express Post
Indoors Equipment: 1 bean bag; 2 boxes or chairs Formation: CircleList the names of some towns, one for each Cub in the circle.The Pack stands in a circle, the leader gives each Cub the name of a town. The bean bag is placed in the center and the two boxes or chairs ...
Famous Pairs
Indoors Equipment: Name tags Formation: ScatterAs each person enters the room, he has a name tag pinned to his back.The object of the game is to learn his identity. Each player is allowed to as one 'yes' or 'no' question of each other player. At the same time, the two people introduce ...
Farmer Says
Play this game like “Simon says” except say “Farmer ______ says or I planted _____.” The farmer stands at the front and calls out the names of vegetables. When the farmer says I planted “corn”, the Cub Scouts grab their ears. For “onions” they pretend to rub their eyes; for ...
Farmyard Frolics
Each boy is handed a slip of paper bearing the name of a domestic animal or bird. On the signal to start, each begins to act the creature in dumb show, at the same time looking out for others of the same species. When three or more have been collected, ...
Feather Blowing
Formation – IndividualEquipment – feathersGame – One the start have the girls blow a feather across the floor to a determined line.The first one across is the winner.Variation – step up teams of four to blow the feather up and back the lines. ...
Feather On A Stick
Formation – TeamsEquipment – Yardsticks, feathersGame: Have the teams line up in a single file. Give the first person in each line a yardstick and a feather. On the signal, they place the feather on the yardstick and as fast as they can, proceed to the marked turning point ...
Feather on a Yardstick
Active, indoors.Equipment: Per six: 1 yardstick; 1 feather.Formation: relay.Give the first in each line a yardstick and a feather. On signal, he places the feather on one end of the yardstick, and holds the other end at arm's length while proceeding to the goal line and back. If the feather ...
Feather Race
Materials needed: Large package of feathers, large mixing bowl, 2 plastic containers, and 2 spoons. Divide the boys into teams. Place the feathers into the mixing bowl and put the plastic containers at the other end of the room. When you say “go” a person from each team will dip ...
Feather Relay
Each player throws a long feather javelin style, toward the finish line. As soon as it comes to earth, he picks it up and throws it again, and continues until across the finish line. He then picks it up and runs back to his team to give the feather to ...
Feed The Spider
Formation – IndividualEquipment – poker chipsGame – Draw a large spider on a poster board. Give each leg a number 1,2, or 3), the body the number 4, and the head number 6. Give each girl five poker chips of the same color. They take turns tossing the chips ...
Feeding the Elephant
Hang a megaphone so that it is slightly tilted with the mouthpiece down and the large end toward the players. Have a basket or other receptacle to catch peanuts as they fall through the megaphone. Each player is given ten peanuts. He tries to toss them into the elephant’s open ...
FiftyYard Swim
Players hop on one foot carrying a glass of water. The first one over the finish line with the most water in his glass wins. ...
Fill the Basket
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: A pail or a large basket; as many balls as possible. Formation: ScatterThe leader has the basket and endeavors to keep it empty, throwing the balls as far away as possible. The Cubs do their best to fill the basket. See who wins at the end of five minutes! ...
Fill The Bottle
Type: Relay Equipment: Bucket of water, cups, bottlesEach team is provided with a pop bottle and a paper cup. The players stand behind the starting line and put the bottles at their feet.At the signal, they race to the bucket which is at least twenty-five feet away.They fill their cups with ...
Fill The Sack
Formation: Form teams in single linesEquipment: Balloons (have plenty on hand), 4 cardboard boxesGame: Form 3 teams. Give each team a color – one that is of the color of the balloons. Have in one large enough cardboard box (sack), enough balloons for each team member in each team. ...
Filler games
Fill Games (idle hands) Sometimes plans just fall through. Keep scouts busy and teach at the same time. If you don’t find something for them to do, they will find something to do…… oh no! ...
Filling Santas Sack
Indoors Equipment: 1 balloon per Cub, with a few reserves; 1 sack per Six Formation: SixesOne Cub in every Six stands in his corner holding the sack. The leader spaces the rest of the Cubs out as far away from their Six corners as possible and gives each Cub a balloon. When ...
Find the Bell
Evening game, outdoors/indoors.Equipment: a little bell that rings easily.Formation: circle.Have the group sit in a circle. Choose one person to sit in the center of the circle.The leader gives the bell to one of the players, who begins to pass it around the circle.The object of the game is to ...
Find The Leader01
Formation – Group CircleEquipment – noneGame: Have the girls sit in a circle. Select one to act as ‘it’ and have her leave the room. The girls remaining in the room select one girl to be the leader. ‘It’ is then called back into the room and then stands ...
Find the Leader02
Indoors Equipment: None Formation: CircleHave the Cubs sit in a circle. Select one to act as 'it' and have him leave the room. The Cubs choose a leader. 'It' is then called into the center of the circle and the leader slyly starts some motion such as waving his hand, making faces, ...
Find The Route
Type: Pack Equipment: Supply of local bus and railway timetables Sort out beforehand half a dozen difficult, but not impossible journeys, including plenty of changing and plenty of possible alternatives. Divide the players into groups and give each group the timetables, and their instructions: ...
Fire On The Mountain
Type: Circle Game Equipment: NilAll Cubs stand in couples in a circle with two or four paces between each couple. One odd Cub stands in the center and says, "The mountain is on fire, run run run." At the last word Cubs in the other circle turn left and run around ...
Fireman Save My Child
Each team has a pile of the cut-out children on a table and a drinking straw for each player. Approximately 15-20 feet away from the start, place a small pail for each team on another table, chair, stool, etc. At the call of "Fireman, save my child", the first player ...
First Names
Have everyone count the number of letters in their first name. Now ask them to find someone who has the same number of letters. Those two are now partners. If a person can't find someone let him/her use another name s/he is called by (i.e., a Scout named Matthew may ...
Fish And Net
Have three to five players join hands to catch "fish" by surrounding individual players. Those who are caught become a part of the "net." The last five fish caught make up the net for the new game. ...
Fishermans Knots
Good practice for the real thing. Make your game realistic by using fishline or leader. Teach the boys the basic fisherman's knots as well as the blood knot, clinch knot, perfection loop, and line-to-leader knot, and use relays to develop skill and speed. ...
Fishing Games
There are an infinite variety of games that can be made from a hook, a line, and a pole that will leave the contestants as breathless and open-mouthed as a fisherman's true story.Fashion the hooks from coat-hanger wire, paper clips, and open safety pins. Make the fish from cloth, inner ...
Fitness Circle Game
Form a circle as large as the room permits with all Cub Scouts facing the same direction. Give instructions for various activities as follows: Start walking in a circle, and keep walking between these exercises. Start hopping. Make yourself as small as possible and continue walking. Make yourself as tall as possible and continue ...
Flint And Monty
Type: Circle Equipment: Two blindfolds Cubs in a large circle. Two Cubs in center blindfolded. One is named Flint, the other Monty. Flint asks "Where are you Monty". Monty replies, "I'm here Flint". Flint tries to touch Monty. When he does two other Cubs ...
Floating Ball Trick
Hold a table tennis ball over the end of a soda straw, tip head back, and blow hard. Release the ball. It will stay suspended above the straw as long as you blow. ...

Floating Bomb
Type: Pack Equipment: Feather or balloon, chalkEach six defends a quarter of the room and a feather is released at the center by Akela. The Cubs have to blow to keep the feather or balloon in the air, but if it lands in their portion they have been hit. ...
Folding Clothes
Boys remove their shirts and shoes, folding them neatly in a pile. They pretend to sleep, with the light turned out. When the leader calls "Fire," all boys must dress in the dark and squat outside their corner. The first group finished wins. ...
Follow the Leader
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: None Formation: Single lineChoose a Sixer or Cub who is especially resourceful to be the leader. Have the others form a single file behind him and imitate anything that he does. The leader keeps the line moving and performs stunts for the others to copy. He gradually does more difficult ...
Foot Race
Formation – IndividualEquipment – noneGame – Each girl starts at a line and must walk a course using the least amount of steps by stretching out as far as they can step each time. The one with the least amount wins. ...
Footprint Dinosaur
Each boy traces the outline of his shoe on a piece of paper. This becomes the body of a dinosaur for him to create with crayons, etc. ...
Footprints relay
Using heavy cardboard, cut out footprints 15” long and 8” wide. Two footprints are needed per team. Play game as a competition (2 or 3 teams as a relay race at a set distance). Place both footprints one in front of the other. Step on the first with one foot ...
Forest Inventory
Within your plot, select a rectangular zone for each patrol and mark it with flagging (be sure to remove flags when the activity is over). The size of the plot will depend on the density of tree cover. Ideally, each area will contain 20 to 30 trees and include both ...
Four Clowns In A Row
Give each person present a sheet of paper marked off in twenty squares. In each square they must get someone present to write his or her name. That will mean that each person will get the signatures of twenty people, one for each square. Provide each player with fifteen or ...
Four Square
Country - AustraliaFormation – SquareEquipment – Chalk and a tennis ballGame – In the blacktop, draw one very large square (6 yards) and divide it into 4 equal squares. Mark the squares King, Queen, Jack, Dunce. This is the ranking order. Each player stands inside one of the four ...
Frisbee Golf
Similar to rope golf, but just for fun. “Holes” can be trees, poles, dumpsters or hanging pie plates, etc. ...
Frog Race
Formation – 2-4 players per teamEquipment – noneGame: For this race, have the girls spread out a little in their rows. On the signal, the last person in the line begins to leapfrog over the players in front of her. As she has passed the last player in line, ...
From Santas Sack
Fill a big bag with all sorts of dress‑up clothes, including wigs and funny hats. Players form a large circle around "Santa's Sack". Put on some music and have them start passing a balloon around the circle. When the music stops the one with the balloon runs to the sack, ...
Frozen Ts
Required: Plastic storage bag, freezer, and large size T-shirts Players: Small to large groups For each team, you'll need one T-shirt and one plastic storage bag. Place one nicely folded T-shirt in each bag then pour in about 2 cups of water and freeze all of them overnight. If this ...
p { text-align: justify; margin-bottom: 10px; /* Adjust as needed */ } img { display: block; margin: 0 auto; max-width: 75%; /* Adjust as needed */ } h2 { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.2em; /* Adjust as needed */ ...

Games 2 0208a
 FLASHLIGHT TAG Played at night, this game mixes tag with hide and seek. The person who is “it†waits at the jail counting to a high number while everyone hides. Then, armed with a flashlight, this person ...

Games 20205
HIEROGLYPHIC BINGO Need enough cards for each boy. Container of buttons Cards were created with the symbols in WordPerfect. Played like regular bingo ...

Games 0209a
 DRIVING THE PIG Two teams: each team has a 3" long stick and a ½ gallon milk bottle (add a little water to the bottle). The players use the stick to push the bottle (pig) to the ...

Games 0209c
 PIGGY WANTS A SIGNAL To begin the game you choose the person who is called “itâ€. A circle is drawn on the ground. While “it†counts to ten, everyone runs and hides. When caught (or seen) you ...

Games 0209d
 DOWN, DOWN, DOWN You start off with a tennis ball and throw the ball continuously back and forth until somebody drops the ball. At that time, you say “Down on one knee.†If the same person drops ...

Games 20202
 DYNAMIC DOG  Materials: a small stuffed dog. The person who is “IT†covers his eyes while someone hides the dog. “IT†tries to find the dog. Everyone sings, “Oh where, oh where has my lit t le dog gone?†The closer “IT†gets ...

Games Galore
How to Lead Games While this may seem to be a simple task, teaching games to either your troop or at an event can become a bit overwhelming based upon your level of experience. I am by far, no a Game Instructor, but I have led enough games to ...
BUCKET LINE Materials: Two buckets full of water Form two lines. Pass the buckets over your head and between your legs until it travels to the end of the line. Return the bucket to the front in the same manner; however, make sure that the bucket is opposite ...

FUMBLE FINGERS RELAY Materials: 2 jars with screw-on lids 10 toothpicks 2 pairs of large mittens Each team has a pair of large mittens. At a goal line is a jar, one for each team containing five toothpicks. On signal, the first person from each team races to ...
SIGNALS Materials: Recording of several different musical sounds or instruments. (Such as in Peter and the Wolf) A tape recorder This game is similar to the game where you shout out Port and Starboard. The players are told what action they must perform when a certain sound is ...

 PIE EATING CONTEST Have a fun time with this one. Materials: Several Pies, and lots of water for clean up To make it interesting, you could have pies ranging from tart size to full-size pies. You could make several different games out of ...

 MAGIC FUNNEL Materials: Table tennis balls, circle of thin cardboard, or cardstock, (4 inches across) Flexible drinking straw Glue Tape Scissors Take the cardboard circle and cut a slit from the edge to the middle. Curl the circle into a cone. Tape the ...

 PARTS BOX  Materials: Several plastic buckets with lids i.e. ice cream buckets Surgical gloves Take a plastic bucket, cut out a circle in the lid, and glue a rubber glove in its place. This is a grabbing bucket. Have the other buckets filled with spaghetti, liver, peeled grapes, etc. The buckets should all be filled with water, and the special bucket should be last. People get a good scare when feeling for something in the bucket, and then suddenly this something grabs their hand and pulls down!! The downward pulling makes the shock even greater than just a grabbing hand.  MUMMY RELAY RACE Materials: 2 bedsheets cut into 3 to 4 inch Strips. Tie end to end to make one long strip. (Or use a roll of tissue paper) One bedsheet for each team. To Play: Teams need to wrap one person with the wrap as fast as they can. Then the wrapped person has to run down and around a chair or pole and back to the next person in line who must unwrap him, get wrapped, and run down around the chair. Continue until all members of the team have had a turn.  BURIED TREASURE HUNT  Materials: Several items of costume jewelry, toy animals, and any other object you wish to hide. A large area to hide them in. (Note: you need to remember how many items you have hidden and the location). Explain to the boys that in the Land of the Pharaohs, the people were buried with many things that were important to them, and that in the field it is rumored that there are things from an old burial ground. Turn the boys loose to find the treasure. You may also hide their snack, i.e. hard candy that is individually wrapped.  ...
CONCENTRATION GAME Memory game, using cards that have pictures of badge and belt loop emblems to match. Mount them on sturdy card stock or cardboard.    THE BLIND MAN' S DRESSING ROOM  Materials: Two baseball bats, Two bags of clothing. Make it interesting, include both men’s and women’s clothing. Blindfold the first two scouts. Then they place their head on the end of the bat, and must circle the bat a number of times, then they travel toward the clothes, and proceed to dress. The rest of the team should cheer them on, and give directions.   PICTIONARY  Materials: (for each den or patrol) Sheets of paper pen or pencil. One member from each patrol comes up to the scout leader, who whispers a word or phrase to them. The patrol member then goes back to his patrol and attempts to draw on a sheet of paper, what the scout leader said. They are not allowed to give clues by act ions, speech or writing. The first patrol to guess correctly wins the point.  ...
LIFEGUARD, SAVE MY CHILD  Materials: A drinking straw for each player, a simple paper cut-out of a child, this should be about 1 ½ to 2" tall. The arms and legs should be about ½ an inch wide on the figure. (One is provided at the end of this section). The game goes like this: The players are divided into teams and are formed into two lines. Each team has a pile of cut-out children on a table and a drinking straw for each player. Approximately 15-20 feet away from the start, place a small pail for each team on another table, chair, stool, or whatever. At the call of “Lifeguard, save my childâ€, the first player on each team must pick up a child by sucking up the figure against their straw. While holding the figure this way, they then run to their respective pail and deposit their figure in the pail. If they drop the figure en route, they must stop and pick up their child again, by getting down on the floor and sucking it up with their straw. After putting their child in the pail, they run back to the starting line, and the next player picks up his child and repeats the process. The first team to save all their children is the winner. Have enough figures so each player gets at least two turns.  SAVE THE PAPER KING  Materials: Lots of water balloons (filled) Buckets to hold them Enough toilet paper to wrap one person completely A marked playing area distinguishes the two sides. First, choose a referee to determine points (see below). Then, divide into two teams. Each team chooses one bomber and one mummy. The mummy is completely wrapped in toilet paper. The bombers, one from each team, are in the middle of the playing field. Their job is to try to get the opposite team’s mummy as wet as possible. The remainder of the team is to protect the mummy from getting wet while carrying him to the other side. The bomber is the only one throwing the balloons. If the mummy is dropped, the team must return to the starting line and begin again. Points are earned by getting to the other side and by keeping your mummy dry. The dryer he is, the more points you earn. (Referee to determine ' dryness' points.) ...

Image by Peter H from PixabayGOING ON A HIKE:The leader starts by saying, “I’m going on a hike. Everyone needs to come along. I’m bringing... What are you bringing?” Each boy answers in turn what they will bring on the “hike”. The trick is that their answer must begin with ...

Image by HeungSoon from PixabayPING PONG BALL SHOOT OUTFill several 2-liter bottles with water to weigh them down. Place them on a flat surface. Put a ping-pong ball on top of each bottle. Have a contest to see how fast each Cub can shoot the ball off the bottle using ...

TRIVIA GAME Just think of fun, crazy questions to ask, then see who knows the answer: Examples: What is the name of Gilligan’s boat? (SS Minnow). What is Scooby’s favorite snack? (Scooby snacks). What insect can you ride and get dizzy on? (The Spider. at Lagoon). Hand out rewards for ...

ELEPHANT HUNT You will need: Colored wool (yarn) to match up with the den’s colors Talcum powder Plastic plant identification labels TIME to lay the trail Tell a story to the pack about the elephants who have escaped from the local circus, and the circus has asked for the ...

 BLOOP Equipment: balloons Scouts will need to work together to keep the balloon off the floor. Blow up one balloon per group and tie off the neck. Scouts gather into groups of 4-6. They join hands to form a circle and try to ...

SPINNING YARNS Materials Needed: Large ball of yarn How to Play: The players sit in a circle. The first player is given a large ball of yarn. He begins to tell a story of his choosing. At any point, he may stop and throw the yarn ball to anyone in ...

PASS YOUR INSTRUMENT Materials Needed: none How to Play: Players sit on the floor in a circle. Each player chooses an instrument they want to represent. He must then decide on an action that will represent that instrument. To begin play, have everyone demonstrate their instrument's action. Then one player ...

TIE SNAKE GAMESÂ Â Materials Needed: 1 Tie Snake per boy To make a Tie Snake: make an opening in the seam of an old necktie 6 inches or so from the large end and pour one-half cup of dry split peas down into the ...

GO-GO HAND FISHINGÂ Â Materials Needed: As many Go-Go Hands as you feel you need Hula hoops Fish shapes from carpet or craft foam with self-adhesive Velcro (the barbed half) on each one To make the gloves: 1. Pour 1/2 cup of dry split peas ...
DOGCATCHER SCRAMBLE Materials Needed: none How to Play: Select one player to start off as the Dog Catcher. The remaining players are the Pets who quietly decide which household pet they want to be. Next, decide on a home base for the Pets and a starting point for the Dog ...
PARK RANGER - PARK RANGER Materials Needed: 80 or more feet of string How to Play: Mark off a playing field roughly 20 feet square with string. One person serves as the Park Ranger and stands in the middle of the field. Everyone else lines up on one side of ...
SPONGE BALL BASKETBALLÂ Â Materials Needed: Sponge Balls (3 small foam sponges, 1 plastic cable tie, for each ball) Empty boxes or baskets To make the Sponge Balls: Cut each sponge into thirds lengthwise. Stack the cut sponges on top of each other in three ...
CIRCLE THE WAGONSÂ Â Materials Needed: none How to Play: To begin, all of the players but two -- one Ute and one Pioneer -- join hands in a circle. They drop hands, and the Ute chases the Pioneer as they both weave in and ...

ZOMBIE TAGÂ Â Materials Needed: rubber mask rubber hands blindfold rope to designate a circular area How to Play: The Zombie wears a rubber mask, a blindfold, and the hands. Everyone has to stay within the circle while the Zombie wanders around with his arms ...

TURKEY SHOOT Materials Needed: marshmallow shooter for each player miniature marshmallows (as many as you want to clean up) a turkey target (a paper fold-out table centerpiece works well) rope or string for hanging the target Directions for making marshmallow shooters: Materials Needed: 1 9-inch piece of 1/2 inch PVC ...

Image by Francis Ray from Pixabay BEAN DROPEach player is given 5 to 10 beans. The players will try to drop the beans one at a time in the mouth of a canning jar by holding a bean up to his chin and letting go. After each person has a ...

FEBRUARY #2 SUBMARINES AND MINEFIELDS Materials: Blindfolds for each member of the minefield. You split into two teams. One team forms a line across the playing field. They are blindfolded and stand close enough together to touch hands. That team quietly tries to sneak along with the line weaving in ...

TILT Materials: (for each den or patrol) a large bucket half-filled with water Aluminum foil cake container 1 Alka seltzer tablet. For each patrol, put an Alka Seltzer tablet in each foil cake dish and then float one cake dish in each patrol's bucket. The patrols must ...

SILHOUETTE GAME You will need About twelve different shaped items, a sheet or back-projection screen, and a slide projector or strong light (note clear bulbs are better than pearl). A number of objects are held, one after the other, behind the screen. These might include items such as ...
 STARS AND STRIPES GAME Hurray for the red, white, and blue! Identify things that are colored red, white, or blue or have red, white, or blue in their names. The object of the game is to see who can think of the most reds, whites, and blues until only one player is left. Only four seconds to think or you are out. The color of the objects must be in sequence - the first person names a red object, the second player a white, the third names a blue, the next names a red, again. The last one still in the game, wins  **************************************************************************** Materials Used in this example Submarines and Minefields                Cub Scout Troop 498 Capture the Flag   ...

  WHERE IS THE SOUND? Materials: Jelly jar 1/2 filled with dried beans Blindfolds. Sit on a chair, blindfolded. Have another scout rattle the jar containing dried beans in different places behind you. Say where you think the sound is coming from. How ...
 HOLE IN YOUR HAND Materials: Sheet of stiff paper 12 x 8 inches Tape Make a tube by rolling up the sheet of stiff paper. Tape the edges so the tube holds together. Hold the tube up to your right eye. Hold your ...

Gazelle Stalking
Indoors Equipment: 2 blindfolds; 1 chain of bells Formation: CircleAll players form a circle. Two people are chosen to be the Gazelle and the Stalker. These two people go outside of the circle, where they are blindfolded; they are taken to different sides of the circle.Those left in the circle are taught ...
Type: Circle Game Equipment: Beanbag Cubs in a double circle so that every boy has a partner. A bean bag is put in the center. At the word "Go" the outer circle ...
Girl Scout Law Relay
Formation – Paired to 4 membersEquipment – each verse of the law cut into separate phrases on paperGame: Provide each girl or team, the complete set of the Law, broken down into verses. Scatter each set on the floor in front of each team. The first person of each ...
Girl Scout Promise
Formation – IndividualEquipment – The girl scout promise cut up into individual lines.Game – Time each girl as to how fast they can put together the Girl Scout Promise. It must be in order to be doneVariation - For Daisy Scouts add a second for each line out of ...
Gold Rush
Type: Six Game Equipment: "Gold" nugget for each SixEach Sixer quietly hides his "gold" nugget sometime earlier when he can do it unobserved. On a given signal from the Leader, the Sixers shout directions as to its whereabouts, without actually giving away the exact location. All Sixers are shouting directions at ...
Good Morning Mr Jones
Indoors Equipment: 1 blindfold; 1 pointer Formation: CircleHave the Cubs move around in a circle in the center of which 'Mr. Brown' stands blindfolded. When Mr. Brown raps on the floor with his stick, all players stand still. He then points his stick in any direction saying 'Good morning, Mr. Jones'. The ...
Formation – Group CircleEquipment – noneGame: Arrange the girls in a circle and whisper a brief message into the ear of one of the girls. She then is to pass it along (by whispering it) to the next girl. Do this until it gets around to the end of ...
Grab Bag
Formation – CircleEquipment – laundry bag, a bunch of old clothsGame: Fill a laundry bag full of various old cloths. (hats, shoes, shirts, vests, suspenders, belts….) One girl is selected to be the caller. Have the rest of the girls form a circle and then start the laundry bag ...
Indoors Equipment: Balloons Formation: TeamsDivide the group into two teams. Call one the 'destroyers' and the other the 'defenders'. Toss a balloon between them. The destroyers try to break the balloon by grabbing it, clapping their hands on it, or stepping on it; while the defenders try to protect it by batting ...
Grasshopper Relay
Relay teams line up in a single file. The first player in each team holds a beanbag or ball firmly between his knees. At the signal, he hops to the goal line and back to the starting point ...

Group Numbers
Method: Scouts are scattered throughout the room. The leader says, "Form fives" (or fours, or threes, or twos). Scouts have to get into groups of whatever size is announced. Those who don't get into a group of the correct size are out of the game. Could be used for large ...
Guarding The Lighthouse
Type: Pack Equipment: Powerful torch, and an easily climbed treeThe torch is suspended in the tree and switched on. The game is then a question of attack and defense, with the defenders stationed at a reasonable distance from the tree. It must be played in silence, for stalking, and so a ...
Guards and Guerrillas
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: None Formation: TeamsThe Pack divides into two teams. One team stands in a line at the end of the room, facing the wall. They are the 'Guards'. The second team, who are the 'Guerrillas', form a line at the opposite end of the room.They creep quietly upon the 'Guards'. When ...
Guess Who01
Formation – CircleEquipment – keys, pocketbook, a playing card, thimble, pencil.Game: One girl is ‘it’ and is placed in the center of the circle. The other players form a tight ring around her. At the start, they pass the objects behind their backs to each player to the right ...
Guess Who02
This is a good gathering time game for parents to play with their children. It's a good learning game and they may know some of the answers that you don't know.1) Who is The Friendly Ghost?2) Who was Luke Skywalker's father?3) Who was the first voice of Mickey Mouse.4) Who ...
Guessing Game
Equipment: 5 small coins or buttons for each person Each person is given 5 small coins or buttons and places them in their pocket. Divide into pairs and stand facing each other. Then each pair puts their hands into their pockets simultaneously and brings out so many of the coins ...
GumGlove Relay
Semi-active, indoors/outdoorsEquipment: Per team: 1 pair of gloves; 1 paper bag; 1 stick of gum per player.Formation: Relay.Hand a closed paper bag to the first player on each team. The paper bag contains one pair of gloves and the gum.The first player on each team opens the bag, puts on ...
Gun Ball
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: Soccer or volleyball Formation: TeamsDivide the players into two teams. Locate the pitcher's box 20' in front of the home base. Mark a far base about 80' from home in the normal direction of first base. The pitcher rolls the ball on the ground to the first batter, who kicks ...
To Play: Have the players lie on the floor in a ring with each person’s head resting on another’s belly. One person starts by saying, “Ha!” Then the player whose head is on the first person’s belly says, “Ha! Ha!” The third player says, “Ha! Ha! Ha!” See how far ...
Ha Ha Ha01
Formation – Group CircleEquipment – noneGame: Have the girls form a circle. Select a girl to start. The first girl starts the game by saying ‘ha’. The second girl, in turn, says ‘ha, ha’, the third says, ‘ha, ha, ha’ and so on around the circle. The ‘ha’ must ...
Ha Ha Ha02
Indoors Equipment: None Formation: CircleArrange the players in a circle. Have the first say 'ha', the second in turn, 'ha, ha', the third, 'ha, ha, ha', and so on around the circle. The ha's must be said without laughing. Those laughing while uttering their ha, ha's are eliminated. The one staying in ...
Hammer Throw
Participants hold an inflated balloon tied to the end of a string. Each player throws the "hammer" by the end of the string. The one throwing the farthest wins. ...
Hammer Throw
Materials needed: 1 tennis ball and 1 pair of panty hose with the legs cut off.Play: Put the tennis ball into the stocking, cut the leg off first, then have the boys hold the end of the stocking and throw as far as they can. ...
Hand Squeeze
Formation – circleEquipment – noneGame: Have one person be ‘it’. The rest form a circle around the person who is ‘it’. To start the game, ‘it’ must have their eyes closed. The leader then selects a person to start the hand squeeze. The selected person then passes the hand ...
Handymans Tool Box
Handyman's Tool Box -Great for carrying hand tools. Cut pieces from one-inch scrap wood. Assemble with eight-penny nails. ...

Hanukkah Peanut Hunt
Buy a package of peanuts. Write K on 4, H on 4, N on 4, U on 4, and A on 4. Hide all the peanuts, lettered and unlettered, and hunt for 5 minutes. 10 points for the greatest number 5 points for each lettered peanut 20 points for enough ...
Hare Hop
Active, outdoors/indoors.Equipment: Per team: 1 pair of rabbit ears (made from cardboard, cotton, and wire attached to a hat); 1 small balloon and 1 large balloon for each member; lots of string; 1 chair for each team.Formation: Relay.Divide the group into teams of six. Line up each team in straight ...
Hark I Hear A Critter
Country - CanadaFormation – InformalEquipment – paper, and stampsGame - Each of the leaders choose an animal...(pig, cow, owl, etc.) then the leaders hide...we tend to hide under piles of leaves..... in the tall grass...wherever will be difficult to be found.... each leader has with her a stamp, and ...
Hatching Dinosaur Egg
Similar to hot potato or time bomb, all the boys stand in a circle. One boy is handed a water balloon, a real egg, or something else round. The music starts and the balloon/egg (a.k.a. dinosaur egg) is passed to the next boy. No one wants to be left with ...
Hatching Dinosaur Egg
Similar to hot potato or time bomb, all the players stand in a circle. One player is handed a water balloon, a real egg, or something else round. The music starts and the balloon/egg (a.k.a. dinosaur egg) is passed to the next boy. No one wants to be left with ...
Hats Away
Indoors Equipment: 1 hat per person Formation: CircleHave the players stand in a circle. Give each a hat to place on his head (the funnier the hat the better). Tell the players to place their left hands behind them. On the command 'ready, change!' each player grabs the hat from the one ...
Head It Catch It
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: Soccer ball Formation: CircleThe Pack form a circle and the leader stands in the center with the soccer ball. He throws it to a Cub calling 'Heading!' or 'Catching!' and the Cub responds accordingly and if he fails, he sits down.The leader then complicates the game by shouting the same ...
Head Nose And Toes
Formation – TeamsEquipment – noneGame – Set the girls up into teams of 8 players (you can make this more or less). Line the team up except have the first player in line face the rest of the team. On the signal, the first person must touch their head, ...
Here I Am
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: 1 large ball per team Formation: TeamsDivide the Pack into teams of eight to ten Cubs. Each team forms a circle with one Cub with a ball in the center. The Cubs number off round the circle and then the center Cub goes out of the room.While he is away, ...
Hidden Object
Indoors Equipment: 1 thimble, ring, or coin Formation: ScatterSend boys out of the room. Take a thimble, ring, or coin and place it where it is perfectly visible but in a spot where it is not likely to be noticed. Let the boys come in and look for it. When one of ...
HoldEm Ball
The players stand in a semi-circle facing the man who is "It," at a distance of about ten yards. "It" throws a ball to any one of the players, calling "Hold-'em!" If the player misses he goes to the "low" end of the line. The ball is thus thrown back ...
Holiday Present Relay
Equipment: One wrapped package for each team How to Play: Divide into teams. The first runner of each team runs from the starting line across the room where he unties the wrapped gift. He runs back to his team and touches the next player in line. This player then runs ...
Hoola Hoop Clown Toss
Try to toss a hoola hoop over the head of a giant clown. To make your clown, glue or tape various sized boxes together. (Weight the bottom box with plenty of sand.) Then, paint the boxes. Roll a cone shape paper hat, and glue to clown’s head. Glue on yarn ...
Hoop Race
Formation – TeamsEquipment – Hula-hoop, yardstick (or equal)Game: Provide each team with a hula-hoop and a yardstick. At the start, the first player in each line rolls the hula-hoop to the setpoint and back using the yardstick. Hands may not be used on the hoop except to pick it ...
Mark start and finish lines about 30 and 40 feet apart. Players line up at the start line, each holding a hula hoop. If there are only a few hula hoops to share, divide players into smaller groups for several races. When the leader says GO, each player places his ...
Hop Knot
Type: Circle Equipment: Knotting Rope All the Cubs sit in a circle. With the ...
Hopping Race
Formation – TeamsEquipment – noneGame: After each team is lined up for the race. On the signal, the first player in each line hops on her left foot to a turning point and returns to the starting line hopping on her right foot. They then tag off the next ...
Horse With One Leg Mah Kha Diew
Country - ThailandFormation – CircleEquipment – ChalkGame – Draw a large circle with chalk large enough for all the players to hop in and out of. Pick one player to be ‘it’. “It’ stand inside the circle. Players move in and out of the circle by hopping. Players inside ...
Hot Moon Rock
Equipment: Moonrock (rock painted with fluorescent, glitter or glow in the dark paint – or covered with aluminum foil.), musicTo Play: Players sit in a circle and pass the moon rock around while the music is playing. When the music is stopped, the person holding the moon rock is out. ...
Hot Potato
Type: Circle Game Equipment: Tennis Ball or Bean bag Players in a circle, one in the center tries to intercepts a ball thrown across the circle, one to another. The Thrower of an intercepted pass changes places with the player in the center. Throwing ...
Hula La
Materials needed for each team: Hula Skirts, Beachcomber Hats, Flower Bracelets and/or Flower Headbands, Leis, Assorted Beach Wear ItemsPlay: Divide players into equal teams. Choose a player from each team to be the “Hula La.” Have each team form a line with the “Hula La” at the end. Place one ...
Hula Wheel Game
Materials needed: One Hula hoop for each team, items for each obstacle course, one rubber bike handle Play: Set up identical obstacle courses for each team. Divide the players into equal teams. Give each team a hula hoop (wheel) and a rubber bike handles to turn it with. The first ...
HulaHoop Relay
Formation – Teams in a circleEquipment – Hula-HoopsGame – Have the teams form a circle. Have each girl holding each other's hands. Take a hula-hoop and place it over the leader of the circle's head. On the signal, the girls must pass the hula-hoop around the circle using their ...
Human Foosball
This can be played indoors or outdoors. For indoor play, use a rubber ball. For outdoor play, use a soccer ball. Form two teams and set them up as a foosball table. Players all hold hands in their respective rows. Now the only way they can kick the ball is ...
Human Foosball
This can be played indoors or outdoors. For indoor play, use a rubber ball. For outdoor play, use a soccer ball. Form two teams and set them up as a foosball table. Players all hold hands in their respective rows. Now the only way they can kick the ball is ...
Humming Game
Formation – IndividualEquipment – noneGame – Start the girls humming, the longest hummer wins. ...
Hunt the Rabbit
Everyone leaves the room, and a "rabbit" is hidden somewhere in plain sight. The "rabbit" may be a toy rabbit or any other object may be used instead. As the boys return to the room everybody tries to locate the "rabbit." When they see it they sit down quietly and ...
Hunter And His Dogs A very boisterous game
Type: Pack Equipment: NilAll players are against a wall except one who is chosen to be the Hunter. A signal is given and players must change ends, with the Hunter trying to tag as many as possible. Those tagged become the Hunter's Dogs and as such may help the Hunter with ...
I Can Carry A Tune In A Paper Bag
Write the words to a well-known song title on 3 x 5 cards—one card per word. Make two sets and place them in a large bowl/box. Create two teams, each composed of the same number of players as there are words in the song title. (For example, teams for “Twinkle, ...
Icicle Hunt
You will need numerous pieces of string of varying lengths. Hide them around the room before the boys arrive. Have the boys hunt for the “iciclesâ€. The leader ends the hunt after a given period of time. The ...

If You Go To The North Pole With Me
This can be used in both Den and Pack Meetings. Group can be divided into smaller groups, which compete or can be done within the den with boys taking turns. The Den Leader chants: "If you go to the North Pole with me, what are the wonders you will see?". ...
In the Box
Equipment: Wrapped boxes with different items inside each one To Play: Players sit in a circle. Start passing the first box around. Each player asks a yes or no question about what is in the box and then tries to guess what the item is. The first to guess correctly ...
In The Pond01
Formation – Group CircleEquipment – chalkGame: Draw a large circle with chalk on the blacktop. Have all the girls line up outside the chalk line. When you call “in the pond” all should jump in the circle. When you call “on the bank” all should jump out of the ...
In The Pond02
Type: Water Equipment: Nil Line the Cubs along the edge of a small stream or pond. When the command 'In the pond' or "On the bank' is given, Cubs act accordingly. If a mis-command 'On the pond' or "In the Bank" or a repeat ...
In The Pond03
Mark a big circle on the floor. This is the pond. The whole group stands around the edge. The leader is the referee. When he shouts "In the Pond," you all jump into the circle. When he shouts "On the Bank," you all jump out. But... sometimes he will try ...
In the Tomb Out Of The Tomb
Draw a long line using string or masking tape. Have the children line up in a straight line facing the leader on the right side of the line. The right side of the line is called "In the tomb" and the left side of the line is named "out of ...
Independence Tag
Someone, who is designated as “IT” pursues the other players and tries to touch one of them. When one has been touched, he must keep his hand on the spot where he was touched and pursue the others. His hand cannot be freed from this spot until he has tagged ...
Independence Tag
Someone, who is designated as “IT” pursues the other players and tries to touch one of them. When one has been touched, he must keep his hand on the spot where he was touched and pursue the others. His hand cannot be freed from this spot until he has tagged ...
Indian File Dodge Ball
Type: Circle Equipment: Large ballThe players are in a circle, with one Six in the center. The Six in the center are in file formation, grasping each other around the waist or on the shoulders. The whole file is free to move in any direction, but the grip must not be ...
Indian Hoop Roll
Make hoop out of a slender branch, about 1' diameter, by tying ends together. Weave string-work in the hoop leaving a 6" bull's eye in the center. The boys line up, the hoop is rolled down before the line. The object is to send lance through bull's eye in the ...
Indian Lance Throwing
Turn slender saplings, about 4' long, into lances with feathers for steering. Boys line up, throw lances for distance. ...
Individual Tails
Type: Pack game Equipment: Tail for each Cub, tucked in belt and dragging on the ground. Cubs try to capture each other's tails by treading on them. When captured a Cub must surrender any other tails he has captured. He can go to the ...
Indoor Track Meet
A good idea would be to run this track meet on a Six basis, with each Six sending forward its representative before the name of the contest is announced.Bean Toss: Give each contestant 10 navy beans and have him try to throw them, one at a time, into a quart ...
Invisible Ink Pictionary
Materials needed: 3 x 5 index cards, white crayon, white paper Play: Write some simple words on 3x5 index cards – one word per card. Use words pertaining to magic, such as: magic hat, wand, star, rabbit, broom, etc. Using a white crayon, have the boy draw the word on ...
Invisible Red Ball
Everyone stands in a circle facing the middle. The leader starts by walking across the circle to a specific person and says the person’s name s/he is now facing followed by “Jane here is the RED BALL”. The person says “Thank you for the RED BALL George” stating the name ...
Im a Great Big Whale
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: Wool or some sort of flag to put into the back pocket. Formation: ScatterThe Sixers stand in the middle of the room. They are the 'whales'. The rest of the Pack with a flag in their back pocket (sticking out), line up at either end of the room. They are ...
Ive Lost My Dog
Players stand in a ring facing inwards. The leader stands in the center. He addresses one of the players, saying, "I've lost my dog." The player asks, "What is it like?"The leader describes any other person in the ring--trying a so to make the description fit a dog. When the ...
Jack Balls
A rough and tumble takeoff of "boulles". Each player gets 2 balls of a unique color or marking. Croquet balls or painted golf balls work nicely but use your imagination, pinecones, rocks or shoes might do. The winner of the previous game tosses a white target ball out from where ...
Jack Sprat
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: None Formation: Circle, in pairsHave all the players except 'Jack Sprat' form pairs and stand in a circle. When Jack Sprat says, 'face to face', the partners face each other. When he says 'back to back', or 'side to side', his directions must be followed. If he says 'Jack Sprat', ...
Jacks Alive
Draw a ring 6' in diameter. The contestants enter the ring, stoop over and grasp their ankles. The object of the game is to push your opponent over or to make him let go of his ankles. The player is automatically disqualified if he steps out of the circle. ...
Japanese Balloon Game
The group stands in a circle. The leader has half a dozen balloons. Into each, a message has been inserted before the balloon was blown up. One at a time, a balloon is passed from player to player around the circle, until the leader blows a whistle. The player holding ...
Jump the Creek
Each boy does his best and tries to improve his last jump. Two ropes are laid parallel and close together. One at a time, the boys jump across the ‘creek.’ After all, have jumped, the distance between the ropes is increased slightly. The boys must not step in the creek ...
Jump The Nile
Place two long thin sticks, or dowels, two feet apart. Tell the children that the Nile River runs through Egypt. It is a wide river, but full of crocodiles. Have those that want to jump the Nile line up behind one of the sticks. They will all get a chance ...
Country - IndiaFormation – Two TeamsEquipment – NoneGame – Have two teams line up at least 15’ apart from each other. Flip a coin to see which side will go first. A player from team one stands near the centerline. On the signal, the player runs to the team ...
Kangaroo Hop
Active, outdoors/indoorsEquipment: 1 tennis ball per teamFormation: relay.The Sixes line up in files, a chair in front of each. The first Cub grips the ball between his knees and hops around the chair and back to his place. He hands over the ball to the next Cub, who does the ...
Keep Away
Type: Coming in game Equipment: A rubber ballIf there is a large number of players, they should form a circle. For a small group, have the players, spread out and form a square or five-sided figure. One player is chosen to be "it" and he stands in the center.The other players ...
Keep Talking
This wears down even the most active scout. Break into pairs. Each person must talk as fast and long as possible. The person who lasts the longest moves up and competes with other winners until a champion is crowned. Some ground rules: brief breaths are allowed, but no pauses. No ...
Keep The Basket Full
Type: Pack Game Equipment: 15 to 20 tennis balls and a small boxOne person has the box in which the balls are placed. As quickly as possible he picks up one ball at a time and rolls it across the ground. The rest of the players race after the balls, retrieve ...
Key word
This is like an audience participation stunt. Choose a favorite song. Tell the group whenever they hear a particular word, they should clap as they sing it. For example, with “My Bonnie,” you might clap each time you sing “Bonnie.” Other actions you can do each time you hear a ...
Kick The Can
Country – United StatesFormation – CircleEquipment – An empty can, chalkGame – Draw a circle large enough so that all the players can stand around it. Put the can in the center of the circle. Choose somebody to be ‘it’. The rest of the players stand around the circle. ...
Kick the Can
Materials: Two empty cans To play: Divide the group into two teams and line them up relay style behind a start/finish line. Give each team an empty can. The object of the game is for the first Cub on each team to kick the can to a turning point and ...
Kick Tin
Type: Pack Equipment: An old beer can (or similar). Area with cover.Akela is the "Guardian of the Tin", which is placed in a circle about two feet across. The Cubs all stand around the circle and one of them kicks the tin out. Everybody then runs and hides except the Guardian ...
Kick Hide and Seek
Outdoors Equipment: Soccerball Formation: ScatterMark a goal 3' in circumference and place a soccer ball in it. Have one of the players kick the ball as far as possible. While the others run and hide, 'it' runs to recover it and replaces the ball in the circle before going in search of ...
Kill The Rattlesnake
The group stands in a big circle. In the center are two boys blindfolded. One, the Hunter, has an old sock stuffed with Paper. The other, the Rattlesnake, has a tin (old shoe polish tins are ideal) with a lid on -- containing small pebbles. The Hunter starts the game ...
Kim Pairs
Indoors Equipment: 12 objects on a tray; pencil and paper per Cub Formation: CircleThere are three versions of this game that can be taken in natural progression:1. The Cubs sit in a circle and look at the objects on the tray. The leader then mentions an object which relates to something on ...
Kims Game
Indoors Equipment: 12 articles on a tray - ordinary items such as string, ink, rubber, calendar; a piece of paper and a pencil per Cub Formation: CircleThe Cubs sit in a circle and the leader shows them the tray full of articles for a few minutes, before covering it over. The Cubs ...
Kingfisher Race
Type: Water game Equipment: Corks and stringFor this game tie the corks to small rocks, using a short piece of string. The Cubs are in Sixes. On "go" the first Cub in each races into each about 2 feet of water where the corks are sunk, dives under, picks up a ...
Knee Balloon Relay
Formation: Form teams in single linesEquipment: Balloons (have plenty on hand)Game: Line up teams in a single file. Give the first person a balloon to place between her knees. She then has to race to the end of the line without dropping the balloon. She hands it to the ...
Knotting Baseball
Same teams as baseball, but no bat or ball. The pitcher and batter each have a piece of rope. The pitcher calls the name of the knot and throws his rope to anyone in the field. If a batter reaches first with the knot tied correctly, he is safe. If ...
Knotting Circle
Players in a circle, one ties a knot in a bit of rope and drops it at the feet of one of another group, who must name the knot correctly and say if it is tied right before the person who tied the knot has run around the circle. Whichever ...
Knotting Relays
Give all boys a chance to compete and practice. Use basic knots tied in a useful way: bowline around the waist, tie a sheet bend using two different thicknesses of rope, tie a clove hitch around a spar or pole. ...
Kris Kringle Relay
Boys line up in teams, relay style. Each team has two shoe boxes representing Kris Kringle’s boots. On signal, the first player of each team places his feet in the boxes and shuffles up to and around a ...

La Palma Bolivian Indian
The Indians of Bolivia used the tail bones of a donkey or llama (you can use a stick) for this game. Set the stick up on end in a hole in the ground. Now draw a straight line away from the stick. Measure out a distance of 3' from the ...
Lame Chicken
Materials needed: a 10” long stick for each boy Play: Divide into two groups and have the boys place the sticks on the ground about 10 inches apart, like the rungs on a ladder. On a signal, the first boy on each team hops on one foot over all the ...
Last Man Across
Players line up and race to the finish line. The slowest drops out. The others race back to the starting line. Again the slowest is eliminated. This continues until only one person remains. He is the winner. ...
Lemon Lime Race
Formation – TeamsEquipment – Lemons and limesGame - Set in teams of two. Each team member uses a stick to push the lemon or lime across the room to the other team member who must push it back. See if they can stay on course! ...
The group walks around in a circle singing. When leader signals they must jump into the "lifeboats." Leader puts up any number of fingers and whoever is not in a "boat" with the same number of passengers must drop out. ...
Light No light
Evening game, outdoorsEquipment: flashlightFormation: scatterThe game is best in a large open wooded area.Players line up at one end of the playing area, while one player, holding a flashlight, stands at the other end.The object of the game is to move from one end of the playing area to the ...
One of the players is the lighthouse, parked at one end of the hall. Half the group is rocks and they are spaced around the floor, with a gap between each of them. The rest of the group are ships who have to make their way, blindfolded, through the rock ...
Lion Taming
Try to tame the lions by knocking them off their pedestals. For pedestals, use inverted galloon ice cream cartons. Set them up in several rows. For animals, round up stuffed animals (they needn’t be all lions), or make the animals out of cardboard, at least a foot tall. Glue a ...
Listen and Sing
Make a list of songs and their first lines. Divide the group into two teams. The leader will read the first line of a song to one of the teams. They have just three seconds to sing the next couple of lines to it. Score five points if they get ...
Litter Basketball
Materials: Lots of crumpled computer or copy paper, Trash cans To play: Divide the group into two teams and seat them behind a throw line. Place the trash cans about 10 feet away (distance depends on the motor skills of your boys). On the signal “GO!” Cubs fire their paper ...

Log Chopping
Logs must be of equal size and diameter. The first to chop through his log is the winner. ...
Log Sawing
Logs of equal thickness must be sawed into two pieces. Crosscut saws and pulp saws must be used. ...
Lost Player
One player is sent out of the room in an unobtrusive manner; the leader then announces that he sees that someone is missing and asks for a description for a search party. The best description of missing player and his clothes wins. ...
Magic Bingo
Materials needed: bingo set, bingo cards, markers Play: M A G I C 58 5 6 42 49 4 1 0 2 3 19 71 72 26 FREE 2 4 29 68 55 31 62 43 3 5 0 36 5 4 5 Play a game of Bingo. Take a ...
Magic Hospital
Divide children into small groups and ask them to visualize, that they are doctors working in a magic hospital where laziness, cunnings, greediness, anger, etc. are being treated.Children should choose one bad quality and make up a recipe and recommendations on how to help people get rid of this quality.The ...
Magic Shoes
Formation – Teams of 8 to 10 people Equipment – Something to make 2 lines Game – Set the boundary lines about four feet apart. Have the team stand behind one boundary line, facing the other line. Tell the girls all of the directions. The entire team must get ...
Magic South
Have all the group close their eyes and point which direction they think is north. When they open their eyes there will be confusion and laughter. Have a compass ready to settle disputes. ...
Magic Square Mania
Did you know where the word dinosaur comes from?? See the origin in "Theme Related Stuff" To further improve your dinosaur vocabulary, read column A. Choose an answer from Column B. Write the number of the answer in the Magic Square. The first one has been done for you. Column ...

Magic Sticks
Materials needed: two sticksPlay: The leader holds two sticks. He is holding the sticks crossed or uncrossed. He says “These sticks are crossed.” or “These sticks are uncrossed.” The leader then passes the stick around and each person tries to figure it out. The solution is: the sticks are crossed ...
Type: Team game Equipment: A small object for each member of one team Divide the Pack into two teams. One team to stand with legs apart in a straight line (feet touching those of the next Cub). In between each Cubs, legs is a ...
Marble Chop Suey
Materials needed: marbles, pencil or chopsticks, small bowls Play: Put six marbles in a small bowl. The Cub Scouts use two pencils or chopsticks and using only one hand, try to move the marble into a second bowl. This is a little easier if they use unsharpened pencils with erasers. ...
Marble Relay
Formation – Teams in individual circlesEquipment – marbles and 3 cupsGame: One cup is filled with 20 marbles and is placed inside the center of the team sitting in a circle. On the signal, the team leader removes a marble from the cup and places it in her cupped ...
Playing Marbles -For a den tournament, draw a circle on the bare ground 5 to 10 feet in diameter. Make a cross of 13 marbles in the center as shown above. Boys take turns shooting at the marbles with their shooter, trying to knock them out of ...

Formation – 2-4 playersEquipment – A bag of marbles and the appropriate number of shooters (large marbles), string, or chalk if outdoors.Game: Use the string (or if outdoors use the chalk), to make a circle large enough to hold the smaller marbles in it. Each girl then takes turns ...
Players in a circle; each player, in turn, goes into the center and "registers" an emotion by facial expression. The first player to guess the emotion portrayed correctly scores; each player has only one guess. Best total wins. ...
Match The Dinosaurs
This is a fun activity! I was amazed when my son was into dinosaurs, how many he could recognize. However, you may be better off using pictures from books you have at home or from the library rather than these. Alternatively, maybe your son (or a friend) has dinosaur models, ...

Matchstick Patterns
Type: Sixes training Equipment: Matchsticks A simple pattern using 8 matches is shown. Each six has to reproduce the pattern from memory, taking care to place the match heads in their original positions in the design. ...
Meet My Friend
Nature game, outdoorsEquipment: NoneFormation: GroupThe object of this game is to discover a friend in nature, without harming any living thing that might be found in the out-of-doors.Players are taken on a short hike during which time each player collects something from the natural environment (nothing may be broken or ...
Memory Game
One person starts the game by saying: “As I was traveling through the United States, I placed an apple in my bag (or anything that begins with the letter A). The next player says, “As I was traveling through the United States, I placed an apple and a balloon in ...
Memory Testing
Groups are lined up. The leader tells them they must not move until he says "Move." He then gives a number of orders, i.e. left-turn, about-turn, right-turn, about-turn. This brings them back to the original front but can be varied. He then gives the word "Move." The winning group is ...
Merry Christmas Matching Game
There are many traditions and customs in different countries celebrating Christmas and other holidays. Here is a fun matching game. Mix up the countries and the way to say “Merry Christmas” in different languages. [Source: Teacher Created Materials, Inc.1989] Belgium – Zalig Kerstfeest China – Sheng Tan Kuai Loh Denmark ...
Metro Medley
Active, outdoors/indoorsEquipment: Per team: 1 conductor hat; 1 whistleFormation: shuttleDivide the group into two or more teams; line them up in shuttle formation, with half the team at one end of the playing area and the other half at the other end. The first member of each team is the ...
Minute Timer
A quiet game. Have all the scouts close their eyes. Start a timer. Have people raise their hand (and open their eyes) when they think one minute is up. Used to take control of the group. You will have total attention!! Even works for very large groups of adults. ...
Miss The Target
Formation – InformalEquipment – Plate, marbles, or checkersGame – Put a paper plate or a pin tin in the middle of a 10’ circle (have the girls form one). Players stay outside this circle and roll marbles or click checkers towards the plate. The object is to NOT touch ...
Mixed Cubs
You need enough chairs for everyone in the group except for one person. Put the chairs in a circle. Then go around the circle and tell each person a Scout name like “Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos.” The person in the center can then call out one of the names of ...
Monster Relay
Water game, outdoors.Equipment: none.Formation: teamsDivide the group into teams of 8-10 players.Set up a 'monster' relay where every player has a role. Some swim through shallow water, some through deep water. Have some do cartwheels through shallow areas, while others swim with one hand in the air.The design of the ...
Mopping Him Up
Indoors Equipment: 1 dish mop; a pail or bucket Formation: CircleThe Cubs stand in a large circle with the pail in the middle. They all hold out their hands. One Cub with the mop walks around the inside of the circle and taps someone on his hands. He then rushes to the ...
Morse Relay
Equipment: one signal flag for each group, improvised from a neckerchief tied to a stick, four feet long, OR one flashlight or blinker for each group.Groups line up in a relay formation. On the word "Go," the first player from each group runs up to the flag or blinker and ...
Mowgli and the Red Flower
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: 1 red scarf or beanbag Formation: CirclePick one player as Mowgli. He hides his eyes. Pick another player as 'it', without letting Mowgli know who 'it' is. Mowgli then comes into the village (circle) and tries to get the Red Flower (fire). The player who is 'it' tries to catch ...
Multiples Or
Players sit in a circle and start counting around the circle from "one." If the agreed figure for the game is seven, each time the number being called includes the figure seven or is a multiple of seven, the player keeps quiet and clasps his hands together. If anyone makes ...
Mummy Wrap Relay
Materials: Old sheets (1 for each team) Divide into as many teams as needed; have each team divide into 2 groups, which are at opposite ends from each other. The first person in each individual team must wrap themselves into the sheet by laying down and rolling up into the ...
Music Magic
Choose a small object to hide. Select one person to be “It.” “It” leaves the room, out of sight. Hide the small object and the group in the room starts singing a song. When “It” hears singing, he comes back and looks for the object. As he nears the object, ...
Musical Beach towels
Materials needed: Beach towels or mats for each player minus one (carpet squares could be used instead as the beach towels could be too slippery), music to play (preferably Hawaiian). Play: Layout one less beach towel/mat than you have players/beach walkers. Have the beach walkers walk in a circle around ...
Musical Charades
Prepare eight to ten slips of paper with names of popular songs. Place them in a bowl. Boys take turns pulling a song from the bowl and then must act out the title as in the game of Charades until someone guesses the song title. The player who guesses the ...
Musical Hoops
Equipment: Music, hula-hoops or circles of rope (Quantity will vary depending on the number of players) To Play: Scatter hoops around the play area. Play music loud enough for all to hear. Instruct players to move around while the music plays. When the music stops, each player must be holding ...
Name The Tune
Divide the group into two teams. The first team hums the first line of a song (they must know the title of the song too). The second team tries to name the song. ...
Nature Alphabet
Outdoors Equipment: 1 large paper bag per Six Formation: SixesEach Six has to find a nature specimen for each letter of the alphabet. The leader should set a time limit. ...
Nature Alphabet Race
Divide the group into two teams. Give each team a pencil and paper and ask them to list growing things for each letter. Examples: ant, butterfly, crocus, etc. Set a time limit. The team with the longest list wins. ...
Nature Hunt
The Canadian Camping Association (CCA) gave us permission to reprint a nature hunt idea that encourages exploration. Developed by Jean Funk, chairman of the CCA's environmental concerns committee, it's best suited to Cubs working in sixes, but Beavers can try some of it, too, with a leader guiding a small ...
Nature Scavenger Hunt
This hunt is intended to test the boys' knowledge of nature in an exciting competition. It is run like any scavenger hunt, with each den having a list of nature objects and identifying as many as possible in a time limit set (10 to 20 minutes). The list should have ...
Neat Circle
Type: Pack Circle Equipment: Nil The Cubs sit in the pack circle and in each six every cub is allotted a particular item from cleanliness rules. Akela tells a story involving the actions concerned, and when these are mentioned the respective cubs run around ...
Net The Animal
This game must be played in an area with boundary lines. For each net, you will need four boys holding hands forming a circle. You will need one boy to be the animal. Each group consists of four boys and one boy who is the animal and does not want ...
Newsboy Bicycle Contest
Arrange five large, clean garbage cans or wastebaskets in line, each about 25' apart. Draw a chalk line on the pavement, parallel to and 15' from the cans. Each boy in turn is given ten rolled-up newspapers, which he may carry in a bag or in a bicycle basket. He ...
Newspaper Grab
Type: Pack Game Equipment: NewspaperThe cubs run around the edge of the room and a sheet of newspaper lies in the center. On a signal from Akela, the cubs scramble for the paper to see who can grab the biggest piece. ...
Newspaper Hockey
Materials needed: roll of newspaper for each boy, soft rubber ball or nerf ball, two goals Play: Play like you would regular street hockey. Each team has a goalie. “High Sticking” results in a penalty. ...
Newspaper Softball
You will need a rolled-up newspaper, 4 bases and 2 cans. Divide players into two teams. Place two cans on either side of home plate and the rolled newspaper across the two cans. The first batter stands behind the newspaper and kicks it. The game is on. All the rules ...
Newspaper Study
Equipment for each group: one copy of the same edition of a daily newspaper, scissors and pencils.Each group reads through the news items and finds those that illustrate some aspect of the Promise or Law. These headlines, articles or photos are cut out and marked with the corresponding aspect of ...
Nigels Navy
Type: Pack Equipment: Four small balls of different colored wool, and some white cardsDivide the Cubs into three or four fleets. Each has an adult Leader as an Admiral and Quartermaster. Each also has a base in which the Admiral/Quartermaster sits. There are three types of ships; battleships, submarines, and destroyers. ...
North by Northeast
Nature game, outdoors/indoorsEquipment: 1 compassFormation: scatterThe leader gathers the group together. Using the compass, they all learn how to determine which direction is north. Someone from the group is asked to select an object that lies directly north, (e.g., a tree, or a doorstep, or a post). Then the group ...
North South East And West
Players are formed up in open formation.The four sides of the room are named North, East, South, and West respectively. The corners of the room are named to correspond with the intermediate compass directions. Whenever the umpire names a direction the players immediately jump to face in the direction. Players ...
Number Catch
Type: Pack Equipment: Large ballOne player is chosen to be the pitcher and all the others count off starting with one to ten etc. The pitcher throws the ball as high in the air as he can while he calls one of the numbers. The cub whose number is called runs ...
Number Sit
Whenever the leader in telling a story mentions a number, the Scouts all sit down. The last Scout to sit down drops out of the game. The game ends when only one Scout remains - the winner. ...
ObjectPassing Tag
Fugitives pass an object. If a handkerchief is the object used, "It" can tag only the person who is carrying the handkerchief. To free himself the player carrying the handkerchief hands (not throws) it to any other fugitive. ...
Observation Change
Type: Pack (Quiet) Equipment: Nil The pack is in two lines. Lines are back to back and one line alters something on their uniform. The opposite side guesses what is different and then has their turn. ...
Octopus Tag
Choose one person to be the octopus. The octopus is “it.” If you are playing indoors, you will need to clear a space between two walls. If you are playing outdoors, lay two ropes on the ground about thirty feet across from each other. The person who is the octopus ...
Old Sock
All you need to play this game is 8 or more people, an old sock tied up in knots and some open space with marked boundaries. To start the game, everyone gathers in the center and one person throws the sock high into the air. You now have to decide ...
On the Journey
Outdoors Equipment: Pencil and paper for each Six Formation: SixesThe Cubs try to spot something beginning with each letter of the alphabet. These must be written down in alphabetical order and nothing beginning with B may be spotted until A has been noted.This can be played for general interest in one group, ...
One Out
Players stand behind a line about 40' from a line of objects. These objects should be about 2' apart and there should be one object less than the number of players. All players race toward the objects, trying to pick up one. The player who doesn't get one drops out ...
One Word at A Time
Place the names of several well-known songs in a hat. Sit the boys in a circle, have one draw a name from the hat and read it aloud. He then says or sings the first word of the song. The boy to his right then says or sings the second ...
OneLeaf Trail
A trail is laid using one kind of leaf as a marker and letting the stem point in the direction to be followed. At the end of the trail, the players hunt for the tree whose leaves were used. ...
Orange Juice Lid Flip and Match
This is a “Concentration”-like game. You will need several metal lids from juice cans, various stickers or permanent marking pens. Have the Cub Scouts make identical designs on pairs of can lids. Mix up the lids, and place them face down (orderly rows tends to make it a bit easier). ...
OrangeJuiceLid Flip and Match
This is a “Concentration”-like game. You will need several metal lids from juice cans, various stickers or permanent marking pens. Have the Cub Scouts make identical designs on pairs of can lids. Mix up the lids, and place them face down (orderly rows tend to make it a bit easier). ...
Country - HaitiFormation – InformalEquipment – A bouncy ball, 12 jacks, stones, or nuts (Osselets)Game – One player picks up the ball and the stones. They toss them into the air so they land on the ground in random places. The ball must be caught on the bounce for ...
Ostrich Tag
To be safe, a player must stand with his right arm under his left knee (raised). The fingers of his right hand grasp his nose. ...
Over And Under
Formation – TeamsEquipment – Ruler or stick about 12”Game: Start by giving the first person in each line a ruler. On the signal, they then start passing the ruler back to the person behind them moving the ruler down the line. As they pass the ruler they must alternate ...
Over The Line
Type: TEAM Game Equipment: NilThe Cubs are divided into two teams that stand on either side of a line drawn through the center of the playing area. When the game starts, the players reach across the line and try to grab a person on the other side. The object is to ...
Pack Em In
Active, outdoors/indoorsEquipment: per team: suitcase; umbrella; hat; coat; gloves; scarf (it is ideal if the clothing is oversized).Formation: relay.Divide the group into even teams and line up each team in relay formation. Place the suitcase, filled with the clothing, in front of the first player on each team.On 'Go', the ...
Panning For Gold Relay Race
Prepare to get wet! Divide the little miners into 2 or more teams. You will need the following: •One small empty wading pool/bucket per team. Mark a fill line on each pool/bucket. •One wading pool in the middle with water in it. •One foil pie tin per team. Put several ...
Paper Bag Masks
Each player is equipped with a large paper bag that will fit over his head and a crayon. Players place bags over their heads and attempt to draw a face on the bag. Eyes, nose, mouth, mustache, etc. After all are finished, points are awarded for the funniest face. ...
Pass the Bag
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: 2 beanbags Formation: CircleForm a circle with an even number of players. Every other person is on the same team. Give one beanbag to a player on one side of the circle and a second beanbag to a player on the other side on the opposite side of the circle. ...
Pass the coconut
Materials needed: one coconut, music preferably Hawaiian Play: Players sit in a circle with one player holding the coconut. The music begins and the coconut is passed around the circle until the music is stopped. The player holding the coconut when the music is stopped is out. The music begins ...
Pass the Dreidel
Cubs sit in a circle and start the music. Pass the top around the circle. When the music stops, the Cub holding the dreidel drops out. Last Cub is the winner. ...
Pass The Lifesavers
Formation – TeamsEquipment – straws, and lifesaversGame: Give each team member a straw. The first person in line gets a lifesaver placed on the end of the straw. At the start, the lifesaver is passed from one straw to the next, down the line until the last player has ...
Pass the Word
Form the den in a large circle. Den leader whispers a message to one of the players, who then goes to the next player and whispers the same message to him, and so on around the circle. The last player to receive the massage repeats it out loud. How close ...
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: 1 ball or rolled-up newspaper Formation: CircleArrange the players in a circle, have them number off, and select a player to be 'it'. He stands in the center of the circle with a ball or rolled-up newspaper. When he calls out two to five numbers, these players should exchange places ...
Patriotic Colors
Indoors Equipment: None Formation: CircleThe leader sits in the middle of the circle, points to a player, and calls 'red'. The player has to name an object that is red (e.g. tomato, fire engine) before the leader can count to 10 out loud. The same object cannot be repeated. If a player ...
Patriotic Colors
Play: The Cubs are sitting in a circle. One Cub is designated as Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam stands in the middle of the circle and points to a player and calls "red" the player has to name an object that is red (tomato, fire engine, etc.…) before Uncle Sam can ...
Pavement Artist
Type: Semicircle Equipment: A large number of sheets of brown paper, crayons, 3 or 4 beans per Cub.One Cub, the Pavement Artist, sits on the floor with an upturned cap in front of him and proceeds to draw anything he likes.Meanwhile, other Cubs, who are sitting some distance away in a ...
Pea Toss
Formation – IndividualEquipment – plastic spoon. dried peasGame – have the girls flip the peas with the plastic spoon, the farthest pea wins. ...
Peanut Nose Race
Formation – TeamsEquipment – peanutsGame: Have the girls roll a peanut with their noses on the floor to the finish line. They are not allowed to use their hands for assistance. Make sure the finish line is not too long. ...
Peanut Spoon Race
Formation – TeamsEquipment – Plastic spoons, peanutsGame: Start with the first player in each line getting a spoon and a peanut. On the signal, they run as fast as they can to the turning point and back to the line. They then had the spoon and peanut to the ...
Penguin Tag
Materials needed: None Play: One person is "IT." Every other player tries to avoid being tagged. If they get tagged, they become frozen until they are tagged by another player. To avoid being tagged, players can put their arms at their sides, legs together, feet turned out and waddle like ...
Penny Hike
Formation – GroupEquipment – Any coinGame – Go on a hike and when you come to a fork in the road, flip a coin to see which direction to take. ...
Photo Essay
In this activity, patrols prepare a pictorial record of some of the natural phenomena they've observed during past projects. Each patrol needs a camera with flash and 20-24 exposure color print film.Patrols have a list of 12 subjects to photograph and must choose six other subjects. Before the next meeting, ...
Pickle Games
Pickle Person Contest: Give each scout a giant dill pickle on a paper plate with yarn, beads, pipe cleaners, and other material for decorating the pickle. Stick the materials to the pickle with tacky glue. Have each scout write his name on the plate, and decorate the pickle to look ...
Picture Scavenger Hunt
Ranger Rick's Activities Guide offers an excellent hunt for Beavers, many of whom are still just learning to read. Prepare a picture scavenger sheet for each boy by ruling a piece of paper into a dozen squares and either drawing or gluing down a picture of a different natural item ...
Pile The Reels
Type: Relay Equipment: Many cotton reelsSixes stand in line as for a race. At the other end of the hall is a pile of cotton reels of different shapes and sizes for each Six. In turn, Cubs run up and add one cotton reel to the tower started by number 1. ...
Pin the Hanukkah Candle
Materials: A poster-size menorah A cardboard candle for each player How to Play: Draw a menorah on a large sheet of cardboard and tape it to the wall. From lightweight cardboard or poster board cut out a candle for each player. The candle represents the shames or candle used to ...
Mexican Christmas festivities have the longest duration in the world. They start on December 12th and end on January 6th with the arrival of the Three Wise Men to give their gifts. There are over 30 traditions only found within Mexican Christmas. [Source: wikipedia.org] One of these is the Piñata. ...
Pirate Justice
While your young “pirates” are in the mood, why not have them “walk the plank”. In a different room, away from the den meeting, or outdoors if weather permits, appoint two pirates (or your den chief and assistant den leader” as custodians of “the plank” which consists of one foot ...
Pirate Treasure A quiet game
Equipment: Scarf, Bunch of keys or anything else suitable for treasure One cub, the “pirate” is blindfolded and sits in the center of the room with the “treasure” in front of him. The other Cubs try to creep up from the sides of the room to “steal” the treasure. If ...
Pirates 3 Coins at the Fountain
Type: Six Equipment: Seven stones, or other objectsThe Cubs are divided into four equal groups, with one group sitting in each corner. The seven stones are put in the center, with a square drawn around them, and a small square in front of each team. Each Cub in the team is ...
Plants KnowHow
Help the Cub Scouts learn the names of trees and bushes in the area and what their leaves look like. Collect various samples of leaves, flowers, or seeds from trees or bushes, or use paper cutouts. This can be a matching game that is written down; the boy who gets ...
Poachers and EcoPolice
Equipment 50 animal cards (8 cm squares cut from cardboard: draw an animal outline or write an animal name on each) Strips of paper 2 cm x 20 cm in two colors for "lives" Safety pins one per player and some extrasTo Play (15-minute rounds)Hide the cards randomly throughout the play area. Explain ...
Pocket Billiards
Have the boys play pocket billiards. Set up the general outline of the table on the floor (rug or hard floor) using scrap 1X2 boards and make pockets in the corners and sides (openings with paper cups taped to them). Have the boys use ping-pong balls (of different colors) to ...
Pocket Kims Game
For Pocket Kim’s Game, have the boys empty their pockets on the table. If there aren’t enough things on the table, have some pocket items to add; if there are too many, give back some of the repeat items. Give the boys a few minutes to study the collection and ...
Pocket Kims Game
For Pocket Kim's Game, have the boys empty their pockets on the table. If there aren't enough things on the table, have some pocket items to add; if there are too many, give back some of the repeat items. Give the boys a few minutes to study the collection and ...
Pocket Murder
The contents of a "murdered man's" pockets are displayed. Players must deduce his age, profession, and interest in recent activities. ...
Pocket Tag
This one is regular tag except the boys have to run with one hand in a back pocket (or if it seems too easy and can be done safely, two hands!). ...
Poets Hunt
From Scouting (UK) magazine, we borrowed an idea Cubs will enjoy. Give each six a copy of the poem and a collecting bag, set a time limit, and send them on their hunt. Caution them to bring back only fallen materials or nonliving things. Tell them to note the locations ...
Draw a 10' circle on the ground. Players on the outside of the circle facing inward, join hands. Then on signal, the circle rotates. The ground inside the circle is poison. The object is to force others to touch poison without touching it yourself. Those who touch poison are out. ...
Poison Tag
The player who is "It" must keep his hand on the spot where he was tagged. ...
Polar Bears Fly
Materials needed: None Play: The players stand in a group facing the leader. Each player should have enough room to make full "flapping" movements with their arms. The leader calls out "Ducks fly." "Owls fly." "Polar bears fly” ...and so on. If the animal that is called out really does ...
Pony Express
One of the players tells the story of the Pony Express, and how the messenger-riders had so little time that they never touched the ground when changing horses but jumped from one horse to the other. "Horses" are spaced out over the course the smallest player in each group is ...
Poor Pussy
Indoors Equipment: 1 blindfold Formation: CircleArrange the group in a circle with a blindfolded player in the center. Then have the players move around the circle very quietly. The blindfolded player should approach the circle in any direction and secure a victim who, in a disguised voice, says 'poor pussy' and then ...
Popstick slapshot
Active, indoors. Equipment: Per team: 1 miniature hockey net or facsimile; 1 ping pong ball; 1 tongue depressor per player. Formation: relay.Divide the group into two teams. Place each net at the same end of the playing area. Each team lines up about six feet in front of its net. The first ...
Post Office
Type: Circle Game Equipment: Nil Players in a large circle round room, each having the name of a town. One Player in the center. Leaders call out two towns and "Letter", "Parcel", or "Telegram". The towns mentioned change places and the one in the ...
Group sits in a circle on the floor. Every player is given the name of a town. One player with his scarf in his hand stands in the middle. At two different places, a letterbox is chalked on the floor. The Postman calls out, "I have a letter to post." ...
Presents Pantomime
Each boy thinks of a present he would like to give a make-believe friend (or a real friend) and then decides how to act out movements for his chosen present. (For example, if he chose a dog, he could chase his tail around in ...
Prisoners Escape Trick
Tie a piece of string around wrists of your "victim" (one of the boys in your den). Loop another piece of string over your victim's wrist and tie it to your wrists. You are now locked together. Challenge victim to get away without breaking the string or untying a knot. ...

PromiseLaw Puzzle
This came from a Den leader of 14 Wolf cubs. She used this jigsaw puzzle type game to help them learn the Cub Scout Promise and the Law of the Pack.Write out the Promise and Law on pieces of two-foot by two-foot 1/4 inch masonite. Then use a jigsaw to ...
Pulling Taffy
Formation – Small groups of 8 to 10 Equipment – noneGame – Half the group sits on the floor facing each other. These people can hook themselves together any way they want. The other half than try to pull them apart. Give them 30 seconds to do so. Then ...
Puppets and Masks
Use grocery-size bags big enough to fit over a boy's head for masks. For ears, noses, and eyebrows, you can use construction paper and yarn. Cartoonists use shapes of people's heads to show something about them, and facial expressions to help the story along. They also can use these same ...

Push Catch
Everyone is in a circle except for one person in the middle (leader). The leader has a ball that he throws to those in the circle. The leader must shout out either push or catch. The person to whom the ball is thrown must do the opposite action that was ...
Putt It There
Active, outdoors/indoorsEquipment: per team: 1 golf umbrella; 1 golf sweater; 1 golf hat; 1 golf glove; 1 golf putter; 1 golf ball; 1 putting cup.Formation: Relay.Divide the group into teams of six. One player from each team is selected to be the model. The teams are lined up at one ...
A bucket is turned upside-down, partly buried to make it firm. On it place a pyramid of pebbles. The players throw pebbles or balls at the pyramid and the winner is the one who knocks the last pebble from the bucket. ...
Queens Headache
Country - EnglandFormation – InformalEquipment – 2 chairsGame - This is a very quiet game. Two people are chosen to be the King and Queen. Two chairs are set up, one facing the players, the other next to it facing the opposite direction. The one facing the players is ...
Quick Frozen Critters
From the Project Wild Activity Guide, this game focuses on the relationship between predators and prey. Use any set of predators and prey you wish (hawks and squirrels, wolves and deer, etc.).Equipment Strips of paper 2 cm x 20 cm for prey Safety pins Predator identification (the simplest is to ask predators to ...
Quick Six
Type: Circle Game Equipment: Tennis ball One Six in the large circle made by the rest of Pack. A tennis ball is thrown at the Six in the center, endeavoring to hit them. As soon as one is hit he leaves the circle. A ...
Rabbit Down a Hole
Indoors Equipment: None Formation: Pairs, scatteredThe Cubs stand in pairs facing each other and holding hands to make arches.The pairs are spaced at random around the room.The Cubs are respectively 'rabbit and hunter'. The 'hunter' gives chase to the 'rabbit' who dodges around the trees, finally going down a hole, e.g., running ...
Semi-active, indoors/outdoorsEquipment: none.Formation: relay.The Sixes line up in files with their Sixers about 10 meters ahead of them. The first Cub in each Six is blindfolded. The Sixers then change places and proceed to call the blindfolded Cubs by their Six names, that is, bringing them in by radar. The ...
Radio Bingo
Equipment: Radio, paper for each player with a 5x5 square grid on it To Play: In each square of the grid, have the players write a word that is likely to be heard on the radio. Each player comes up with his own words. (For example Dow Jones, yesterday, champions, ...
Raise the Flag Pole game
Teach the scouts lashing. Wrap thrice, frap twice. Give each patrol 3 sticks about 1/2 inch in diameter and 3 to 5 ft long. Have them lash a flagpole and raise a flag, using at least 3 sticks. The top stick should be almost vertical, with no sagging. Rough sticks ...
Rats And Rabbits
Type: Team Game Equipment: NilDivide the Pack into teams, which assemble in two straight lines, about six feet apart facing the Leader. One team is named Rats and the other Rabbits. If the call is Rats, the Rats race for their wall with the Rabbits in pursuit, and vice versa. If ...
Rattlesnake Limbo
To Play: The players stand in a line holding hands. The person on one end of the line holds onto something stationary (the wall, a chair, etc.). The person on the other end of the line starts the game by singing a song (any catchy tune that can be sung ...
Ready Aim Roll
Materials needed: Two old rubber tires and several tennis or ping pong balls. Divide the group into two teams. Have the teams form two lines about 15 feet from the tires. The tires can be standing up or lying flat on the ground. Each player gets a chance to throw ...
Formation – TeamsEquipment – Plastic objects of food itemsGame – Have the girls divide up into teams of 4. Send them off scavenging the area for hidden food items. The team that finds the most food wins. ...
Recycle Man
Materials needed: chairs – need one less than there are boys Play: One person is “Recycle Man” and stands in the center of the group, who are seated in chairs. Each boy is given a name of paper, plastic or aluminum. When “Recycle Man” shouts one or two of these ...
Recycled Bottle Bowling
Materials needed: seven or more 2 – liter bottles, water, volleyball or basketball Play: Have boys fill each bottle with a few inches of water. Replace lids. To play the game, boys take turns setting up the “pins” and bowling with the ball. They can keep individual scores or team ...
Recycled Lid Frisbee
Materials needed: variety of plastic lids from margarine containers, yogurt containers, etc., tape or string, markers Play: With a permanent marker, mark half the lids with the letter “C” for Cubs and the other half with the letter “S” for Scouts. Divide the group into two teams, the Cubs and ...
Recycled Lid Frisbee Toss
Collect a variety of plastic lids from containers such as margarine tubs, yogurt containers, coffee cans, etc. With a permanent marker, mark half the lids with one letter and the other half with another letter (for example “C” and “S” for Cubs and Scouts, “B” and “G” for Blues and ...
Red Indian
A blindfolded boy stands in the center of a large circle. Beside him is a log or some other solid object.Other boys are given a piece of sticky paper in the color of their group. These boys circle on hands and knees trying to crawl up silently and place their ...
Red Light Green Light
In this game, one person plays the “stoplight” and the rest try to touch him. At the start, all the players form a line about 15 feet away from the stoplight. The stoplight faces away from the line of players and says “green light”. At this point, the Players are ...
Reindeer Butting Game
Divide the group into teams. Each team is given an orange and lines up in a relay fashion. On signal, the first boy in each team puts the orange on the floor and butts it with his head to a turning line and back. He may not touch the orange ...
Richmond Hill Hand Ball
Active, outdoorsEquipment: soccer or volleyball.Formation: teams.Divide the group into two equal teams. Find a suitable playing field about the size of a soccer field, with an area to be used as an end zone.The play starts with a jump ball. The object is to move the ball down the field ...
Ride Him Cowboy
Type: Six Equipment: NilAll the Six get in a line, except one. Each boy puts his arms around the waist of the boy in front. This line is called a bronco. The remaining Cub, called the Cowboy, is not in line. He tries to ride the bronco. He does this by ...
Ride Up High O Uncle
Country - LebanonFormation – InformalEquipment – noneGame – Players are scattered and ‘it’ tries to catch one. Any player about to be caught can save herself if she can STEP UP on something, - a rock, a stair, a doorsill, a tree root- any place that’s higher than the ...
Ride Em Cowboy
Active, indoors. Equipment: Per team: 1 ten-gallon hat; 1 cowboy belt, holster, and gun; 1 chair; 18 inflated balloons. Formation: relay.Divide the group into teams of six. A chair is placed about fifteen to twenty feet in front of each team.On 'Go', the first person on each team puts on the ten-gallon ...
Right or Left Eyed
The boys may be surprised to learn that they're either right-eyed or left-eyed, just as they are right- or left-handed. They can check by extending a finger toward a distant object while keeping both eyes open. Close the right eye. If the finger appears to jump, this means they are ...
Ring The Bottle
Place a number of bottles on the floor and let several boys play at one time. Each boy has a "fishing rod" consisting of a cane or pole and string; on the end of the string is a brass curtain ring. The first one to get his ring over the ...
Ring The Ten Pegs
Drive nine tent pegs into the ground five to six feet apart, in a big circle. Players run around circle trying to ring pegs with rubber jar rings. Color code the rings with magic marker, blue for one team, yellow for the other. Divide den into two teams. Each team ...
Rock Paper Scissor Glue
Formation – groups of 3-4 sitting in a circleEquipment – noneGame: The object of the game is to see who can get ‘caught’ the least. Start by having each girl place one hand palm side up in front of them. Make a fist with their other hand and place ...
Rocket race to Mars
Materials needed: A large piece of plain paper about 36” x 36”, Crayons or markers, Paper for folding airplanes, Blindfold Play: Lay the large piece of paper on the ground. This paper represents a space map of the universe. With a heavy red crayon or marker draw a solid colored ...
Rocket Race to Mars
Equipment: Blindfold, a poster of the solar system (you can make a simple one on poster board - with Mars clearly identified), a paper spaceship for each player (have them make or color their own), tape To Play: Same principle as Pin the Tail on the Donkey, with the object ...
Rocket Relay
Active, outdoors/indoors.Equipment: 1 chair per Six.at the BalloonSemi-active, indoors.Equipment: Balloons.Formation: Relay.Teams line up with members standing side by side, separated by the distance obtained when players stretch their arms sideways. Fingertips should touch between players.The first player in line takes and inflated balloon, and bats it towards the second person ...
Rockets And Interceptors
Type: Pack Equipment: Some colored bands, six tins, number of bottle-tops, or dried peas.For this game, the area needs to be partly open, and partly of the kind where Cubs can hide themselves:i.e. with scrub lupins and little hillocks, etc. The Cubs are divided into two teams, Rockets, and Interceptors, each ...
Rooster Fight
Each Cub Scout hops on one leg, holding the other. To win, he must make opponent lose balance or step out of circle by bumping shoulders. ...

Rope Golf
This is really a water rescue practice game. First, teach the scouts how to loosely but neatly coil the rope and throw with a long flat sidearm throw. Each patrol is given a long heavy rope, 1/2 inch ropes or bigger 30 to 40 ft. long work best. A target ...
Rope Throw
One member of the group is seated on a piece of cardboard (2' x 2') 30' - 35' away from the group. Balance of group each has one piece of rope about 6' long. On "Go" each group must join all pieces of rope using a specified knot (square, reef, ...
Round the Moon
Active, indoors/outdoorsEquipment: 1 chair per six.Formation: relay.All the Sixes line up at the end of the room. Each Cub places his hands on the waist of the Cub in front so the Sixes form a 'rocket'.One chair is placed at the far end of the room opposite each Six, these ...
Row Ball
Type: Team Game Equipment: Large ball`The pack is divided into two teams, who sit in parallel lines about four feet apart but facing in opposite directions. The feet of each Cub should just touch the seat of the Cub in front. A mark is made halfway down the aisle between the ...
Type: Pack Equipment: Two people in disguise During the meeting, without warning, two "ruffians" in heavy disguise rush in and either kidnap or attach a Leader, then rapidly escape. Each Six then furnishes a report of the event and a description of the wanted ...
Run Around the Town
Outdoors Equipment: Bat; soccer or volleyball. Formation: TeamsDivide the group into two teams. Line up the outfield team as you would for a game of baseball. Line the infield in a straight line about 15' behind the home plate.The pitcher pitches the ball to the first player, who hits it with the ...
Sack Race
Formation – IndividualsEquipment – Potato sacksGame: The players must place both feet into the sack. At the start, they start hopping towards the finish line. The first one over the line wins. If they fall down, they just simply get back up and continue to race. Variation – make ...
Safari Binoculars
Don't forget to take your binoculars! You'll need them when searching for lost cities of gold or a herd of wild elephants. Each boy will need two toilet paper tubes to make his safari binoculars. Cover one end of each tube with a 3-inch circle of colored cellophane and tape ...
Sand Castle Dinosaur Building Contest
Have an old or perhaps new sandbox? Have the boys square off a section of the sandbox for building their unique dinosaur. Award prizes for biggest, smallest, funniest, scariest, and so on. Treat all the sculptors to a roaring good snack. ...
Santas Helpers
Two large identical outlines of Santa Claus are cut from pieces of cardboard. One outline is attached to the wall, while the other is cut up so that each player gets a piece of it -- a nose, ...

Type: Pack Equipment: NilOne Cub goes off and hides within a given area. As the others find him they squeeze in beside him, and all keep hidden until the last one finds them. ...
Scout Law Game
a) Form a circle of scouts, go around the circle with each scout giving the next point of the scout law. If a point is missed the scout leaves the circle. b) To turn into a cooperative gave challenge the patrol to do it ...
Semaphore Drawing
Activity: Semaphore Drawing Type: Sixes Equipment: Each Cub, paper, and crayons (Semaphore Chart) Sixes in corners. One Cub in each Six must know semaphore (or Morse). Other Cubs have paper and crayons. ...
Semaphore Relay
Type: Sixes Equipment: Nil Cubs in Sixes and numbered. The Leader signals a letter and then calls a number. The boys with that number have to get to the other end and back again. First to do so wins point. R means run, W ...
Series of Games
Art Contests: Boys design projects or posters on a particular subject for fun or to be judged. Artists: Players sit round a table, each with paper and pencil. The right-hand Scout draws a picture, in separate firm strokes, of an ordinary figure or head, putting in his strokes in unusual ...
Shere Khan
(The Tiger Game; it is also known as Pom-Pom-Pullaway.) One Cub Scout is Shere Khan, the tiger. All others line up against a wall. Shere Khan stands in the center of the play area. The object of the game is to cross to the opposite goal without being tagged. To ...
Shoe Relay
Formation – TeamsEquipment – shoesGame: Have each girl take off both shoes and pile them into their team's pile. On the signal, one girl at a time races over to find her shoes, put them on, tie them, and return. The first team that finished is the winner. Variation ...
Group sits in a circle. One player is sent out of the room and the others take counsel and decide what this player must be when he comes back. They decide, for example, that he shall be a policeman. When he comes in he asks each of the players in ...
Short Grand Howl
Have Cub Scouts form a circle around the person in whose honor the grand howl is to be given. This may be a visitor, a leader, or a Cub Scout who is being recognized.Ask each Cub Scout in the circle to squat, make the two-fingered Cub Scout sign with each ...

Shot Put
Formation – IndividualEquipment – jar and plenty of beansGame – Each girl is given ten beans that they must throw into a jar from a designated line.Variation – Have lines set up that as they make the first shot, they must move back to the next line and try ...
Shunting Tag
Type: Pack Equipment: NilPlayers in files of threes, gripping the waist of the one in front, forming a train with engine in front, tender and wagon behind., there is also one loose wagon to approx. each three trains. The object is for the unattached wagon to hitch on at the back ...
Shuttle Run
Formation – TeamsEquipment – noneGame: Divide each team in half and place one half across the room. To start, the first person on the team races over and tags the first person on the other side. Then the newly tagged person runs over to tag the first person on ...
Signal Knot Tie
One group signals (Morse or Semaphore) to another group some distance away giving instructions such as: tie a bowline around your waist, tie clove hitch using two different thicknesses of rope, tie a reef knot around your leg, etc. ...
Signalling Pairs
Type: Relay Formation Equipment: Two sets of cards: one of the alphabet, and the other with morse or semaphore symbols on them Cubs in relay formation and at the other end are the cards face up. On "go" the first in each Six runs ...
Silly Symphony
Nature game, outdoors.Equipment: The Outdoors.Formation: semi-circle.The purpose of this game is to discover the beautiful sounds that can be created by the natural objects in our environment.Each player is given 10 - 15 minutes to find objects in nature that make a noise when banged together, or blown on, or ...
Silly Symphony Clouds on the Clothesline
Jane McCutcheon & Barry Laughton combines a limited kind of hunt with a whole lot of fun for groups of six or more. Give the players 10 to 15 minutes to find natural objects that make a noise when you bang them together, rub them together, or blow on or ...
Simon Says
Formation – InformalEquipment – noneGame – Have one girl be ‘Simon’. The rest of the girls form lines in front of ‘Simon’. They must react to whatever is requested as long as it is preceded by the words ‘Simon says'. If the girls move without being told ‘Simon says', ...
Sink the Bismark
Basically, it's every man for himself dodgeball. A group of students, 10-30, is asked to stand in a large open circle and game balls are placed sporadically (if that's a word) throughout the circle. You can pick the number of balls. I use about 5 or 6. When the leader ...
Sixteen Point Compass Game
A circle is marked on the floor and sixteen cards are prepared each giving one of the sixteen compass points. These cards are placed face down on a table. Each of the sixteen players takes one of the cards at random. The umpire finds the player who has picked up ...
SixteenPound Put
An inflated bag is "put" for distance, as though it were shot from the shoulder. ...
Ski Maze

Slash hike
Water game, outdoors.Equipment: NoneFormation: groupThis is a super small group game. Ask everyone to wear bathing suits and an old pair of shoes (a pair they can get wet). The game takes place in a stream or along the shallow shoreline of a lake or river.The leader steps into the ...
Slip Ring
Type: Circle Game Equipment: Cord, large curtain ringA piece of cord in a circle with a ring on it, players holding the cord. One in the center tries to catch the ring which is passed to and fro about the circle. The player on whose hands the ring is caught goes ...
Slow Bicycle Race
This is the reverse of a speed race. Plan a course the length of the area; with chalk, draw lanes about 3' wide.Several boys compete at the same time. They must ride as slowly as possible, without touching a foot to the ground or crossing the chalk lines, or stopping. ...
Smaugs Treasure
Materials needed: beanbag or handkerchief Play: One person is chosen as Smaug. Smaug stands guard over the treasure (a beanbag, handkerchief, etc.) The group forms a circle around him and tries to steal the treasure without being tagged. If a person is touched by Smaug, he is instantly frozen in ...
Smile Tag
A quick game for a break. Takes about 5 minutes. Players form two equal lines facing each other and about three feet apart. One is heads and the other is tails. The leader tosses a coin and calls out the side that is face up. If it is heads, then ...
Smugglers and Spies
Evening game, outdoorsEquipment: Tiny pieces of paper with the following smuggled items and point values written on each:Chocolate - 50 points. Quantity: 10Sugar - 75 points. Quantity: 8Animal pelts - 100 points. Quantity: 8Gunpowder - 150 points. Quantity: 6Designs for a new secret weapon - 300 points. Quantity: 3Map to ...
Smugglers Treasure
Type: Pack Equipment: Counters (or similar) to represent a treasureDivide the Pack into three teams: Smugglers, pedlars, and police. The smugglers are trying to dispose of the treasure to the pedlars, while the police are trying to prevent them. The smugglers and pedlars start at positions about a quarter of a ...
Snatch the Bobbin
Indoors Equipment: 3 cotton reels (bobbins); chalk Formation: TeamsDraw a chalk circle at either end of the room. Place the 3 cotton reels in the center of the room.The Pack is divided into two teams and line up at either side of the room. The teams number off from opposite ends. When ...
Type: Sixes Equipment: Small boxes with perforated lids. Each box has something with a distinctive smell in it. Onion, soap, coffee, sage, tomato sauce, toothpaste, shoe polish, nail varnish, paint, etc. Cubs in Sixes. Hand around the boxes giving time for every Cub to ...
Soda Bottle Bowling
Gather 10 empty 2-liter soft drink bottles. Fill each with a few inches of sand or water. Set up the “pins” in the traditional triangular shape, and take turns bowling with a soccer ball or something similar. (It would be a good idea to do a trial run, insuring the ...
Song Stumpers
One player sings the first line of any familiar song. The others, one by one, try to complete the verse. The first one to succeed becomes the new leader. If no one can do it, the leader completes the first verse of the song and begins another. ...
Space Ships
Type: Pack Game Equipment: Chalk Mark out a large area as shown below. The Nose-cone is out of bounds, and anyone who touches it is eliminated, as is anyone who steps outside the spaceship. The leader shouts out a section of the spaceship. Players ...
Formation – Up to 15 girls per teamEquipment – noneGame – You have the girls hold hands with each other, but do not make a circle. They need to have different hands/arms crossed over the top of their own. Like making a huge knot. Once all the girls are ...
Spear Or Ring The Dinosaur
Using a large washing machine type box, draw a dinosaur on it. In the middle of the dinosaur's body draw a target using 5-6 concentric circles. Give each circle a point value. Give the first boy 3 darts (suction cup type) and on signal, he is to throw the darts ...
Spillikins Indoors
Equipment: Medicine bottle; 6 matches per CubFormation: CircleThe Pack sits in a circle with the medicine bottle in the center. Each Cub takes it in turns to place a match on top of the bottle, or on the matches already there. If a Cub knocks any off while putting his ...
Spin The Plate
Type: Relay Equipment: Plate for each team, chalkEach sixer has a plate (paper). Halfway down the room a small circle is chalked for each Six. Each runner in turn carries the plate and starts it spinning in the circle, runs on to touch the front wall, and on the way back ...
Spinning Color Wheel
Using this picture as a guide, draw two circles that are about 4 1/2 inches in diameter. Cut a sheet of light cardboard the same size and shape; tape the wheels on opposite sides of the cardboard circle. At the x's on the top wheel, punch holes with an ice ...

Everyone joins hands in a circle. Then one person releases the hand of their neighbour and pulling the giant human rope behind, begins to walk around the outside of the circle. The other people who broke hands remains in position on the end person. The chain of people spirals around ...
Sponge Relay Race
Balance a wet sponge on your head and run to and back from a goal. If you drop the sponge you must return to the front of your line and start over again. The team to have all players do this first wins. ...
Sponge Relay Race
Balance a wet sponge on your head and run to and back from a goal. If you drop the sponge you must return to the front of your line and start over again. The team to have all players do this first wins. ...
Sponge Water Fight
Traditional water fights have squirt guns or water balloons that take time to fill and slow down the action. Here is a suggestion that will speed up the action. Use sponges. Take about 50 to 100 hand size pieces of foam rubber. Place 1/2 dozen full buckets of water around ...
Spray Capture The Flag
Materials needed: Spray bottles for each player, plenty of water balloons, plenty of towels. Play: Divide players into two teams, each of which must defend a flag (in this case a water balloon) while trying to capture (and stomp on) the opposing team’s flag. Instead of tagging opposite players to ...
Squat Tag
One person is chosen to become "It." The players scatter around the room and "It" tries to tag them. The players may become safe from being tagged by assuming a squatting position. When "It" is not close by, they stand up and run again. Each player may use this method ...
Squirrel in the Tree
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: None Formation: Small circles of 3-4 boysForm small circles of three or four Cubs. They hold hands to form 'trees with hollow trunks'. A Cub representing a squirrel stands in each tree. Have one more squirrel than there are trees. On signal, the squirrels must change trees. The one left ...
St George and the Dragon
Active, indoors. Equipment: Per team: 1 easel; 1 piece of bristol board; 1 straight stick; 1 needle; pins; balloons; 1 set of cardboard armor (optional). Formation: relay.In preparation for the relay, a picture of a dragon is drawn on each piece of bristol board. Next, balloons are attached to the 'dragon'. The ...
Stamp It Out
Type: Team Game Equipment: Balloons, Blindfold Players of the team in turn see a small balloon on the floor, are then blindfolded and walk to where they think the balloon is, and may then - without feeling - make three stamps to try and ...
Stand Wall Ball
This game requires a soft rubber or tennis ball and a high smooth wall or very high board fence. Before starting the game one of the players is selected to be "'Thrower."The players stand in front of, and at any distance chosen, from the wall. The Thrower throws the ball ...
Standing Staves Game
Each scout needs a staff 5 to 7 feet long. Form a circle with the sticks held vertical inside, one end on the ground. One scout is chosen as the caller. The caller loudly and clearly calls out "ready left" or "ready right". Each scout leaves their stick standing and ...
Star Wars
Materials needed: As many Nerf balls as possible, rope to use as a divider, 2 pool noodles, 2 poly-spots Play: Divide the playing space in half with the rope. Each team has one Jedi knight (with a lightsaber [pool noodle]), a starbase (poly-spot), and many death stars (Nerf balls). At ...
Start Your Engines
Arrange the Cub Scouts in a circle, with one boy in the center. Each boy chooses the name of a car he would like to be. It can be the make of a vehicle such as Ford; or it can be a specific model like Explorer. The boy in the ...
Static Electricity Tricks
Run a comb through your hair and it will pick up bits of paper. Rub a balloon against your clothing and "hang" it on a wall. To see how two electrified objects will repel each other, tie two balloons on a string. Hang them side by side and stroke both ...
Steal the Bacon
Divide the troop into two, three, or four groups. Number off EACH group separately. Line them up facing each other, about 30-40 feet apart. The number 1 Scout on one team will be across from the last Scout on the other team. Place your 'bacon' between the lines. The idea ...
Stepping Stones
A stream is marked out on carpet or lawn with some stepping stones scattered around (14” X 14” plywood pieces) Patrol must cross holding hands or waists. Space the stones so some jumps must be made, have enough so there are some dead ends and backups. ...
Indoors Equipment: A blindfold Formation: ScatterThis is a variation of Blindman's Bluff.The Cubs take up positions anywhere in the room. One Cub is blindfolded and he moves around the room, attempting to catch the others. Anyone who is in danger of being caught may move on, two or three steps in any ...
Steptoe and Son
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: Ball Formation: CircleThe Pack form a circle and two boys go into the center. They are 'Steptoe and Son'. 'Steptoe' guards his 'Son' as the Cubs in the circle try to hit him with the ball. The Cub who is successful in hitting 'Son' comes into the middle to be ...
Stiff Candles
Type: Pack Equipment: NilAppoint 3 boys to go "HE". The chase the rest of the Pack around Trying to tag them. If tagged then a boy must stand still, with legs open and arms out. They can be freed by other untagged players, by the other player crawling through their open ...
Stockcar Racing
Active, outdoors/indoorsEquipment: noneFormation: relayThe Sixes line up in files. Each Cub is given the name of a car and when that car is called, he travels to the end of the area and back in the manner described, e.g.,:1) Rolls-Royce: this never goes wrong - the Cub runs.2) Austin: has ...
Type: Pack Equipment: Suitcase of samples A "stranger" arrives at Pack Meeting with a suitcase of samples. He tries to persuade the Leaders to buy. The Cubs gather round and listen. After he has been sent away the Pack is asked to make lists ...
Active, outdoors/indoors.Equipment: Per team: sweatpants; jacket; hockey mask; 2 garbage bags.Formation: relay.Divide the group into two or more teams. Line teams up at one end of the playing area, with 1) sweatpants and jacket in front of each team and 2) hockey mask and garbage bags at other end of ...
String Burning
A string is pulled tight between sticks. Each contestant builds a fire under the string and lights it. The one whose fire burns through the string first is the winner. Fires should be spaced along the string at wide intervals. ...
String Code
Here's a way to send a secret message on a piece of string. First, write the alphabet on a long strip of cardboard as shown. Color one end of the string to show which end starts the message. Put the colored end of the string at the beginning of the ...

String Maze
Set up a maze with a string tied around trees, over, under, and through garden furniture to dead ends, switch-backs, around-in-circles, and finally to the finish line. Use lots of string. Each blindfolded player has to find his way to the finish line by feeling his way along the string. ...
String Maze
Set up a maze with a string tied around trees, over, under, and through garden furniture to dead ends, switch-backs, around-in-circles, and finally to the finish line. Use lots of string. Each blindfolded player has to find his way to the finish line by feeling his way along the string. ...
Submarine Dive
Indoors Equipment: Piece of chalk Formation: ScatterDraw a number of small chalk circles - submarines - around the room with one less than the number of Cubs in the Pack.The Cubs hop, walk or run around the room according to the direction given by the leader. When he calls 'Submarine Dive!', each ...
Indoors Equipment: A blindfold Formation: ScatterTwo chairs are set up about three meters apart, this is the entrance to the 'harbor'. One boy is blindfolded and stands in the entrance to guard it. The rest of the Cubs are 'midget submarines', and try to get through the entrance without being caught by ...
Nature game, outdoors.Equipment: pen and paper.Formation: small groups.Divide the group into teams of 4 to 6. Give each team a large piece of paper and a pen.Each letter in the word SWAMP stands for another word that describes something in nature: S Stars W Weather A Animals M Minerals P ...
Swat the Fly
Materials needed: One pool noodle Play: Everyone sits in a circle around the person who is IT (“the Swatter”). The Swatter, who has the pool noodle, counts “1, 2, 3, go” and everyone else (the flies) runs yelling, “Swat the fly!” The swatter then tries to swat all the flies ...
Swat To The Gap
Group is in a circle, facing in, with hands behind their backs, eyes closed. The leader walks quietly around the circle and places the rolled-up newspaper secretly in the hands of one of the group. The player starts hitting the player on his right with the swatter. He continues swatting ...
Sweep N Scrub
Active, outdoors/indoorsEquipment: Per team: apron; towel, broom, dustpan, bucket filled with water, 2 dishes, garbage can.Formation: relayDivide the group into two or more teams, and line them up in straight lines at one end of the playing area. Give the broom and the apron to the first player on each ...
Swim Chase
Type: Water game Equipment: NilThe object is to get possession of a spring-type clothes peg which each Cub has attached to the back of his togs. As he loses his peg he may get another and continue rather than be out. ...
Switch 1
This final game from Clouds on the Clothesline is fun to play with groups of 12 or more in an area with several different kinds of trees. It's also a good way for Cubs to reinforce their tree identification skills.Organize the players into three or four groups, depending on the ...
Switch 2
Nature game, outdoors.Equipment: None.Formation: scatter, in a wooded area with several varieties of trees.Players are divided into three or four groups such as Sugar Maple, Beeches, Yellow birches, ironwoods. In an appropriate and defined area, players stand touching their trees - only one per tree. 'It' stands at the center ...
Indoors Equipment: 1 ball; whistle Formation: TeamsThe Pack divides into two teams. Team A stands in a circle with one Cub in the center, holding the ball. Team B stands in line, like the tadpole's tail, coming from the middle.When the leader calls 'GO', the Cub in the center of the circle ...
Tail Tally
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: 1 rope per Cub, color-coded for each Six; 1 whistle Formation: ScatterOne Cub from each Six is a 'catcher'. All the other Cubs have a 'tail', a length of rope which they tuck into their back pockets. The 'catchers' try to snatch as many tails as possible in a given ...
Tangled Knot
Scouts form a disorganized cluster. Each grabs two other hands forming a huge tangled knot. The group tries to untangle itself. All knots are not solvable. Helps people relax their personal space. ...
Tell Me About Yourself
Players sit in a circle. One player is “It” and stands in the center. “It” points at any player and asks a simple question and immediately begins to count to 10, while looking only at the boy he points at. But the boy who is really supposed to answer the ...
Ten Square
Formation – TeamsEquipment – Chalk - blacktopGame: Draw a large rectangle on the blacktop and divide it into 10 squares. Have each team send one player across the board hopping as fast as they can touching all the ten squares. If they miss, step on any line, or out ...
Thats My Name
Indoors Equipment: Paper; Magic Marker Formation: LinesDivide the players into teams.On 'Go', the first player from each team runs to a table, grabs a magic marker, and writes his name on a piece of paper. He runs back to his team and holds up the paper.His team shouts out all the letters ...
The Body Language Game
To play this game, give your den members a piece of paper and a pencil. Ask them to think about feelings they can show by body language only - without making a sound. Have them make a list of at least five feelings they can show.Den members take turns ...

The Boy Scout Motto in Sign Language
People who cannot hear communicate with each other by forming symbols with their hands and fingers. ...

The Calculator Game
If you have a pocket calculator, your den can play a spelling bee. The game is based on the fact that when the calculator's display is held upside down, seven of the numbers look like letters of the alphabet. They are: 1 = I 3 = E 4 = H 5 = S 7 = ...

The Changing Cups Puzzle
Place six cups in a row, with every second one turned down, as shown. Ask Cub Scouts to see if they can get the three cups that are turned the same way together in the row by moving two cups at a time in only three moves. Solution Move 4 ...

The Christmas Card Game
Take a set of old Christmas cards (about three times as many cards as there are players) and cut each card into two pieces, making two sets of half-cards so that each half-card in one set has its counterpart in the other. Some of the cards should be cut so ...
The Den Memories Book
Use it to keep the den's photos, certificates of awards, patches no longer worn, advancement records, etc. (Each boy might want his own memories book.) Cut covers from light wood paneling about 9 by 12 inches. Drill holes for three-ring binder paper. Cut front cover about two inches from the ...

The Eagle And The Chicken El Gavilan y lo Pollitos
Country – Latin AmericaFormation – InformalEquipment – noneGame – One child is chosen to be the eagle, and another the Mother Hen. All the other children are chicks and line up behind the Mother Hen, their arms around each other’s waist. The Eagle must stay in front of the ...
The Elephant Hunt
Indoors Equipment: soccer ball; chalk Formation: scatterTwo chalk lines are drawn about three meters apart in the center of the room. This is elephant country. All the leaders are hunters and the Cubs are elephants. The hunters are ranged on either side of the lines and must not enter elephant country. The ...
The Endangered Hoppit
Also from Science Is... Here's a great game for Beavers or Cubs with a whole lot of energy to burn. Hoppits are imaginary creatures that hop around gathering materials from the ground (rocks, twigs, leaves). Hoppits need a home where they can store the things they gather and stop hopping ...
The Frankfurter Trick
Hold your two index fingers at eye level a little apart. Keep eyes on center but look into the distance and watch a magic frankfurter appear between your fingers. ...
The Frog Hop
Draw a finish line about 25' from the start and line the players up about 3' apart. At "Go" they race by jumping first to the right, then to the left, then straight ahead. This procedure is followed until someone crosses the finish line. ...
The Great Insect Hunt
Have the Cub Scouts stand in a circle on a grassy area, facing outward. Scatter assorted colored insects (toothpicks) in the center of the circle. On signal, the Cub Scouts turn around and gather as many insects as they can find. Depending on how green the grass is, certain colors ...
The Guess What Im Doing Game
On separate slips of paper, write some directions. ("Buckle your seat belt" "Look both ways before crossing the street." "Take out the trash." "Wash the dog.")Put the slips in a hat and ask the first player to pick one. He reads his direction silently and pantomimes the action. The player ...
The Guessing Blind Man
Indoors Equipment: 1 blindfold Formation: TeamsArrange players in a circle. Blindfold one player and turn him around three times. During this procedure, have all players change seats. The blind man should walk forward and touch someone in the circle with a wand, speaking the words 'can you guess?' The player touched must ...
The Huron Hop
Outdoors/indoors Equipment: 10 black headbands with one feather; 10 white headbands with one feather; 50 inflated balloons with pieces of string attached to each; tape or rope to mark circle on the ground. Formation: teamsDivide the group into two teams; give each team headbands.Draw a large circle on the floor and have ...
The Midnight Game
Players acting as sheep are in a safety circle or fold at one end of the play area. The fox has a den in the opposite corner and comes out looking for food. The sheep come close, asking "What time is it?" They are safe until he says, "Midnight." Then ...
The Moon And The Stars La Luna y las Estrellas de la Manana
Country - SpainFormation – InformalEquipment – a nice shade treeGame – Find a tree that is casting a nice shadow. One person is the moon (la luna). That person is ‘it’, and has to tag the other players. The rest of the players are stars (Estrellas). The moon stays ...
The Mystery Number
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: A whistle Formation: CircleThe Pack forms a circle with the Sixers in the middle. The Sixers choose a mystery number known only to themselves. The Cubs march round in a circle chanting the number of each step they take. When they reach the secret number, the Sixers chase them. After ...
The Mystifying Reader
Indoors Equipment: Pencil and paper for each Cub Formation: CircleGive all the Cubs a slip of paper - each the same size and shape as the others. Then ask everyone to write a short sentence of four or five words. The words should be written plainly and should not be shown to ...
The Pumpkin Planter
Country - ItalyFormation – CircleEquipment – noneGame – One player is Il Cucuzzaro, the Pumpkin Planter. She stands in the middle of a seated circle, made by the other players who are Pumpkins. ‘It’ gives each player a number. Then ‘it’ says, ‘in my garden, there are 5 (any ...
The Secret Friend
Ask children to write down the name and a surname of each person on separate leaflets and to curtail them so that one won't be able to see what is written. Combine the curtailed leaflets in a box and suggest each child to pull out one. Ask children to keep ...
The Stalker
Nature game, outdoors.Equipment: Blindfolds, stones.Formation: scatter.Half the group is given blindfolds to wear. These players are placed in scatter formation within the boundaries of the playing area. A stone is placed between their feet, but not touching them.The other half of the group (the ones that can see) begin to ...
The Stalker Variation
Nature game, indoorsEquipment: blindfolds, flashlight.Formation: scatter.This is a terrific evening program variation to the original Stalker game. The players protecting the stone between their feet are given flashlights. When they think they know the location of a stalker, instead of pointing to him, they flash the light in the direction ...
The Telephone Number Game
This is a secret-message game based on the telephone dial. Give each boy a pencil and paper and ask him to convert a very short message into code based on the dial numbers. It is tricky because there is a choice of three letters for each number. Here's a sample ...

The Treasure of the White Cobra
Group in a circle. One player (the White Cobra) sits blindfolded in the middle guarding the treasure of the Gold Lairs (some object which is lying between his outstretched legs). The leader points to one of the players who creeps up to the White Cobra and tries to rob him ...
The Whats It Game
For a pack meeting preopening activity, disassemble some familiar device of appliance such as a mechanical alarm clock, lock, small electric motor, or ancient computer. Put various internal parts in four or five open boxes. In a closed box, or behind a screen, have the chassis or shell of the ...

COMPUTER GAME—MY HOME STATEChoose trivia questions about your state. Select two answers for your question, of which just one is correct.TOP VIEW OF COMPUTER PAPER BOX: ...

This is My House
Indoors Equipment: Chalk Formation: ScatterDraw a number of circles on the floor, just big enough for a Cub to stand in and two less than the Cubs in the Pack. These are houses.One of the two extra Cubs is a 'rich man' and the other a 'policeman'. The 'rich man' goes around ...
Three Ball Throw
Type: Team Game Equipment: 3 tennis balls and a box or bucketDivide the Cubs into two teams. One team bats and the other fields. The first batter goes to the box and throws the three balls away. He then scores "runs" over a marked course while the three balls are being ...
Three Deep
Players form a circle, two deep, facing the center. Two players on the outside of the circle, and at some distance from each other, begin the game as runner and chaser. The runner may save himself from being tagged by stepping in front of one of the pairs of players, ...
Three Legged Race
Formation – CouplesEquipment – Rope or suitable item to tie legs together.Game: Tie together each one of each team's right and left legs together. At the start, they make their way to the turning line and then back again. The first person across the line wins. Variation – set ...
Thumb taping game
Start off by talking about what kind of 'hands' different animals have & how they use them. How are people's hands different? We have thumbs that make it possible to grip things, turn things, etc. Then have each girl fold her thumb across her palm & tape it in place. ...
Tic Tac Toe A Game For Buddies
Creating a Tic-Tac-Toe board is as easy as drawing two horizontal lines and two vertical lines.The nine squares that result should be about the same size.The players decide who will be the Os and who will be the Xs and who will go first.The first player has the advantage so ...
Draw an expanded tick-tack-toe grip with 16 or 25 spaces on the pavement with squares the size of a hopscotch board. The players are divided into two teams, the 0 team and the X team. The rules are the same as traditional tick-tack-toe. The first team to complete a line ...
Tight Rope Walk
Semi-active, outdoors/indoorsEquipment: Per team: 20' rope, sweatpants, long underwear or large tights, mustache, derby hat, stool, 6' stick.Formation: shuttle.Line up the teams in shuttle formation at either end of their 20' rope. The first player on each team, on 'Go', puts on the mustache, tights, and hat, picks up his ...
Tin Scuttle
Type: Pack game Equipment: 4 tins, chalkAn area is chalked off in each six corners and inside it stands a tin guarded by the sixer. Other players must keep to the center of the floor and they pass around one or more handballs and try to hit the tin in someone ...
Tissue Paper Relay
Give each player a drinking straw. Divide the den into two teams. Give the first player on each team a square of tissue paper. On signal, he tries to lift the tissue paper off the table by inhaling through the straw and pass it ...
Tongue Jam
Formation – TeamsEquipment – noneGame: Form two teams and have them get into a circle. Assign one assistant to each group to be a counter. The leader calls out any letter of the alphabet. Starting at a selected point, the girls take turns naming things that begin with that ...
Torch And Whistle
Type: Pack Equipment: Powerful torch and whistleTwo Cubs with the torch and the whistle are given a few minutes to start from a clearing. The rest then set off to capture them. The fugitives must blow their whistle and flash the torch at least once every minute. ...
Toss The Bag
Type: Relay Equipment: Bean bag for each Six Sixes line up and in front of each, about six feet away is a small chalked circle. The Sixer has the bean bag, and on the word "Go" he throws it into the circle. When successful ...
Toys For Sale
Each Cub Scout is given the name of a toy - soldier, trumpet, clown, jumping jack, top, kite, etc. The Toys sit in a circle with the Storekeeper outside the ring.The Store keeper walks around the circle and calls out the names of the Toys in any order. As they ...
Track Memory
A group sits with their feet up and other groups study them. After three minutes, one of the groups makes some footmarks in a good bit of ground. The other groups approach one at a time and try to decide who made it. ...
Formation – TeamsEquipment – NoneGame – Have one group head start to hike and after 10 minutes have the second team try to track them down. ...
Tractor Pull
The "tractor" kneels on hands and knees with a "driver" astride. The driver holds on with his legs. Two tractors back up to each other and the drivers reach back and grasp each other's hands. On a signal, each tractor starts pulling in an effort to pull the other over ...
Trails And Treasure Hunts
Type: Pack Equipment: as requiredThere are numerous methods of setting trails and treasure hunts. But make the clues simple and the rails obvious. If this is not done the Cubs lose interest.Suggestions: Natural trail of woodcraft signs. Whiffle-poof - wood spikes with four-inch nails dragged to leave a trail. Power paint ...
Train Relay
Formation – TeamsEquipment – noneGame: Line the teams up for a relay race. Have each team member lock arms around the player in front of her. On the signal, the teams race ahead in a joined line. If a line breaks, it must reform before proceeding. When a team returns ...
Tramps TeaParty
Type: Circle Equipment: Knife, fork, scarf, gloves, old hat, dice, parcel wrapped in newspaper, a cake of chocolate in the parcel.Cubs sit in a circle with the parcel, clothes, knife, and fork in the center. Each cub throws the dice in turn. When a six is thrown the thrower goes to ...
Trash Bag Race
Divide boys into teams of two. Give each team a trash bag and 2 blindfolds. Have one boy in each team remove his shoes and socks. Both boys are blindfolded. Scatter cotton balls around on the floor. The object is for one boy to pick up the cotton balls with ...
Trash Bag Race
Divide boys into teams of two. Give each team a trash bag and 2 blindfolds. Have one boy in each team remove his shoes and socks. Both boys are blindfolded. Scatter cotton balls about the floor. The object is for one boy to pick up the cotton balls with his ...
Trash Ball
Divide the group in half and situate them on opposite sides of a volleyball net or rope strung between two trees. Offer each group an equal amount of dry trash, such as newspaper, tin cans, 2-liter bottles, small cardboard boxes, cleaned-out milk cartons, etc. On “Go,” each team tries ...
Treasure Hunt
To get the little miners on the move, let’s have a treasure hunt. Divide the little miners into teams. Have clues on different colors of paper. Have team members answer a question about mining or geology. Make the questions be multiple choice questions. A correct answer gives them the next ...
Treasure Hunt Game
A way to liven up an activity. Have the scouts locate different plants, building rooms, people or animal signs. ...
Treasure Hunt Variations
Give the group a message in code or semaphore telling boys where to find message number two. Give the group a message telling the leader to phone a given number for directions or ask a parent (previously briefed) for a task to be accomplished. Like: carry a message, bring back ten articles ...
Tree Decorating
You will need chalk and chalkboard, or a large sheet of paper and felt tip pens. Set the chalkboard at one end of the room. Divide the group into an equal number of teams with at least 6 ...

Evening game, outdoors.Equipment: 3 soccer balls painted white; 6 markers with reflectors attached (to make 3 goals).Formation: teams.Divide the players into three teams. On the playing field, set up three goals in the shape of a triangle.The game begins with a jump ball in the centre of the field. All ...
Trim the Tree
Line up the dens for a relay. Attach large sheets of paper to the opposite wall and give each boy a different colored crayon. On signal, the first boy runs to his paper and outlines a Christmas tree. Then the next boy runs up and draws in a stand. The ...
Trunk The Elephant
Any player who sticks the trunk in the right hole on the elephant wings. On large cardboard, draw an elephant’s head. Cut several holes. Designate one for the trunk. Hand the player a vacuum cleaner hose. Then, blindfold him and twirl him around several times. Head him in the direction ...
Tunnel Relay
Formation – teamsEquipment – noneGame: The girls form a line with their legs spread out. At the start, the last girl in the line crawls through the legs of the rest of the team. Once they are through, they stand up at the front of the line with their ...
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: 2 soccer balls; 1 whistle Formation: TeamsThe Pack divides into two teams and line up about 3 meters apart facing each other. They stand, legs apart, with their feet touching those of their neighbors.The leader throws a soccer ball down between the lines and each team tries to score a ...
Two Syllables
Country - GreeceFormation – CircleEquipment – Handkerchief tied into a knot or stuffed sock, plus a colored token for each player.Game – Give each player a token. One player is chosen to be ‘it.’ They receive the handkerchief also. To start ‘it’ begins by giving the first syllable of ...
Ugly Face Contest
Tell contestants that this is a contest to see who can make the most accurate drawing of their face on a paper sack. Place paper grocery sacks over the contestants’ heads. Have them draw their faces on the outside of the bags with felt tip markers. Contestants may not use ...
Unbraid Race
Attach two or more 3' lengths of stout cord or lightweight rope to a wall or chair. At a given signal the boys start to unbraid the rope. The fastest boy or team wins. ...
Uncle Sam
Play: Designate one player to be IT (“Uncle Sam”). All other players stand on one side of a marked area with IT in the middle. The players chant “Uncle Sam, Uncle Sam may we cross your waterland.” IT replies, “Not unless you have the color --- (Red on, or brown ...
Under the bridge
Make an arch by turning two chairs forward, top to top, in front of each group. Boys are lined up in relay formation. The first boy runs to the chairs and crawls under them. Then he runs to the other end of the room and does three deep knee bends. ...
Unmounted Knight Maze
This Knight fell off his horse. Can you help the Knight find his horse? ...

VariationChange Horses
Pair off the horse and rider teams. On command, all riders change horses without touching the ground. ...
VariationChristmas Dinner
Give each group a piece of paper with CHRISTMAS written vertically down the side and tell them that after each letter they must write the name of some article that could be found on the table at Christmas dinner--and both run for the ball. The one reaching it first kicks ...
VariationCircle Pull
Divide the group into two equal teams. Draw a circle on the floor with a piece of chalk. One team of players is stationed within the circle. The other team is scattered outside the circle. At a signal, the players who are stationed outside the circle try to pull the ...
VariationFill The Gap
One player walks around outside the circle, taps another player on the back. Both race around the circle in opposite directions. The player that fails to "fill" the gap continues the game. ...
VariationKims Game
This game is very adaptable. Objects can be categorized - First aid Kim's: all objects are related to first aid (bandages, pins, splints, etc.); Conventional Sign Kim's: all objects are models or drawings of conventional signs used on maps; Knotting Kim's: all objects are knots, splices or kinds of rope; ...
VariationPoison Circle
The players form a circle as large as the joining of hands will permit. When the circle is completed, all drop hands and each one takes the longest step possible towards the center. Then with his toe if outdoors, or with chalk, if indoors, each player marks on the ground ...
VariationPoison Indian Club
As above but without circle drawn on the ground. In the center, place plastic bottles or other easily knocked over objects. The object of the game is to force others to knock over one of the bottles while avoiding doing so yourself. ...
VariationSleeping Pirate
A blindfolded player becomes the sleeping pirate and sits on a chair in the middle of the room, with "treasure" (blocks of wood) which he is defending, at his feet. Players line up at one end of the room. On the signal "Go," players stalk in an attempt to pick ...
Country - AlbaniaFormation – SingleEquipment – ChalkGame – Draw on a blacktop, a large square, dividing this square into nine sections. Number each section 1-9. In any 2 squares, make the word REST. Start by the first player hops on one foot from square 1 to square 9. They ...
Veggie Race
Use old fruit and vegetables (grocery stores are a good source) to construct vehicles. Each family or a small group of boys can make a vehicle together. Use things like spaghetti or tooth picks to hold items together. Be sure to have a few paring knives available for carving. Judge ...
Visit To The Farm
Players stand in a circle. One person volunteers to be the Farmer and is blindfolded. The Farmer spins around slowly in the circle and then points at someone and names any farm animal. The person who is pointed out makes the sound of the animal named, and the Farmer tries ...
Waiter Theres a Monkey in my Soup
Materials: A brown balloon and a paper plate for each player, permanent markers. Give each boy a blown-up balloon and have them decorate them like monkeys with markers. Let dry. Create start and finish lines. Divide the group into teams. The teams line up relay style. The first boy races ...
Formation – TeamsEquipment – Plastic plates, ballsGame: At the start, each of the first players will hold a plate with a ball placed on top. On the signal, they run forward around the determined point and back again. If the ball falls off the plate or is touched in ...
Wake Up
Arrange the Pack sitting in a circle, facing inward Set an alarm clock and start it ringing. The boys must pass the clock rapidly around the circle with the alarm going full blast. When the alarm stops, the boy with the clock in his hands must drop out of the ...
Walk The Plank Relay
Two teams play this game. Team members line up one behind the other. A piece of tape, 8 feet long is stretched in front of the first person in each team. (This is the plank.) A chair is placed at the end of each plank. At the word “go!”, the ...
Warriors and Brigands
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: None Formation: Teams The Pack is split into teams, one is the 'Brigands' and the other is the 'Warriors'. Each team has one end of the room as its base. The teams then line up facing each other and the leader gives various commands, e.g., 'Warriors two paces forward' or ...
Wash The Line
Formation – teamsEquipment – stacks to hold clothesline, clothesline, clothespins, clothesGame: Stake off the clothesline about 10’ in length. Give each contestant a set of clothespins (6 each). At the start, they race to the clothesline and pick up the clothes left on the ground below it (2socks, a ...
Water Bucket Relay
Formation – TeamsEquipment – Two buckets, 1 sponge per teamGame: Line two or more teams up for a really. Provide each team with two buckets and a sponge. One bucket needs to be empty and the other full of water. On signal, the first person in line dips the ...
Water Life at Night
To see below the surface of a pond or stream at night, put a lighted flashlight in a watertight jar. (A large instant-coffee jar is good.) You might need to add a stone or two in the jar to make it sink. Screw the top on tightly and tie a ...
Water Relay Race
You will need: A bucket of water, a tablespoon, and a plastic drinking cup for each team. Divide the players into teams. Players form parallel lines. The lead player of each line has a bucket of water next to him and a tablespoon in his hand. At some distance from ...
Water Relay Race
You will need: A bucket of water, a tablespoon, and a plastic drinking cup for each team. Divide the players into teams. Players form parallel lines. The lead player of each line has a bucket of water next to him and a tablespoon in his hand. At some distance from ...
Watering The Horses
Type: Relay Equipment: Paper cup half-filled with water for each Cub.Cubs are in sixes, and each Cub is given a paper cup half-filled with water. In turn, they race to a turning point about 10 yards away taking their cup with them. When there they turn round, kneel, put the cups ...
Weather Observation Chart
Photocopy the March page of a large calendar for each den member. Have him make the legend showing how to mark the day's weather on it and tape it to the calendar page. Have him record the weather at the same time each day for the rest of the month. ...

Weather Observer Game
The leader gives a three-minute weather report with lots of weather activity around the country-snow in the Rockies, tornadoes in Oklahoma, scorching hot weather in Florida, rain in Pennsylvania, cloudy weather in Maine, etc.while giving his report he mops his brow, buttons his shirt, scratches an ankle, rubs his chest, ...
Weather Station Instruments
Simple Barometer -This device shows atmospheric pressure. Use a glass or clear plastic quart bottle. Fill it with water, put a saucer over the top, and turn it over quickly. Allow a little water to escape into the saucer. With a felt-tipped pen, draw 8 or 10 scale marks 1/8 ...

The group spreads out facing the leader who is to be the Weather Bureau. The leader calls out which way the wind is blowing, North, Southeast, West... As the direction is named the boys will turn and point in the correct direction. When the command "Whirlwind" is given, the players ...
Wells Fargo
Equipment Six silver or gold ingots (if budget restraints prevent the use of real ingots, pieces of 2x2 wrapped in silver or gold foil will do). Strips of paper 2 cm x 20 cm in two colors for "lives". Safety pins (one per player plus extras)To Play (20 minutes)Organize the troop in two ...
Wet Trail
Type: Pack Equipment: Squeeze bottlesHalf the Cubs set off laying a trail equipped with squeezy bottles filled with water, which the other Cubs follow after a time lag. (Ordinary trail signs). The first team prepares an ambush. On being ambushed the teams have a free-for-all with the squeezy bottles. The wettest ...
Whale Ahoy
Indoors/outdoors Equipment: 1 paper or sock ball or beanbag Formation: ScatterOne boy is selected to be the 'whale', he may run freely about the room. The rest of the Cubs each choose a position and since they are 'rocks in the sea', they may not move. The aim is to 'harpoon' the ...
What Am I
Indoors Equipment: None Formation: CircleThe Cubs sit in a circle. One Cub goes outside the room, while he is away the others decide what he should be when he comes back. If they decide on a policeman, for example, they call him back and he has to ask each Cub in turn ...
What Will I be
This is a variation of charades. Divide the group into equal teams. Give each team five minutes to decide on a career they will dramatize and practice doing it. Suggest to the teams to pick occupations that might not be really easy to guess. Example: Teacher (easy to guess) All ...
What Will I Do
Type: Relay Equipment: Cards with feats on for each Six. Prepare six cards for each Six or sim methods of moving i.e. walking backward, forwards somersaults, grasping ankles, crab-walking, etc. Mix the cards well for each Six and then place them in separate piles ...
Whats Wrong with Christmas
This is a variation of the classic Kim’s game. It is a good game for den meetings. On a table or tray place a number of Christmas-type objects, such as candy canes, bell, a sprig of holly, etc. Scatter through these a number of objects that are not a part ...
Whats in the Bag
Materials needed: pillow case, assorted sports items (golf ball, tennis ball, Frisbee, ping pong ball, base ball mitt, etc.), paper, pencils, timer Play: Fill the pillow case with assorted sports items. Using the timer, allow each person 15 seconds to reach inside and feel what is in there. Each person ...
Wheel Relay
Type: Relay Equipment: Small ball or bean bag per teamTeams in file formation, the last player having the ball. On the starting signal the bass is passed along the line to number 1, who then races to the back of the line and passes the ball forwards. When the person at ...
Which song are you singing
Divide the group into two teams. Either assign each team a song or let them choose one. The first team starts singing its song. At the leader’s signal, the first team stops and the second team starts its song. Alternate back and forth between the teams. The longer the segment ...
Whirling Wheels
Active, indoors/outdoorsEquipment: 1 beanbag per Six.Formation: Relay, like the spokes of a wheel, facing in a clockwise direction with the Sixers in the center.The beanbags lie at the feet of each Sixer and when the leader gives the starting signal, they pick up the beanbag, run down the back of ...
Whistle tag
Evening game, outdoorsEquipment: one whistle for each 'hunted' leader or staff member.Formation: teams.The group is divided into teams of 6-8 players. The leaders or staff members who are to be 'hunted' are given a two-minute head start into the playing area (a 5-acre wooded area is ideal).Teams have to stay ...
Whistling Hares And Hounds
Type: Pack Equipment: Loud whistle for the haresScrub-covered land is needed for this game. Two Cubs and a Leader are the hares. They set off with a whistle, and after five minutes start must blow it every 30 seconds. The hounds try to find them. Hares must keep moving, and can ...
Who Am I05
This is a guessing game in which the leader tells the group only a very general fact about the person he "is" - such as, he is an actor, athlete, military man, scientist, etc. - and others try to guess who he is by asking questions that can be answered ...
Who Has Gone From the Room
Indoors Equipment: None Formation: CircleSee that all are seated in a circle with the one who is 'it' closing his eyes while you have a Cub leave the room. After he leaves the room, 'it' opens his eyes and tries to guess who has gone. If he guesses correctly, that Cub is ...
Who Is Going To Be The Redskin Chief
One of the players is to be chosen as Indian Chief and he has got to be very nippy and fast. The group forms a big circle. In the middle, there are placed five plastic bottles. The Chief goes into the middle and his job is to keep the bottles ...
Who Is Missing
Indoors Equipment: None Formation: Circle The Cubs walk round in a circle. When the leader gives a signal they all cover their eyes with their caps or their hands. The leader touches one of the Cubs on the shoulder and he leaves the room as quickly and as quietly as possible, while ...
Who Was It
Country - IranFormation – Line (mice), and sitting (cat)Equipment – Stone, block, or other small objects that will make a noise when hit (for the cat). The mice need a small stone, or stick, or something that will make a noise when it hits the cat's stone.Game – All ...
What you will need:• Go to www.historyforkids.utah.gov (Search Utah.gov)• This has a map of Utah with all counties and their county seats.• Print the map or the individual counties, 2 each for 2 teams• 2 walls, chalkboards, or whatever.• Tape• Small piece of paper with the name of the county ...
Whos The Best Indian
Players sit in a circle. Each takes his turn telling something he can see, hear, feel or smell from where he sits. No repetition is allowed and if a player repeats what another says, or cannot think of something, he is out. The game continues until only one is left. ...
Wiggles Game
Give each Cub Scout a piece of paper and pencil and ask him to draw a wavy or zigzag line. They exchange papers and make the line into a picture. The one with the funniest or best picture is the winner. ...
Wild Animals
Formation – InformalEquipment – NoneGame – Have girls form into small groups. The idea is for the girls to learn how animals would act in the wild. Have an open area, with buildings or trees surrounding it. Give each group of girls an animal to imitate. Would the animal sneak ...
Witches Wand
Indoors Equipment: 1 15' rope weighted at one end Formation: CircleArrange the players in a circle 5-8' apart and give one a rope about 15' long weighted at one end. He stands in the center and swings the rope around the circle keeping it about a foot off the ground. As the ...
Wood Tag
The runner must touch wood to be safe. ...
Word Puzzle
Type: Pack Equipment: Pencil, paperEach of the players is given a piece of paper on which he draws nine squares, 3 x 3. They take turns at calling out a letter, and each player must put the letter in any one of his nine squares. As the letter is called, it ...
Xmas Trivia
Have families at the December Pack meeting work on the answers as a team. Use common Christmas information about Santa, Christmas songs, etc. Ask some tough questions as well as easy questions. Award points for each answer depending on hard the answer (one point for each of the nine reindeer, ...
You Cant See Me
Nature game, outdoorsEquipment: A nature trail.Formation: ScatterThe object of this game is to allow the players the opportunity to pretend they are animals, trying to hide from Man.The group walks a given distance down a nature trail, while the leader explains the rules:Each player is given time to hide along ...
You did it
Materials needed: Compass for each team, compass directions for each team, puzzle pieces with a message for each team, prizes Play: When you lay out the course, place two parts at each location. One part has the compass directions to get you to the next place and the other part ...
Yummy Fossils
Give each boy a chocolate chip cookie and a toothpick. Tell them they need to get the chocolate chips out without breaking them. ...
Zig Zag Bicycle Race
Set out a course of obstacles: chairs, benches, garbage cans. Boys must weave their way around these on their bicycles to a turning line and then return to starting line.It is best to have each boy tackle the event individually while a leader times him. Best time trial wins. ...
Zip Zap
Players are arranged in a circle. "It" stands in the middle, points to someone in the circle & says, "ZIP" or "ZAP" & then counts to ten. If the command is "ZIP", the player must name the person on her left before the count of ten. If "ZAP", the person ...
Zip Zap
Form a circle with the leader in the center. When he points to someone and says "zip!" the player must give the name of the person on his right before the leader counts to ten. If the leader says "zap!" the player must name the person on his left. Anyone ...
Zulu Boy
Type: Pack Equipment: Hat(See the Wolf Cub's Handbook page 16 for background story). One Cub is the Zulu boy who, instead of being painted white, wears a white-cocked hat made from paper, which he must not remove during the game. He is sent out to hide himself. The territory is the ...