The Sap Keeps Runnin

8 people --1 narrator, 2 birds, 4 trees, and the Cubmaster or Pack Committee Chair
Have the 4 “trees” form a line and hold their arms up with sticks to be branches. Have the 2
“birds” off stage to the side. Put narrator out front to the side.

Narrator: For this skit, we are going to need a volunteer from the audience. (even if the Cubmaster
or chairperson does not raise his/her hand pick one of them anyway. As he/she comes up,
tell him/her to run around the “trees” and no matter what, keep on running around them)

Narrator: This is the story of Camp Whatcha Doin’!

Narrator: Every year here starts out the same. During spring, the trees get greener and the birds
come back north for the spring. (birds “fly” over to the other side of the stage.) Then when summer
comes around, summer camp starts and the camp is just blooming everywhere with Cub
Scouts of all ages. Then in the fall, the birds start their long journey south for the winter (“birds”
fly back over) and the trees start to change color and loose there leaves. In the winter, the trees
have lost all their leaves (“trees” drop sticks but keep there arms up). Then this whole process
repeats itself every year. But here at Camp Whatcha Doin’ like any other camp, the sap keeps on

References / Source:
GSLC Pow Wow 2007

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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders