This version uses a similar format to format one with the same commands being given, but the following changes occur: The scouts are standing in a row instead of sitting. When the command comes to fire the torpedo one comes, and the last person in line says, "I don't know how" which is repeated upline. The captain says, "Pull the red chain, push the blue knob" and pulls on the person's nose for pulling the chain and pushes his chest for pushing the knob. This is repeated down line. This procedure is repeated for each torpedo firing. When the captain exclaims "We missed again you blockhead" the crew jumps up and down and cheers. The captain says, "No, that is bad", to which the crew hang their head and groan. On the last command, when the captain finds out they have failed and have been hit, he takes out a gun (hand like a fist with thumb up and first finger out) and shoots himself, falling down dead. This is repeated down the line to the last person who looks at the gun with a confused expression and says, "I don't know how!"