A one-person skit that is one of my perennial favorites, and another one of those repetitive skits. Cast: Poet, Grass, Flowers, Birds, Frogs, 3 Trees, Victim Setting: A Poetry Reading Session DO NOT READ THIS POEM IN ITS ENTIRETY; READ IT LINE BY LINE AS INSTRUCTED; AT EACH STOP, GET YOUR VOLUNTEERS! Spring is sprung, The grass is growing, The flowers are blooming, the birds are singing, And the froggies are ribbitting. The leaves on the trees are growing, And the sap is running through the trees. The poet is standing in front of the crowd and announces his ode to spring. Poet: This is my latest poem, called Sp-ring is Sp-rung. (A great place to ham it up, by lengthening out all the "r" & "l" words.) Reads out the first line and proceeds to the next -- stops at "the grass..." Poet: Hmm. I need some grass to demonstrate. (Get "grass.") Here, do just like this (crouch down; hands overhead, put together pointing up, then stand up slowly.) Now, let's start again. Starts again, the grass grows on cue, and gets to the third line -- stops after blooming. Poet: I need at least one flower. (Get "flower.") You would be a great help. Just like the grass, only make a circle with your hands instead when you're standing up. Starts again, grass grows, flower blooms, gets to the fourth line, just before the word "birds" and of course stops. Poet: I need a couple of birds. (Get "birds.") On cue, you will chirp like birds and perhaps flap your arms. He starts again, gets to the frogs, hits his head with his hand, Poet: I forgot the frogs. (Get "frogs.") You guys know how to jump like frogs and go "ribbitt?" Good. Remember, on cue. Yet again, he starts from the beginning, and guess what happens when he gets to the trees? You got it, Pontiac -- he gets 3 trees, spreads them a few feet apart, and instructs them to lift out their arms like tree branches, and wiggling their fingers, of course on cue. Poet: I think I may have it right this time. Once more from the top he goes, and BEFORE he starts the last line, he gets the victim, Poet: Oops, I forgot the last person. (Get your victim now.) Now on cue, you will simply run back and forth between these here trees. Got it? Great. Once more he goes through the poem and gets through it all the way.