InsaneScouter - The Den Mother's Bouquet - Activities Skits

The Den Mother's Bouquet

Characters: Six Cub Scouts in summer uniform or Cub Scout T-shirts.
Scene: A nature walk.

Props: Cub-fashioned bouquet, with strands of ivy.

Cub 1: Gee, Fellas. I don't think Mrs. Brown's having a very good time.

Cub 2: Well, you didn't help things much, giving her that garter snake.

Cub 3: I was just trying to help her collect stuff for our nature display at the pack meeting.

Cub 4: Yeah…and you heard what she said! "Nothin' ever again, that moves by itself."

Cub 3: So…now I know better!

Cub 5: Don't worry about a thing, you guys. I'm gonna fix everything.

Cub 6: Yeah? How?

Cub 5: Well, you know how nutty women are about flowers? So, I picked her this neat bunch of flowers…(he holds up the bouquet, with trailing strands of ivy)… See?

Cub 6: Oh no… (wails). We'll never get to go on another hike!

Cub 5: How come?

Cub 6: Cause...that's poison ivy!!


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