Aquanaut Boating Safety
Boat Safety Fill in the blank with one of the following words: weight shore hang overload middle flotation 1. Always wear a personal _______________ device. 2. Don't _______________ the boat. 3. Balance the _______________ evenly in the boat. 4. If the boat tips over, _______________ onto it and kick to shore. 5. Step into the _______________ seat ...
Aquanaut Safe Swim
The Three Basic Rules Use the following key to decode these three rules: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ___ ___ ___ ' ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 4 15 14 20 16 1 14 9 3___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 20 8 9 14 11___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ...
Aquanaut Activity Badge
Water Safety For each statement, circle the correct answer, DO or DON'T. DO DON'T 1. Show off in the water. DO DON'T 2. Dive into strange or shallow waters. DO DON'T 3. Go in swimming right after eating. DO DON'T 4. Have your family physician tell you of any problems found in your fitness checkup. Swimming & RescueUsing words ...
Arrow of Light Ceremony 3
Cubmaster: Cub Scouts, Parents, and Leaders, we are here tonight to honor No. of our Webelos Scouts, who are to come before this Pack to be presented with the highest award in the Cub Scout program, the Arrow of Light. Akela: Akela was the Big Chief of the Webelos ...
Arrow of Light Games
The Webelos Scouts have more fun if you set up a few of these for each meeting. Set up stations and have the Cubs rotate through them. All these activities can be done for both the Boy Scout Oath (Promise) and the Boy Scout Law (12 Points). #1: Repetition Write ...
Arrow of Light Requirements
The Arrow of Light award is to the Cub scouting, what an Eagle rank is to Boy Scouting. Quite simply, the highest honor a Cub Scout can earn. Better yet, the Arrow of Light is the only Cub Scout badge that can be worn on your son's Boy Scout uniform.Arrow ...
Artist Fun with Colors
COLOR BASICS PRIMARY COLORS Black SECONDARY COLORS Blue ____________________ Green ____________________ Grey ____________________ Orange ____________________ Purple ____________________ Red ____________________ White Yellow NEUTRAL COLORS include _______________, _______________, _______________. THE COLOR WHEEL Secondary colors are those made by mixing equal amounts of two primary colors. Fill in the boxes with the appropriate secondary colors. ---------- | BLUE | / ---------- / ---------- ---------- | | | | ---------- ...
Artist Webelos Mobile
1. Print out this page (one per Webelos Scout). 2. (optional) Laminate each sheet. 3. Cut out each shape (can be exact edges or squares or circles) 4. Scotchtape a thread near the top of each image. 5. Lash or tape 2 or 3 drinking straws together to make a ...

Athlete Being Healthy
Good Health HabitsCircle the correct answer(s). Bathe/shower (every/day OR 1/week) and especially after exercise. Wash your hair (1/month OR 2+ times/week). Wash hands (before eating OR after using the restroom) and when they're dirty. Eat right - (3 OR 4 OR 6) regular meals each day at regular times! Eat (just some OR a variety ...
Athlete Exercise Crossword
---- |L | ---- ------------- | | |B | | |D | ---- -------------´ ---- | | | | |P | ---- ---- ------------------- | | |W | |S | | | | | | ---------------------------------------------- |J | | | |& ...
Athlete Fitness Circle
Have all of the Webelos Scouts get in a large circle, facing the same direction. Give instructions for the various activities as follows: Walk in a circle, and keep walking between these exercises. Start hopping. Make yourself small as possible and keep walking. Make yourself as tall as possible and keep walking. Reach you ...
Athlete The WarmUp
Make sure the boys have plenty of room to move around. The leader should read it in a slow monotone at first while letting the boys go through the motions. Then try it in the sing-songy rhythm a little faster. Continue, repeating it faster and faster!Hands on your hips, hands ...
Boy Scout Badge
The three-point design of the top half is like the north point of an old sailor's compass. This shows that a Scout is able to point the right way in life as truly as the compass points it in the field. The three points are like the three fingers used ...

Boy Scout Review 1
Boy Scout Promise Number these in the correct order. (hint: God, Others, Self)_____ To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight_____ To help other people at all times_____ To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law_____ On my honor, I will ...
Boy Scout Review 2
Boy Scout Law Number these in order. (hint: The first letters are T L H F C K O C T B C R)A Scout is ____ Courteous ____ Helpful ____ Loyal ____ Kind ____ Friendly ____ Trustworthy ____ Clean ____ Cheerful ____ Brave ____ Reverent ____ Obedient ____ Thrifty Boy Scout StuffMatch the item on the left to the information on the ...
Boy Scout Review 3
Boy Scout Stuff Match the item on the left to the information on the right. Scout Motto Do a Good Turn Daily. Scout Handclasp Use your left hand and don't interlock fingers. Scout Slogan Three upraised fingers with the thumb clasping the little finger. Use when saying the Scout Oath or Scout Law. Scout Sign Be Prepared. Scout Salute They ...
Campout Planning Forms
Camp Menu Day Meal Main Dish Drink Snack Duty Roster Meal Cook Asst. Cook KP Water Fire ...
Citizen Duties Rights
Every Citizen has ... Complete each statement by inserting duty or right in the blank.1. the __________ to obey all laws.2. the __________ to equal protection of laws and equal justice in the courts.3. the __________ to respect the rights of others.4. the __________ to inform yourself on issues of ...
Citizen Naturalization Test
Do you know enough to become a citizen? Take this test and find out!1. Who discovered America and what was he looking for?2. What were the first 13 original states which formed the Union?3. How many amendments to the Constitution have been made so far?4. What must be done before ...
Citizen Presidents Search
E C R E I P T R N A G A E R B C E J K A W T A F T T X I R X W H N O F O R D D O N V X C Y N J E F F E R ...
Citizen Test Your Citizenship
Test A If you meet the President, you call him: your Highness your Excellency Mr. President The President and his family live in: Blair House the White House the suburbs The first President to live in the White House was: John Adams George Washington Thomas Jefferson We celebrate birthdays of two Presidents in February; they are: Washington and Lincoln Jefferson and Adams T. Roosevelt and F.D. ...
Citzen Scavenger Hunt
Most government buildings offer a tour of some sort and you might be able to combine the tour with the following scavenger hunt. Divide the den into two or three teams and give the boys a reasonable time limit. Have them locate answers to questions like these:1. What is the ...
Communicator Alphabet Soup
Using the letter of the alphabet displayed, fill in the answer for each clue. The first one has been done for you.The "Jungle Book" name of an important Cub Scout Leader is Akela.When they are old enough, Cub Scouts can join a troop of B____ _______.The title of the leader ...
Communicator Anagrams
Can you decode these? 1. NOON GOOD 6. LAJUMPKE 2. WHEEL WHEEL WHEEL WHEEL DRIVE 7. 10SNE1 3. MAN CAMPUS 8. PAID I AM WORKED 4. GLASS PHEASANT 9. HO GUARD HO 5. BOPPER 10. iRIGHTi Answers:1. Good Afternoon 2. Four-Wheel Drive 3. Big Man on Campus 4. Pheasant under Glas 5. Baby Bopper 6. Jump in a Lake 7. Tennis Anyone? 8. I Am UnderPaid and OverWorked 9. Garden Hose 10. Right between ...
Communicator Codes
Webelos enjoy being able to communicate in code - it's like knowing a happy secret. Codes are used all over the world. When you send a telegram or a cable, you are sending a kind of code written in a short way. During wartime, codes are an important way for ...
Communicator Secret Code
For each letter, make a unique symbol or shape or another letter or number. Make copies of this and have boys write a coded message for the boy on his right to decode A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ...
Compass Emblem and Compass Points
The Compass Emblem and Points are similar to the Progress Towards rank beads used in the Tiger, Wolf, and Bear Ranks. They are an extension of the Arrow Points that Wolf and Bear Scouts earn after earning their respective ranks. Compass Emblem: A Webelos Scout can earn the ...

Crafstman Tool Identification
Pictured above are some basic tools Webelos Scouts may use when working with wood, leather, or tin. Place the appropriate number next to the named tool. _____ Awl _____ Ax (hand) _____ Brace & Bits _____ Chisels _____ Coping Saw _____ Drawknife _____ File _____ Half-round File _____ Hammer (claw) ...

Engineer Careers Bridges
The Right "Man" for the Job! Use a word from this list to fill in the correct answer. Aeronautics Chemical Computer City Agricultural Electrical Physical Industrial Mechanical Civil An engineer who designs plants to make water safe to drink - __________. An engineer who designs machines in a factory - _________________. An engineer who tests new processes and checks old ones in ...

Engineer Catapult Plans
Basketball Catapult Instructions Base, backboard and hoop are made from a 1"x4" board. Drill holes in base and backboard 3/8" diameter and 1/2" deep. Cut a slot at a 15 degree ...

Engineer Rubberbands
Rubberband Strength One of the requirements for an engineer is to make a catapult. This requires the use of a rubber band or two or a piece of tire inner tube. The rubber band is "elastic" and it stretches, but then returns to its original shape. Before using materials in ...
Family Member Family Finances
Webelos Family Member Scavenger Hunt Have boys find another boy in their den with the following: 1. A parent who works at _____________ 2. Has a great grandparent still living 3. Has two sisters 4. Has the same favorite color 5. Lives in a five-bedroom house 6. Has his Arrow ...
Family Member Family Word Search
D L O Y A L D E U L A V R S L V R L E Y D D T N U R T U R E T A S K S A C S U ...
Family Member Inspections
Home Inspector First, locate unsafe conditions and eliminate all hazards promptly. The following questions will aid you in making an inspection of your home.1. Do you have a strong, safe step ladder for reaching heights?2. Are halls and stairways safe and well lighted?3. Are means taken to prevent rugs from ...
Family Member Menu Planning
Meal #1: Menu ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Meal #2: Menu ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Meal #3: Menu ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Shopping List ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ...
Family Traditions
Each of us has some traditions that are only practiced by our own families. Let’s remember to enjoy those traditions and our families at this time of year. Remember it is better to give than to get. See if you can find the joy ...
Fire Safety
Below are the main rules for fire safety, of course we will only build a fire when a responsible adult is present. Before doing anything, be sure your fire site is in an area where campfire building is allowed. Dig a small pit way from overhanging branches. (Most parks have campfire pits ...
Fitness Alcohol Tobacco Drugs
Identify the symptoms and/or effects of abuse for Alcohol (A), Tobacco (T) or Drugs (D). 1. ___ Shortened memory 2. ___ Slows down the brain 3. ___ Causes lung cancer 4. ___ Loss of motivation 5. ___ Slows down the body 6. ___ Causes heart disease 7. ___ Less willpower ...
Fitness Fun Warmup Exercise
Make sure the boys have plenty of room to move around. The leader should read it in a slow monotone at first while letting the boys go through the motions. Then try it in the sing-songy rhythm a little faster. Continue to repeat it, ...
Fitness Treat Your Body Right
Circle T for True or F for False. T F 1. Smoking or chewing tobacco makes you cool. T F 2. Smoking can cause lung cancer and heart disease. T F 3. Athletes who smoke always play as long and as hard as athletes who don't smoke. T F 4. Smoking will not affect your eyes at all. T ...
Forester Forest Products
Forest Trees and their Useful Wood Products Write the letter of the wood product on the right, next to the correct tree variety on the left. ___ Cedar ___ Redwood ___ Long Leaf Pine ___ Pecan, Oak, Ash ___ White Pine ___ Douglas Fir, Ponderosa Pine A. pulpwood for paper, lumber B. ...
Forester Fun with Trees
Play On Names Match each statement on the left to the appropriate tree on the right. This tree comes in twos Date This tree is nearest the sea Aspen This tree is a romantic evening for 2 Locust This tree keeps you warm Pear This tree was an Egyptian plague Tulip The tree we offer when we shake hands Beech This tree is ...
Forester Jr Forest Ranger Quiz
Circle the best answer for each question. 1. Campfire permits are required for: a. indoor fireplaces b. outdoor areas, depending on local laws c. lighting Halloween pumpkins 2. If a fire gets out of hand, you should: a. get your parents, run to your car and drive away b. report it ...
Geologist Geologist Study
Label each picture with the appropriate word from the list below. earthquake damage fault geyser stalactite stalagmite volcano igneous rock metamorphic rock sedimentary rock ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ...

Geologist Like a Rock
Use these words to fill in the blanks below. volcanoes mountains geologist's hammer magnifier sedimentary rock chisel igneous rock safety glasses geysers fossils earthquake metamorphic rock ______________Rock made by the cooling of magma; not layered; examples are granite and basalt. ______________Sediment that under great pressure becomes rock; it is layered; examples are sandstone, shale, and conglomerate. ______________Baked rock or rock that has changed ...
Geologist Mineral Matching
1. ___ metallic element resembling magnesium, used in making galvanized iron, alloys, and as an element in voltaic cells. A. Gold 2. ___ a ductile, malleable, silver-white metallic element - used for making machinery, tools B. Silver 3. ___ precious yellow metallic element, used in coins, decorations, etc. C. Zinc 4. ___ metallic element, light, reddish-brown ...
Geologist Minerals Scavenger
Mineral (/ Product) Uses Where Found Aluminum Aluminum foil, cosmetics, beverage cans, cooking pots, antacids, lotions Chromium Chrome fixtures (cars), stainless steel Copper Wires, pipes, cooking pots, brass, pennies Fluorite (fluoride) Toothpaste, drinking water Gold Dentistry, jewelry, computers, electronics Gypsum Wallboard, plaster Halite (salt) Table salt, preservatives, de-icers Iron Cosmetics, hair dye, steel, wrought iron Lead Car batteries, fuel tanks, TV tubes, x-ray shields, fishing sinkers Nickel Nickel coins, stainless steel, sheetrock Perlite Gardening Silver Photo ...
Geologist Volcanoes
Read the definitions, then label the diagram below.ash cloud - the cloud of ash that forms in the air after some volcanic eruptionsconduit - a passage through which magma (molten rock) flows in a volcanocrust - the Earth's outermost, rocky layerlava - molten rock; usually comes out of erupting volcanoesmagma ...

Geologist Word Scramble
Unscramble the letters to spell words used by a Geologist. L O S F I S ________________________ O A T M N U N I ________________________ A Q E T E U K R A H ________________________ Y E S R E G ________________________ L E O N O V A C ________________________ F I E R M A G ...
Handyman Handy at Home
Place a check in front of each of the following that is covered in the Handyman activity. _____ Wash a car _____ Change a tire _____ Do the laundry _____ Replace a lamp's lightbulb _____ Make a sawhorse _____ Make cookies _____ Plant a garden _____ Tighten a bike chain _____ ...
Handyman Tool Man Crossword
---- |1 | ---- ...
I want it So I will get it myself
One thing that many of the Webelos Scouts might be used to is letting their mom and dad buy all of their toys, hobbies, diversions, etc. Sit down with them and find out one thing that each boy wants, that costs more money than he currently has. Once they have ...
Introduction to Webelos
The Arrow of Light award is to the Cub scouting, what an Eagle rank is to Boy Scouting. Quite simply, the highest honor a Cub Scout can earn. Better yet, the Arrow of Light is the only Cub Scout badge that can be worn on you son's Boy Scout uniform. ...
Naturalist Bird Word Scramble
Unscramble the letters to spell names of birds. B O I R N ________________________ N E W R ________________________ K E D I A C E H C ________________________ C U D K ________________________ N A I L C R A D ________________________ A W N S ________________________ R O T K S ________________________ E Y R U T K ________________________ R O O L I ...
Naturalist Nature Quiz
Circle the best answer for each question. 1. All birds have: a. feathers b. two legs c. teeth 2. An annual flower blooms: a. every year b. twice a year c. only once 3. A monsoon is a: a. flower b. animal c. wind 4. In a hive, the worker ...
Naturalist Rare Bird Facts
Fill in the correct answer(s). What is the fastest flying bird? _____________________________________ How high can birds fly? __________________________________________ What is the Nebraska State Bird? __________________________________ What bird has become extinct in the last 75 years? ______________________ Why do all birds build nests? ______________________________________ Name two "major league" birds. ____________________________________ Which birds ...
Naturalist Species of Nature
Fill in all the empty category squares with words beginning with the letter for that row. If you cannot think of a name for that category, leave it blank and go on. Then, compare answers with the others. Animal Bird Fish Flower Tree N A T U R A L I S T Data supplied by Pack 114 ...
Outdoorsman Campfire Fun Safety
If You're Lost in the Woods Fill in the blanks with a word from this list. All words should be used once. dry fire head hole leaves nightfall run sheltered signal wander 1. Stop, sit down, and try to figure out where you are. Use your __________, not your legs. 2. If caught by night, fog or a storm, stop at ...
Outdoorsman Campsites Firewood
Wood for Campfires There are three types of wood used to build a fire. Use the following key to decode them. D E F G I K L N R T U $ @ % ? * | + & = - # ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___- * & $ @ =___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___| * & $ + * & ?___ ___ ___ ___% # ...
Outdoorsman Knotty Knots
Knot Descriptions Match each description on the left to the appropriate knot name on the right. For tightening and loosening a rope easily and on guy lines. Square Knot For tying a rope to a post or ring; it's strong but easy to loosen. Tautline Hitch For tying a rope to a tree or ...

Outdoorsman Outdoor Cooking
OUTDOOR COOKINGCooking and eating are an adventure. Eating is fun and so is fixing food to eat. There are so many activities that offer an opportunity to cook and eat. There is just something about camp cooking that is special. Cooking outdoors requires a different set of rules and equipment. ...
Questions Webelos Scouts Should Ask Each Troop
Question Ideal Answer Do I know anyone in the Troop? (Possibly) Have I been invited to visit this Troop? (Maybe - does not matter) Are any ...
Questions Webelos Should Ask Themselves
Upon graduation from Cub Scouting with hopefully the Arrow of Light rank, a Webelos scout has some questions he needs to ask himself about his future and future in scouting. Scouting is an ascending adventure. As the boy grows in age and maturity, the Boy Scouts ...
Readyman Be Prepared Search
Find and circle these items, then color them in: A C E F G L M N O R Y - 9B J S W 2 4 X T K D H P U Z 6 8 I Q V 7I H D B V U T S 8 6 ...
Readyman Emergency Form
Fill in the blanks with the correct information. Then post this by your phone so you can reference it in an emergency. Police or Fire - 911I am __________________________________________I live at ________________________________________ _______________________________________________My phone number is ______________________________My birthdate is __________________________________ My parents are __________________________________ Mother's work phone number _______________________ Father's ...
Readyman Its an Emergency
Use the following words to complete each sentence. Each word is used only once. alarm arson ax burn call crawl drill emergency escape exit explode extinguisher flammable fuse hazard homes hose hot outlet panic plan roll scald smoke detector Sparky water 1. If trapped in smoke; ____________ under the smoke to safety.2. Gasoline can ____________ near a flame or heat.3. Electrical ____________ covers protect little children from shock.4. A ____________ is used to put water on a ...
Readyman Showman Hollywood Word Search
Z O D T E G T C A R E T S I S U M S P E K B A R N E Y A L A T I B U S H W A C K E D R K ...
Scholar Fun Knowledge 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | ...
Scholar Fun Knowledge 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------- | | | ...
Scholar Study Skills
You are the captain of your very own scholarship or learning. Teachers and parents can help, but how well you do in school depends greatly on how well you do your homework. School has just started. Imagine that your scholarship has just left port for a nine-month cruise. You will ...

Scholar Trivia Brain Teasers
Trivia 1. With which had does the Statue of Liberty hold her torch? 2. Which is larger, a dime or a penny? 3. How many keys are there on a piano? 4. How many stars are in the big dipper? 5. How many legs does a spider have? 6. Whose ...
Scientist Seeing is Believing
A picture is worth a thousand words. But sometimes our eyes deceive us, and what we see is only what our brain expects to see. Optical illusions are amusing, but they also teach us a lot about how our brain works in conjunction with our eyes to create vision. Are ...

Scout Camp Equipment List
Personal Equipment List Quantity Equipment Notes 1 1 1 1 Backpack Sleeping Bag Sleeping Pad Ground cloth 2 qts 1 each 1 each Mess Gear Water Bottle Plate, Bowl and Cup Fork and Spoon 1 per trip 1 per trip 1 1 per trip 1 1 1 1 1 1 per trip 1 per trip 1 per ...
Showman Compose a Song
In Cub Scouts, we like to sing fun songs, especially songs about Cub Scouting or something gross or fun. We can even make our own NEW song. We don't have to write a new tune though. We can use a tune from a song we know, like "3 Blind Mice." ...
Showman Thaumatropes
A thaumatrope is a card with different designs on each side which, when the card is twirled, blend into one. Create one or both of these nature thaumatropes.1. Cut out a pair of pictures. You can make them square or circular.2. If you cut out square shapes, glue them both ...

Sportsman Sports Quiz
Match the terms to the appropriate game. ___ 1. Spare ___ 2. Shell ___ 3. Shuttlecock ___ 4. Fairway ___ 5. Slalom ___ 6. Double fault ___ 7. Eight ball ___ 8. Chukker ___ 9. Clay pigeon ___ 10. Tech. knockout ___ 11. Jump shot ___ 12. Puck ___ 13. Double play ___ 14. Figure eight ___ 15. Field goal ___ 16. Headlock ___ 17. Casting ___ ...
Sportsman The Penalty Box
Match the Officials' signal calls to the correct sport. FOOTBALL BASKETBALL BASEBALL SOCCER HOCKEY Pass Interference Illegal Dribble Technical Foul Holding the Face Mask Keeing Time-in Slashing Time-out Charging Fair Ball Offside Substitution Ball Hooking Corner Kick Incomplete Pass Strike Touchdown Penalty Kick Out Delay of Game Holding Clipping Foul Ball Safe Unsportsmanlike Conduct Traveling Tripping Illegal Motion Foul ...
The Webelos Badge
Uniform Font and Alignment for Table Content /* Setting the font and alignment */ body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; line-height: 1.5; } table, tbody, tr, td, span, li { text-align: left; } strong { font-weight: bold; } That's where the name Webelos comes from. Webelos Scouting the next ...
The Webelos Badge
"We'll Be Loyal Scouts" That's where the name Webelos comes from. Webelos Scouting is the next step towards becoming a Boy Scout. It is a program that starts upon graduation from fourth grade - as a Bear Cub Scout - and ends some 20+ months later in February with the ...
Tommy the Trustworthy Scout Song
Use this to help teach our Webelos the Scout Law....and have some fun.Trustworthy Tommy was a Scout, Loyal to his Mother, Helpful to the folks about and Friendly to his brothers.Courteous to a girl he knew, Kind unto his rabbits Obedient to his father, too and Cheerful in his habit.Thrifty ...
Traveler Color of Signs
Different colors on signs have a meaning. Match each color from the list to the appropriate meaning below. Red Orange Yellow Green Blue 1. __________ is used to identify distances and directions.2. __________ means coming to a hazardous area or area with special rules.3. __________ is used for road construction area.4. __________ means stop or use ...
Traveler Road Signs
Write the meaning of each sign in the space below it. ...

Traveler Town Signs
Write the meaning of each sign in the space below it. ...

Traveler Been There Fun
I am famous for producing lots of maple syrup. I'm famous for a horse derby and rolling green hills. Mount Rushmore is one of my more popular tourist sites. The Chesapeake Bay divides much of my land area. Dorothy and Toto are a couple famous "residents." I am home to over 10,000 lakes. I'm home ...

Turn your Webelos into Boy Scouts
1. Start early with your program for the first-year boys to get all of them to Arrow Of Light (A.O.L.). 2. Do not wait for September to start a new Webelos den into the active program. 3. Get together during the summer months to do some ...
Turn your Webelos into Boy Scouts
1. Start early with your program for the first year boys to get all of them to Arrow Of Light (A.O.L.). 2. Do not wait for September to start new Webelos den into active program. 3. Get together during the summer months to do some special activities. The Aquanaut can ...
Webelos Advancement Webelos Badge Requirements
Parent Guide Have an adult member of your family read and sign the tear-out Parent Guide found in the front of the Webelos Scout Book. Active Membership Be an active member of your Webelos den for 3 months. (Active means having good attendance, paying den dues, working on den projects. ...
Webelos Compass Badge
Alignment of Content /* Setting alignment for the content */ body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; line-height: 1.5; } p { text-align: justify; } img { float: right; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; /* Adjust margins as needed */ } strong { font-weight: bold; } The Compass Emblem and ...

Webelos Information Webelos Introduction
The Webelos Badge "We'll Be Loyal Scouts" That's where the name Webelos comes from. Webelos Scouting the next step towards becoming a Boy Scout. It is a program that starts upon graduation from fouth grade - as a Bear Cub Scout - and ends some 20+ months later in February with ...

Webelos Information Webelos Scout Program
Welcome to the Webelos Scout program This document is designed to supplement material on Webelos Scouting found in the Cub Scout Leader Book, and Webelos Scout Program Helps. You and your Webelos Scouts will also each need a copy of the Webelos Scout Book, which shows requirements for the Webelos ...
Webelos Scout Program
Align Fonts /* Aligning the fonts */ p, span, li { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; /* default font size */ line-height: 1.5; /* default line height */ } strong { font-weight: bold; } Welcome to the Webelos Scout program This document is designed to supplement material on Webelos Scouting ...
Webelos to Scout Transition
The Transition Plan Every graduating Webelos Scout deserves the opportunity to continue his Scouting experience as member of Boy Scout troop. Your help can make a difference. Here's a plan that bridges the gap between Webelos Scouting and Boy Scouting. It results in better prepared and more enthusiastic new ...
Webelos To Scouts Transition Handbook
Buckskin Council, BSA Charleston, West VirginiaIntroductionWe don't have transition plans for other phases within the program, so why do we need a transition plan from Webelos to Boy Scouts?Even though we all think of Cub Scouts, Webelos, and Boy Scouts as Scouting, the fact remains that most Scouters view Cub ...