The Motorcycle Shop

The Motorcycle Dealer introduces himself and his shop. He stocks many types of motorcycles, and they
are all in excellent condition. In fact, he will demonstrate how good they are by making a sale to the next
customer who walks in the door.

First, of course, he needs some volunteers from the audience. Three are selected, and each is briefed
quickly as he comes to the front. (Choose scapegoats who have characteristics similar to the motorcycle
they will represent.) The first is to go slowly when started. The second will go very fast, almost losing
its rider. The third should not go anywhere. They are lined up on their hands and knees facing the
crowd. "Now," says the Dealer, "You can see what fine motorcycles I have."

A Scout walks in and asks if he has any motorcycles for sale. Of course, the Dealer is eager to show
his stock.

This first one is a Smith (use the victim's name). It's only 200 cc's, but a nice little machine. The Dealer
makes his sales pitch and invites the Buyer to go for a ride. The Buyer straddles the Smith, raises
himself up, and mimics using the kick starter.            The Buyer makes motorcycle noises, not very
energetically. He 'rides' (actually straddles and walks) the Smith around in a slow circle, returning to the
starting point. "That's too slow," says the Buyer, "Do you have anything more powerful?"

The next motorcycle is a 1000 cc Yablonski. Again the Buyer climbs aboard and operates the kick
starter. The Yablonski roars to life and races around in a circle.
The Buyer can barely hold on. "That's too fast! I could kill myself on that one!"

The Dealer says he thinks he has just the right one, a Jones that he recently received on the trade-in. It's
in good condition and has about the right power. The Buyer climbs on and tries to start. He makes
sputtering noises. After several trials, he complains that something just isn't right because the Jones
won't start. He gets off and stands looking at the motorcycle.

The Dealer yells angrily to Joe, who is offstage, "Joe! I thought I told you to put gas in the Jones!"
Joe replies, "Sorry Boss! I'll do it right now!" Joe enters quickly with a bucket or gas can and pours water
onto the rear end of the Jones.


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