(As the skit opens, we see several people seated, as if on a bus, with a driver at the front.)
Effects: [bus sounds, strong coughing, ding, ding.]
Martin: Driver, driver, let me off here! [exits]
Effects: [bus continues, then wheezing, ding, ding]
Paul: Oh, let me off, let me off! [exits]
Effects: [bus begins again, then hacking and snuffling, ding, ding]
Matt: [rubbing eyes] Driver, I can't stand it, I gotta get off. How come it's not bothering you?
Driver: [plugged up sound] I godda awbul gold id by dose. Oud you go. [Matt exits]
Effects: [bus continues, then ding, ding]
Steve: [plugged up also] Driber, gan you led be oud here blease?
Driver: Chure, where you goin'
Steve: Do de laundremat do wash by Scouder's socks!