6 ROBOTS (Cub Scouts)
DEN CHIEF: Den presents “The Rollicking Robots From The World Tomorrow.”
(Robots enter slowly in a line, then turn to face the audience)
ROBOT NARRATOR: We‘re the very latest triumph of engineering skill;
We can walk, we can talk, we can raise an arm at will;
We‘re really rather handsome, all gleaming steel and chrome;
Oh, everyone should have a little robot in the home.
You’ll never have to feed us, our wants are very few;
A sip of battery juice and a nut and bolt or two;
Our actions are dependable, just like a metronome;
Oh, everyone should have a little robot in the home.
(As each boy takes his turn, he steps forward stiffly, takes three steps, and bows before
he speaks.)
ROBOT 1: When Junior has some homework that no one can explain,
Were just the ones to help him, with our electronic brain.
ROBOT 2: Those nights when father moans and groans about his income tax,
We’ll do the calculations if he’d just feed us the facts.
ROBOT 3: We can help with mother’s gardening when she’s setting out her plants,
Our feet are built for digging holes or stamping out red ants.
ROBOT 4: If sister fears she’ll oversleep cause she stayed out late at night,
Just let us know the proper time, we’ll wake her up all right.
ROBOT 5: We’ll be glad to mind the baby when he’s crawling on the floor,
And shock him, oh so gently, if he’s heading for the door.
ROBOT 6: To cheer you up, we’ll bring you music straight from our transistors;
And even go into a dance while rattling our resistors.
(Robots dance: Three slide steps to left; then three slide steps back to position. Three
bounces forward; then three back to position. Swing left arm and right leg forward and
back; then right arm and left leg. Repeat these kicks, then bow.)
ROBOT NARRATOR: We hope we have convinced you of our many splendid uses,
And we faithfully promise not to blow out any fuses.
We’ll always be at your service with our every volt and ohm,
Now, don’t you think that you should have a robot in your home?