Abracadabra Word Search
Abracadabra Jinx Alakazam Incantation Chant Invoke Charm Magic Conjure Mumbo-Jumbo Hex Open Sesame Hocus Pocus Spell Z Y R E M R A H C N A L A K A Z A M S O A L R O S L K U U I C E B V A O T M C T O P A N W N A B O A N S D I A G A O P T J R A H I U Q J S N U A C C H A I U U A R H A H E N A M C C E B R V X L C B O N A A B F R I A O H I E M A S E S N E P O ...
Airplane Short Runway
Cast: 2 scouts (If more are desired, they can be passengers, with suitable sound effects and actions. Seating for pilot and co-pilot, and for passengers if required and a compass. Announcer: This scene is on board a very low budget airline. Pilot: Well, are we anywhere near the airport, co-pilot ...

Alexanders Rag Time Band
Props: Colored strips of cloth for each participant, spears, and shields if desired. Announcer: In this skit, ALEXANDER THE GREAT has called all his officers together to plan the next day's battle when they will make the big ...

Alien comes in - the traditional "take me to your leader" routine etc. When taken to the leader the alien says, "Stop singing, Ging Gang Goolie -- it's our national anthem..." ...

All Face
An Indian and a white man are traveling together. It's cold and the white man is shivering. The white man is all bundled up and the Indian has very little on (i.e. pants, no shirt) and his blanket. ...

All In a Days Work
Props: A sign reading: "Undertaker, Justice of the Peace, Furniture, Fresh Eggs", some overalls, straw hats, bandannas. Announcer: Here we see old Clem Smithers sittin' in front of his country store and funeral parlor. Josh: [strolling in, thumbs ...

All Over Me
Two scouts are needed, or one scout and the MC. "They're all over me, they're all over me!" "What's all over you?" "My clothes!" ...

Announcement The
A five second gag to put into a loose moment. Cast: Campfire chief and a volunteer in the audience Campfire Chief: And now it's time to make a spot announcement. (Dog barks from the audience.) Thank you, Spot. ...

Another CPR Skit
This is a skit that I have done a couple of times in the past few years. Scouter Bill Palmer - 1st Port Elgin, 15th Juan de Fuca Scouts in Victoria, B.C. One person is laying on the ...

Ants The
Characters: 6 to 8 Cub Scouts Props: Paper sacks Setting: The skit opens with boys standing together in a backyard. Cardboard cutout trees and bushes could be used. 1st Cub: Gee, there's nothing to do. 2nd Cub: Yeah, ...

Artistic Genius
The scene is an art show where judges are inspecting several canvases are displayed. They comment on the brightness, color, and technique that are used in the different pictures. They select one for the prize and comment additionally ...

Babies Dads The
Cast: Doctor, three Dads Setting: Hospital Doctor: Mr. Thompson, congratulations. You're the proud father of twins! Thompson: What a coincidence -- I come from Two Mountains! Later -- Doctor: Mr. Smith, you now have triplets! Smith: That's quite ...

Two scouts lay down on sleeping bags on the stage. Two other scouts, pretending to be bikers, "ride" over to one of the scouts who is on top of the bag and proceed to beat him up. They ...

Bad Breath
One blanket-covered player is the terrible dragon with terrible breath. Plant three or four "volunteers" in the audience who come up, one by one, to say hello to the dragon. Each time the dragon replies, "Hello!" the "volunteer" ...

Bad Turn
Akela: "Now, (Cubs name), you know you should always do Good Turns." 1st Cub: I tried, honest! Akela: OK Each Cub enters and says similar things to Akela. Last Cub: (carrying a small frying pan with a "pancake" ...

Action: Several boys repeatedly blow up balloons until they break. Boy 2: What are they doing? Boy 1: Blowing up balloons. Boy 2: Why? Boy 1: It's a contest. Boy 2: Oh. What does the winner get? Boy ...

Banana Skit The
This skit is ideally suited for four people since it takes the form of a four-beat chant. However, any number can participate. The group forms a line, facing the audience. See banana, see banana, see banana, see banana! ...

Baseball Game The
This is great fun in warm weather at a campfire, and it takes a little practice for the perpetrators. There is plenty of room for variation, depending on what the Scouts can imagine and how the volunteers react ...

Be Prepared
The first scout walks to the center of the stage, stands to attention, salutes, and says, "BE PREPARED." This is repeated by three other scouts. When they are all standing side by side, a loud motor horn or ...

Beam Me Up
Scout: Walks on stage, looks around slowly, and says, "Scotty! The aliens are very unfriendly!! Quick!! Beam me aboard!!" Another scout in the audience: THUNK (the sound of a 2x4 landing on stage) ...

Bear Hunt
A variation on A Talking Martian! And Saloon. Cast: Bear, two hunters Setting: The woods #1: (Whispering) Ah! There's a bear! I can shoot it, and I'll have my take for the day! (Bang! And the bear falls ...

Bee Sting
1st scout "OOOOOUCH , OOOOOH , OOOUCH." 2nd scout "What's the matter with you?" 1st scout "A bee's stung my thumb." 2nd scout "Try putting some cream on it then." 1st scout "But the bee will be miles ...

Beer Commercial The
Cast: Actor(s), Director, Cameraman, and Others in a studio Setting: Studio Director: Okay, People! Let's get going! Cameraman: But Sir! Director: No interruptions! Action! The actor, speaking in a dull voice, does a commercial for Scout Beer, talking ...

Bicycle Shop The
(The scene begins with three players on their hands and knees, in a row, like bicycles.) Shop Owner: Well, there we are, three brand new bicycles all set up for sale. Customer : (Entering) Hi. I'd like to buy a bicycle. Shop Owner: Sure thing. Why don't you try them ...
Big Game Hunting
Two to four hunters talking together each says that he is packing a heavier and more powerful gun to shoot with. The first starts out with a small handgun and the last ending up with a very powerful rifle, shotgun, whatever. Two others come over who have overheard the hunter ...
Big Itch
Cast: Guy, 4 People on lunch break Setting: Park Bench A guy is sitting on a park bench. Guy: I'm waiting for my girlfriend. I hope she comes soon. (Luncher #1 sits on the bench and moves him over. #2 sits on end and ...
Bigger Jerk The
A simple, one-person skit that is great for those loose moments in a campfire. Cast: 1 Person, log (or imaginary mower), "Volunteer," Victim Person: (Groans and grunts as he's bent over carrying "heavy" mower.) Uhh. (Lets it down.) These old models, I tell you. They are so heavy, and they ...
Biggest Turkey The
An alternate ending follows the regular skit. Cast: Box or suitable covering, Person in Box, Announcer, Victim, regular and serving spoons, stick and log, paper and book, rubber chicken, small cue card Setting: Circus, Boardwalk, Technology Show Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen! To demonstrate my enlarging machine, I will need a ...
Blanket Tossing Team The
This takes about six guys, who form a circle around an invisible blanket, with a small invisible guy (Bruce) who sits in the middle of the invisible blanket and gets tossed. "We're an Olympic blanket tossing team, and Bruce in the middle here is our star blanket bouncer. We'll toss ...
Recruit three or four volunteers and blindfold each one. Have the volunteers stand in front of the audience and instruct them to take off anything they have on. The smart ones will remove their blindfold, but those caught up in the joke will continue to remove items. Continue with those ...
Bombing Run The
In this one, the Scouts are seated one behind the other in close formation. The first Scout becomes the pilot, the second becomes the wings, the next one becomes the side gunner, the next one is the fuselage, the next one is the tail, and the last one is the ...
A leader begins to explain how to lay a campfire. The leader decides to use members of the audience to represent different pieces of wood. The bonfire builders bring up various volunteers. Some of the volunteers are bunched in the center for tinder with others placed for kindling with the ...
Coffee Ground Fossils
Ingredients: 1 cup of used coffee grounds 1/2 cup of cold coffee 1 cup of flour 1/2 cup of salt Small dinosaur figurinesDirections: Stir ingredients until well mixed. Knead the dough together. Mold dough around a dinosaur figurine, covering it completely. Press your dinosaurs firmly into ...
December Games030201
SNOW SCAVENGER HUNT The Inuit people have so many different words for snow. See how many of the different kinds of snow you can find. Here is a list of Inuit words for snow and their meaning.  ...

Discover Dinosaurs
Create stations on several tables at your meeting. Place a dinosaur fossil (can be found at the discovery science stores and even some dollar stores) and other information about the dinosaur. Put manipulatives as well as pictures (like the wooden puzzles of dinosaurs put together with glue). At the door, ...
Think you have to be a magician to cast a fly? It may look that way, especially when you're watching an expert do it. But fly-casting really is easy, although not as easy as spin-casting or bait-casting. And when you've mastered it, it will ...
Folk Dances Match the dance with the country it came from. Write the letter in the blank by the country. Use each country only once. Use each dance only once. ___ 1. Argentina A. Gillie Callum (sword dance) ___ 2. Austria B. Hat Dance ___ 3. Brazil C. Hoop dance ...
Fun Facts
When John Glenn squeezed applesauce into his mouth from a toothpaste tube, about 36 years ago, he became the first human to eat in space. The crew of Apollo 13 have and still are the men considered to have traveled furthest from the earth. Learning the sentence “My Very Excellent Mother Just ...
HELP THE HOMELESSÂ Â Materials Needed: none How to Play: Divide the group into pairs. Have partners link elbows and stand in a very large circle, leaving at least 10 feet between each pair. Now designate one player ...

Fun In The Sun Word Search      SEASIDE SCENE Have paper and materials out for Scouts and families to make a seaside scene. You will need: • A sheet of cardstock • Paste and a brush • Glue • Dried seaweed ...


PATCH OF THE MONTH Conservation Good Turn: This is an opportunity for Cub Scout packs to join in conservation or environmental organizations (federal, state, local, or private) to carry out a Conservation Good Turn in their home or communities.BLUE & GOLD IDEAS Activities: Speakers-clown, magician, entertainer "Clown college" Face Painting ...

WORRY WHEELCut the shape below from a piece of wood 1” thick.Drill 2 - 1" hole as shown, sand, stain.Insert thumbs into the holes and twirl your worries away. BOOMERANG Learning to be a friend is an important skill for Cub Scouts. Cut out this boomerang from heavy cardboard. The ...

Milk Carton Bird Feeder
Feeding Wild BirdsThe most important of the three essentials for birdlife is food. Water and shelter play a lesser role. Feeding may be done in two different ways at two different times - summer and winter. Feeding correctly requires varying the diet with the season.Summer feeding is usually unnecessary but ...

Mound Bread
2 cups whole wheat flour 1/4 cup sugar 1/4 cup shortening 2 tsp salt 2 pkg dry yeast 2 cups very warm water 3 to 4 ...
Utah Fire Firefighters' Museum & Memorial Tour: A great place to go to learn about fire safely, various types of fire equipment, fire transportation, and modes of communication. BLUE & GOLD IDEASÂ Â Activities: Speakers-rock collector, postal worker, ...

BRAGGING SCIENTIST US SCIENTIST—We put a man on the moon in 1969. RUSSIAN SCIENTIST—Big deal we put Sputnik up in 1961, and we are going to send a team to the sun. US SCIENTIST—You’re mad! They will burn up before they even get close. ...
MAGIC CANDLE TRICK Carve a candle out of carrot, potato, apple, etc. Place half a shelled walnut for the wick so it resembles a real candle. Light the candlewick, there is enough oil in the walnut to keep it burning for awhile. At the logical tense moment, blow ...

Them Midway30511

Clothespin Wrestlers: Decorate at least two clothespins with different colors, and draw the meanest-looking faces you can. (Round clothespins work best). Use a wide rubber band to tie two wrestlers together as shown in the illustration. Wind up the wrestlers (not too tight), and carefully put them down. They will ...

Badminton Volleyball Here is a crazy version of volleyball that works well with groups from six to forty. Have each person bring a badminton racket to the game. In case there are those who do not have badminton rackets, you might have to provide a few extra. Even if you ...
Ping Pong Party Race Set up a winding course in the game room by setting out chairs or other objects to mark the boundaries. Form two teams and give each team a Ping-Pong ball. Have half the members of each team line up at the beginning of the course and ...
Theme Midway Fiesta
Image by annca from PixabayCONFETTI FILLED EGGS: In Mexico, this is a tradition. They use it for the fiesta and at Easter time. Take a raw egg and color it, then decorate it as you wish. Make a hole in it about the size of your middle finger and remove ...

Time in a Capsule is … a moment in time ...a memory ... memorabilia ...Time capsules... You can capture your own time in a capsule by: • Have your boys write a poem about their feelings regarding something in their life. • Make a poster collage of pictures that say ...

Things that Cubs can collect:  • Matchbox cars                            • Bugs • Models           ...

Our state and national parks are ours to enjoy. Take advantage of them when traveling. Take time to drive through them. Teach your children respect for life. Be thankful for the wildlife we still have. Enjoy the sight of a speckled fawn following its ...
Here are some fun games for your Cub Scouts to play at a den meeting or with their families at a pack meeting. Most can be played outside or with a little adaptation, you can play them inside if the weather gets bad. Penguin ...
 Design Your Own Cattle Brand  Cowboys used brands to mark their cattle so that everyone would know to which ranch they belonged. It was said that children living in Texas during the time of the great cattle drives learned to read a brand before learning their ABC's. Brands are still used today to identify ownership and deter the rustling of livestock. Brands have a language all their own. The ability to read these symbols is referred to as "callin' the brand." Brands are read left to right, top to bottom, outside to inside and any action (flying, walking, rocking, etc.) comes first.  Walking Y          Circle Star          Rocking H           ...
Theme Midway0511

Word Search0511