Blue And Gold Cubs
EQUIPMENT: 4 candles (2 blue and 2 gold), candle holders, __ U.S. Flag. 5 Webelos Scouts or Den Chiefs, 4 cards (each bearing one letter of the word Cubs.)Place candles in the candle holders on the table with a lettered card behind each one. At the proper time, the ...
Character Counts
BSA's Charter with the Congress of the United StatesThat the purpose of the corporation shall be to promote, through organization and cooperation with other agencies, the ability of boys to do things for themselves and others, to train them in scoutcraft, and to teach them patriotism, courage, self-reliance, and kinder ...
Conservation Program
The Boy Scout conservation program's emphasis is to incorporate throughout the Scouting Program and activities an awareness and understanding of conservation as wise and intelligent management of natural resources. The development of good citizens is one of Scouting's aims, and citizenship needs to practice sound environmental living and conservation of ...
Eagle Scouts
The simple fact that a boy is an Eagle Scout carries a lot of weight, special significance to the boy, but not only in Scouting but also in the real world like college, work, the military, and many other areas of life. This award is a performance-based achievement with high ...
Think you have to be a magician to cast a fly? It may look that way, especially when you're watching an expert do it. But fly-casting really is easy, although not as easy as spin-casting or bait-casting. And when you've mastered it, it will ...
Lone Scouts
Since its beginning das in 1910, BSA has been concerned with extending the Scouting program to boys in areas that can't support a full Troop, Pack, or another type of unit, making it impossible to join a nearby Scouting unit.The Lone Scout plan serves such boys who cannot take part ...
Personal Equipment List
Scouting Equipment List body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 1.6; } table { width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; margin-bottom: 20px; } th, td { border: 1px solid #dddddd; padding: 8px; } th { background-color: #f2f2f2; } td:nth-child(2) strong { font-weight: bold; } td:nth-child(2) { font-style: ...
Questions Webelos Scouts Should Ask Each Troop
Question Ideal Answer Do I know anyone in the Troop? (Possibly) Have I been invited to visit this Troop? (Maybe - does not matter) Are any ...
Scouting Is
Welcome, to the Scouting family. In Scouting we do our best to enrich the lives of the boys and make a difference in the kind of men they become. Since 1910, it has been the mission of the Boy Scouts of America to prepare young people to make ethical choices ...
The Purpose of the Order of the Arrow
To recognize those Scout campers who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. To develop and maintain camping traditions and spirit. To promote Scout camping. To crystallize the Scout habit of helpfulness into a life purpose of leadership in cheerful service to others.History of the Order of the ArrowThe ...
The Scout Handbook
The Boy Scout Handbook is like the bible of Scouting. It contains all the information that a Scout needs to know to earn an eagle. Inside the book are the main method of tracking a Scout's advancement all the requirements for the ranks he will earn on his way to ...
Turn your Webelos into Boy Scouts
1. Start early with your program for the first-year boys to get all of them to Arrow Of Light (A.O.L.). 2. Do not wait for September to start a new Webelos den into the active program. 3. Get together during the summer months to do some ...
What is Boy scouting
Boy Scouts of America was started to provide a community organization that offers effective character, citizenship, and personal fitness training for youth. It endeavors to develop American citizenship in boys and encourages them to be physically, mentally, and emotional fit.Boy scouting is a program designed for boys between the ages ...

What is the Merit Badge Program
The Merit Badge Program provides youth the opportunity to explore more than a hundred fields of subject of skill and knowledge. Merit Badges are a vital part of the Scouting advancement plan. A Scout acquires the kind of self-confidence that comes only from overcoming obstacles to achieve a goal. Instructions ...
Who Are The Professionals
The ProfessionalThe Boy scouts of America provides a program for young people that builds desirable qualities of character, trains them in the responsibilities of participating in citizenship, and develops their personal fitness. Scouting serves more than 4 million young men and women in every part of the country through more ...
Who Pays for Scouting
Scouting is paid for in many different ways. The first and most basic form is from its membership fees. After that is donations from the public, the community, and corporations. What it really comes down to is:WE ALL DOUnits:Each unit gets its funds from dues, and approved fund raisers these ...