InsaneScouter - The Compass - Activities Skits

The Compass

Props: A good compass and a map

Announcer: In this scene, we see a Scoutmaster teaching a Patrol about maps and compass.

Scoutmaster: Now, fellows, if you take a bearing from the map this way, you can now stand up and, keeping the compass away from your belt buckle, walk along the bearing until you reach your destination. John, you try that.

John : (Does as instructed, exits, re-enters)

Scoutmaster: (Standing) You can take a bearing on a distant object and use that to find where you are on the map. Now, each of you takes a bearing on that big tree on the hilltop.

Other boys : (Do as instructed, passing compass around, making suitable comments.)

Scoutmaster: (After a few moments) All right, let's all gather around. That wraps up tonight's compass lesson. There is just one more important point! Never, never buy a TATES compass.

Tom: Scouter, why should we never buy a TATES compass?

Scoutmaster: You know the old saying: "He who has a Tates is lost!"


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