Custom Coasters
Personalize your drink coasters with this excellent themed craft. Your kids can customize them for special occasions like New Year, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and more. What you'll need: Graphics software (Avery Kids Printertainment works well) Color printer duplicate checker Avery Kids #03111 Square Stickers Photos, ...
Geology Chemistry
ChemistryAll things in the universe consist of a combination of elements in specific orders and following certain "natural laws". Rocks are no exceptions. They consist of arrangements of elements in specific chemical groups, forming neutral charged compounds. To understand rocks, a basic understanding of chemistry is needed. The following is ...
Geology Denudation
Geology 101 - Gale Martin - Class NotesThe surface of the earth is constantly being modified by two sets of forces. The internal forces of the earth, tectonics, deform and alter rock producing massive mountains. The external forces, denudation, wear away the mountains through weathering and erosion.These opposing forces create ...
Geology Earthquakes
Geology 101 - Gale Martin - Class NotesElastic Rebound TheoryRocks along faults rarely glide along in a smooth, frictionless fashion. Movement along a fault is sporadic and unpredictable. Behavior along the fault is modeled using the Elastic Rebound Theory. The faults tend to 'lock-up' and resist motion. Stress being applied ...
Geology Fluvial Systems
Geology 101 - Gale Martin - Class NotesFluvial Systems, or rivers, are by far the most abundant and important erosional agent on the surface of the earth. The information covered here is but a small portion of that needed to understand the dynamics of fluvial systems. One can approach rivers ...
Geology Glossary
abrasion - physical wearing away of rock by grinding and "sanding" of the surface through impacts with other rocks.absolute age - giving the age of a rock formation in years; commonly based on radiometric ages.acidic - igneous composition that is high in silica and rich in potassium, aluminum and sodium.aftershock ...
Geology Groundwater Systems
Geology 101 - Gale Martin - Class NotesOnly a portion of the water that falls as precipitation returns to the ocean as fluvial runoff. As rain strikes the surface of the Earth, some of it soaks into the ground and seeps into the soil . Here it becomes part of ...
Geology Igneous Petrology
Geology 101 - Gale Martin - Class Notes Igneous rocks form when molten (rock) material solidifies. Each rock, via its texture and composition, reveals a "story" of its origin when properly "translated". These "clues" provide evidence for the igneous activity, both past and present, occurring within the earth. To understand ...
Geology Introduction
Geology 101 - Gale Martin - Class NotesIntroductionThis Physical Geology class covers three general areas--Rock classification and a brief description of the processes necessary to form rock.--Denudation processes: including fluvial, glacial, eolian, mass wasting and groundwater processes.--Tectonic processes: including earthquakes, orogenies, plate tectonics and the structures created by these processes.Rock ...
Geology Minerals
Geology 101 - Gale Martin - Class NotesMineralsThe chemical elements bond together in various ways to form the basic building blocks of rocks -- minerals. Minerals, in geologic terms, must fit a very restricted set of rules.--Naturally occurring:They must be natural in origin. Synthetic gems and crystals grown in space ...
Geology Plate Tectonics
Geology 101 - Gale Martin - Class NotesHistory Behind Plate Tectonics TheoryTo understand the theory of plate tectonics, it's best to know the history and development of the idea. The theory was developed through many years of scientific study and 'arguments' (scientific discussions).Continental DriftSeveral geologists, from many different continents, had ...
Geology Sedimentary Petrology
Geology 101 - Gale Martin - Class NotesAny rock that is exposed to the earth's surface will result in the production of sediments. Given sufficient time, these sediments will lithify and become sedimentary rock. There are four steps in the formation of sedimentary rock: weathering, erosion, deposition and lithification. Indirectly ...
Geology Stratigraphy and Geologic Time
Geology 101 - Gale Martin - Class NotesStudying individual rocks results in limited information: it's relationship to other rocks is far more important to understanding tectonic events. Rock outcrops contain information about the sequence of events evolved with its origin and the conditions under which the rocks formed. With some ...
Geology Structural Geology
Geology 101 - Gale Martin - Class NotesStress and StrainAll materials respond to stress. But each material responds in a unique way that may be different under altered conditions. This course will review the basics of how rocks respond to tectonic forces acting over millions of years.Stress is a force ...
OTHER PLANET FLAG CEREMONY Cubmaster is in astronaut gear, den chiefs/den leaders dressed as aliens. The Cubmaster is trying to put the flag on this new planet. The aliens are curious about what he is doing and ask him lots of questions. What is ...