about insanescouter

About InsaneScouter

Around 1997, while still in college, a friend introduced Scott to web programming. Scott was enthralled and spent months learning and mastering the web. The first project Scott started was InsaneScouter, with the intent of making it the worlds largest Scouting resource site in the world.

Over the years, Scott has worked with several people trying to make InsaneScouter all that it can be. Around 2001 Scott and another friend formed InsaneScouter into a legal business. A year or so later they devolved the business.

Now and then people asked why InsaneScouter? What does it mean? We even received several emails upset that we would make fun of the mentally challenged. The name InsaneScouter was chosen as a metaphor for the spirited, fun, and wacky nature the kids we work with have. For example, think about kids clowning around, a youngster sniffing a powdered drink mix, or even how one says your nuts to be a leader.


We at InsaneScouter are striving to: 

-     Provide a reliable and safe website

-     Provide resources, services and features useful to anyone in Scouting and Guiding

-     Continually add and improve the resources being provided

-     Add many more services and features to include

-     E-Postcards 

-     User Profiles to form a network of “Human Resources.”

-     Add Current BSA Cub and Scout level rank and award requirements

-     Create a directory (kind of like a simple search engine) of Scouting and Guiding sites

-     Provide a free email service

-     Provide basic free website hosting 

-     In the more distant future

-     Produce an outdoor skills video series

-     Have our own building which will house a physical resource library, have computers Scouters can use, provide meeting space, be a place to hold training, maybe even have enough space to host special events


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Materials found on InsaneScouter'.org is © 1998 - 2026, but may be reproduced and used for anything consistent with the Scouting and Guiding programs. Unless otherwise noted on the page. If you believe we are republishing your copyrighted material without permission, please Contact Us including the url to have it removed or your copyright information added. All opinions expressed on these pages are those of the original authors. All holdings are subject to this Disclaimer.

Please be advised that InsaneScouter is NOT affiliated with any Scouting or Guiding Organization including Boy Scouts of America.

Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders