Two scouts run in front of the campfire. One Scout introduces himself as the owner of the World Famous Talking Dog. Second Scout puts up his hands in a paw-like fashion, makes small barking noises, and scuffles his feet like a dog might do.
First Scouts says: Now, World Famous Talking Dog, what grows on the side of trees?
World Famous Talking Dog: Bark! Bark!
First Scout says: Now, World Famous Talking dog, what is the top of a house called?
World Famous Talking Dog: Roof! Roof!
A third Scout runs in and says to First Scout: "That's ridiculous! That's not a talking dog! He's just saying what any dog says!" Third Scout chases First Scout off into the woods offstage.
World Famous Talking Dog looks at the audience and says: "What was wrong with those answers?!".
Groans from the audience. End of Skit.