1st Scout comes out: Gets down on all fours, pretending to be a table.
2nd Scout comes out, looks at the table, and declares;
2nd SCOUT: "Ah, a fly, I think I'll pull its wings off" Proceeds to pick it up, pluck the wings, put it back on the table, and walks off.
3rd Scout comes out, looks at the fly on the table, and says;
3rd SCOUT: "Oh, a fly with no wings, I think I'll pull its legs off", With great precision and animation, picks up the fly, removes its legs, puts it back, and walks off.
4th Scout comes out, looks at the fly, and announces;
4th SCOUT: "Say, a fly with no wings and no legs, I think I'll pull its head off." Then proceeds as the other Scout before him.
Last Scout comes out and looks at the table, then carefully inspects the object without picking it up and says very quickly
LAST SCOUT: "A raisin !" and quickly picks it up and puts it in his mouth