A den of Cubs in costumes, to represent acts in the circus, parade in and say
their lines. The Ringmaster asks audience to guess what each boy is.
We bring you now these circus characters from near and far, listen to their stories
and guess just who they are.
It’s evident that although I am a cat, you never would call me kitty. I’m a king of
renown with a mane for a clown, and my roar is tremendous not pretty. (lion)
At the sound of a shot, I can change my spot when hunters are out to pursue me.
But I can’t, so they say, change the spots I display, they seem to Be glued right
to me. (Leopard)
A look like a common house pet, but I’m not, on that you can bet. I’ll tell you a
fact, I need a friend for my act. (dog)
As you can see, balancing is my thing, and excitement to you I will bring. Oohs
and aahs are heard from the ground, but I will never fall down. (tight rope walker)
I can’t fool you, my name’s not Pooh. My name rhymes with scare, but I look so
cuddly I wouldn’t dare. (bear)
2003 Pirates of the Cirribean