When winter comes to the Northern states, and the lakes and rivers freeze solid, you can try the most rugged fishing sport of all—ice-fishing. Of course, you must be somewhat rugged yourself because standing in freezing temperatures and snow squalls for hours at a time isn't anyone's idea of comfort. ...
About Fishing Techniques
There are many ways to fish, Here I will introduce some fishing methods that I am familiar with to you. Fly Fishing With fly fishing, various materials are used to design a very lightweight lure called a fly. Fish think the fly is an insect and they take the bait ...
Bait-casting is the fishing method most sportsmen use. It's easy to learn, and its tackle is inexpensive. And it isn't limited to catching small fish, as fly-casting and spinning are unless you're an expert. A big cannibal Trout will hit your bait-casting spoon or plug. So will a hefty citizen ...
Brook Trout
To biologists he's the Brook Trout, to Canadians he's the Speckled Trout, and to New Englanders, he's the Squaretail, but no matter what he's called, to anglers everywhere he's the aristocrat of game fish. His haunts are the purest waters of picturesque mountain streams and crystal-clear lakes. He takes the ...
Brown Trout
If there's a fish that deserves more appreciation from American anglers, it's the Brown Trout. He's highly respected in England, where angling first became an art. This Trout is larger than either the Brook Trout or Rainbow Trout; the world record Brownie, taken in Scotland, scaled 39½ pounds, and even ...
Anglers have mixed feelings about the Carp. Most of them don't like him, although he's fun to catch on the right tackle. And he's not bad to eat when he's skinned, and the narrow band of pink flesh that runs along each of his sides is cut out before he's ...
Proof of the Catfish's popularity is the great number of anglers interested in him; they total several million. It is doubtful if even the aristocratic Trout, or the little Sunfish caught in nearly every backyard pond, claims more attention than this strange fish with the whiskers. Maybe it's because there ...
Fishing And Gear Important Article Of Fishing
If you are searching for information related to fishing and gear or any other such as fishing shows, ice fishing shelters, fishing secrets, or fishing you have come to the right article. This piece will provide you with not just general fishing and gear information but also specific and helpful ...
Fishing Flies 101
The world of fly fishing can be a confusing one, beginners are forced to learn new lingo, new techniques, and digest new info regarding fish and their behavior. Over the years, we have published many articles to help beginners and veterans alike, they are archived at for your use. ...
Fishing Tips Free Related Fact Of Fishing
Finding specific information about fishing tips might not be easy, but we have gathered very helpful and relevant information about the general subject matter, with the ultimate aim of helping you out. Even if your search is about other fishing tips information, such as fishing luggage, Florida fishing tips, fishing ...
Fishing with your kids 101
There is an old adage about fishing and it is something to remember when going out with a kid; You are only as good as the size of your smile. It is of utmost importance that you supply a fun time that happens to ...
Flounder And Fluke
The Flounder and Fluke belong to a family known as "flatfish" because they swim flat on their sides, horizontally, like swimming "doormats," as they are sometimes affectionately called. They're scrappy fighters and plentiful most of the year; you can catch Flounder off New England when it's so cold that icicles ...
Think you have to be a magician to cast a fly? It may look that way, especially when you're watching an expert do it. But fly-casting really is easy, although not as easy as spin-casting or bait-casting. And when you've mastered it, it will ...
FreshWater Bait
EarthwormsThese are the baits most popular among anglers of all ages, and only a few fish species will pass them by. There are two ways of baiting an earthworm on a hook: (1) put the point into the worm near its head and thread it on, letting the tail hang ...
Go Fly Fishing Around The World
Fly fishing is a popular sport around the world. With a history dating back nearly 2,000 years, it should not be surprising that many of the world's cultures have adopted various styles of fly fishing for their sport fishing activities. Fly fishing is a sport where the basics can be ...
How To Fight A Fish
An angler (he didn't deserve the title!) whom I once met on New York's famous Beaverkill River had just caught a 3-pound Rainbow Trout on tackle that would have made any fly-fisherman cry. His worm-baited hook was tied to a leader of about 15-pound-test on a fish line too heavy ...
Introducing a Child to the Outdoor Sport of Fishing
A brief article summarizing some suggestions for ensuring an enjoyable day teaching a child to fish. The outdoor sports rely heavily on one generation instilling the love of the sport into the next generation. This means that one generation has to take the time and effort to take a child ...
Lake Trout
The Lake Trout has several qualities that make him a fish you'll like to catch. First is his size. A 5-pounder is an infant; 20-pounders are common. The world record Laker taken on hook-and-line was 63 pounds, 2 ounces, and almost 4 feet long. Specimens weighing over 100 pounds have ...
Largemouth Black Bass
This big fresh-water tackle buster is a favorite of anglers because of his savagery when he attacks a lure, and because of his head-shaking, leaping battle when hooked. Due to transplanting, he now can be found in ponds, lakes, and rivers throughout the United States, and even in Canada, Mexico, ...
There are 40 different ways to spell the name of this fresh-water champion. Muskellunge is the most commonly accepted but the Algonquin Indians had the first. They called him "maskinonge," which means "great Pike." And no description could be more fitting. The Muskie is a Pike of a super variety. ...
Northern Pike
The most belligerent and fearless of all our fresh-water game fish is the Northern Pike. And the hungriest! He devours the equivalent of one-fifth of his weight every day. And he is one of the few fish in the world that stalks his prey like an animal. His smaller cousin, ...
The Pickerel is the smallest member of the Pike family, which includes the Northern Pike and Muskellunge, but he's no featherweight fighter. His average is 2 pounds, and his world record is 9 pounds, 3 ounces. And he's savage enough for a fish many times his size. He isn't discouraged ...
Anglers along the east coast of the United States have the little Porgy to thank for much of their fishing fun. When this hungry denizen of the deep comes along, he usually brings a few million of his brothers, and the action is fast and furious. As soon as you ...
Rainbow Trout
The honor of being one of the most spectacular fresh-water fighters must go to the Rainbow Trout. He takes a dry fly, or wet fly, or spinning lure without showing as much discrimination as do the Brook Trout and Brown Trout, but during the ensuing battle, he's out of the ...
Rock Bass And Crappie
The Rock Bass and Crappie (pronounced "Croppie") are two of our most popular "panfish," so-called because most of those we catch are just about the right size for our frying pans—about ½ pound. But 2-pounders are common and the world record Crappie weighed in at 5 pounds, 3 ounces; the ...
SaltWater Bait
Bloodworms and Sandworms Do you know there's a state in which raising and selling fish bait is one of the leading industries ? Bloodworms and sandworms are the bait, and the state is Maine. Tons of these fish-getters are shipped annually to salt-water anglers ...
Sea Bass
The Sea Bass is familiar to salt-water anglers of our Atlantic and Pacific Coasts—and, as a matter of fact, to anglers of almost every coast because his family of more than 400 species roams the tropical and temperate waters of the world. He grows the largest in the Gulf of ...
In one respect, the Shad is a new fish—he's new to sport-anglers who only recently learned how to catch him on rod and reel. But he's an old friend of millions of Americans who have been dining on him and Shad roe ever since the Indian days. The fact is ...
Smallmouth Buck Bass
The Smallmouth Black Bass (average weight: 1½ pounds; world record: 11 pounds, 15 ounces) may not be as large as his Largemouth cousin, in overall size as well as jaw spread, but he makes up for it in scrappiness. When a Smallmouth feels your hook he will treat you to ...
Spin-casting is the newest of all the fishing tricks. It's not the same as spinning, although spinning is casting, too. Spin-casting is a technical term (to anglers) and it refers to a method that's really a combination of spinning and bait-casting. With it, you use a spinning line, either a ...
Spinning is a fishing method that's rather new in this country. Brought here from England shortly after World War II, this method originated in France, where it has been called "light casting" because of the lightweight lures used. At first, spinning caused some American anglers, especially the fly-fishermen, to panic ...
StillFishing And DockFishing
On a famous Trout stream in New England, a city slicker with plenty of expensive fly tackle, but not a single fish met a barefoot boy who had caught several huge Trout with a bent pin on a piece of string."What did you catch 'em on ?" he asked."Mister, you ...
Striped Bass
The Striped Bass, also known as just Striper or as Rockfish (south of New Jersey), has everything a game fish needs to be a champ—he's big, fights like a mad dog, and hits your artificial lures with a wallop like few other salt-water fish. Also, he usually can be counted ...
Trolling is towing a lure behind a moving boat or canoe. Like still-fishing, it doesn't have much appeal to an active angler who isn't content to just "set," although it does give him a change of scenery as he trolls around a woodland lake or river. And if it's just ...
Walleyed Pike
The Walleyed Pike, also called simply Walleye or Pike Perch, can't be rated among the classiest of fresh-water fighters, but as a game fish, he won't disappoint you. When you tackle him, he lets you know you're in a scrap. He's no midget; he averages 4 to 5 pounds, and ...
Have you ever heard an angler speak of catching "salt-water Trout"? If so, he wasn't talking through his hat; he was referring to the Weakfish, called Trout by many fishermen along the Atlantic Coast. "Weaks" are only fair fighters, but they compensate for this lack of talent by being so ...
White Perch
Of the group of fish known as panfish, the White Perch has the distinction of being the most unusual. First, he's not really a Perch although in some ways he looks like one; biologists say he's really a Bass. Second, he sometimes grows so large he's a panfish only if ...
Yellow Perch
It's fortunate for us that this little panfish isn't easily discouraged, and that he likes to raise large families because he's pursued from all sides—by commercial fishermen as well as by sport anglers. Look in the frozen food bin of any supermarket; you'll find "Yellow Perch Fillets" alongside the Lobster ...