Arrow of Light Ceremony 3
Cubmaster: Cub Scouts, Parents, and Leaders, we are here tonight to honor No. of our Webelos Scouts, who are to come before this Pack to be presented with the highest award in the Cub Scout program, the Arrow of Light. Akela: Akela was the Big Chief of the Webelos ...
Blue Gold Cub Cake Closing
1 Cup enthusiasm 2 Cups fun and laughter 1 Cup hunger 3 Cups excitement 1 Tablespoon spirit 1/2 teaspoon pride 1 teaspoon bluing Sprinkle of gold dustMix thoroughly. Mold into shape. Bake with tender loving care for 3 - 5 years, until gold 'n' blue. Makes a dozen Cub ...
Blue Gold Dinner Closing
Setting: Have a single large candle at each Blue & Gold Banquet table, with a leader to light it. Extinguish the house lights and light table candles.Cubmaster: Cub Scouting is part of family life in more than 60 countries around the world. In all these countries, on an evening such ...
Blue Gold Idea
Activities Make and deliver decorations to a hospital, rest home, or shelter Boys serve dinner to families Guest speakers tell about their favorite gifts and why they were special. Learn new holiday songs Learn international holiday customs Menu: "Sharing" Stew "Giving" Grasshopper Pie "Helping" ...
Blue Gold Indian Opening Ceremony
Arrangement: All participants should be dressed in Indian costumes. A tom-tom is beaten slowly during the ceremony. One person can represent the Medicine Man with a peace pipe, a rattle, and some “magic dust”, which he periodically throws into the artificial campfire while muttering something unintelligible. Cub Scouts in ...
Blue And Gold
Print large block letters with permanent markers on 8" X10" sheets of white poster board, one letter to a sheet -- the word "BLUE" in blue, "AND" in black, and "GOLD" in red. Add silver stars to the letters. Printing script on the back of each card cuts memorizations ...
Blue And Gold 2
Needed: 1 large blue candle, 3 gold candles, 1 small candle for each adult, Small squares of construction paper to catch the wax.Personnel: Three key people of the Pack (Cubmaster, Committee Chairman, Den Leader Coach, and Den Leaders.Cubmaster: "Today a lot of people put a great deal of effort ...
Blue And Gold Candles
ARRANGEMENT: 7 candles (1 white, 3 yellow, 3 blue) are placed on a table. 6 Cub Scouts stand behind yellow and blue candles.CUBMASTER: (Lights the white candle) As I light this spirit of Cub Scouting candle, I am proud that every Cub Scout here has promised to do his ...
Blue and Gold Flag Ceremony
Narrator: I represent the spirit of Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of Boy Scouting. I am also the spirit of Scouting past and present. Here is our future…Cub Scouts of America. 1st Cub: (carrying a Bible) In the Cub Scout Promise, we say "I promise to do my duty, to ...
Blue and Gold Flag Ceremony
Narrator: I represent the spirit of Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of Boy Scouting. I am also the spirit of Scouting past and present. Here is our future…Cub Scouts of America.1st Cub: (carrying a Bible) In the Cub Scout Promise, we say "I promise to do my duty, to God" ...
Blue and Gold Welcome Opening
Personnel: Eight Cub Scouts say each lineCub 1: We'd truly like to welcome you.To our banquet of gold and blueCub 2:The food is great, the program grandAnd everyone lent a handCub 3: We’re having a party to celebrateThe Cub Scout birthdayCub 4: And we give our thanks to all those ...
Blue and Gold Welcome Opening
Eight Cub Scouts say each line Cub 1: We'd truly like to welcome you.To our banquet of gold and blue Cub 2: The food is great, the program grandAnd everyone lent a hand Cub 3: We’re having a party to celebrateThe Cub Scout birthday Cub 4: And we give our ...
Blue And Gold With 12 Parents
PEOPLE: Assistant Cubmaster, 12 parents (6 ladies, 6 men)EQUIPMENT: 6 Blue 12" candles, 6 Gold 12" candles, 1 candle holder for l2 candles, 12 3x5 cardsEach of the six male parents is given a blue candle and a 3x5 card with one point of the Scout Law written on ...
Cub Scout Spirit Closing
Arrangement. The Head table holds candelabra with three candles and one larger candle in a separate holder.NARRATOR: Tonight we have had a lot of fun at the (number) birthday party of Cub Scouting and the (number) birthday of our own pack. As Cub Scouts and leaders, we are following ...
Custom Coasters
Personalize your drink coasters with this excellent themed craft. Your kids can customize them for special occasions like New Year, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and more. What you'll need: Graphics software (Avery Kids Printertainment works well) Color printer duplicate checker Avery Kids #03111 Square Stickers Photos, ...
For Blue and Gold
Print large block letters with permanent markers on 8"x10" sheets of white poster board, one letter to a sheet--the word--"BLUE" in blue, "AND" in black, and "GOLD" in red. Add silver stars to the letters. Print the script on the back of each card to reduce memorization.B is for Boys--Bobcats, ...
Scouting Around The World
Arrangement. A world globe sets on the head table.NARRATOR: (Pointing to the United States on a globe): This evening we are holding our blue and gold banquet here. But did you know that all over this world (spins globe) Cub Scouts just like us are taking part in Scouting activities ...
Scouting Is Opening
Cub 1: As we prepare to join together in a banquet to celebrate the birthday of Scouting, it is important to remember why we chose to join the Scouting movement. Cub 2: Scouting is a program for young men and boys which is much bigger than just the people who ...
Scouting the Midway0408
PATCH OF THE MONTH Fort Douglas Patriotic Walk:Many boys may not know that we even have a military base in Utah. What was it used for? Did they know that there was a U.S.S. Utah? Those questions and many other interesting facts can be found at Fort Douglas. BLUE & ...

Story Of Cub Scout Colors
Arrangement. As the curtain opens, three boys dressed in Indian costume are seated around an artificial campfire. One wears a chief's headdress; the other two are braves. Hanging on a tripod over the fire is a kettle that has a small can of dry ice and a blue and gold ...
The Blue And Gold
Arrangement. Eight, Cub Scouts speak their lines and place the following cards on a large blue flannel board: "Truth, Faith, Loyalty, Sunlight, Good Cheer, Happiness, and a cutout golden sun"FIRST CUB SCOUT. Back in the good old days, school colors gave people a feeling of school pride and loyalty. ...