Skits & Storytelling/02-02


Costumes can be a poster hanging around each boy with a picture of
the instrument he is representing.
The instruments walk in, mumbling and grumbling.
Violin: Well, everyone knows the importance of strings. As head violin, my lovely tones ring.
Cello: Really, you must be a riddle. You may carry your family name, but to us, you are a
Drum: Now, now, just go take a seat, for, without my rhythm, you’d have no beat!
Cymbals: As Kettle Drum, you’re more kettle than not. I think of you as an empty pot.
Drum: If I were you, I think I’d keep you hidden, or else we will replace you with a garbage can lid.
Flute: How about flutes, or don’t we matter? I’ve never heard such meaningless chatter.
Drum: Now listen, we’re all important, and without a player, there’s not a tune could we carry.
ALL: He’s right, that’s true.
Leader: Let’s all take a lesson from this fuss. The boys are most important, and then comes us!


(Adapted from skit "Merry Music Maker Mob.")

(Cubs are seated, each playing instruments. If instruments listed
are not available, choose your own or omit some of the lines.)

Cub 1: (Enters) That looks fun. Is it hard to play an instrument?
Cub 2: (Playing drum) Well, my parents 'drummed' it into me that
playing an instrument takes patience and hard work.
Cub 3: (Jaw Harp) Mom was always 'harping' that I needed to
practice, and she was right!
Cub 4: (String instrument) I always like to just 'fiddle' around.
Cub 5: (Pipe chime) When I play, I just 'chime in' anywhere.
Cub 1: Can I join your band?
Cub 2: Sure. If you had a trumpet, you could 'horn in' anytime.
Cub 3: I can loan you a 'mouth organ' (harmonica). Then I'll be an
'organ donor'.
Cub 4: (hands Cub 1 a kazoo) Here, try this, 'Kaz-oo' needs to have
fun making music, too.
Cub 5 optional line: (to audience) We have Kazoos for all of you, "kaz-oo' all need to join the
Merry Music Makers.
(Inexpensive kazoos can be purchased at any party supply store such as Zurchers, Party City,
and Oriental Or, make your own kazoos with a comb and some wax paper.)

References / Source:
Great Salt Lake Council

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