Cast: 2 People, Radio Voice
Setting: Park
#1: Boy, what a lunch! Those Jumbo Burgers were really strange -- but good. I wonder why they wouldn't tell us what kind of meat was in it?
#2: Oh, you know, they tell that then people will expect the kinds of spices and other ingredients they put in, and they'll lose their secret recipe.
#1: You're right. But I'm still curious.
#2: Yeah, but forget it. Maybe we'll go back tomorrow and have another. Let's turn on the radio.
Radio Voice: Jumbo the Elephant from Lodge's traveling circus died last night during a performance from a heart attack. And for this week's "Poor Taste" award, given to restaurants for serving poor quality food, goes to Richi's Burger House. It appears that they have been serving "Jumbo Burgers," whose origins seem to be a little vague .... (Guys realize what they ate and start to throw up.)