A large box that Cubs can step into and out of; decorate the front with knobs and
dials. Costume pieces representing the future career for Cubs to have on when
they announce their future career. (e.g., Chef’s Hat for a chef)
Cub #1:
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the fantastic, terrific magic future machine. By
entering this machine, you will know your future career.
Cub #2:
Let me try it first!
Cub #1:
OK, enter the chamber (he turns dials on the front). Come out and reveal your
future. (This is repeated for each Cub.)
Cub #2:
Wow, I am going to be an inventor. I’ll invent a way to transport people and
products instantly.
Cub #3:
(enters then exits) Hey, I’m going to be a chef. Dinner anyone?
Cub #4:
(enters then exits) I’m going to be a doctor. Want a shot?
Cub #5:
(Enters then exits) I’m going to be a scientist. I’ll discover a new clean energy
Cub #6:
(enters then exits) Yea, yea, yea! I’m going to be a rock star. Where’s my guitar?
Cub #7:
(enters and exits) An astronaut, look at Mars!
Cub #8:
I’m not sure about this, but here goes.
Cub #1:
This way. (Turns dials.)
Cub #8:
(enters, screams) No! No!
Cub #1:
What’s the matter? What will you be?
Cub #8:
NO! I’ll be a (pause for silence) CUBMASTER!!! (Runs off stage with arms
GSLC Pow Wow 2008