Five guys sleeping in a tent, all in a row. The Scoutmaster on one end, the little Scout on the other.
The little Scout climbs over all the other sleeping Scouts, who try to remain asleep, and shakes the
Scoutmaster. "Scoutmaster! Scoutmaster! I gotta go wee!"
"Huh? What? Go back to sleep." The little Scout crawls back over everyone and
goes back to sleep for 5 seconds.
The little Scout climbs over all the other sleeping Scouts, who try to remain asleep,
and shakes the Scoutmaster. "Scoutmaster! Scoutmaster! I gotta go wee!"
"Huh? What? Go back to sleep." The little Scout crawls back over everyone
and goes back to sleep for 5 seconds.
The little Scout climbs over all the other sleeping Scouts, who try to remain
asleep, and shakes the Scoutmaster. "Scoutmaster! Scoutmaster! I gotta go wee!"
"OK! OK!" says the Scoutmaster, "If you've gotta go, then go."
The little Scout stands up and waves his hands in the air: "Weee!!!!"
1. Why do mountain climbers rope
themselves together?
2. What did the bug say when it hit
the windshield?
3. Why are mountain climbers
4. What can move trees but not a
5. Who is the most generous animal
in the wild?
6. What keeps the forest from being
7. What is the best way to start a
fire with two sticks?
Characters: 6 to 8 Cub Scouts
Props: Paper sacks
Setting: Skit opens with boys standing together in a backyard.
Cardboard cutout trees and bushes could be used.
1st Cub: Gee, there's nothing to do.
2nd Cub: Yeah, I know.
3rd Cub: Hey, let's have a backyard picnic.
All: Yeah!
4th Cub: But it's going to rain.
1st Cub: I don't think so. If it does, we can eat in
the house.
2nd Cub: I'll bring the potato chips.
3rd Cub: I'll bring the hot dogs.
4th Cub: I'll bring the hot dog buns.
5th Cub: I'll bring the drinks.
6th Cub: And I'll bring something special!
(All walk offstage and come back carrying sacks)
2nd Cub: Here are the chips.
3rd Cub: Here are the hot dogs.
4th Cub: Here are the hot dog buns.
5th Cub: Here are the drinks.
6th Cub: (Looks in his sack and
drops it) Oh, no!
5th Cub: What's wrong?
6th Cub: I brought the ants!!
Great Salt Lake Council