Props: Draw frogs on poster board; cut holes for faces
Scene: Three frogs are sitting to the side of the stage
facing the audience.
As the Curtain Rises:
The first frog softly says, “Cub.”
The second frog says, “Scou.”
The third frog says, “Ting.”
Frogs continue as the skit begins, getting
progressively louder throughout the skit.
Cub 1: I wish there were something exciting to do.
Cub 2: Me too. Like outside in the woods, maybe.
Cub 3: Yeah, like going fishing too.
Cub 4: Or going on a campout.
Cub 5: Hey, maybe we could join that group of kids we
saw the other day.
Cub 1: What group of kids?
Cub 5: Let me think a minute – I’ll remember. [The frogs
slowly get a little louder and faster saying their lines
at this point. After about three or four times, the
Cub speaks again.]
Cub 2: Why can’t we think of it?
Cub 3: It’s right on the top of my tongue.
Cub 4: It’s like I can hear it. [The frogs say “Cub-Scou-
Ting” with a normal speaking voice two or three
times. Then the Cub speaks again.]