PROPS: Stools (for fishermen to sit on)
fishing poles
SETTING: 6 Fishermen sitting on stools by a lake, hanging their poles in the water. Heads droop
until it’s time for them to speak their line.
1ST FISHERMAN: Not bad for a day.
2ND FISHERMAN: Not Bad. When we lived in Texas we caught them as big as 8 inches.
1ST FISHERMAN: 8 inches? Why I’ve caught ’em over 20 inches long right here in this very pond.”
2ND FISHERMAN: Who’s talking long? In Texas, we measured ’em between the eyes.”
3RD FISHERMAN: Any luck, Zeb?
4TH FISHERMAN: Yup, I caught me a 65-pound cat, but I decided not to keep him. How ’bout you?”
3RD FISHERMAN: Nope. But I did fish out a lantern I lost 5 years ago. And it was still a-burning”
4TH FISHERMAN: Aw right. Maybe my fish weren’t no 65 pounder. I’ll knock off 30 pounds if you’ll
blow out the light in the lantern.”
5TH FISHERMAN: “No, seriously, how is the fishing in Texas?”
6TH FISHERMAN: “Not too good. Fished all day and only caught one fish and he was too small to
keep. Luckily for me, two men came along in a truck and helped me throw him back.”