Cast: Grandson, Granny (2 people), Volunteer, Victim, campfire blanket(s)
Setting: In Granny's Room
Granny is in bed (say on the floor) and, of course, is covered with blankets. Your two grannies lie down on their backs, as close together as possible, with heads in opposite directions. The head of one is exposed, the other being covered and where Granny's "feet" are.
Try to figure out a way to set up the audience such that it seems like the right way to be addressing Granny, such as Her being afraid of getting any worse and wanting to be completely covered up to avoid getting cold.
Grandson: (To Granny) Granny! Wake Up! It's time for your pill! (Pause -- no response.) Granny! Wake Up! Oh no! She may be dead! (Ham it up, boys!) My gosh, I'll need some help! (Get volunteer.) Help me wake Granny!
Both of them: Granny! Wake UP! Wake Up!
Grandson: Oh, whatever will we do? She needs to take that pill! I think we need more help! (Get victim.) Will you help us? Just call out with us to wake up Granny.
All of them: GRANNY! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!
Grandson: Maybe if you stand over her and ask her for a sign that she's still alive.
Victim: OK. (Stands over her) Granny! Wake Up! Please! Give me a sign!
Granny's "back end" rises up and hits him on the behind.