A Cub Scout Pocket
A piece of tagboard is cut in the shape of a pocket and covered with blue felt, including a pocket flap and button. The badges which are attached are available at the Scout office (#4648 ), or could easily be made out of cardboard. They are attached with masking tape. ...
A Cub Scouts Thanksgiving Prayer
O, Heavenly Father, we ask for your blessingFor loved ones and friends that are near.We thank you for food and for love and for lifeAnd the spirit of Scouting that's here.We thank you for leaders who care about boys,Who give us their time - that's better than toys!We thank ...
A Flag Is
MATERIALS: A large American flag held by Scout, A small piece of light cloth on a stick held by Scout.LEADER: (points to small cloth on stick) A flag is much more than just a light cloth floating in the breeze.A flag is an sovereign symbol of a nation's unity, ...
Advancement Ceremonies 0208
HIKING CUP AWARD HOLDERS Before the pack meeting, make several emergency cups (see below) for presenting your awards. Have the awards inside the cups. Tell your pack meeting audience you have been on a long hike and you are extremely thirsty. Ask them to ...

Advancement Ceremonies 0209a
 Ceremony 1--Neal Armstrong: Neal Armstrong was the first man on the moon. When Neal Armstrong stepped on the moon he said, “That’s one small step for man, one giant step for mankind." Each Cub Scout in our ...

Advancement Ceremonies0202
MUSIC CEREMONY  (Play a part of a rousing marching song.) As you listen to this marching song, what do you hear? What instrument is playing? (Respond positively to all answers.) Can you hear a trumpet? A drum? Etc. That is right, and there are many different instruments playing. The variety of instruments makes this song sound so good. One instrument is not more important than the other; they are all important and needed. It is the same in our lives. There are many different people who work together to make our pack run well. And every person is different and special. If one person were missing, it would not be as fun or as successful. Tonight we would like to celebrate our diversity and our unity. BEAR AWARD  Make copies of the bear tracks and give one to the boy with his award and arrow points stapled to it.  ...

Advancement Ceremonies0203
PUZZLE CEREMONY Cut a large silhouette of Lincoln, Washington an eagle, or another national icon. Cut this into puzzle pieces, enough for each award being presented at the pack meeting this month. As awards are presented, add a piece of the puzzle to a large cardboard. At the end of ...

Advancement Ceremonies0203
Equipment needed: 1 potato and several straws Cubmaster: (to boy receiving his award) (boy ‘s name) I understand that you have worked hard to receive the (award name). We are all very proud of you tonight. I want to see if you have done ...

Advancement Ceremonies0205
Bird symbols are often found in ancient Egyptian ruins. This theme offers a great time for the Cubmaster to “show off.” Use puppets, stuffed animals, or even a... “PEPITO” (or use an Egyptian name, such as 'Ramses', or 'Cleopatra') ' Materials: 1. lightweight cardboard 2. pennies tape glue pattern crayons ...

Advancement Ceremonies0206
CUB SCOUT MAGIC--Introduction to Theme &  Awards Ceremony Idea Cubmaster dresses like a magician, in a top hat, cape, with a wand, and rabbit. CUBMASTER: Hello, hello, I am the Cubmaster Magician tonight. I have practiced many, many, many minutes to bring you some magic tricks. First, I need a wand. Do any of you have a wand I can borrow? Anyone? I will just have to get myself a wand. Now, I need a hat. Does anyone have a hat? I have one right here. Oh, Great. I'll just use that one OK, now I will pull a rabbit, yes, a rabbit, out of this magic Cubmaster’s hat. See… see… nothing in my hat, but when I say the magic word…hey I forgot the magic word. What is the magic word? Abracadabra? OK, I will use that. Abracadabra…and nothing happened. Ah OH. What next? Does anyone else know a magic word? (Try any words the audience comes up with.) Let's Try Cub Scouting is Fun. “Cub Scouting is Fun.â€Â Wha-la, a rabbit out my magic Cubmaster’s hat! Tonight we have ( # ) Cub Scouts who have earned awards as if by magic. Each month we gather here at the pack meeting and some of our Cub Scouts receive awards. But, this is not done by magic. Each Scout earns awards through hard work and the help of our faithful leaders and fearless parents. And tonight for our awards ceremony, we are going to do some magic. I will need some volunteer help. (Name of the boy), please come forward. (Have each Cub Scout help perform a prepared magic trick. See Cub Scout Magic Book and/or a local toy store for magic trick ideas and props.)  ...

Advancement Ceremonies0207
 Spark up your pack meetings with fun and thought-provoking theme-related award ceremonies for boys, Scouter’s minutes, recognition for parents and leaders, and even fun ways to make announcements.    SUMMERTIME ADVANCEMENT CEREMONY Read the following ...

THE CLOWN’S VISIT by Carol Shaw Lord Clown:Good morning, kiddies! I’m happy to see you this bright, beautiful morning! (Doffs hat and bows with a flourish.) Cubmaster:Psst! It’s not morning! Clown:(Puts hat back on.) Oh, pickle smoke! I must be mixed up again! Let me start over. (Doffs hat ...

The All-Purpose, All Occasion, Do Anything, Generic Ceremony Creator Choose one or more phrases from each list. Add your own personal words for each occasion. Assemble appropriate props. Would the following please come forward: Cub Scout(s)____________ Leader(s)_____________ Den(s)_______________________ Webelos Scout(s)________ , Parent(s)_____________ and Special Guest(s)____________ Before you is: A Candle ...

Advancement Ceremony0403
Image by Ely Penner from PixabayTHE TRUE STORY OF TRAVIS:Here is a story to help the boys think before judging a person based on his physical appearance or handicap. Divide the story and have each one tell or read a part. Our den would like to tell you the true ...

Advancement CeremonyFiesta
Image by Ernesto Eslava from PixabayFIESTA FUNBefore the meeting make enough triquitraques (pronounced tree-key-tra'-kays) in assorted colors foreach of your boys, following thedirections below. Put a World Brotherhood patch inside eachtriquitraque. Display them at thepack meeting in a brightly coloredbasket, pottery bowl, or sombrero. Play a CD or tape of ...

Adventure In The Sky Opening
Preparation: Have large pieces of construction paper with a picture representing each of the eight different aircrafts of the inventors. You can then put the boys lines on the back of each. Have the boys hold their paper down until it is time for them to say their part ...
A Is for ADVANTAGES, We have so many more, Because we are Americans, Let's give thanks therefore.M Is for MAJORITY, Decision by the most, That's the rule we follow from coast to rugged coast.E Is for EDUCATION available to all, So every last American stands up straight and tall.R Is ...
Arrow of Light Ceremony 3
Cubmaster: Cub Scouts, Parents, and Leaders, we are here tonight to honor No. of our Webelos Scouts, who are to come before this Pack to be presented with the highest award in the Cub Scout program, the Arrow of Light. Akela: Akela was the Big Chief of the Webelos ...
All: In my state we have:#1 U The Uintas, Utes, uranium, and we are an upbeat utopian.#2 T Timpanogos, trappers, temples, turkeys, table salt, train meeting from east to west, tyrannosaurus bones, we have technical geniuses and the television inventor. We are temperate and theological.#3 A Apples, apricots, antelopes, many ...

B Stands For Boys
B stands for BOYS - without them there would be no Scouting program.L is for LEADERSHIP - both boy and adult.U is for the many USEFUL things we are learning in Cub Scouting and for theUNSELFISH time our Cub Scout leaders put into the program.E reminds us that the Cub ...
Baloo Gold
B - is for Boys, boys of all kindsA - is for Anniversary, Cub Scouting's 69thL - is for Leaders, those who guide usO - is for Outdoor fun, all boys enjoy itO - is for Opportunities to advanceG - is for Goals, we learn in Cub ScoutingO - ...
FEBRUARY #2 HONOR THE SCOUTER SPOUSES Play Wind Beneath my Wings. Lower the volume while the Committee Chairman talks. “Will all those who are married to Scouters please stand, including those of you who are also Scouters? We wish to pay tribute to you because we know we couldn’t do without you.†Start passing out the certificates while Committee Chairman reads the poem. Increase the volume when Committee Chairman finishes the poem and plays to the end of the song (4 minutes total). HERE'S TO THE SCOUTER'S SPOUSES                              ...

Commentary on the Pledge of Allegiance
As a schoolboy, one of Red Skelton's teachers explained the words and meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance to his class. Skelton later wrote down, and eventually recorded, his recollection of this lecture. It is followed by an observation of his own. I Me; an individual; a committee of one. ...
Cub Rock
Have each boy hold up a letter as they say their part. Maybe have Cubs draw dinosaurs on the audience side of cards. C Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. U The word dinosaur comes from two Greek words that mean "terrible lizard." B Dinosaurs vary in size, appearance, and ...
December Lights Opening
This is the season of lights. It is a time when the days are shorter and the nights are long. But, somehow, things seem brighter. Shopping centers are bright with holiday lights. Thousands of homes have single candles to light the way for the Christ Child. Other thousands have candles ...
Den And Pack Recognations0205
Nile Award                     Raingutter Regatta Alligators, Crocodiles             Venetian Boats Sphinx Award   ...
              • Citizenship in the Community • "Uncle Sam Wants You" • Induction • Leader Recognitions • Statue of Liberty • Recognize Community                      • Mt. Rushmore Silhouettes Award - Leaders - Teachers,    ...

Dinosaurs In The Garden
The dinosaurs were quite brave. They strutted over the light dusting of snow on the sidewalk and approached the food. They cast darting glances from side to side, sometimes observing the black, four-legged mammals that lay on the grass and other times eyeing suspiciously the two-legged mammal that stood, partially ...
Dinosaurs Opening
Personnel: 4 Cubs Scouts with pictures of dinosaursCub # 1: I’m a Brontosaurus with four feet, I eat plants, but don’t eat meat. Known as Thunder Lizard, that is true, ‘Cause when I walked, the Earth just shook. Cub # 2: Tyrannosaurus Rex’s that my name, King of the Dinosaurs, ...
Freedom Opening
Personnel: Narrator and 6 or more Cub Scouts.Equipment: American flag, tape player, recording (such as America the Beautiful or This is My Country), Pack flag. Arrangement: The color guards advance the flags in the normal manner while the patriotic tape is playing. They come to the front and stand at ...
God Bless America
ARRANGEMENTS: American Flag posted, after the regular presentation of colors. House lights are dimmed, and flag is spot lighted. Narrator reads the following after the Pledge of Allegiance has been recited. NARRATOR: "God Bless America" is a prayer that is in every heart. While the statesmen of the world are ...
History of Taps
Got this from a newsletter website. Thought you might be interested... Reportedly, it all began in 1862 during the Civil War, when Union Army Captain Robert Ellicombe was with his men near Harrison's Landing in Virginia. The Confederate Army was on the other side of the narrow strip of ...
Honoring Our Flag
Personnel: 15 Cub Scouts, American flag bearer, Cubmaster Equipment: American Flag, 7 red crepe paper streamers, 6 white crepe paper streamers, blue crepe paper rectangle, white cardboard five-pointed star. (Seven Cub Scouts, each carrying a red crepe paper streamer, march in single file onto stage. In turn, each boy displays ...
Meaning Of Our Flag
MATERIALS: 1 piece of construction paper in red, blue and white 1 piece of white paper cut to be a star, 1 flag, 5 ScoutsEach Scout uses one of the items above. Write the words each should say on the back of their items.LEADER: Today, as we leave, let's all ...
My Home State Ceremony 0405
Prepare slide presentation using pictures of these or other Home State Heroes as well as Cub Scout(s) celebrating advancement. Use background music with boys’ voices reading ceremony text. An appropriate song would be “Utah, This is the Place”, the new Utah State Song. (Information from:http://pioneer.utah.gov/newsong.html) I was born on February ...
Opening Ceremony0204
FLAG CEREMONY: "BUT ON THE OTHER HAND" Americans are great at complaining about everything, but on the other hand, I am thankful…. ...For the clothes that fit a little too snug because it means I have enough to eat. ....For a lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning, and ...

"I CAN"-OPENING CEREMONY We are blessed to be AMERICANS. The privilege of living in this country is something that people have sought forever since it was created. If you look at the word AMERICAN, you will notice that it ends with two small words, “I CAN”. #1. As an American, ...
Opening Closing And Flag Ceremonies0205
OPENING CEREMONY: EGYPT Val Chatwin E= ENVIRONMENT. A hot, dry, desert climate with only 12 inches of rain year. G=GOVERNMENT. Today it's a Republic with an elected President. King Menes, in 3100 BC, was the first of many ...

OPENING CEREMONY—“UNPLEASANT MODERN TIME DINOSAURS”CM: As we meet some dinosaurs, ask yourself—do any of these resemble me? 1. Show a picture of STEGOSAURUS. This is STINGY STEGO. He’s big and greedy. He thinks he should always be first in line, first to eat, first to do everything. He acts like ...

"A m e r i c a" FLAG CEREMONY [This uses small case letters. Make cards that spell out America] What do we see when we look at the word America? What pictures do the seven letters create in your mind? A suggests our magnificent snow-covered mountain peaks and the ...
Opening Closing And Flag Ceremonies0206
"UNFOLDING THE FLAG"—FLAG CEREMONY 1. (Unfold one fold) You can see 13 stars, representing the original THIRTEEN COLONIES, who stood together to overcome tyranny and oppression from their mother country. 2. (Unfold another) This fold represents the SOLDIERS, and POLICE- MEN in all wars and conflicts--PATRIOTS who are willing to ...

Opening Closing And Flag Ceremonies0207
THE RED, WHITE & BLUE OF IT FLAG CEREMONY                    OPENING "IF YOU ARE GOING TO A POOL Have everyone stand around the edge of the pool and repeat this pledge with you: “As a Cub Scout, I promise to be careful in the water. I will observe water safety rules at all times when I am with a group around water. And I will encourage others to do the same.† CUB MASTER MINUTE  Everything I need to know about life, I learned from Noah' s Ark. One: Don' t miss the boat. ...

"TRUE CHAMPIONS” SPORTS FLAG CEREMONY #1 Have you ever thought about why we sing the Stars Spangled Banner before sporting events? #2 (With ball and glove) We’re Americans before we’re Dodgers or Cubs. We don’t want to forget in the heat of competition that the ideals of sportsmanship and the ...
“CIRCUS PERFORMERS” FLAG CEREMONY (Idea: have boys or leaders dress up as the following circus performers; or, have pictures of each) It is so fun to go to the circus when it comes to town. The people that perform have jobs and specialties that we find extraordinary. These people ...

FLAG CEREMONY “AN AMERICAN†(The following was written by a dentist in Australia) "You probably missed it in the rush of news last week, but there was a report that someone in Pakistan offered a reward to anyone who killed an American, any American. ...

OPENING OR CLOSING CEREMONY WORLD HOLIDAY FOODS H is for Holland The Dutch exchange gifts on St. Nicholas Eve, December 6th. They put their wooden shoes by the fireplace filled with straw and carrots for St. Nicholas’s horse. By morning, the straw and carrots have been ...

OPENING CEREMONY INFORMATION ABOUT BADEN-POWELL 1. Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell was born on Feb. 22, 1857. At 11 he was sent to boarding school, behind which was a wild woody area. He would skip school, hideout, and camp in it, even killing rabbits for food. 2. At 19 he took ...
OPENING CEREMONY  INVENTORS Make a card with the letter, tell the information. I—IODINE-- Iodine has many uses. It is a disinfectant and a nutrient added to salt to prevent diseases. It was discovered by accident. In 1811 Bernard Courtois was extracting sodium and potassium ...

FLAG CEREMONY I LOVE THIS GREAT AMERICA (Tune: Battle Hymn of the Republic) I love this great America the land that God has blessed, Where the hope that stirs the hearts of men will never be suppressed. Through ...

 FLAG CEREMONY---ODE TO ANIMALS [by Joyce Warby] As Cub Scouts, we share our world with our pet pals with Wolf, Bear, and Webelos dens. In the WOLF den, we walk like an elephant, leap like a frog, jump like rabbits and do the ...

OPENING CEREMONY Have everyone try to name as many State and National Parks as they can think of. You could do it as a game or individually. According to the travel council there are 45 State Parks and 6 National Parks- - Bryce Canyon, Arches, Capitol Reef, Zion’s, Grand Canyon, ...

FLAG CEREMONY Â AMERICA and SPORTSÂ Â A is for Athletes who do their best, M is for Muscle training, putting us to the test, E is for Exercise, building strength and brawn, R is for Running, sprinting, and marathon, I is for Individuals who ...
CLOSING CEREMONY-- SONG SCOUT VERSION OF CLEMENTINE 1. In a cavern, in a canyon, excavated for a mine, Lived a miner, forty-niner, And his daughter Clementine. 2. Light she was and like a feather but her shoes were number nines, Herring boxes without tops, sandals were for Clementine. 3. Led ...
COWBOY ADVICE ~Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier 'n puttin' it back. ~Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment. ~The quickest way to double your money ...
AMERICA A LA MODE--A RECIPE--Â Â Take a huge melting pot. Put in a large quantity of English people. The English will add to the melting pot-- our language, system of courts and laws, their desire for Religious freedom. Gradually add 3 cups of the ...
George C. Page is the father of dehydrated vegetables. One day he was left with thousands of five-gallon cans of dehydrated carrots. Page tried everything he could in order to sell these carrots; he tried baked carrots, stewed carrots, and even fried carrots. But nothing was a success. Then one ...

Extra! Extra! Publish rank advancements and activity badge achievements for the boys in the local newspaper and/or church newsletter. The column could be called “Cub Scout Corner.” List each boy’s pertinent information along with rank advancements and/or activity badges. It is very important that the boys are recognized for their ...

This month we are celebrating the 95th annual birthday of Boy Scouting in America and Cub Scouting 20 years later, February 22, 1930. Cubs traditionally hold the Blue and Gold Banquet to celebrate this birthday. Cub Scouting builds character in boys. The blue stands for truth and loyalty; and the ...
Recognition is important to boys. Giving a boy (and don’t forget his parents) appropriate recognition will inspire him to work even harder to complete the requirements toward his next award. DO NOT just hand the boy his award with a handshake, for that will ...

 Summer is the time for getting wet. Before any water activity, review the buddy system with the Cubs and insist that it is used at all times whenever they are in the water. All activities in water need to be supervised by an ...

It has long been a legend that man’s best friend is his dog. But I say nay for I know which side my bread is buttered. However, the pooch will come in a strong second. And husbands, your wife better come in first. The ...

Ahh, summer, time to get the Cubs outside to visit the local parks and explore the trails and by-ways. Every stage of Cub Scouting should be fun for the boys. It should also be different, challenging, and rewarding; and for you, lots of work. However, your enthusiasm for the program ...
Often in the rush of life, we as leaders forget about the glue that holds the pack together. That glue is the pack committee members, parents, and “grunts.†These are the individuals behind the scenes that do the mundane, tedious tasks, and they are ...
As news of the gold discovery spread, thousands of men rushed into California to try to get rich quick. Many found nothing but hard work and disappointment and even death. How often do we rush to enter a lottery or gamble on something with a big pay-off in hopes to ...
The Bear is a large fur-bearing animal found mainly in northern countries. Most Bears will not harm a person unless wounded or cornered. A Bear will eat almost anything! Hamburgers, tacos, hotdogs, a day-old half-eaten apple, and bubble gum are his favorites. Most Bears look and act very clumsy. But ...

Each of us is a branch on a family tree. The roots of this tree reach way back to ancient times. What we look like, some of our talents, our traditions, and even the country in which we live have been passed on to us by those in our family ...
Camping in the great outdoors and having an open campfire has always been a pleasurable experience for me. It brings to mind many happy memories of past outings I have experienced with many friends and family. And so, as leaders, we are obliged to do all we can to also make the camping experience enjoyable for the boys. One good way of doing this is to ensure a safe camp by requiring the boys to observe all the safety rules and procedures pertaining to camping. Be sure to follow the Two-Deep Leadership policy that requires two adult leaders to be with the boys for all trips and outings. In case an emergency arises requiring outside assistance, one leader could summon help while the other remains with the boys. Preparation: 1) Prepare a campfire, real or artificial (electric campfire), as dictated by your situation. 2) Have a supply of sticks on hand, next to the fire. 3) If the fire is an artificial one, use appropriate lighting. For additional help, see Cub Scout Leader How-To Book pgs 4-30 through 4-40 Narration: Tonight we are honoring some boys for their hard work in achieving the goals they set. In obtaining their awards they bring credit to themselves, their parents, and the pack. Presentation: The Cubmaster calls forward the boys advancing to the rank of [rank name] and their parents and asks them to form a semicircle behind the fire, with parents behind boys. CUBMASTER: Cub Scouts, you have learned the things a boy must know to join our pack. Will you show that now by making the Cub Scout sign and repeating the Cub Scout Promise? (Boys recite the Cub Scout Promise) Parents, we welcome you into our pack, too. You know that you have a role in Cub Scouting as a guide in your son’s advancement and as a participant and helper in the pack’s activities. If you accept this responsibility, please say, “We will.â€Â (Parents give assent.) “This campfire represents the warmth of membership in our pack. Will you [name] please show that you wish to join in that warmth by adding your stick to the fire, showing that you want to do your best and be a friend to the others in the pack?â€Â (Boys place sticks.) Now I will give your parents your [rank name] badge to pin on your shirt. Repeat for each rank. Parting thought: How wonderful it is that nobody needs to wait a single moment before starting to improve the environment, just bend over and pick it up!  ...

Patriotic Opening
Equipment: American flag. One red, one white and one blue candle in holders.Personnel: 4 Cub Scouts, Den Chief. Staging: After flags are advanced in usual manner, and before they are posted, the 4 Cub Scouts recite these lines:Den Chief: Practically from the beginning of time, man has used symbols to ...
Prisoner Of War Flag Ceremony
Equipment: American Flag mounted to a blanket. Personnel: 2 Scouts to hold flag, and a readerReader: On a summer day in a prison camp during World War II, the prisoners were just completing a talent show when, without any announcement, two soldiers stood up in front of the group holding ...
Spotlight On The Boy
The US Flag and a pack flag are carried to the front by the color guards. They face the audience. The lights are turned down and a Cub Scout stands in between the flags. A spotlight is turned on the setting. A good reader, reads the verse below.He's just eight ...
Thats What It Means to Be an American
Setting: 4 uniformed Cub Scouts, carrying suitable props (such as a megaphone, nightcap, church model, and a star) speak the following lines.Cub #1: You can say anything you want to say, whoever you may be. Some things cost a lot of money, but speech is free.All: That’s what it ...
The Cub Scouts Are Coming
Cast: 4 or more Cub ScoutsOne Cub Scout at a time trots from the back of the room to the front shouting, "The Cub Scouts are coming! The Cub Scouts are coming!" Then two boys enter carrying the United States flag and lead the pledge. ...
Types Of Ceremonies
Types Of CeremoniesOPENING: The opening ceremony can make or break the entire pack meeting. If it is dull and lifeless, the meeting could be in trouble. The opening ceremony definitely "sets the stage". Always include the Pledge of Allegiance or a patriotic song.ADVANCEMENT: The main goal of Cub Scouting is ...
Why Ceremonies Are Important
Why Ceremonies Are Important  Ceremonies are important for many reasons, the most important being that boys like them. The boys like to participate in them to receive recognition. Ceremonies are also important for recognition of leaders, for achievements, for special occasions and holidays. ...
Years End Closing Ceremony
Staging: House lights are dimmed. Ceremony board or log contains seven small candles and one tall candle representing the spirit of Cub Scouting. Cubmaster: (lights candles) This last ceremony for (year) is one of rededication. Tonight four candles represent the Cub Scout ranks... Bobcat, ...