Cub 1: We're here to interview the jungle animals.
Cub 2: Tell me, Bagheera, how do you keep your fur so shiny and bright?
Bagheera: I rub it with baby oil day and night.
Cub 3: Hey Kaa, you're skinny enough to slide, but tell me, how do you open your jaws so wide?
Kaa: I chew a lot of Hubba Bubba to keep my jaws just like "rubba"!
Cub 4: Baloo, how come your fur's so soft and thick?
Baloo: Ah ha! That is my trick.
Cub 5: Tell me, Hathi, how do all the animals hear your warning?
Hathi: I practice and gargle with Scope every morning!
Cub 6: Howdy Raksha. How do you keep your fangs so sharp and bright?
Raksha: I clean them with Crest and steel wool every night!
Cub 7: Akela, why has your hair turned so grey?
Akela: You take my wolf cubs for a day: see if they don't turn your hair grey!
All: And that's the end of our jungle advice; we hope you really found it nice!