The clown trainer comes on with a group of elephants, wearing over—sized
tennis shoes. The elephants parade in a line, bent over as though walking on all
fours. At a signal from the trainer, they stand up straight as though they were
standing on their hind legs.
The elephants bend down again and at another signal, put one hand on the
shoulder of the elephant in front of the. They parade in a circle and go off. The
trainer comes forward to take a bow and the Ringmaster says “that was a most
unusual act. I never heard a group of elephants parade so quietly.” - Trainer:
“Oh, of course they’re quiet, didn’t you notice?” Ringmaster: “Notice? Notice
what?” The trainer brings out one of the elephants with the large tennis shoes on:
“Elephants are always quiet when they wear their sneakers
2003 Pirates of the Cirribean