The secret to success with this series of quickies is to keep them moving along. You can have one doctor and different patients, but it may add greater rush and flurry if a different doctor and patient fly in and out for each quickie.
Pat: Doctor! Doctor! I feel like a set of drapes.
Doc: Pull yourself together!
Pat: Doctor! Doctor! Am I going to die?
Doc: That's the last thing you'll do.
Pat: Doctor! Doctor! Everyone keeps ignoring me.
Doc: Next!
Pat: Doctor! Doctor! My back feels like a deck of cards!
Doc: I'll deal with you later.
Pat: Doctor! Doctor! What's wrong with me?
Doc: Have you had this before?
Pat: Yes.
Doc: Well, you've got it again!
Doc: You'll live to be 80.
Pat: I am 80.
Doc: See!
Pat: Doctor! Doctor! I've got insomnia.
Doc: Don't lose any sleep over it!
Pat: Doctor! Doctor! My friend's doctor told him he had appendicitis, and two weeks later, my friend died of heart failure.
Doc: Don't worry. If I tell you you've got appendicitis, you'll die from appendicitis!