Custom Coasters
Personalize your drink coasters with this excellent themed craft. Your kids can customize them for special occasions like New Year, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and more. What you'll need: Graphics software (Avery Kids Printertainment works well) Color printer duplicate checker Avery Kids #03111 Square Stickers Photos, ...
God Bless America
ARRANGEMENTS: American Flag posted, after the regular presentation of colors. House lights are dimmed, and flag is spot lighted. Narrator reads the following after the Pledge of Allegiance has been recited. NARRATOR: "God Bless America" is a prayer that is in every heart. While the statesmen of the world are ...
OTHER PLANET FLAG CEREMONY Cubmaster is in astronaut gear, den chiefs/den leaders dressed as aliens. The Cubmaster is trying to put the flag on this new planet. The aliens are curious about what he is doing and ask him lots of questions. What is ...