A clown comes in with five “lions”. The tamer cracks his whip as the lions circle
single file around him. Suddenly, one lion comes up behind the tamer and bites
his leg. The tamer stops, glares, then proceeds to get the lions going again. A
second lion bites his leg; the tamer again stops and then proceeds. The same
thing happens with lions three and four. And then lion five bites his arm. After the
final bite, the tamer leads-them off and comes back to take his bows.
Ringmaster: “Heavens, that was quite a performance, but a little dangerous, isn’t
The tamer: “On no, I don’t mind. It helps with my research.”
Ringmaster: “What do you mean?”
Tamer: “Well, it just goes to prove that four out of five lions prefer legs.”
References / Source:
2003 Pirates of the Cirribean