Olympic Medals
You will need: Cardboard, string, craft glue, scissors, hole punch, aluminum foil, yarn/ribbon.1. Cut a circle or other shape (star, square, pentagon, diamond, etc.) for your medal, out of cardboard. Punch a hole near the top of the shape. 2. Squeeze glue in a design on the cardboard shape. Then ...
Aborigine Music Sticks
Australian Aborigines used sticks in ceremonial dances. With decorated paint stirrers, you can be a one-man percussion section, clapping along to your favorite music. The indigenous people of Australia, or Aborigines, use dot painting as a form of storytelling. With dots of paint traditionally made from natural pigments, they create ...
Materials Needed: Straw Twine Old plastic or plastic drop cloth Set of clothing for each child. Hats Pantyhose Safety pins Instructions: Spread the plastic cloth on the ground. Break up the bale of straw. I do this before the children arrive. It helps keep the straw from becoming part of the yard. Tie the end of each ...
Advancement Ceremonies0201
Props: Snowflakes cut from paper 1 extra-large snowflake for Cubmaster Individual smaller letters “I”— “N”— “T”— “E” — “R” 1 large W 6 parts are attached to the back of the letters 5 boys Boys, as they receive their awards, also take a snowflake (previously cut) from the table and ...

All that Glitters Reflections of Light Window Ornament
Reflect on your family’s holiday spirit. What you’ll need: • Newspaper • Stiff Paper or Cardstock • Scissors • Hole Punch • White Glue • Glitter • Waxed Paper • String 1. Cover your work surface with newspaper. 2. Cut your favorite shapes out of cardstock or stiff paper. 3. ...
American Flag Pin
What you’ll need: • Coilless Safety Pin – 2 ¼” • 4mm Round Beads • “E” Beads • Safety Pins, Size 2 • Pattern • Long-Nose Pliers Each row hanging down is a size 2 pin with “E” beads strung on it. Open these pins and string beads following the ...

Angel Ornament
Supplies Needed: Large Angel Sheer ribbon, 1-large (Ideal Clamps) butterfly paperclip, 1-20mm small wood round head, 4-8mm faceted glass beads rose Small wooden dowel (about the size of two toothpicks, but a little longer), Hot glue gun (low heat) Slide two beads on each arm of a paperclip. Bring ribbon ...
Ant Home
Materials: one-gallon jar or large peanut butter jar, soil and an anthill, black paper. 1. Fill a one-gallon far with soil. Find an anthill and put as many of the ants and as much of the surrounding debris in the jar as you can collect. 2. Place some cotton over ...
Apple Candlesticks
This unusual table centerpiece is ephemeral -- but it's beautiful while it lasts. CRAFT MATERIALS: Large Rome Beauty apples (that will stand straight on the table) Candles Waxed paper Potato peeler Lemon juice 1. Using an apple corer, make a hole about halfway through the middle of an apple. Make the hole as straight as ...
Apple Head Dolls
Materials needed: Apple, lemon juice, salt, stick jar or string, long-necked bottle, fabric, felt, cloves or black beads, rice or small pearls, sand. Use any kind of apple. Leave the stem in place. Peel it carefully. Use a knife or spoon to carve the apple. Carve eye sockets, nose, and ...
Autumn Bowl
Materials: Empty butter or margarine tub Paintbrush Scissors Glue Calico or autumn-colored fabric Instructions: Dilute the glue with water. Apply the mixture onto the tub with a paintbrush; then place bits of the fabric on the tub. Continue adding glue and fabric until the container is covered. Finish by applying another coat of glue. Let ...
Autumn Soap Bars
These colorful soap bars are the perfect way to add a seasonal touch to your bathroom decor.Time to Complete: Approximately 1 hour Skill Level: EasyMaterials Checklist: Life of the Party® Clear Glycerin Soap Life of the Party® Green, Yellow, Red & Orange Liquid Colorant (or colors of your choice) Life of the Party® ...
• Kazoo - Cover one end of a toilet paper tube with a 4” square of waxed paper and place and elastic band to hold it in place. Punch three holes in a row (about 1” apart) lengthwise along the side of tube. Decorate. • Tambourine - Decorate 2 paper ...
Bean Bags
Materials Needed: Tightly woven fabric, glue or needle, and thread, dried beans, sand, or small craft bbs. Cut a rectangle or other fun shape out of fabric. Glue or stitch together 3 sides leaving an opening to put in the filling. Use dried beans or other fillings. Do not use ...
Make a bookmark in the shape of your choice. Supplies: • Heavy card stock • Decorative paper, such as wrapping paper or origami paper • Glue • Scissors • Utility (Xacto) knife Using the decorative paper, cut out a shape you like (heart, triangle, Scout symbol). Glue the cutout onto ...
Bowling Set
Materials Needed: For each set, 10 plastic bottles or chugs will be needed (they do not have to be clear), paints or waterproof markers (like sharpies), water, ball (for later play). Clean out the bottles. If they are chugs, they may need to be washed out multiple times before getting ...
Button Nose Clown
Materials: Felt, yarn, pompoms, glue and scissors. 1. Cut out a circle from felt. In the center of the circle, cut a slit that is large enough for a shirt button to go through. 2. Glue on pieces of yarn and felt to make a clown face, hair, and hat. ...
Camping Picture Frame
What you’ll need: Black Foam for a frame – 5”x7” Foam – Brown (logs), Yellow (flame), Orange (flame) Wiggle Eyes Tacky Glue or Low Temp Glue Gun Scissors Photo Tape Cut the black foam into a frame – cut out the center into a rectangle or an oval shape. Cut ...
Candy Cane Ornaments
Deck your tree with flavor!!! Materials: Use small candy canes about 3-3/4" long, attached with cake frosting glue to construction paper cutouts. Cottage - Cut a little house from paper. Attach two candy canes to outline the peaked roof. Glue on paper door and windows. Punch a hole and attach ...

Candy Planes
What you need: Sticks of gum in foil wrap long wrapped candies lifesavers; stars elastic bands What to do: 1. Following the picture above, place the foil-wrapped gum strips on the work area for plane wings. 2. Wrap an elastic band around one end of the gum strip and pull ...
Cardboard Tube Marble Maze
You will need: lots of cardboard tubes (toilet paper tubes, paper towel tubes, etc.), scissors, craft glue or tape, a large piece of corrugated cardboard, marbles, stickers, markers, or crayons. 1. Cut the tubes into different sizes and shapes. 2. Lay the tubes on ...

Cave Drawings
On a wall, hang a roll of paper at least six feet long (but preferably up to 10 feet long). Have the boys draw a picture of their favorite dinosaur on it. When they're done, ask them to name their new prehistoric friend (leaders can write the names in) and ...
CD Crafts
Make a Clock - At many craft stores, you can by a clock movement that will fit right in the hole in the center. Paint a few numbers on the shiny side and you've got a fairly inexpensive clock. Make a Holiday Tree - Save a bunch of them and ...
Cheesecloth Ghost
Materials needed: Cheesecloth, liquid starch, ball, tall drinking cup, 2 pencils, tape bowl . Cut a large square of cheesecloth. Pour the liquid starch into the bowl. Set the ball or orange on top of the drinking glass. Dip the cheesecloth into the starch. Make sure the whole piece of ...
Chinese Lanterns
You will need: a used greeting card (or construction paper), scissors and craft glue or a glue stick. 1. Cut off the front of the card. Fold it in half lengthwise so that the picture shows. 2. Make cuts that start at the folded edge but stop before the opposite ...
Chocolate Kisses Wreath
Supplies: Foil covered chocolate kisses Poster board Gumdrops Cake frosting Ribbon Directions: Cut a large circle from the poster board and one from the center of this circle. You can use the cake frosting to cover the circle or you can use regular glue to cover the circle. Glue the ...

Chocolate Pudding Paint
1 large package of instant chocolate pudding 2 cups ice-cold water Whisk instant pudding and water together in a bowl for 2 minutes. Refrigerate for 5 minutes. This makes a thin paint. If you want a thicker fingerprint texture, I just mix up chocolate ...
Christmas table or Blue Gold Banquet Log Centerpiece
Spruce up your Christmas table or Blue & Gold Banquet with this attractive Log Centerpiece made from a recycled can. What you'll need: Tin Can (Hi-C size) Masking tape Tin snips Wax paper Plaster-of Paris Paintbrush Fork Brown craft paint Light tan craft paint Newspaper Greenery, flowers, small flags, pictures, etc. StickHow to make it: 1. Cover punched hole(s) of Hi-C size ...
Cinnamon Cookie Cutter Ornaments
Materials: ¾ cup water 1 cup cinnamon 4 tablespoons white (Elmer’s) glue Combine all ingredients. Refrigerate for 2 hours. Knead in your hand until workable. Roll out on a board between 2 layers of waxed paper. Use cookie cutters to make shapes. Use an ice pick, toothpick, or chopstick to ...
Circus Animal Masks
Lions, tigers, monkeys, elephants and bears can be a part of acts for Under the Big Top. These animals masks are made with brown grocery sacks as the base. Eyes, ears, etc., from colored construction paper are glued on. To prepare the bags, slit up about 4” at the four ...
Clear Ornaments
Materials Needed: See-through ornaments, metallic wrapping paper, puff paints, scissors. Cut the metallic wrap into thin strips. Take off the top of the ornament and place the strips inside. Replace the cap. Decorate the outside with puff paints or glitter. Write the boy’s name on the ornament with puff paints. ...
ClipOn Turkeys
What you'll need: Construction paper Pencil Scissors Yellow pipe cleaners Glue Wiggle eyes Clothespin How to make it: 1. Make a turkey tail by tracing a child's hand: trace just the four fingers (no thumb) onto any color paper—we made ours with a variety of colors. 2. Then design a body shape to glue over the ...
Clothespin Elf
Supplies Needed: Kelly green felt, pink felt, black felt, 4-5mm pink pom-poms, Green paint, red paint Pink or flesh-colored paint Black paint, yellow paint, brown paint, 1-3¾ “ no-roll wooden clothespin, Hot glue gun (low heat) Paint clothespin green, except for the head area. Let dry. Paint face pink. Paint ...
Clown In A Box
Cut toe of sock and stuff with rags, nylons, paper, etc. Insert tube, gather sock around it and tie. For the nose, pull a bit of sock to one side and tie with string. Paint on a face or sew on scrap materials for the features. Make a costume with ...
Coffee Can Planter
You need a coffee can and 25 to 30 ice cream or crafts sticks. If sticks are too long for the can, tape them together in a stack, and cut with a saw to fit. Use a small paintbrush to apply glue to the can, then lay it on sticks. ...
Coffee Dough
1 cup flour 1 cup coffee grounds 1/2 cup salt 1 cup water 1/4 cup sand Mix ingredients together. Shape into a ball and place the thumb in the center to form a hole. Place a treasure inside and cover-up. Let dry for 4 to 5 days. It is supposed ...
Collectors Plates
This craft is easy to do and fun to make. Keep those little ones busy making these easy decorations for their tree. What you'll need: * Old magazines * Scissors * Paper plate, cardboard, wood circle, plastic/play plates * Silver or Gold string * Glue How to make it: 1. ...
Colored Coffee Filters
Materials needed: Paper coffee filters, food coloring, water, eyedroppers, and scissors. Lay out the coffee filters on a table covered with newspaper or other material to protect the table. Get separate containers for each color. Add water to the containers and then some drops ...
Cork Reindeer
Materials: Six corks are all the same size for the head and body. You'll need one more cork for the base of the antlers. If corks don't fit together well, cut away the cork until they do. Glue body pieces together. Glue on legs. Let dry completely. For the base ...

Corn Painting
raw corn-on-the-cob stiff wires (a couple of inches long) acrylic fabric paint cotton fabric Break corncob into 2-inch pieces. Stick a wire into each end, forming a handle. Pour a puddle of paint into something flat, like a pie tin or lid. Roll the corn through the paint, then onto ...
Corn Popper
Materials: Piece of metal wire window screening, about 2’ square Wire coat hanger Tools: Felt-tipped pen or crayon Yardstick Large scissorsUsing a felt-tipped pen or crayon and a yardstick, draw an equilateral triangle (all 3 sides the same length) with each side about 18-24 inches long. Using a large pair ...
Corn Print Place Mats
Ear of corn Kitchen Knife Plastic Corn Cob Holders Fabric Paints Paper Plates Cloth Place Mats Break an uncooked ear of corn into 2 1/2 inch lengths. Firmly attach plastic corn cob holders to the ends. Pour a few shades of fabric paint onto paper plates. Roll the corn in ...
sugar cones peanuts raisins candy corn assorted dried fruits cheerios Combine all ingredients except for the sugar cone in a bowl. Fill sugar cones with the mixture. Set out a table display or eat up. ...
Cub Scout Wind Chime
Materials needed: Styrofoam ball, clay pot, blue, yellow and white felt, yellow fabric, blue pipe cleaner, twine, wooden spool, wooden wheel, and hot glue. The diameter of the styrofoam ball should be just a little larger than the bottom of the clay pot. Turn the clay pot upside down. Cover ...
Cubs in the Kitchen 20406
White Chocolate Baby Dinosaur Egg 1 plastic sugar egg mold (available in a craft or cake decorating store for about $2.00-3.00.) Nonstick cooking spray 1 pound white chocolate coating (Ap’peels or other wafer-type easy melt chocolate flavored disks) cotton candy candy baby dinosaur (gummy, sour gummy, or sweet-tart-types all work.)Melt ...

April 25th National Zucchini Bread DayEdible Wild FlowersLet the boys use their imaginations to come up with “wild” flower ideas with lots of eat-appeal.sliced bananassliced strawberries raspberriesPut everything out in front of the boys and with minimal suggestions and help, let them go wild creating a beautiful bouquet of flowers. ...

Cubs in the Kitchen0406
June 3 - Repeat Day - Pick out a word and use it as often as you can all day. June 14 - Flag Day June 15-21 Hug Holiday - Use any excuse to hug those you love.Design-o-saurus Pizza Roll out pizza dough and cut into dinosaur shapes with large ...
Cinnamon Ornaments 1 cup applesauce 1 1/2 cups cinnamon 1/3 cup white glue Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl, mix well. Refrigerate at least 30 minutes or overnight. Sprinkle cinnamon on board. Roll out dough to ¼” thick. Use cookie cutters to cut shapes. Using a straw, punch a ...

Cups of Kindness
Perfect for VBS, Summer Camp, Daycare, or Home By Lenora Murdock Cups of Kindness are crafts that make great gifts. This craft can be used to encourage random acts of kindness, as a holiday gift, or just because. This gift involves some recycling. It is not only inexpensive but also ...
Custom Coasters
Personalize your drink coasters with this excellent themed craft. Your kids can customize them for special occasions like New Year, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and more. What you'll need: Graphics software (Avery Kids Printertainment works well) Color printer duplicate checker Avery Kids #03111 Square Stickers Photos, ...
Custom Stamps
Materials needed: Potatoes, sponges, styrofoam, foam, wood and scissors. All these materials can make custom stamps. Draw the design on paper before beginning. To use potatoes cut the potato in half (lengthwise or crosswise). Draw the design on the exposed part of the potato. Carefully using a knife carve about ...
Dancing Bear
Use thin wood or heavy cardboard. Use brass paper holders as hinges for leg. Drill holes in feet to attach clothes hangers. Make the bear dance, balance on the ball, chase the ball or balance on his nose. ...
Den Pack Recognitions0201
Snowman - Marshmallows Sugar Crystals Ice Cream Cone Frosty the Snowman Snow Shoes Snow Cave Icicles Light Award/Torch Award Snow Cone Igloo - make out of sugar cubes Snow Shoe Planning & Organizing (Family Book p. 32) Get ready for next year by setting some goals this month. ...
Den Pack Tshirt
Materials needed: T-shirt, acrylic paints, fabric medium, foam stamps, cardboard, markers, brushes or cotton swabs, plastic plates. Most craft stores have inexpensive shirts, or each boy could bring one from home. Put some paint on plastic plates (1 color per plate). Add fabric medium to each paint color. This helps ...
Dragon Craft
What you will need: • Tempera paints, or markers in colors desired • Paintbrushes • Wide Crepe paper (at least 3 1/2” x 4”) • Narrow Crepe paper n bright colors • Scissors • Construction paper • Glue • 7” paper plate • Heavy paper (1”x7”) • Stapler How to ...
Dyed Macaroni For Necklaces
Place a couple of handfuls of the macaroni to be dyed into a gallon size zip lock bag. Add a dash of rubbing alcohol and a dash of food color or liquid watercolor. Zip it up and shake until the objects have absorbed the color. Use any other dry food ...
Easter Book
Materials Needed: 2 pieces of paper (1 for the cover and 1 for the inside), scissors, and a stapler. This book can be with a spiritual theme or with a secular theme. Pictures can be collected, or each boy can draw his own pictures. Fold the inside piece in half ...
Easter Eggs
Decorate plastic Easter eggs with ribbon, lace, sequins, glitter, small buttons, foam shapes, or fabric. The eggs can be sealed closed with a thin line of glue or decorated so they can be opened again. Leave the eggs empty, fill them with candy, or put the awards for the month ...
Emergency Preparedness Kit
Water (at least one gallon per person per day; three-day minimum) Water purification tablets or chlorine bleach Food – only store foods your family likes, such as ready-to-eat meats, fruits, and vegetables; canned or boxed juices, milk, and soup; high-energy foods like peanut butter, jelly, low-sodium crackers, granola bars, and ...
Fall Memory Box
What you'll need: Shoebox with lid Liquitex Basics Gesso Red and yellow acrylic paint Large paintbrush Construction paper (we used red, yellow, green, brown, and orange) White craft glue Water Foam alphabet paint stamps Acrylic sealer spray, matteHow to make it: 1. Remove any labels that may be on the shoe box. 2. Paint outside of box and lid ...
First Aid Kits
Materials Needed: Altoids mint container, bandages, first aid tape, safety pin, list of emergency numbers, paint, or permanent markers. Make sure the container is clean and dry. Cover the container with paint (may take 2 coats) or markers. If using markers make sure they will stick to the container. Putting ...
FoamCup Bell
Materials Needed: Foam cup, bell on a string, or bell and string to attach the bell to, stickers. Turn the cup upside down. Cut a small hole in the top (bottom normally) of the cup. Thread the string attached to the bell through a hole. Remember to leave part of ...
Fossil Imprint Craft
Make up a batch of dough and create a fossil imprint. What you’ll need: • 2 cups of flour • ½ cup salt • ¾ cup of water • bowl • measuring cup • objects for making fossils (leaves, shells, twigs, toy dinosaurs, animal foot prints, stamps) 1. Measure and ...
Fossil Prints
What You Need (per person) Stone Dough Mix 1/2 cup of salt 1 cup flour 1/2 cup of brewed coffee (cold) 1 cup of used coffee grounds Measuring cups Mixing spoon FOSSILS to imprint Twigs Leaves (stiff bay leaves work well) Dead, hard-shelled bugs like roly-polys Seashells Chicken bones (cleaned, ...
1/4 cup of plaster of Paris 1 Cup of Vermiculite (found at gardening center) 1/2 cup of water Measure and mix together. Put some in the bottom of a regular size paper cup. Fill about 1/4 full. Next, they put in a small plastic or rubber dinosaur. Then the fun: ...
Fox and Food
Materials: Handkerchief, stick, beanbag, or another distinctive object. Objective: Fox is to guard its food while predators try to steal it. How to Play: One person (fox) stands guard over the food source (distinctive object). Everyone else (predators) forms a circle around him and tries to steal the food without ...
Frame A Friend Or Family
Materials: Empty CD case, string, various decorations – see the list below for ideas, family picture or other photos, glue Instructions: • Start by taping the family picture on the inside of the CD case facing out. Some pictures may have to be trimmed in order to fit inside of ...
Friendship Bracelet Simplified
Materials: Embroidery floss – many colors, Masking tape Instructions: Cut three strands of floss long enough to go around the Cub Scout’s wrist and be tied. - Lay the three strands side by side on a table. - At one end of the strands, tie all three strands together in ...
Friendship Finger Paint
- In a large saucepan mix 1 cup all-purpose flour with 1 cup cold water. - Stir until smooth. - Then add another 3 cups of cold water. - Cook over medium heat, stirring till the mixture thickens and bubbles. - Reduce heat and simmer 1 minute more while still ...
Friendship Knot
Materials Tools 17" parachute cord or 21" of 3/16" rope Thread or thin string This is a real pretty knot. It isn't very hard to tie either. It is often given as a token of thanks or friendship and is tied with smaller rope or string and hung over a pocket button. ...

Funny Putty
Materials: 1 tablespoon liquid starch, food coloring, 2 tablespoons white glue, a plastic egg or small Ziploc bag Instructions: - Mix glue and food coloring together in a small bowl. - Pour liquid starch into a second bowl, Then slowly pour the glue mixture on top of the starch. - ...
Future Presidents
Materials needed: blank wall, black construction paper, pencil and a lamp/light to use as a spotlight, scissors. Have a boy sit in a chair or stand sideways to the wall about 1 foot away works well. Have the lamp about 1-2 feet away from the boy. Trace their silhouette on ...
GatheringPreopeners 0209c
 Airplane Neckerchief Slides • Use craft foam to make neckerchief slides. Two patterns are available below. • Have patterns available, pens to draw on foam, and scissors. • Make a loop out of a pipe cleaner (chenille); ...

GatheringPreOpeners 0209a
Solar System Pre-Opener Put the name or a picture of a planet, or other ' outer space' object on the back of each scout as they arrive. Have them ask questions to discover what their object is. Â ...

GatheringsPreopeners 0209b
 Paper Airplane Races Have boys make paper airplanes, then have various contests: • See who can make them fly the highest and the farthest. • See who can make them fly in a straight line. • Put ...

Glitter Playdough
Materials: 3 cups flour 1.5 cups salt 6 teaspoons cream of tartar 3 cups water 3 to 4 tablespoons of oil icing food coloring (This paste will color the dough deep rich colors that regular food coloring can not match. Purchase at cake decorating or craft stores.) glitter Instructions: Mix the dry ingredients (except the glitter) together ...
Glittery Holiday Decorations
Draw outlines of holiday items (e.g. Christmas Tree, Santa Claus, Menorah) on lightweight cardboard. Carefully cut out. Spread glue on one side and sprinkle with glitter. Do the same for the other side. Tie a narrow cord at the top to hang. ...
Gourd Turkey Centerpiece
At the first Thanksgiving, turkey was actually a side dish, taking second billing to venison. But set this pretty bird center table and it's guaranteed to steal the show. CRAFT MATERIALS: Gourd Round toothpicks Pumpkin Red chili pepper Orange rind Cloves Corn husks or tamale wrappers Tempera paints Pair of red gloves 1. To create the turkey's face, push ...
Greeting Card Ornaments
You will need: embroidery floss, used greeting cards, a cup, pencil, scissors, a rule and craft glue. 1. Fold a length of embroidery floss about 40 cm (16 inches) long in half and set it aside. 2. Use the cup to trace five circles onto colorful areas of the cards. ...
Halloween Spiders
Materials needed: Large black pompom, 4 black pipe cleaners, wiggle eyes, glue, scissors and elastic. Cut the pipe cleaners in half. Put a small dot of glue on the end of a pipe cleaner and push it into the pompom. Repeat with the other 7 pieces (legs). Bend the pipe ...
Handpainted Cards
For these two types of hand-printed cards you will need: blocks of wood about %’ thick., heavy string, sponge, an ink pad or acrylic paint, any type of paper. Always place the card to be printed on a pad of newspapers. String Cards: Use a block of wood the size ...
Harvest Linens
Stamped with potato-print acorns and leaves, these linens lend a child's imprint to an autumn table or a holiday feast.CRAFT MATERIALS: Potatoes X-Acto knife White cloth napkins and table runner Paper plate Yellow and orange acrylic paints1. To make the leaf, cut a potato in half lengthwise (a parent's job). Using an X-Acto knife, cut ...
Have Fun With Letters
Make block letters of each boy’s name and have them decorate the letters with markers or other craft items. The letters can also be made out of felt or fabric and sewn or glued with hot glue or tacky glue. The letters can also be stuffed with batting or fiber ...
Heart Man
Materials needed: Red and white construction paper - 9” x 11” markers, tape or brass brads. Take red construction paper and cut out a large heart shape. Take the white construction paper and cut the paper into 4 -1” strips (the long way on the paper). Save the rest for ...
Hearts a Plenty
Make hearts for the boys to give away. Use fun foam or cardboard as the base. Decorate the heart with fabric or scrapbooking paper, or let the Cub Scout decorate it with markers, crayons, or paints. Finish off the edge of the heart with lace or ribbon. Depending on the ...
Hide and Seek
Materials Needed: Clear plastic water bottle, sand or small beads, and small items that will fit into the bottle.Clean out the bottle and make sure it is dry inside. Place the small items inside the bottle. Make a list of the items in the bottle. Pour in the sand or ...
God’s Eye (Cinco de Mayo)  • String or yarn in different colors • 2 craft sticks • Glue • Scissors 1. Glue the craft sticks together in a cross. 2. Take one color of yarn and wrap it over and around one stick, then ...

TRICKY TUMBLER You'll need a square of paper (any size). Fold the paper in half. Unfold. Fold top corners in so the top edge lies along the center fold line, forming a point at the top. Fold the top point down to meet the top corners on the middle line. ...

QUILT MAGNET• small woodsies – squares & triangles• thin cardboard• paint or paint markers• craft glue• adhesive-backed magnet• Arrange woodsies to resemble a quilt block. Cut a piece of cardboard the size of the assembled pieces. Paint pieces as desired. Glue to cardboard. Stick magnet on the back. BUG MAGNET ...
WHIRLY BUG Materials: Pattern of the Bug Big craft stick 2 one-inch ½ foot dowels Heavy-duty elastic band 2 feet of string or ribbon Copy the bug on a separate piece of paper. Color the bug any color you want. Take the craft stick and cut the rounded ends off. ...
Holiday Seasonal Crafts 0209a
  Spinning Yo-Yo—Drill two small holes 1/2 - 3/4 inches apart in a disk of wood or heavy cardboard. Thread 24-30 inches of string through the two holes and tie a knot in the ends. Twist the ...

Holiday Seasonal Crafts 0209b
 Games of Skill There are many variations on games of skill that a book could be written on them. Pictured is one of the simpler games. Cut the pieces from wood and have the boys sand and ...

Holiday Seasonal Crafts 0209c
 Slingshots and Rubber-band Guns Boys love to make and use slingshots and rubber-band guns. This can be a good time to introduce them to safety rules. Make these by finding branches that are the right size and ...

Butterfly or Dragonfly Garden Stake* Materials: 11x17 paper, scissors, wire window screen, cutters, paint markers or dimensional paints, plastic beads for eyes, plant stake with a round hook at the top, lightweight steel wire, newspaper for work surface* Directions: Make a pattern by folding an 11x17-inch sheet of paper in ...
Holiday Seasonal Crafts 2 Fiesta
Votive Candle Holder* Materials: Small glass jar or clear glass votive cup, 3 – 4 shades of white to light pink tissue paper, red tissue paper, Modge Podge, paintbrush, a heart-shaped paper punch, votive candle, red ribbon * Directions: Tear white and pink tissue paper into nickel to quarter size ...

Easter Egg Chick and Bunny Materials: Plastic eggs, green craft foam, several different colors of craft foam, wiggly eyes, toilet paper tube, pencil, scissors, tacky glue, emery board, or sandpaper * Directions: Cut a 1½-inch length of the paper tube. Cut a piece of green craft foam about 2 inches ...

Holiday Seasonal Crafts Fiesta
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from PixabayGROUNDHOG POP-UP PUPPET Film canister Glue 1” brown pompom Wiggle eyes Brown and black felt or craft foam Black Sharpie marker Drill 3” piece of 3/16 dowel or skewer Wood bead Wood grain shelf liner (optional)Drill hole in the center of the bottom of film canister ...

Holiday Seasonal Crafts0201
CANDY JAR REINDEER (Pack-o-Fun Nov. 2000) MATERIALS: Recycled baby food jar 12" length of 3/8" black satin ribbon 2 3/8' foam egg 3" length of brown chenille stem Espresso Bean metal paint 3/4" gold jingle bell 2 1/2" x 4" piece of light brown craft foam Jute twine 2 1/2" ...

Holiday Seasonal Crafts0202
 SNOWMAN Take a 2" and 3" Styrofoam ball, use a toothpick, and glue to attach the head and body together. Put doll top hat on head. Take the light blue ribbon and wrap it around the base of the hat. Glue ribbon to the hat. Take light blue felt and make a scarf for the neck. Take scissors and cut the fringe on the end of the scarf. Make two (2") mittens out of felt. Iridescent fabric paint can be used to accent band on hats and to make snowflakes on each mitten. Glue wiggles eyes onto the head. Cut semicircle of orange fun foam for the nose. After gluing foam into a cone shape (carrot shape), draw black lines on it to represent the lines of the ...
Celebration Seltzer Rockets • Film canister with snap-on lid • Toilet paper roll • Construction paper • Scissors • Scotch tape • Markers, crayons, or paints • Stickers (optional) • Alka-Seltzer tablets (generic works) • Water, in a separate container • Eye protection 1. Cut straight up the side of ...

Mosaic Hearts  • Posterboard • Construction paper • Old magazines or catalogs • Scissors • Glue sticks 1. Cut a 12†x 12†piece of poster board. Draw a heart near the center of your board. 2. Tear out magazine or catalog pages that ...
Potato Face • Large potatoes • Variety wiggly eyes • Paper clips • Various items from a thrift or $1 store (or your basement) • Pipe cleaners • glue (hot glue gun works best) 1. Make sure the potatoes are clean and dry. 2. ...

April Fools' Day Trick • A large button (about the size of a quarter) • A rubber band • A paper clip • A letter-sized envelope 1. Unbend a paper clip, then bend again, looping each end. 2. Insert the rubber band through two ...

HAMMER NOTE PAD – Father’s Day - June 19th  Materials : Pattern of hammer shape          Glue gun Black craft foam                ...
NOISEMAKER Independence Day - July 4th Materials: Two paper plates Two pieces of string or yarn 2 Plastic bottle tops Paints and paintbrush A handful of beans, rice, or wheat, Hot glue One stick or straw about 8" long Paint the first plate to look like the Canadian flag. Paint ...

I SPY BOTTLE Columbus Day Oct. 11th Materials: Plastic water or pop bottle 1 and 1/2 cups wild birdseed Items from list Epoxy glue Copy of listPut a few of the items into the bottle. With a funnel put the birdseed into the bottle. Place the rest of the items ...

Holiday and Seasonal Crafts 0208
Patriotic Fun  Life Saver Firecrackers: Boys love firecrackers! These are fun to make and fun to eat. Cut a piece of red paper to the size of the label on a roll of Lifesavers. Glue it onto the roll of lifesavers. Cut a ...
5 X 7 WOODEN PICTURE FRAME  (holds a 2x3" wallet size photo) Purchase frame at a local craft store, sand until smooth. Paint desired color. Take 5 wooden hearts, and paint. Glue in the picture on the back with Tacky Glue. Attach a 4" ribbon at the top for the hangar. Write with acrylic paint or paint pen the words 'Valentines Are Special.".  GRAPEVINE WREATH Take a small Grapevine wreath and wrap 1/4" ribbon around the wreath till you get back to the top. Glue ribbon securely at the top. Make a bow to put on the spot where the ribbon is glued. Gather a variety of flowers to hot glue in an arrangement at the bottom of the wreath. Take painted hearts (3) and hang them in the center of the wreath with a ribbon. Drill hearts to thread ribbons through, or glue them together. VALENTINE CANDLEHOLDER  ...

Holiday And Seasonal Crafts0204
SHAMROCK PIN Glue 4 heart shapes together, then glue fifth heart on top. Paint with green paint. Add green glitter while paint is wet. POT OF GOLD Take 2" clay pot and paint black. Take a one and a half inch Styrofoam ball and cut in half. Paint one half ...

Holiday And Seasonal Crafts0205
 WOODEN EGG ORNAMENT Take a wooden egg, of any size, and paint it with acrylic paints. Use a variety of designs. Spray with an acrylic sea1er when done. Use an eye hook to screw into the top of the egg and finish with a ribbon for the hanger. CLAY POT BUNNY #1  Take a 2" clay pot and paint it. Then paint a 1 1/2" wooden doll head in white. When dry, glue together. Use two small white pompoms to make the cheeks of the bunny, then take still smaller pink pompoms for the nose and glue them on top of the cheeks. Use wiggle eyes and glue them on. The bunny's ears are white with pink chenille stems/pipe cleaners. Fold in half with pink in the center.  BUNNY BANNER Made out of felt, wooden dowel, wood ball for ends of the dowel, and ribbon for a hanger. Beige is the main part of the banner. Bunny is made out of white felt with pink felt for paws. Use blush for the cheeks on the bunny's face. Make eggs with different colors of felt. Decorate eggs with sequins and rick rack. Glue eggs on the base of the ...

Holiday And Seasonal Crafts0206
 WOODEN DOOR KNOB HANGER Use a wooden door knob hanger and paint the color of choice. Decorate it with letter and flower stickers. You may use silk flowers if you want dimensions.  APRON  Using fabric paint, paint some color on your hands and stamp your hand at different places on the apron. Take a hem stencil and paint the heart onto the top center of the apron. After the paint is dry, use fabric paints to write "I' above the heart and then "Mom"' under it.   NOTEHOLDER Materials: Wooden clothes pin, wood dowel and a 4~ x 4" wood block, flowers of choice. Drill a hole in the wood base for the dowel to sit. Paint clothespin, dowel, and wood base in choice of color. When dry, glue together with a hot glue gun, Tacky Glue, or wood glue. Add flowers around the base of the dowel for decoration.  FLOWER WREATH  Materials: Mini grapevine wreath, ribbon, flowers. Take a mini grapevine wreath and wrap ...

Holiday And Seasonal Crafts0207
Father's Day Pencil Holder:  Cut enough twigs to go around the can you want to cover. Glue the twigs all the way around the can and then wrap raffia or twine around the top and bottom. End with a knot or a bow.  Frames: Cut a frame out of cardboard. Decorate in any of the following ways: cover with paint or decorative paper. Attach with glue any of the following: paper shapes, foam shapes, colored macaroni, buttons, or any other small items that can be glued onto the frame. Put a picture of the boy into the frame.     Hanger:  Cut the pattern piece from craft foam. Trim copies of “Worlds Greatest Dadâ€Â and Glue them onto the Door Hanger. Decorate the same as you would the frames above.  Tie Tacks: There are thousands of ideas for neckerchief slides. Many of them could be adapted to use as tie tacks for the boy's fathers. Make the tie tacks a bit smaller and instead of putting a loop on the back glue a tie tack back from the craft store. (If the tie tack is long or unbalanced try gluing two tie tacks onto the back.) ...

ROUND-UP PENCIL HOLDER 1. Cut a 2 feet long piece of 3-ply or 4-ply rope. 2. Cut a piece of wire a bit longer than the rope. Baling wire works well. 3. Carefully twist the wire in between the ply of the rope so that it doesn't show. 4. Whip ...

FLOWER GARDEN  Cut bottom 4 1/2" x 4 1/2" from 1/2 inch wood. Use Craft sticks for the fence. The length of sticks is determined by the height of the pot. Glue 3/8†popsicle (craft) sticks horizontally for fence rail. GARDEN OF WEEDIN’ ...

SPIDER Supplies Needed Empty egg Cartons Black acrylic paint Wiggle eyes Black pipe cleaners Directions 1. Cut the cups off an empty egg carton. Paint these black with the acrylic paint. 2. Use a paper clip end ...

PILGRIM PLACEMATS For parents, grandparents, or a special friend Materials: large construction paper in tan, white, yellow, pink, and brown. Markers, Glue, and clear contact paper Instructions: Enlarge the following patterns, then make them from paper. Cover with contact paper. MAYFLOWER CENTERPIECE Materials Needed: A gallon milk or juice carton, ...

Shooting Star Christmas Tree Ornament • A small piece of thick paper, felt, or other flexible, easy-to-cut material- one or two colors • Scissors • Pencil • Glitter (optional) • Markers (optional) • Glue 1. Cut a circle from the paper, felt, or material. A good circle template is a ...

Holiday Card House
Good for holding presents, treats, or supplies!! Materials needed: Seven Holiday cards cut to measure 4" X 6" (for each house) Paper punch Yarn - Various colors Tapestry needle To assemble: Trim the length of two cards to measure 4" on each side with a 6" peak in the center ...

Dancing Dragon - Hiroshima Day - August 6th Materials: 8â€x11â€Â piece of cardboard 8â€Â crepe paper 2 straws Dragon pattern Glue Trace dragon pattern onto cardboard. Color or paint. Cut out. Fold crepe paper accordion style. Glue one end to the front of the dragon. Then glue opposite end to end of ...
Good Job Rock – Labor Day Materials: Rock                                   ...

Patriotic Pin – Veteran’s Day – Nov. Materials: Red, White & Blue striped ribbon Star Button Wearable pin White Glue or hot glue Small Cowbell 1/4" ribbon (about 3" long) Cut a strip of striped ribbon about 6" long. Twist around and glue. Glue the pin on the back. Thread ...

Indian Headbands
8x11 construction paper scissors glue Cut a few pieces of construction paper lengthwise, into 3 pieces. Glue strips together to make a band long enough to fit the girl's head. Finish gluing into a complete circle. Cut a variety of feather-shaped (long marquise shapes) pieces out of desired colored construction ...
Indoor Snowman Making Contest
Divide the Pack into four or more groups, and give each group materials to make a garbage bag snowman (large white garbage bags, newspapers, tape, etc). See which team can make the best snowman in a given amount of time. The teams can make the snowmen anyway way they wish. ...
Inventions or Genius Kits
Place 13 or 14 items such as clothespins, pipe cleaners, ribbon, a nail, cork, lids, string, paperclip, etc. in a bag for each Cub Scout. Then they have to use those items to invent something. You can provide glue, tape or glue gun for them to stick it all together. ...
Invisible Ink
One of the best ways to send a secret message is to write it in invisible ink. There are several types of invisible ink. Lemon Juice Ink: Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a small dish. Orange juice and grapefruit juice can also be used. Use a toothpick ...
Japanese Stuffed Paper Fish
In Japan on Children’s Day, streamers shaped like fish fly high from bamboo poles! You will need: 2 sheets of tissue paper, Used computer paper, scissors, craft glue, markers (or crayons). 1. Cut a wide-mouthed fish from 2 sheets of tissue paper. 2. Squeeze a thin line of glue around ...
Jello Finger Painting
1 package Jello 2 Tbsp hot water Mix together in a small bowl being careful not to over mix. Let cool 5-10 minutes before using. Paint on tin foil for a neat effect. Yogurt Finger Paint Plain yogurt Food coloring Mix together. ...
Join the Parade 0208b
 KNOT POPPER What you need: foam cup pencil cord or heax3r string 2 metal or rubber washers Directions: Cut a long length of cord. Make knots along the cord, close to each other. Make a small hole ...

Join the Parade 0208a
 PING-PONG DRUM What you need: I large round balloon 1 Ping-Pong ball l small plastic soda pop bottle ' plastic tape Directions: Cut the top off the balloon, below the neck. Cut the bottom off the bottle. ...

Join the Parade 02 08d
 TERRIFIC TAMBOURINES What you need: Aluminum pie plates Garbage bag twist ties Jingle bells Keys, paper clips, buttons, misc.; Ribbons Directions: Punch holes around a couple of pie plates with a paper hole puncher. Use the twist ...

Join the Parade 0208c
 LOG DRUM What you need: 3 or more large fruit juice cans strong tape; 2 sticks grocery bags scissors, crayons or markers, green paper Directions: Remove both ends from three or more cans with adult supervision. Tape ...

Join the Parade 0208e
 BOTTLE CAP CLINKERS What you need: Collect dozens of old-fashioned glass soda pop bottle caps Large nail for punching holes 2" nails for fastening caps Wood Directions: With adult help, use the biggest nail to punch a ...

Join the Parade 0208f
 MARACAS What you need: Film containers Popcorn kernels, rice, or beans Glue…knife Popsicle sticks Spray paint or musical stickers Directions: Fill one-fourth of each container with the kernels or beans, etc. Place a little glue on the ...

Anatomy of a Kite Frame - Usually made of dowel rods or plastic. Dowel rods are round wooden sticks used to make the frame that gives the kites it's shape. They are the backbone of the kite. Sand the ends round so they don't punch holes in the sail material. ...

Knot Trick
Materials needed: A string or rope about 20 inches long. Place the string on a table and challenge your friends to hold one end of the string in each hand and tie a knot — without letting go of the string. No matter how hard they try, they will not ...
Leaf and Flower Pictures
You will need: construction paper, pressed leaves and flowers, craft glue, crayons or markers. 1. On a sheet of construction paper, arrange flowers and leaves to make different shapes. Perhaps a leaf is a fancy dress, a flower is a hat and maple keys (seeds) are shoes. 2. Use small ...
Leaf Books
• Get a blank book or a loose leaf notebook, place one leaf flat on a page in your book. Cut a piece of contact paper to cover the entire leaf. Lay the contact paper on top of the leaf and press down smoothing out the wrinkles. • You can ...
Leaf Rubbings
Leaf Rubbings: You will need: a sheet of paper, a collection of leaves (or other objects) to rub, tape (optional), crayons. 1. Hold the paper over the leaf (or object) you wish to rub. 2. If the leaf is small, hold it in place with a loop of tape on ...
Materials needed: Wax paper, old crayons, butter knife, iron, towel scissors. With a butter knife, shave off pieces of old crayons. Lay the towel on a table or ironing board. Place one piece of wax paper on the towel. Sprinkle the crayon shavings on the wax paper. Lay the second ...
Leopard Mask
Use this mask as a starting point, let your imagination roam far and wide. Use different colored foam and beads so each the person can make their mask unique. What you’ll need: • Fun Foam – brown • Fun Foam – leopard print • Elastic Cord - 12 inches • ...
Lollipop Friends
You will need: Small Styrofoam balls (2-3" round); Small googly eyes (available at craft stores) or you can use beans, beads, or just paint eyes and nose on.; Small scraps of felt (brown, black, red, blue); Small scraps of colorful yarn; lollipop sticks; glue. What to do: 1. Glue the ...
Magic Trick
There is no way you can lose with this guessing game. That’s because you know the trick! Don’t forget to act confident, to practice your rap and to use the secret that will be revealed. 1. “I’ve borrowed my mom’s diamond ring for this game,” you say, standing before a ...
Magic Wand
Craft Materials 1/2 inch diameter clear unflexible plastic aquarium tubing (sold in pet stores), Craft knife, modeling clay, metallic pipe cleaners, sequins, and glitter. Use a craft knife to cut the tubing into 1-foot lengths (one for each wand). Seal one end of each tube with a bit of modeling ...
Making a Chain of Kindness
By Tink Getting children in kindergarten involved in crafts is a wonderful way to expand on the learning activities of their class. Crafts can help promote good hand-eye coordination, use of imagination, cooperation with others, and direction following. Some crafts can go a step further by helping them learn colors, ...
Medals Made from Clay Dough
You can also make medals from uncooked clay dough that dries hard. Use the recipe below to make the dough. 1. Take a small ball of dough and shape it into your medal. 2. Make a hole for the yarn or ribbon in the top of the medal using a ...
Memory Book
Supplies: Posterboard, yarn or brad fasteners, crayons, and hole punch Cut poster board slightly larger (1/2 inch) than the notebook paper, or construction paper. Give each boy a front cover and back. Let your scouts decorate the front of their Memory Books. Now your scouts have their own scrapbooks for ...
Metal Buckets
Materials needed: Small metal bucket, stickers, and markers. Decorate the bucket with stickers and markers. Practice making letters different ways and let the boys add their name or a phrase onto the bucket. Fill with treats and papers from each other saying good things about that person. ...
Mexican Fish Yarn Painting
• Cardboard • Pencils, crayons, or markers • Yarn or embroidery floss of various colors, cut in 6” lengths • White craft glue Draw a circle in the middle of your piece of cardboard. In the middle of the circle, draw the outline of a fish. Draw other fish, ocean ...
Mini Music Makers
You need: Two Empty Film Canisters Two Craft Sticks Colored Vinyl Tape Black Marker or Paint Rice, Beans, or Beads Scissors Instructions: Paint the craft sticks black. Decorate the sticks and the containers using colored vinyl tape. Cut a slit in the tops to hold the craft sticks securely. Fill ...

Mousetrap Catapult Plans
There are several catapult plans on the Internet, for Webelos Engineer #9 requirements. Here’s one using a mousetrap that I made twice with each of my Webelos dens, that I want to share with you. This one’s not too complex to build and having a miter saw and a drill ...

My Pretty Pinwheels
You will need: a sharpened pencil scissors white construction paper a paper fastener a plastic drinking straw crayons, colored pencils, or markers How to make a pinwheel: 1. Print the pinwheel pattern. Teachers can reproduce this pattern on white construction paper with a copy machine. Be sure to cut the construction paper to 8 1/2 in. ...
Neckerchief Slides
Materials Needed: ¾” PVC pipe (cut into ¼” length pieces), or plastic rings, hot glue. Find an object, such as small plastic toys, dinosaurs, farm animals, insects, or balls, and glue them onto the PVC piece. Place the neckerchief through the ring, wrapping one side around the ring to secure ...
New Year Collage
Get the children used to the numbers of the New Year by letting them create their own crafty collage. We did this every year when the kids were young and the collages were proudly displayed right through January, then photographed for posterity.The more "ingredients" you put in, the better. Either ...
New Years Hats
Ring in the new year wearing a festive hat made from a visor. You need: Visor Vinyl Numbers and Stars Tacky Glue or Low Temp Glue Gun Tinsel Pipe Cleaner PencilInstructions: For this project, a visor is worn upside down and on top of your head. Glue vinyl numbers and large star to the visor. Curl ...
New Years Journal
Make a journal for the new year to record your thoughts through out the year. You pick the date. You need: Autograph Book Vinyl Numbers and Stars Metallic Pony Beads Metallic Cord Imitation Leather Tacky Glue Scissors Instructions: Cut vinyl to fit so it ...
New Years Ornament
This will be a fun keepsake to make. Having a party? Make one for all your guests to take home as a keepsake!What you'll need: Glass ornament ball Confetti in shapes for New Years Celebration Curly ribbon in bright colors Paint marker Mini FunnelHow to make it: Carefully take the top off the glass ornament. Set ...
Olympic Torch Flames
To celebrate the openong of their Olympic Games have your scouts make “torches” bywrapping cardboard tubes with aluminum foil or paint them gold. Help them put strips ofyellow and orange tissue paper in their tubes for “flames.” ...
Painted Rock Animals
Materials Needed: Smooth flat rocks about the size of a business card, acrylic paints, a sealer (spray or brush-on). Draw the design on with a light pencil then outline in black sharpie and paint. Outline again if needed. Spray or paint on a sealer coat. If desired, cover the bottom ...
Paper bag Dragon
You will need: Large brown paper bag, scissors, tissue paper, craft glue, poster paint (or crayons, or markers), paint brush, newspaper. 1. Cover the table with newspaper. Cut the bag in half on a diagonal. Cut two nostril holes in the side of the bag. (Actually, you’ll use these to ...
Paper Bag Kite
For the kite, use a brown paper grocery bag with a rectangular bottom. Cut a piece of cardboard the same size as the bottom. Cut an oval shape in the center of the cardboard. Using the cardboard as a pattern, cut a matching hole in the bottom of the bag. ...
Paper Bag Pinata
Materials: • Paper grocery bags • Stapler • Scissors • Tissue paper wrapping paper • Glue sticks or white glue • Thin string or yarn • Candy and/or small toys Decorate the paper bag with strips of tissue paper. Create your own design! Fill the paper bag about half full ...
Paper Dove Craft
You won’t mind this flying critter invading your picnic. Made from paper plates and plastic spoons. What you’ll need: •Paper Plate •Scissors •Tape •Two Plastic spoons •Pebble •Rubber band •Markers 1. Cut the paper plate in half, then cut one half into three equal ...
Paper Frog Puppet
This is a prince among frogs.What you’ll need: •Dessert Paper Plate •Green Paint •Utility knife •Scissors •Tape •Construction Paper, green, red, white and black 1. Completely paint the paper plate green. Let it dry. 2. Fold the plate in half and use a utility knife to make a 1” slit ...
Paper Mask Puppet
Materials needed: Paper plates, crayons, markers or paints, string, scissors stapler. Decorate the backside of the plate to look like an animal or creature. Poke two small holes on the edge directly across from each other and tie a string to each hole, or staple the string to the plate. ...
Paper Turkey
Objectives: Making a simple turkey decoration using items from around the house and yard.What You Need: A small wooden ball A small clay pot A few fall color leaves (or feathers) A few sheets of construction paper Scissors Glue A fine point marker Optional: paint and brushesWhat You Do: 1. Turn the clay pot upside down and glue ...
PaperMache Treasure
Materials needed: Newspaper, flour, water, shallow bowl, balloon small object. Using a 9” or 12” balloon, stretch the balloon around the small object. Blow the balloon up partway and tie it. Tear the newspaper into 1” x 3” strips. If the balloon is small, adjust the strips accordingly. Mix the ...
Pencil Holder
Using a clean soup can, wrap paper around the can and have the Cub Scouts decorate the can. You could attach arms and a head if you would like. ...
Pencil Holder
Materials needed: Soup can or plastic juice container, masking tape, shoe polish. Wash out and dry the can or container. If using a metal can bend down any sharp edges with pliers. Tear small pieces of masking tape and place them in random order on the container until the whole ...
Penguin Pins
You'll need: Ice cream stick or craft stick black, white, and orange acrylic paint 3/8" red felt tiny white pompon tacky glue; glue gun sunflower seed in the shell paintbrush 1"-long x 1/4"-wide square of knit rib fabric pinback toothpick Paint sunflower seed orange and craft stick black. When dry, ...

Penguins and Polar Bears
1-10 small wooden game pieces or bowling pin shapes (Look for shapes at craft stores or thrift stores from old games.) • Black paint • White paint • Orange Paint (for beak and feet on penguin) • Small paintbrush • Medium small paintbrush Paint the wooden pieces as illustrated for ...
Pet Rock Dinosaurs
You’ll need: Smooth stones or rocks Tempera Paint White Glue Brushes Directions: Wash and dry stones. For a paint that will adhere to stones, mix paint with glue, using approximately two parts paint to one part glue. Now for the fun. Create your own pet rock dinosaur either by painting ...
Photo Ornament
Materials: Four photos of family members 4 inches red ribbon Thumbtack Glue Foam cube Directions: 1. Cut the photos to the size of one side of the cube. 2. Glue a different photo to each of the four sides. Leave the top and bottom blank. 3. Fold the ribbon in ...
Picture Ornaments
Materials Needed: Foam sheets, clay, juice or plastic lids, paper, paints, ribbon, clay ingredients (listed below). For the juice or plastic lids cut out two pieces of paper. One is for the background and the other piece is for the backside of the lid. ...
Pipe Cleaners Give Thanks Art
What you'll need: Wire cutters 1 red bumpy pipe cleaner (chenille stem) 1 orange bumpy pipe cleaner 1 brown bumpy pipe cleaner 1 yellow bumpy pipe cleaner 2 tan pipe cleaners (bumpy would look cute) Glue 2 (5-6 mm) wiggle eyes 2-ounce paint bottle (any color) How to make it: Note: Any pipe cleaner "bumps" leftover after cutting ...
Pirate Head Neckerchief Slide
Materials: • ½ English walnut shell • Approximately 5” black telephone wire • Small amount of plaster • Approximately 2 ½” x 5 ¼” piece material • A small pop-top ring (or something similar) • Wire for earring • 1 Wiggly eye • Black felt for an eye patch • ...
8x11 construction Paper scissors glue ruler Fold one piece of construction paper in half, lengthwise. Use the pencil and ruler to draw lines every 1 inch along the folded edge. Cut on these lines from the fold to 1 inch from the edge of the paper. Open the paper. Weave ...
Plastic Bag Parachute
You will need: a plastic grocery bag, scissors, a ruler and a pencil, yarn, a clothespin pal/small plastic toy (or even a small rock or other similar weight will suffice). 1. From the grocery bag, cut a piece of plastic at least 14 inches square. 2. Cut four pieces of ...

Pocket Art
WHAT YOU WILL NEED: Pre-washed cotton T-shirt with a pocket Acrylic paint Paintbrushes Cardboard cut to fit in-between front and back of the shirt Cardboard cut to fit inside the pocket Paper Towels to wipe brushes on Paper Plates to use as a palette POCKET ART INSTRUCTIONS: Step 1: Slide ...
Pocket Buddies
Keep these little guys in your pocket. Every time you feel them it will remind you to Do a Good Turn Daily and to Do Your Best! WHAT YOU WILL NEED: Smooth rocks, any shape Acrylic Paints Paint Brushes Sponge Brushes Sharpie Pens Water Base Clear Varnish Paper Towels to ...
Pocket Shrink Art
In the grocery store are many hard plastic containers. Most of them have a symbol in what type of plastic they are. (This symbol is found usually on the bottom in a triangle. Especially in the bakery section, watch for the 6 type of plastic. If you happen to buy ...
Pocket Pocket
Materials needed: Pocket from a pair of old pants or scrap material, small objects. Cut out a pocket from an old pair of pants. Be sure to include the back of the pants that are behind the pocket as well. A pocket can also be made from scrap material. Decorate ...
PomPom Bears
2-6 mm Wiggle Eyes, 1-2” brown pom-pom for head, 4-1½ “ brown pom-poms for legs, 3-1” brown pom-poms for ears and tail, 2-½ “ brown pom-poms for mouth, 1-5mm black pom-pom, small black bead, or small, black plastic nose, 1-1½ wooden block, brown paint, Gold braid (craft cord), Hot ...
Pressed Placemat
A Fall placemat filled with beautiful Fall leaves. What you'll need: 2 Sheets of clear Contact paper, placemat size Scissors Leaves Waxed paper Large book, Dictionary, or EncyclopediaHow to make it: 1. Gather some fall leaves. 2. Place each of the leaves between two pieces of waxed paper. 3. Place the leaves inside a large ...
Pressing Leaves and Flowers
You will need: fresh leaves and flowers, an old phone book, or newspaper and a catalog, scrap paper, heavy books. 1. Pick or cut the flowers and leaves to press. 2. Open the phone book near the back. Place a few flowers and leaves as open and flat as possible ...
Pufferfish Pinata
Supplies: • Newspaper Spoon • Large balloon Paint • Plastic bowl Paintbrush • White craft glue Pin • Water Candy/Toys • Small drill Blindfold • Wire or string Broom/stick Note: this is a messy project, so prepare some workspace prior to starting. Begin the project by tearing off long strips ...
PVC Bow and Arrow
WHAT YOU WILL NEED:½ inch PVC Pipe Hack Saw Measuring Tape Permanent Sharpie Pen Colored Electrical Tape Utility Knife Scissors Nylon String 2 Small Beads (They need to fit inside the PVC pipe) Pipe Insulation Swimming Noodle (Octagon Shape) ¼ - 3/8 inch diameter dowel Contact Cement or Foam Glue ...
Recipe Holder
Materials Needed: Small precut wood shape, mini clothespin, 2 wood pieces (1 for the base and 1 for the riser), glue, finish nails and hammer. Sand all the pieces of wood to smooth the edges. For the riser use a medium sized dowel or a piece of wood approx. 1” ...
Rocks Shells and Fossil Prints
Mix: 1/2 cup cornstarch 1/2 cup salt 3/4 cup flour Add: warm water to make into a dough ball The dough can be rolled, formed, or used to press shells, rocks, or other natural found objects into. Let the dough air dry, turning each day until dry or microwave one ...
Salt Box Clown
Cover salt box with construction paper using glue or tape. Cut hole in top large enough for neck of light bulb. Glue in place. Paint (enamel) face on. Glue or tape ears. Cut strips of construction paper for arms and legs. Bend ends of legs up to form feet. Hat ...
Salt Dough Candle Holders
You will need: 2 cups all-purpose flour 1-cup salt, Mixing bowl, and wooden spoon 1-cup water, Rolling pin, and blunt knife Tracing paper and pencil, Scrap poster board Baking sheet and oven mitts, Candles Poster paints and paintbrushes, All-purpose glue, Glitter. Put the flour and salt in the bowl, and ...
Salt Dough Medals
Ingredients: 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup salt 1 cup water Preheat Oven to 325° Put the floor and salt into a mixing bowl and mix with a wooden spoon. Mix in the water a little at a time until the mixture forms a ball of dough. Sprinkle some extra ...
Sand Paper Art
This is a very simple, but very effective way to make a drawing that looks like it came right off the walls of an Egyptian tomb.Materials: • Piece of coarse sandpaper (we used a 4inch x 6inch (ish) piece, but you could use whatever size you like) • Crayons Instructions: ...
Sawdust Skeeter Scat
A household funnel forms an effective mold for this skeeter scat. The funnel is filled with sawdust that has been previously mixed with Sobo or similar glue. Thin lubricating oil is then added to this mixture. Colors may be obtained by adding a small amount of vegetable dye. The inside ...
Seasonal Gift
(for a Parent/Teacher, etc.)Materials: Oval wood piece Pens Glue Tulip paint Pipe Cleaner or Ribbon Directions: 1. Paint the wood piece white. 2. Write "TIS THE SEASON" on the top. 3. Write "TO CELEBRATE" on the bottom. 4. Let the boys decorate with their favorite holiday items. 5. Glue the ...

Serving Dish
Materials Needed: Small fancy plate, candlestick, hot glue. Go to a second hand store or dollar store and purchase a fancy or holiday plate and candlestick. Families may also have old ones that they no longer want. Hot glue the plate onto the candlestick. Serve treats. ...
Summertime cushion for picnics or backyard fun! This is a GREAT project. Materials: 12 double pages of newspaper Preparations: Start at one side of the double page, make a 2 %” fold, and crease well. Continue folding paper over and over until you have one strip. Fold all 12 pages ...
Smiley Catterpillar
Here’s a smiley, slinky critter you can make from clay and wire. What you’ll need: Purple, green, white, and black clay 22 gauge, permanent-colored copper wire Toothpicks 1. Roll 6 or more balls of clay for the caterpillar ...

Snow Globes
Materials Needed: Small jar with screw lid, white glitter flakes, waterproof glue, small holiday object(s), water. Clean out the jar. A baby food jar is a good size. Glue the object(s) to the lid. Let the glue dry. Put some white glitter flakes into the jar. Add water to the ...
Soda Bottle Bird Feeder
Materials: • 1 piece 1” X 5” X 6” pine strip • 1 piece 1” X 2” X 6” pine perch support Hardware and miscellaneous: • 1 plastic soda bottle - 2-liter size • screw eyes, small size • 3 brass screws #6, %” long • Wood glue or Silicone ...
Stinky Skunk
All you need is clay to create this cute little skunk. What you’ll need: White and black clay Toothpicks 1. Roll and shape the clay parts. 2. Press the tail stripe onto the back of the body. Push the head stripe onto the top of the body. 3. Attach the ...
Stone Magnets
Materials needed: Clear pebbles (vase fillers) about the size of a quarter, circle magnet, picture,sticker, or saying, and hot glue. Trace around the pebble. Cut the picture inside the tracing lines. With glue that dries clear glue the picture to the pebble. You should be able to see the picture ...
Stuffed Turkey
Scissors Pencil Crayons or markers Facial tissue. Color the turkey any colors you like. Wild turkeys have feathers in shades of brown, but I like to add a few orange feathers for color. Cut out the pieces for the turkey on the outlines. You will have two bodies, two wings, ...
Sugar Cube Pyramid
Kids can try their hand at Egyptian-style construction by turning a pile of sugar cubes into a model pyramid. Supplies: • 1 egg white • Pinch of cream of tartar • 1½ cups confectioners' sugar • Sugar cubes Directions: 1. Mix up a batch of "mortar." Just beat together one ...
No celebration is complete without tambourine music! You need: Paper or Plastic Plates Jingle Bells Curling Ribbon Scissors Hole Punch String or Yarn Instructions: Punch holes all around a paper plate. Push the base of a jingle bell through each hole stringing a piece ...
Thanksgiving Hand Wreath
Materials: Construction paper or felt in fall colors Posterboard Scissors Glue Brown buttons or nuts Ribbon Instructions: Trace your hands or your child's hands on the colored paper. Cut out several hands in different shades. Draw a circle for a wreath on the poster board. Cut out the wreath. Be sure to cut a ...
Thanksgiving Roots
4 paperwhite narcissus bulbs 6" ceramic pot (There should be no hole in the bottom because the bulbs will grow in a bed of pebbles and water.) Pebbles - to fill each pot Yarn and glue or poster paints (optional) Place a 2" layer of pebbles in the bottom of ...
Thanksgiving Tablecloth
Materials: White tablecloth Fabric paint in autumn colors Paintbrush Instructions: Use the paint to create Thanksgiving designs on the tablecloth. Try dipping a corncob, leaves, or feathers into the paint to form prints on the cloth. Or make handprints and add paint to create a turkey tablecloth. ...
Thanksgiving Wreath
YOU WILL NEED: A grapevine wreath (available at craft stores) Real or artificial fall leaves Acorns Berries Wide ribbon Craft glue Puffy paint HERE'S HOW: Wrap the ribbon around the wreath as shown, and knot in place. Tuck the stems of the leaves, acorns, and berries into the wreath. When you are happy with the arrangement, glue ...
The Friendship Star
This is similar to a snowflake, but more fun because you can color it. You will need an 8x4 square piece of light to medium weight white paper, a pencil, a small pair of sharp scissors, and colored markers or crayons. Fold the piece of paper so that the unfolded ...
The LookAround Clown
Materials: Plastic drinking cup (colored), plastic foam ball, ice cream stick, felt, rickrack, chenille sticks, glue and scissors. 1. Dip an ice cream stick in glue and push it into the center of a plastic foam ball. 2. Poke a hole in the center of the bottom of the drinking ...
Theme Craft0407
LITER BOTTLE AQUARIUM Materials: 1-liter bottle Forester wood shapes Fish Line Acrylic Paint Hot glue or Tacky Glue Blue paper Fish tank rocks Scissors Clean 2-liter pop bottle and let dry. Using scissors or Xacto Knife (leaders only), cut the bottle at the top of the black base of the ...

Theme Crafts
notes Ojo de Dios: Ojo de Dios is a traditional stick weaving often used as jewelry or to decorate a home or Fiesta. Making an Ojo de Dios will take two sticks and enough ...

Theme Crafts 0208
HUG A TREE POUCH You Need: Naugahyde or leather • string or plastic lacing • hole punch • scissors • pony bead • whistle • moist towelette • band-aids • hard candies, emergency blanket, or garbage bag • Enlarge pattern, so pieces are about ...
Theme Crafts 0209a
TONGUE DEPRESSOR WHISTLE Materials Needed: 1 tongue depressor for each cub String and drill or knife Instructions: Color the tongue depressor with paint, crayons, and markers. Cut three notches on one side on each end. Drill a hole at one end with a drill or the point of a ...

Theme Crafts 0209b
JACOB'S LADDER The Jacob’s ladder gets its name from a Bible story in which a man named Jacob had a dream about a ladder stretching from heaven to earth. The Jacob’s ladder is fun to play with — you can make it, then watch the blocks tumble over one ...

Theme Crafts0201
WINTER SCENE WATER GLOBE Materials Needed: 1 jar (baby food or jar of your choice with lid Water Sparkle Flakes and/or glitter Figures to make the scene (small figures that are water safe). People, trees, fences, etc. Glycerin (in pharmacies) Instructions: 1. Clean the jar and the lid 2. Choose ...
Theme Crafts0202
SWANNEE WHISTLE You Need: drinking straw • skewer or poultry lacer • electrical tape • Wrap electrical tape around one end of the skewer until it fits snuggly but slides easily into the straw. Blow across the top of the straw to produce a ...

Theme Crafts0203
UNCLE SAM BEADIE Materials Needed: 18 Blue beads 15 Red beads 15 White beads 4 Ivory beads 2 Black beads 1 Lanyard hook 2 yards boondoggle or Curling ribbon or 1/8 ribbon Instructions: Follow the diagram on the upper right. USA FLAG BEADIE Materials Needed: 20 white beads 22 red ...
Theme Crafts0204
DANCING SHAPES You Need: a small box with a lid (i.e. a check box) • plastic sheet protector • colored tissue paper Cut a window in the lid leaving a ½–¾ inch edge. Cut sheet protector to fit inside lid, glue in place. Use a craft punch or cut small ...

Theme Crafts0205
 SCARAB STAMP SEAL Materials Needed: Modeling clay Ballpoint pen Rolling pin Craft knife or popsicle stick sharpened at one end. Ink Pad Cookie Sheet Instructions: 1. Model a beetle out of the clay, keeping the base as flat as possible. 2. Roll out some modeling clay, the same shape as your beetle, and carve a message on it using the tip of a ballpoint pen. You can invent your own picture writings or use hieroglyphs. Make sure that you carve each word backward so that it prints forward. 3. When you have finished carving, check that the slab of clay is perfectly flat, and join both parts of the seal together. 4. Place seal on a cookie sheet and bake at 300 degrees F for 10 minutes. 5. When cooled, press it into an ink pad and then press it on paper.  THE GREAT PYRAMID Materials Needed: Cereal box cardboard or posterboard Pencil Ruler Marker Scissors Transparent tape Instructions: 1. Measure a 6â€Â square on the cardboard and cut it out. Then measure 4 triangles on another piece of cardboard. Cut these out also. 2. Draw lines to look like stone or brick (large) on the triangle pieces. 3. Tape each side piece to the square piece. 4. Bring the points together and tape. ...
Theme Crafts0206
MOVING PICTURE BOX You Need: a small, flat type box with a lid sheets of 8½” X 11” paper • crayons or markers • tape • 2 pencils Cut the paper into quarters. Make a picture on each paper to tell a part of a story. Tape the papers together ...

Theme Crafts0207
CLAY POT SUNDIAL  Materials Needed: A clay flowerpot + a ruler + a black marker Modeling clay + stick twice as the height of the flowerpot Instructions: 1. Turn the flowerpot upside down. Push the stick through the hole in the pot and into the ground. 2. Wedge a piece of modeling clay around the stick, as shown, to hold it upright and keep it in place. 3. Mark where the shadow is by drawing a line on the pot. Write the time next to the line. 4. Do the same every hour. Now you will know what time it is on a sunny day. You have to keep this type of sundial where ever you make it. You may want your den to take it home, and put the times on it wherever they put it.  ROCKET RACER  Materials Needed: A cardboard tube from a roll of paper towels A 41/4-inch square of lightweight cardboard or posterboard Paints and paint brushes A rubber band All purpose glue A stick about 20 inches long Instructions: • Make 4: 2-7/8 inch long lengthwise cuts in one end of the cardboard tube. Space the cuts equally around the tube. The triangles will be glued in place in these slits. • Cut out the 41/4-inch square of thin cardboard. Then cut it along the dotted lines as shown in the diagram so that you end up with 4 triangles. 3. Cut a strip of cardboard a little longer then the tube and about 11/4 inches wide. Punch holes on one end. • Push the strip of cardboard up through tube. Glue in place, but off to one side. • Glue triangle (fins) into slits in the roll. Paint your rocket. • Cut the rubber band, put two ends through the two holes in the cardboard strip, and tie knots to keep them in place. Put the stick inside the roll. Stretch the rubber band up over notched end of the stick, pull the end of the strip towards you, and release.  ...
Theme Crafts0403
CLAY BEADSMaterials:Play Dough or clayColors to create different shades (food coloring or acrylic paints)toothpicksStringWhile discussing the handicapped, have Scouts make clay beads using only one hand. Give the scouts a handful of clay and have them divide it into several piles to create a variety of colors. Give boys some ...

Theme Crafts0404
Earth Eggs: This is a fun way to decorate eggs with colors and patterns from nature.To make the dye--Gold: the skins of 6 yellow onions, Blue: half a small red cabbage; Brown: 6 sliced beets. Add 2 Tablespoons of white vinegar and enough water to cover each ingredient.Prepare the eggs--Center ...

MOSAIC PICTURE OF UTAHMaterials:Colored Mosaic Stones, Beads. Beans or MacaroniCardboard cut into the shape of UtahRibbon or string (heavy)GlueUsing blue or blue-green stones to fill in the Great Salt Lake and Utah Lake. Use a color of choice to write out the word Utah. Use yellow or yellow-orange to fill ...
Theme Crafts0406
Instant FossilsUse clay that will harden by itself, or mix "rock" dough from 1 cup flour, 1/2 cup salt, and 6-8 tablespoons water. (Use just enough water so the dough holds together without being sticky.) Squeeze the clay or dough in your hands until it is soft and smooth. Then ...
WOOD FRAMEÂ Â Materials Wood frame Tissue paper or Acrylic paints Mod Podge Ribbon for hanger No. 1: Get a wooden frame from the craft store. Tear yellow and blue tissue paper into small pieces. Cover frame with mod podge. Place tissue papers onto the ...

THEME CRAFTS What Circus is complete without costumes and puppets? Simple costumes often work the best and, if well done, are quite impressive. Mustaches There is probably no other disguise that can change a person's appearance so quickly as a fine mustache. Choose a mustache pattern, draw it on heavy ...

CUB SCOUT SCRAPBOOK  Materials ¼†wood (9-½†x l2â€) 2 brass hinges Sandpaper Acrylic Paint Leather lacing Cut the wood out for boys or have boys assist with adult supervision. Drill two holes for fasteners. Sand edges smooth before painting. Have boys design and ...

Cinnamon Tree Ornaments 1/2 cup applesauce 3/4 cup ground cinnamon 3 Tbsp white school glue extra cinnamon Christmas or other shaped cookie cutters Combine glue and cinnamon in a bowl. Add applesauce, stirring constantly until you have a stiff dough. You may not need ...

In “Cub Scouts Spread the News” we have focused on writing utensils and fun with newspaper. Newspaper Kite You will need 4 sheets of newspaper, masking tape, measuring tape, pencil, scissors or blade, a straight edge, string, and a hole punch. 1. First you take 2 sheets of newspaper and ...

Foam Ball 1 square foot of foam carpet padding Permanent markers 1 nylon zip tie Pliers To make your ball more colorful, draw some squiggly lines on the coated side of the foam and let it dry. Use scissors to cut the foam into 24 strips, each a ...
In “Invention Convention†it is all about recycling. Card Collectors Frame  Materials Needed: CD jewel case Construction paper Glue and tape Baseball, Pokemon, or Other Card  Instructions: 1. Cut a piece of construction paper into a square that will fit into the CD ...

Sweet Domes  Any size clear jar with a snug-fitting lid Small toys or figurine Corn syrup Glitter or plastic confetti Shells, pipe cleaners, or other decorations for the base Tacky or hot glue Pick a jar large enough to hold all the objects you ...

In “Cub Pet Pals†we are bringing home a new pet for the boys. Pet Rocks Collect an assortment of rocks. Use glue, clay, and paint to transform them into animals. Choose rocks that remind you of an animal’s shape: A long thin rock ...

 Camp soap By Tracia Williams Loofa sponge Block glycerin soap Glass measuring cup Microwave Plastic wrap Tall drinking glass Knife & scissors Dampen the sponge in water then squeeze out excess. Cutting across the loofa, use scissors to divide into three pieces. Cut 3 large squares of plastic wrap. Set one piece of the loofa upright on the center of a piece of plastic wrap, then wrap the sides of the sponge, leaving the top open. Repeat with remaining pieces. It is important that the plastic wrap does not have any seams or openings in the bottom area. Push the wrapped sponge into a tumbler. Use a knife to cut glycerin soap into small pieces about the size of small ice cubes. Place these pieces inside the measuring cup then microwave them at 15-second intervals, occasionally stirring the melting soap pieces with a large craft stick. DO NOT let the soap come to a boil, once the soap has melted, pour it into the glass over the loofah sponge. Let the soap set in the tumbler overnight. Or place it in the refrigerator to speed up the process. NEVER PUT SOAP IN THE FREEZER. When the soap has set, remove the loofa from the tumbler then remove the clear plastic wrap. Use a knife to cut into slices. Little Squirt Dish soap bottle Scrap plastic Waterproof markers Plastic detergent jug (28-ounce size) Plastic belt Paper fasteners Using a marker, design interchangeable heads on the scrap plastic and cut them out with scissors. Place a face over the bottle’s neck and secure it with the screw-on nozzle. ...
In “Play Ball†we are exploring the great outdoors and our favorite pastime. Walking Stick You will need a stick, something to add color, clear gloss, string/hemp/suede rope, and any other decoration that is wanted. The hardest part of this craft is finding the ...
 Campfire Hats  1/2 yard of orange felt two 9-by 12-inch sheets of yellow felt 1 yard of green felt Fabric glue or hot glue Small twigs 6 to 8 mini marshmallows 2 large paper clips Cut a strip of orange felt approximately 51/2 ...

In “Cub Scout Round-Up” it is all about ropes and leather. Jump Rope Materials: Nylon or cotton rope -- three pieces at 8' each Permanent markers 1/2" hose/pipe -- two pieces at 5" each Scissors Instructions: 1. Measure and cut pipe and rope to length. 2. Color the 5-inch hose ...

In “My Family Tree” we are making a family tree. Family Tree Materials: Rock about the size of a cantaloupe or a piece of driftwood (referred to as the base) 18-gauge wire or larger (remember that the lower the gauge number, the thicker the wire) needle nose pliers The amount ...

Mouse Cookie Pops Ingredients: sugar cookie dough, heart shape cutter, craft sticks, frosting, large marshmallows, M&M's, red string licorice. Heat oven to 350 degrees. Roll dough to W' thick. Cut out heart shapes (head of the mouse). Put sticks on a parchment-lined cookie sheet. ...

THEME MIDWAY cont2 0412
Holiday Sweets Many Christmas treats can be made with chocolate kisses and peanut butter cups. Come visit us and see the Candy Cane Reindeer, the Candy Tree, the Candy Star, and Candy Rudolph. Graham Cracker House Put 7 graham crackers together to form the house. Using the Royal Icing as ...

Theme Midway 0209a
Ink Pad Branding Irons  Make irons out of one piece of # 14 gauge solid galvanized wire. is the handle and is bent straight up from pat t ern. Start bending wire at the and follow the arrows. Make sure all your bends ...

Theme Midway0201
Snowflake Neckerchief Slides Materials: lid from frozen whipped topping copy of snowflake black permanent marker "slide" (milk jug handle) hot glue gun Directions: Enlarge, then trace snowflake onto lid with a black marker. Cut out and glue slide to the snowflake. Sled Ornament Materials: 6 regular popsicle sticks 1 mini ...
Theme Midway0202
MUSICAL PIPES You will need 2- 10' pieces of 1/2" inch diameter galvanized conduit (EMT) from your local hardware store. Cut the pipe to the exact measurements shown. (Even 1/8 inch off will change the pitch). Drill a hole for string 1 1/2 in. from the end of the pipe. ...

"THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER" (Do you know the 1st & 2nd Verses?) Oh say, can you _____, by the ________ early light, What so __________ we hailed at the __________ last gleaming, Who’s broad ________ and bright stars, through the perilous ________, O’re the ramparts we _________, were so ...
Theme Midway0204
MINI KITE MOBILE  Materials: Various colors of tissue           Plain white typing paper White glue or spray adhesive      Toothpicks or bamboo skewers Scissors, glue, markers Directions: Glue tissue paper to typing paper, using either thinned (with water) white glue, brushed onto paper, or use spray adhesive (available at craft stores). Cut out pieces for several "mini" kites from glued paper. You can use the pictures in the "Wolf Elective 5" as patterns or let the boys make their own. Assemble kites using toothpicks or skewers and glue. Hang as a mobile.   OUTER SPACE EGG CREATURES  Materials: Eggshells            ...

Theme Midway0206
     Chinese Juggling Sticks What you'll need: 1 (5/8" x 24") hardwood dowel       2 (3/8" x 18") hardwood dowels 1 roll of rubber tape                3 (4" x 12") strips of felt (to match colored tape) 1 roll of duct tape             ...

Theme Midway0207
FOIL BOAT You will need: Baby foil loaf pan (5" x 3" x 2") Non-hardening model clay Flexible vinyl report cover Bamboo skewer Permanent marker and scissors Directions: 1. Gently pinch one short end of the loaf pan to shape the boat's bow, then straighten the sides of the pan, ...
Theme Midway0406
FAUX STONES FOSSILSCoffee dough has a natural look when it dries. The speckles in this dough will look as if it is made from stone. 1 c. flour 1 c. coffee grinds (used) 1/2 c. salt 1/4 c. sand 3/4 c. water Mix all ingredients together. Knead on a floured ...

DOLPHIN SLIDE Material: Gray fun foam Ballpoint pen Scissors Cut out pattern and trace on to the fun foam. Now cut it out. When you cut the notches, be sure to make them very skinny. Put your dolphin together as shown in the drawing. Glue the fins in place. To ...

Barbell The world’s strongest man needs something to lift. Make a barbell by covering a wrapping paper tube with duct tape, then taping a black balloon to each end. If your own muscles aren’t as impressive as you’d like, put plastic-foam balls or balloons inside your sweatshirt. Clown Shoes ...

Souper Gift Six cans of soup, 1" wide ribbon several feet long, decorations: Christmas stickers, tag. Place three cans of soup on the middle of the ribbon, lying on their sides. Place two more cans on the top of the three, then one on the top of the two. It ...

This is a pattern for a diamond crystal. When put together you can make a neckerchief slide for the 75th anniversary of Cub Scouting. Make a copy of this page onto cardstock. Cut out the pattern and the 75 years diamond logo. Now, be ...

Boys love to invent and create. Given an opportunity, they will use the simplest items to invent a new toy or recreate an older one. They will have hours of fun coming up with new uses for common everyday items. As they do they can learn more about the great ...

Theme Midway2CONT0406
PREHISTORIC BONES Paper tubes Newspaper or grocery bag Masking tape Glue mixture(flour & water) Paints Crush several sheets of newspaper into balls, getting the size you want. Use masking tape to secure the balls to the ends of the tube. Using torn strips and glue mixture, place three or four ...

Theme Midway20406
Welcome to Cub Rock. Learn about prehistoric times with natural materials for table settings, toys, clothing, school supplies, vehicles. Explore geology and learn about dinosaurs, have a scavenger hunt. What fossils can you find? Credits: Pack-o-Fun, BHG: Kids in the Kitchen, Leisure Arts: The Perfect Party Planner, Stefan Koter. The ...

Helping Hand Yo-Yo  1/2 cup dry split peas 1 inexpensive knit glove (such as a magic glove) 30 inches of flat elastic, 1/4 to 1/2 inch wide Hot glue gun Pour the peas into the glove. Tie a knot at one end of the elastic, and place the knotted end into the cuff of the glove. Run a line of hot glue across the inside of the cuff. Using a towel or glove to protect your hand, push the glove together, squeezing the hot glue across the inside of the cuff of the glove. Be careful not to touch the hot glue. When the glue is cool, tie a large loop (big enough to go around your wrist) in the other end of the elastic. Can be used to play tag. Or to go hand fishing. Cut a few fish shapes from carpet (or craft foam) and stick the barbed half of a self- adhesive Velero closure to each one. Place your fish in the center of a "pond" (a large rug is fine). Stand on the shore and launch the hand yo-yo toward the fish. Parachute  Bottle cork, markers or paint, aluminum foil, small screw eyes, pipe cleaners, beads, plastic soda bottles, push pin, newspaper, plastic trash bag, paper reinforcement stickers, kite cord, needle, straight edge, string, medium snap swivel. Create a template by drawing a 2-foot-diameter circle on the newspaper. Use a straightedge to draw three lines through the center of the circle, dividing it into six roughly equal pie wedges. Connect the points to create a hexagon. Cut a trash bag in half, trace the template, and cut out the chute. Affix one ring enforcement sticker to each of the six corners. Then decorate the chute with stickers or markers. Use a needle to thread one 20-inch length of kite cord through each reinforcement. SPACE CAPSULE: Shorten a plastic soda bottle by cutting it in half. Trim so the top of the bottle is about 3 inches long and the bottom 2 inches. Cut a series of 1-inch slits in the edge of the bottom half. Press the two halves together. Finally, poke a hole in the bottom cap with a push pin and screw in a screw eye. CORK ASTRONAUT: Draw a face on the cork and wrap the rest with aluminum foil. For arms and legs, twist screw eyes into the cork, then thread a half-length of pipe cleaner through each screw eye, fold in half, and twist together. String on beads for hands and feet. Twist a screw eye into the cork top to hold the chute. PACKIN’ THE CHUTE: Hold the chute by its center point and let the sky rider dangle. Slide your other hand down the chute so it compresses like a closed umbrella. Fold in half, then again, so it forms a small packet. Wrap the strings around the packet and toss them ...

Games:                                 Rhyming Game Ahead of time prepare slips of paper with different types of pets already printed on them. The Cub giving the clue would give a rhyming word to help the other Cubs who are trying to guess what the pet is. For example, they would start with a statement like this, "I'm thinking of a pet that rhymes with carrot." The answer could be ferret or parrot depending on what was on the slip of paper the boy had drawn.      ...
“First Aid Kitâ€Â Neckerchief Slide   Items needed to make slide: 1 35mm film canister (2 holes poked in back), 4" black pipe cleaner (thread through holes), green tape (make a 'Green Cross' on the front). Items to go inside slide: Small round mirror (glue inside canister lid), 2 aspirin, 2 bandaids, 8 feet of strong string, 1 antiseptic towelette, 2 safety pins, 1 needle, l Q-Tip, cotton balls, a quarter, a small piece of paper with an address, phone number, and important medical information about the boy (allergies, etc.). Hug-a-Tree Kit In a zip-lock bag place the following items: Instructions on what to do if lost, metal whistle (plastic cracks), 1 white kitchen garbage bag, 1 piece of heavy-duty tin foil (6ft x 6"), 1 package of chewing gum (to keep saliva glands working). 911 Bean Bag Game Make a large phone out of plywood or a cardboard box. Make sure that it looks like a real phone, only bigger. Make 6 or 9 bean bags about 4 inches square. Cut out a five-inch hole on each number pad. Have the Cubs take turns throwing three bean bags at the holes (in the correct order 911). Whoever can do it in the right order gets a prize. An alternative is to make a few smaller phones and have the Cubs race relay-style until each group has completed dialing. Have your Cubs name different times when they would call 911, to report things like fires or smoke, or medical emergencies.  ...
Time Capsule
Fun to make while you are waiting for the countdown to begin. You need: Clean, Empty Coffee Can Decorative Paper Index Stock Instructions: Cover the coffee can with index paper to give you a smooth working surface. Cover and decorate your can with decorative ...
Tin Lantern
Materials: Empty tin can (coffee can size is best, but any size will work) Wire coat hanger, other wire, or heavy twine Candle (at least 1” shorter than the can) Utensils: Colored marker or crayon Newspaper or towel Nails Hammer Wire-cutting tool or scissors Remove any labels from the can ...
Tissue Paper Ghosts
Materials needed: Facial tissues, candy suckers, black pen, rubber band or string. Use 1 or 2 tissues per sucker. Place the sucker in the center of the tissues. Cover the sucker with the tissues. Tie the tissues in place with the rubber band or string. Use the black pen to ...
Toilet Paper Roll Ornaments
Materials Needed: Empty toilet paper rolls, lace, ribbon, batting, fiberfill. Stuff fiberfill into the toilet paper roll to keep the roll from collapsing. Wrap a thin layer of batting around the roll. Cover the batting with lace. Tie each end with ribbon. If the ends of the lace are raw ...
Tool Tote
Materials needed: Large plastic bottle, felt or fun foam, yarn or lacing, and scissors. Cut the top and part of the side of the bottle with the scissors. Make sure to leave the handle for easier carrying. For a pocket on the side cut a strip of felt or foam ...
Turkey Napkin Holder
9" Lightweight paper plate Poster paint (red, yellow, golden orange, brown) small paintbrush scrap red or orange construction paper scissors marker tape Along the edge of the plate, paint "feathers" in alternating colors all around the plate. Let dry. Cut a 2 1/2" long scrap of construction paper, rounding one ...
Uncooked Dough
This dough is fast and easy to make because it doesn’t need to be cooked. It is best to use this dough for making stuff you want to harden and keep rather than for playing with over and over again. You will need: 1 cup flour, ¼ cup salt, ½ ...
Walnut Racers
Materials needed: Walnut shells, marbles, markers, wiggle eyes, felt, yarn glue. Pry the walnut shells apart carefully. Clean the walnut meat out. Smooth out the surface of the inside of the shell. Glue the marble inside the shell. If it is a deep shell, you may need to add a ...
Washcloth Bunnies
Materials Needed: 1 washcloth, rubber band or pipe cleaner, wiggle eyes, 2 small pompoms (1 for the nose and 1 for the tail), foam strip for the whiskers, glue. Fold the washcloth in half diagonally. The new shape should be a triangle. Roll the triangle from the point to the ...
You Are My Hero Buttons
We all have many people in our lives that we admire, dad, mom, teacher, Scout leader, etc. This month would be the perfect time to let that person know how much they are appreciated and looked up to. Present them with a “You Are My Hero” button and put a ...