1000 Smiles
PERSONNEL: 8 CubsEQUIPMENT: Happy face signs with words written on the back.CUB 1: I think there were 1,000 smiles here tonight but did you know,CUB 2: A smile cost nothing,CUB 3: But creates much,CUB 4: It happens in a flash, but the memory sometimes lasts foreverCUB 5: It cannot ...
1000 Smiles
Have Cub Scouts make signs and carry them out as the vegetable are announced.Narrator: First plant five rows of peas.1. Preparedness 2. Promptness 3. Perseverance 4. Politeness 5. PraiseThen, plant five rows of lettuce:1. Let us be Faithful 2. Let us be Unselfish 3. Let us be Loyal 4. ...
2030 Closing
DENNER #1: (lights candle) What did it feel like, astronaut, as you flew into outer space? Did you mind being cooped up in such a tiny place?DENNER #2: (lights candle) Did the stars have points? Did the clouds race by? Did they bump into you as you sailed?DENNER 3: ...
A Boy
He is a person who is going to carry on what you have started.He is to sit right where you are sitting and attend, when you are gone, to those things you think are so important.You may adopt all the policies you please, but how they will be carried ...
A Closing Ceremony for Fathers
Personnel: 7 Cubs, 3 Fathers Equipment: Game, Jackknife, book or pet, fishing pole1ST Cub: "What shall you give to one small boy? A glamorous game (holds up game), a tinseled toy," 2nd Cub: "A Barlow knife (holds up jackknife), a puzzle pack, a train that runs on curving tracks?" 3rd ...
A Crop of Smiles
Once upon a time, two brothers left the farm to move to a city to look for work. Just outside of the city, the first brother met an old man and asked him, “What are the people like in this city?” The Old man ...
A Cub Scout Pocket
A piece of tagboard is cut in the shape of a pocket and covered with blue felt, including a pocket flap and button. The badges which are attached are available at the Scout office (#4648 ), or could easily be made out of cardboard. They are attached with masking tape. ...
A Cub Scout Prayer
Oh Lord, that I will do my bestI come to thee in prayer.Help me to help others every dayAnd teach me to be square.To honor Mother, Fatherand obey the Cub Laws, too.And this I ask, that I may bea loyal Cub Scout true. ...
A Cub Scouts Thanksgiving Prayer
O, Heavenly Father, we ask for your blessingFor loved ones and friends that are near.We thank you for food and for love and for lifeAnd the spirit of Scouting that's here.We thank you for leaders who care about boys,Who give us their time - that's better than toys!We thank ...
A Diamond In The Rough
A diamond in the rough is a diamond sure enough,And before it ever sparkled it was made of diamond stuff.But someone had to find it or it never would be found,And someone had to grind it our it never would be ground.But it's found, and when it's ground And ...
A Flag Is
MATERIALS: A large American flag held by Scout, A small piece of light cloth on a stick held by Scout.LEADER: (points to small cloth on stick) A flag is much more than just a light cloth floating in the breeze.A flag is an sovereign symbol of a nation's unity, ...
A Friend Flag Ceremony
Cub # 1: Many of us have heard the old saying, "A friend in need is a friend indeed.Cub # 2: "Our country is often the friend who helps us in need. Immigrants coming to America find helpful neighbors and useful programs to make their move easier.Cub # 3: As ...
A Good Sport
You hear a lot of talk about being a good sport, but just what does it mean? A good sport learns the rules so he will not break them. He competes with all his heart, striving to outclass his competitors. If he wins, he doesn't act smug but instead ...
A Good Thing Said About Newspapers
Gutenberg invented the movable type printing process. Reducing the "time to press" that documents had to endure. The Wolf, Bear, and Webelos books that you have are made from this method of print. Ideas and information can be given to many people at the same time.Imagine having to write ...
A Great Host Of Heroes
ARRANGEMENT: The colors are advanced in the normal manner. The flag speaks:FLAG: A great host of heroes, with the help of God, have kept me gallantly flying in the face of every threat and challenge to the democratic way of life I represent. The blood spilled in battles great ...
A Guiding Star Closing
PERSONNEL: Akela; 8 Cub ScoutsEQUIPMENT: Small campfire; blue paper or cardboard three feet square, with cutouts for stars in BigDipper and the North Star; 8 small or pen-type flashlights, one for each Cub Scout.ARRANGEMENT: Akela and 8 Cub Scouts stand near the campfire with the figure of the Big ...
A Heap Of Care And Patience
It takes a heap of working with a boy to make a man.A heap of care and patience, and you’ve got to understandThat he won’t be any better than you were as a lad,Unless a spark is kindled to show him what is bad.He looks to you for guidance, ...
A Is For America
EQUIPMENT: American Flag, Pack Flag, stands, letter cards for spelling out AmericaSETTING: Color guard brings in colors as in usual flag ceremony, but before the colors re posted each Cub Scout holds up his letter and recites his line. (Letters could be tacked up on a line or board as ...
A Naturalist Is
No matter where you live, there is a world of undiscovered secrets of nature still waiting to be explored.A naturalist is a student of natural history which includes the many things found in nature, such as plants and animals. This month, our dens have (briefly review some of the ...
A Nature Minute
Personnel: Cubmaster or Den LeaderI am part of Nature.I am part of everything that lives.I am bound together with all living things in the air, in land, and in water.My life depends upon Nature, upon its balance, upon its resources, and upon the continuity of both.To destroy them is ...
A Pledge
(make copies for everyone to read and follow along.)Cub Scouts: (Stand and read together) "As future citizens, we will do our best to be prepared in body and will, in spirit and skill. We accept our obligation to God and will show by our actions that we are willing ...
A Poem for Closing
Let's be quiet as we go In earnest thought of what we owe To those who all about us make The Scouting movement, let us take.With gratitude for what they bestow, And for the men who long ago Started this movement we help grow, Lest we their vision should ...
A Poetic Council Fire Lighting Ceremony
Camping poetry and free verse are used frequently in conducting an impressive ceremony. The following opening words are effective when read or recited by the fire lighter, who kneels for the opening verses and rises for the last lines.I KNEELI kneel when I light a fire. (kneel)I kneel reverently ...
A Scouters Golden Opportunity
I took a piece of plastic clay, and idly fashioned it one dayAnd as I pressed it still it bent and yielded to my will.I came again when day was past, that bit of clay was hard at lastMy early impressions still it bore and I could change its form ...
A Talk About Our Flag
I have often stopped to look at our Flag rippling in the breeze from a flagstaff atop a tall building and marveled at its beauty, with its 13 stripes of Red and it's Stars of a field of Blue.I often wondered why these colors were chosen, and I find that ...
A Tree is a Good Scout
Personnel: 6 Cubs and a narrator Equipment: Each Cub hold a picture or drawing of a tree with his section of text on the back.Cub 1: Did you ever pause to think about how helpful a tree is? Cub 2: It provides a nesting place for birds, shade from ...
Use seven pieces of cut poster board with the letters to spell the word "ACHIEVE". Have Cubs stand in correct order to spell the word and read the following:A - Advancement - along the Cubbing trailC - Commitment - to always do your bestH - Home - where it ...
PERSONNEL: Narrator, 6 Cub ScoutsEQUIPMENT: Large card with appropriate letter on frontSETTING: Each Cub Scout holds large card. Narrator and boys stand in a line in front of audience.NARRATOR: To study is to learn about our environment and how we can protect and preserve it now and forthe future.A ...
ACE CM Minute revised
In ancient Rome 'as', spelled A S, was a pound weight. In the markets, goods sold by merchants that weighed an 'as' were considered good for selling. Latin influenced the French language. When 'as' became a French word it no longer had anything to do with a pound, it ...
Setting: Each boy walks on in turn holding a card with a letter on it, says his part and then stands in line.A - is for Always do your bestM - is for Makes the pack go!E - is for Every ready to give good will!T - is for Takes ...
Acting Parts In Life
CUBMASTER: Fellows, our lives are made up of many different acts or parts. As young boys, you act the part of a Webelos or a Cub. In school, you act the part of a student. At home, you act the part of a son. Whatever part you act, do what ...
Actors In The Pack
MASTER OF CEREMONIES: Cubbing is a family affair. The boy can not join a Pack without a parent helping. Tonight we are all one Pack, where not only the Cubs show us what they can do but: CUB: All cubs like to act. Some of us act up, and ...
Boys hold cards spelling "ADIOS" which is Spanish for goodbye. Each boy read one of the parts and after the last one is read, all boys shout "Adios." A - We came together and had our fun. It seems as though we'd just begun. ...
Advance CM Minute
For Parents:A boy does what he knows. He is what he does, and what he is going to be, he is becoming.For Scouts:Life never stands still. If you do not advance, it will leave you behind. In Cub Scouting, you have many opportunities to learn, and to advance as you ...
Advise For Whittlers
CUB SCOUT #1: For some years Boy's Life published a regular feature called "Slide of the Month", written and illustrated by Ben Hunt, a noted carver. Here are some of what Ben Hunt had to say about whittling slides.CUB SCOUT #2: Almost any good sharp pocketknife will serve as ...
Aim For The Stars
The words "Aim for the Stars" have important meaning to Cub Scouts. There have been many before us who have set their sites and lived their lives by Aiming for the Stars. And while they may not have made it on the first try, ...
Aim for the Stars 2
The words, "Aim for the Stars" have an important meaning to Cub Scouts. Think of Thomas Edison who tried and failed hundreds of times before he perfected the electric light bulb. He never quit trying. A Cub Scout, who tries to do his best and keeps trying, is preparing himself ...
Akela And Bagherra The Panther Gather The Pack
Form dens at four corners of the room or area. Akela (Cubmaster) and Bagherra the Panther (Assistant Cubmaster or Den Leader) face each other across the area.AKELA: Look well, O wolves, look well!!BAGHEERA: Tis quiet in the jungle, And time for the pack to meet. Come wolves of every ...
Alaska Is Different
CUB #1: Alaska is different in a climate than (your state name), different in the food produced, and offers different ways of life. CUB #2: The beauty of Alaska is captured in silent snow and the glorious Northern Lights. CUB #3: One thing (Your state ...
Alaska Of Old
This ceremony can be modified to use any number of Cubs, depending upon the size of the den. Have each boy write one or more of the terms listed below on a poster and explain what they mean.NARRATOR: This month we have studied about Alaska of old and would ...
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein has been quoted as having said "The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose curiosity." With our theme this month, we have ...
All I Really Need to Know I Learned from my Dog
Personnel: Narrator and any number of Cubs. Combine lines to accommodate the number Cubs.Setting: Have lines on back of cards with pictures of dogs on the front. Follow readings with the Pledge of Allegiance .Narrator: All I really need to know I learned from my dog. Here are some examples.Allow ...
All One Boy Closing
Den Leader: We will try to show you the many sides to the boy we so proudly call our son, but remember, these are all one boy. 1st Cub: I’m the one full of dirt, so very sure that soap and water will hurt. ...
All Scout Blue and Gold Banquet Recognition Ceremony
Setting - Cub Master as Chief Akela (Native clothing is a good idea)CM: "As the century was ending, Chief Akela was worried about his people. His Pack was surrounded by others who did not have the same ideals or teach their children the same values. He wondered if his ...
Allegiance To The Outdoors
SETTING: After presenting flags and Pledge of Allegiance, Den lines up across front of room.NARRATIVE: We are coming up on the time of the year when we start using the outdoors more and more whether we are hiking the trails of America or just going to the park. Each ...
Always Do Your Best
Prepare four cue cards, one for each Scout, with the following text on the back and the key word in large letters on the front. After reading each card, the Scout should hold his card up for everyone to see the key word.Cub Scout #1: Key Word- "Always"When training a ...
Amber Waves Of Grain
Preparation: Prepare signs with pictures of a grain field or a letter A or both, mountain’ and/or letter M,newspaper and/or E, plains and/or letter R, picture of George Washington, Abe Lincoln, .JFK and/orletter I, scene of people in any city and/or letter C, pretty picture of America and/or letter A.On ...
Personnel: 7 Cub Scouts, Denner or Leader and 2 color guards for flag on stag or at the front.Equipment: U.S. Flag, pack flag, stands. A-M-E-R-I-C-A should be cut from cardboard or painted on cards (some red, some white, and some blue.)Setting: As each Cub Scout recites his line , his ...
America A La Mode A Recipe
Take a huge melting pot.Put in a large quantity of ENGLISH people (the English will add to the melting pot-our language, system of courts and laws, their desire for religious freedom)Gradually add 3 cups of the IRISH (the Irish will add to the melting pot - St. Patrick's Day, ...
America Is A Beautiful Word
What do you see when you look at the word America? What mental picture do the seven letters create in your mind?The capital "A" suggests our magnificent snow-covered mountain peaks, and the wigwams of the original Americans.The "M" symbolizes the broad shoulders of our pioneers: shoulders to ...
America Is Special To Me
Arrangement: Eight Cub Scouts in uniforms stand in a straight line. Seven boys hold poster boards, each with one letter of AMERICA on one side. The other side shows a colorful drawing by the Cub Scout that corresponds to the description or of what America means to him. Begin with ...
America Is
CUB #1: America is the sound of fireworks on the Fourth of July.CUB #2: America is the smell of freshly mown lawns on a cool summer night.CUB #3: America is the red-orange hue of the desert sunset.CUB #4: America is the sound of school children at recess.CUB #5: America ...
America The Beautiful
CUBMASTER: This evening we have shared our respect for our great country. We have seen some of the glory that is the United States. The most fitting end to our meeting is to sing "America the Beautiful". In this great song we sing of ...
America The Greatest Country In The World
DEN LEADER: The Cub Scout promises to do his duty to his country. We would like to review for you some of the things that are different but that make it the greatest country in the world.1ST CUB: We call it the United States, and we're bound together by ...
America Why I Love Her
"America, America, God shed his grace on this--"You ask me why I love her? Well, give me time and I'll explain. Have you seen a Kansas sunset or an Arizona rain?Have you drifted on a bayou down Louisiana way?Have you watched the cold fog drifting over San Francisco Bay?Have ...
American Flag Recipe
Materials needed: 1 American Flag, Large bowl or bag, Long handled spoon, Cut into small pieces -blue paper, red paper, white paper cut out a few stars from white paperBefore meeting or hidden from group - Place flag in bottom of bowl or bag - Let no one see ...
American Folklore Heroes
CUB #1: All of our American Folklore heroes were hard-working people, You won't find a shirker in the bunch.CUB #2: Campfire stories about them tell us so.CUB #3: All were Americans trying to improve this young country of ours.CUB #4: As we leave here tonight, let us keep those ...
American Heroes
CUB #1: American Folklore is more than just heroes real and make believe.CUB #2: It is how the early settlers made clothing.CUB #3: How they trapped for food.CUB #4: How they worked.CUB #5: How they played.CUB #6: Folklore is about America.CUB #7: Let us do an American thing;CUB #8: ...
American Indian We Thank Thee
PROPS: Artificial campfire, tom-tom, rattle for medicine man, small American flag.THE SETTING: Three Indian braves and a medicine man are seated around the fire; Indian Chief is standing; boy in Cub Scout uniform is off stage.INDIAN CHIEF: (Raising arms outstretched toward the sky.) "Oh Great Father in the sky, ...
American Indian Opening
CAST: Cubmaster (leader), 4 Cubs in Indian costumes carrying artificial torches.CM: (Dressed as an Indian Chief) Let the North Wind enter.(One of the boys enters carrying a torch. He stands by the campfire and says his line. Others do likewise as they are called in.)North Wind: The North Wind that ...
American Pioneers They Have Refused To Give Up
PERSONNEL: Narrator and 6 Cub ScoutsNARRATOR: American pioneers have been men with curious minds, strong purpose, courage, determination and a proud, fierce loyalty. Through every hardship, they have refused to give up.CUB #1: In 1607 same 100 men and several venturesome boys stepped ashore at Jamestown and founded the ...
American Spirit
I am an American. I have come from the four corners of the earth... in flight from the old and the ruined and the oppressive. I have come to the Golden Door... in search of Freedom..I am an American. I am many different things... but in these differences there ...
Americas Answer
America needs men with a concern for the common good -- men who have the understanding and insight to help solve her problems and those of the changing world around us. she needs citizens of integrity who value their great heritage and who are determined to pass on to ...
An American Tribute
PERSONNEL: 7 Cub Scouts ALL: America is my country. How glad I am that this land is my land, prairie, forest, snow-capped peaks, mighty canyons, cities of steel and farms with red barns. How glad I am that this land is my land. My ...
An Eagle Closing
There are 48 kinds of eagles in the world. Only the Bald Eagle and the Golden Eagle breed in the United States Many Bald Eagles have been killed by hunters and trappers. There are now only about 15,000 left in the United States. Many ...
An Indian Prayer Closing
“Great Spirit, whose teepee is the sky and whose hunting ground is the earth, Mighty and fearful are you called. Ruler over storms, over men and birds and beasts, Have your way over all -- Over earthways as over skyways. Find us this day our meat and corn, That ...
Ancient Greeks Viewed Athletes
Cub 1: Ancient Greeks viewed an athlete as a person of great beauty, a symbol of truth.Cub 2: The training he received was rigorous and strictly disciplined.Cub 3: There was no time allowed for idleness.Cub 4: We charge you as Cub Scouts to keep yourselves strong in mind, body ...
Anniversary Closing
EQUIPMENT: Candelabra with three candles; one larger candle. PERSONNEL: Cubmaster and all present and former Cub Scouts. CUBMASTER: Tonight we have had a lot of fun at the ____th birthday of Cub Scouting and the ______ birthday of our own pack. As Cub Scouts ...
Another Blue Gold Closing
Have a small birthday candle at each Cub Scout table setting and have a larger candle on all tables. At the proper time, the Cubmaster announces that each Webelos Scout should come forward and receive a lighted candle to take to his table. After ...
Another Chapter Of Our Scouting Tales
Place a chair and a small table in front of the group. Turn the lights out. Have the Cubmaster light a candle, walk across to the table, and light an oil lamp or another candle: "Let us close this evening by placing a bookmark in another chapter of our ...
Apples Red And Melons Gold
Thank you for all my hands can holdApples red, and melons gold,Yellow corn both ripe and sweetPeas and beans so good to eat!Thank you for all my eyes can see -Lovelysunlight field and tree,White cloud boats in sea deep skySoaring bird and butterfly.Thank you for all my ears can hear ...
Arrow of Light Ceremony 3
Cubmaster: Cub Scouts, Parents, and Leaders, we are here tonight to honor No. of our Webelos Scouts, who are to come before this Pack to be presented with the highest award in the Cub Scout program, the Arrow of Light. Akela: Akela was the Big Chief of the Webelos ...
As Future Citizens
PERSONNEL: Cub ScoutsEQUIPMENT: Copy of statement below for each Cub Scout or have statement printed on large sign or film slide for everyone to see and read.CUB SCOUT: All Cub Scouts stand and read together... "As future citizens, we will do our best to be prepared in body and ...
As The Wood Is Shaped
As the wood is shaped, assembled sanded, finished, and adorned with the final details of a finely finished piece of furniture, so our Cub Scouts grow through experiencing the many traits Cub Scouting has to offer. And soon, almost before we know it, the ...
B Is For Birds
NARRATOR: The Great Master who made us all, gave humans other creatures to be here on earth with us. Besides the creatures in the seas and the animals walking the land, we have the creatures with wings.CUB #1: (with large sign with a "B" and several pictures of beautiful ...
Setup: Make large cards to spell out BUGS.B-stands for best. A Cub Scout promises to do his bestU-stands for understands. A Cub Scout understands his duty to God and his Country.G -stands for goodwill. A Cub Scout gives goodwill.S- stands for spirits, the Cub Scout spirit.The letters on the ...
Back To Nature
PERSONNEL: Cubmaster EQUIPMENT: Nature pictures. Slides of nature. Film strip of nature. Pictures of endangered wildlife, badges for boys. ARRANGEMENT: Cubmaster in front of the audience. CUBMASTER: Nature is a beautiful thing, something we have enjoyed for many, many years. What would life be ...
Backyard Adventure
SETTING: Boys looking Around and noticing what's around them.1ST BOY: What's that up there in the sky - a dragon or a cloud?2ND BOY: I've never seen a bug like this before, have you?3RD BOY: I wonder what kind of tree that is? Do you know how to tell?4TH ...
Backyard Picnic
Cast: 7 Cub Scouts dressed in picnic clothes or outdoor clothes Cub#1: You've seen our picnic tonight in fun it did not lack. Cub#2: Because in teamwork we were not slack. Cub #3: To get each family involved, Cub Scouting has a knack. Cub#4: ...
Baden-Powell had a vision which he made come true, So that we enjoy Scouting and have fun while we do. He wasn't an American But he's famous to us, He has earned in America our admiration and trust. May the spirit of Scouting be ...
BadenPowell Had A Vision
The following closing could be done by a Den of boys standing up front and reciting together the first eight lines or have one of them as narrator, take a few steps forward and say: Baden Powell had a vision, That he made come ...
Badges Of Cloth
PROPS: Six cards with one letter of the word BADGES on each card, the explanation for each letter on the reverse side.B stands for badges to be given today. What is a badge? A scrap of colored material is not nearly so important as the job that was done ...
Balloon Pop Promise
PERSONNEL: 7 Cub Scouts.EQUIPMENT: 7 balloons to be popped, part of the Cub Scout Promise on a note inside each.CUB 1: Pop balloon and read: I (name) PROMISECUB 2: Pop balloon and read: To do my BestCUB 3: Pop balloon and read: To do my Duty to GodCUB 4: ...
Basic Opening Ceremony
PERSONNEL: Cub Scout Den EQUIPMENT: US Flag, Pack Flag US Flag and Pack flag on opposite ends of the stage with Cub Scouts lined up, between them, facing audience. NARRATOR: (all boys turn slightly to face the Pack flag) "Here stands the flag which ...
Be A Happy Clown
A den of Cub Scouts come onto the stage dressed as clowns. One has a large sad mouth painted on.Others have large smiling mouths painted on or half of the boys with sad faces and a half with happy ones. Another way this could be done, if not dressed as ...
Be More Than
This month's theme has been "Our Gifts and Talents." It has given us a chance to take stock of what we have and who we are. As we leave tonight, let's also think about what we should do and who we should be. We'll ...
Be Thankful
PERSONNEL: Two Cub Scouts or two leaders.CUB #1: Oh boy, Thanksgiving is coming! Turkey, stuffing and lots of pumpkin pie. Boy, am I going to pig out!CUB #2: Is that all Thanksgiving means to you?CUB #1: Sure, what does it mean to you?CUB #2: Eating a big dinner is ...
Beautiful America
A America abounds in beautiful sights; M Making it beautiful is one of our rights. E Each of us is proud of our U.S.A. R Rolling hills and lakes in which we can play. I Instead of littering and spoiling our land C Crusade to keep America beautiful and grand, ...
Bedtime Story
Make a large, over-sized birthday book from poster board. Cut the poster board in half crosswise and punch holes along one side. String together with colorful yarn.Draw a birthday cake on the front cover. Page one starts out "Once upon a time..."The last page says, "The End."In the middle ...
Bill of rights
Props: Have each boy come in with a small American flag. 1st Cub: The right to worship God in one’s own way. 2nd Cub: The right to free speech and press. 3rd Cub: The right to peaceable assembly. 4th Cub: The right to petition for a redress of grievances. 5th ...
Bird Watchers
NARRATOR: (Lines up all the Cubs who have pictures of birds, facing the audience.) Tonight our theme was "Bird Watchers". It is our duty as Cubs, as parents, as Americans, to appreciate the beauty in birds. Let us conduct ourselves so that we may pass on the beauty of ...
Birds A Part Of Nature
Birds are a very important part of nature, without them we would be overrun with insects, and we would surely miss watching them in flight and listening to them sing. To remind us of how important birds and nature are let's all repeat the outdoor code together, (have code ...
Blast Off Into Scouting
PERSONNEL: One den of eight Tiger Cubs.EQUIPMENT: Individual cards containing of eight letters. (First and last cards shaped such as to form space ship)ARRANGEMENT: As each Tiger Cub recites his lines, he holds his card high.CUBMASTER: We are going to assemble our rocket for a trip into space. We'd like ...
Blast Off To Fun
Prepare eight sections of cardboard cut to represent a rocket ship (i.e., have one section pointed like the nose cone of a rocket; perhaps have two extra sections shaped like rocket fins). Paint them, if desired, and put large letters on each section spellingBLASTOFF As the narrator reads, Cub ...
Block Of Wood
EQUIPMENT: A long table with a cloth covering the top and front and side, A block of wood, A variety of wood working tools, A piece of wood carved and finishedCM: You see this block of wood (holds up the block of wood, uncarved) which is much like a ...
Blood And Tears
CUBMASTER: Have you ever thought of the blood and tears that have been shed for our nation throughout the years? We have won all our wars, but we have not yet learned to conquer our fears and hates. No. it hasn't been easy to keep our land free. Now the ...
Blood And Tears 2
CUBMASTER: Have you ever thought of the blood and tears that have been shed for our nation throughout the years? We have won all our wars, but we have not yet learned to conquer our fears and hates. No. it hasn't been easy to keep our land free. Now ...
Blue Gold Anniversary Closing
EQUIPMENT: Candelabra with three candles; one larger candle. PERSONNEL: Cubmaster and all present and former Cub Scouts. CUBMASTER: Tonight we have had a lot of fun at the ____th birthday of Cub Scouting and the ______ birthday of our own pack. As Cub Scouts and leaders, we are following ...
Blue Gold Boy Power
Have a small birthday candle at each Cub Scout table setting and have larger candles on all tables. At the proper time, the Cubmaster announces that each Webelos Scout should come forward and receive a lighted candle to take to his table. After he reaches his table all other ...
Blue Gold Candle Closing
Have a small birthday candle at each Cub Scout table setting and have larger candle on all tables. At the proper time, the Cubmaster announce that each Webelos Scout should come forward and receive a lighted candle to take to his table. After he reaches his table all other ...
Blue Gold Cub Cake Closing
1 Cup enthusiasm 2 Cups of fun and laughter 1 Cup hunger 3 Cups excitement 1 Tablespoon spirit 1/2 teaspoon pride 1 teaspoon bluing Sprinkle of gold dustMix thoroughly. Mold into shape. Bake with tender loving care for 3 - 5 years, until gold 'n' blue. Makes a dozen ...
Blue Gold Dinner Closing
Setting: Have a single large candle at each Blue & Gold Banquet table, with a leader to light it. Extinguish the house lights and light table candles.Cubmaster: Cub Scouting is part of family life in more than 60 countries around the world. In all these countries, on an evening ...
Blue Gold Welcome
PERSONNEL: 8 Cub ScoutsEQUIPMENT: NoneSETTING: Boys up frontCUB #1: We'd truly like to welcome you, to our banquet of gold and blue.CUB #2: The food is great, the program grand, and everyone lent a hand.CUB #3: We're having a party, to celebrate Cub Scouting's birthday.CUB #4: And we give our ...
Blue And Gold
Print large block letters with permanent markers on 8"X10" sheets of white poster board, one letter to a sheet -- the word "BLUE" in blue, "AND" in black, and "GOLD" in red. Add silver stars to the letters. Printing script on back of each card cuts memorizations to a ...
Blue And Gold
Needed: 1 large blue candle, 3 gold candles, 1 small candle for each adult, Small squares of construction paper to catch the wax.Personnel: Three key people of the Pack (Cubmaster, Committee Chairman, Den Leader Coach, and Den Leaders.Cubmaster: "Today a lot of people put a great deal of effort into ...
Blue And Gold
PROPS: 4 blue or gold candles in a holder on the table; one candle for each boy in the den; one taller white candle in the middle on the table.LEADER: As we turn out the lights I want you to think about the darkness. (Pause, lights out) Now, I'm ...
Blue And Gold Cubs
EQUIPMENT: 4 candles (2 blue and 2 gold), candle holders, __ U.S. Flag. 5 Webelos Scouts or Den Chiefs, 4 cards (each bearing one letter of the word Cubs.)Place candles in the candle holders on the table with a lettered card behind each one. At the proper time, the ...
Blue And Gold Cubs Thought
Tonight the birthday of CubbingWe are here to celebrate.This great movements been going,Fifty great years to date.So let us now join togetherAnd pledge ourselves anew,To always strive for the thingsSignified by the Gold and Blue.You may strive for Truth and SpiritualityIn the warm light under the sky above,As you bring ...
Blue and Gold Flag Ceremony
Narrator: I represent the spirit of Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of Boy Scouting. I am also the spirit of Scouting past and present. Here is our future…Cub Scouts of America. 1st Cub: (carrying a Bible) In the Cub Scout Promise, we say "I promise to do my duty, to ...
Blue And Gold Letters
Print large block letters on 8x10 sheets of white cardboard. The word "BLUE" in blue color and in back, "GOLD" in gold or red. These may be enhanced by adding silver stars to the letters. Printing script on back of cards cuts memorization to a minimum.B is for Boys-Bobcats, Wolves, ...
Blue And Gold The Scouting Way
Eight boys in uniform line up holding large cards which are blank on one side. The first four cards are blue the other four are gold. As the boys speak their lines, they turn over the cards to reveal letters spelling BLUE & GOLD. The letters on the blue ...
Blue and Gold Welcome Opening
Personnel: Eight Cub Scouts say each lineCub 1: We'd truly like to welcome you.To our banquet of gold and blueCub 2:The food is great, the program grandAnd everyone lent a handCub 3: We’re having a party to celebrateThe Cub Scout birthdayCub 4: And we give our thanks to all those ...
Boatswains Pipe
Pipe the flag aboard by having someone make a whistle like a boatswain's pipe. It gives a long, drawn-out tone, stating in a high key and dropping to a lower pitch half-way through. A Webelos color guard then marches in with the U.S. and pack flags and posts them. One ...
Boys And Their Pockets
Preparation: You will need each boy to have one of the following in his pockets: a frog (plastic, unless you are brave), dirt, marbles, rocks, and a small flag. Have boys practice their parts ahead of time.Cub Master or den leader: Have you ever wondered what boys keep in ...
Braided Yarn
Cubmaster holds up two four-foot lengths of yarn, one blue, and one gold. He explains that the blue represents boys, the gold, parents.CUBMASTER: By itself, neither of these strands is very strong. I think a couple of strong Cub Scouts could break either one. (Call forward two Cub Scouts ...
Breaking Bread Together
Sharing a meal together is one of our greatest traditions. In most religions, the meal plays an important part in celebrating the faith. As Americans, we celebrate our bounty and our graces with the Thanksgiving meal. And yet, as important as breaking bread together is to us, there are ...
Bright Ideas Closing
A single light bulb is illuminated in the front of the darkened room.The Cubmaster speaks: this light bulb is pretty commonplace to people these days. But it is a fitting symbol for our theme, "Genius Night," because of how it represents Bight Ideas. It's inventor, Thomas Edison, was recognized ...
Bring Back One Of Natures Secrets
EQUIPMENT: Acorn; pine needles; feather.PERSONNEL: 4 Cub Scouts; Cubmaster dresses as Akela.AKELA (to 4 Cub Scouts): To test your manhood, I send each of you out into the earth's vast high country to bring back one of nature's secrets.(Cub Scouts exit and return.)AKELA (to CUB #1): What secret have you ...
BSA Birthday
Pack flag is placed in center of stage. Ten Cub Scouts in uniform come onstage in turn, stand near the flag and recite one of the lines below. Upon finishing, each Cub Scout salutes the flag and retires to rear of stage where a horseshoe is formed.1st. - May I ...
Buckskin And Homespun
LEADER: They were clothed in buckskin and homespun. They had lots of strength, courage and patience. Mile by mile they pressed westward. They crossed rivers, prairies and mountains, carrying rifles, kettles and faith.Many had left family and comfort far behind them for a future they thought would be good. They ...
Buckskin Pioneers
Card Ceremonies: Place the letter on a card and the verse on the back of the card so the boy can read it aloud. Have the boys hold the cards up high and speak loudly.BUCKSKINB is for boys, the most important part of all.U is for the uniform we ...
Bug Closing
Personnel: 8 Cub ScoutsEquipment: Each with a poster of a bug1st Cub There was a little bug who had the blues, And he cried because he had no shoes. 2nd Cub: He walked around with six bare feet, and hid them when other bugs he would meet.3rd Cub: Such ...
Bugs Things Closing
You can learn a lot about life by watching insects. Have you ever taken the time to watch a colony of ants? They are always busy, working together, doing what needs to be done without complaining. The Greek writer Aesop told a story about the ants and the grasshopper. All ...
Bugs Bugs Bugs
1ST CUB: There are flies, and fleas, ticks and chiggers. 2ND CUB: There are mosquitoes and ants, and scorpions. CUB CUB: There are spiders, crickets, and cockroaches and more. 4TH CUB: And they are all creatures of this great earth. 5TH CUB: Believe it ...
Building A Better World
1ST Take a B for brotherhood Boosting for each others good.2ND Take an E for every land to share in earth's riches everywhere.3RD Take a T for trustfulness trusting more, and fearing less.4TH Take a T for teamwork, to joining hands to put things through.5TH Take an E for ...
Building A Cub Scout
EQUIPMENT: Seven Cub Scouts with the tools they mention; a copy of the ceremonyCUB #1 "AWL" Cub Scouts should remember the Cub Scout motto, "Do Your Best." This means at home, school or play, Cubs always do their best.CUB #2 Cub Scouting "CHISELS" out a well-rounded program for boys ...
Building A Healthy Attitude
ARRANGEMENTS: Seven boys come on stage carrying various kinds of muscle building equipment. They use the equipment and in turn speak the lines below. CUB #1: To keep your body strong and healthy, is more valuable than being wealthy. CUB #2: When you are ...
C is for the community of Cub Scouting A is for Akela who leads us on the Cub Scouting trail L is for loyalty to country and family I is for ideals, the people we admire and imitate F is for fun at our ...
C - There is another kind, of course, that is even more important than that which was told to you in the opening of the pack meeting.H - That is the CHARACTER course.A - Your character is being formed right now.R - By what you do and what you ...
Preparation: 9 Cubs enter each with a card with the appropriate letter on it. C - is for Christ, whose birthday we observe H - is for Happiness to those we serve R - is for Reverence and a prayer from above I - ...
PERSONNEL: Six Leaders dressed as clowns carrying balloons, each with a letter in CIRCUS on it. C - Come and watch what we have in store. I - Including fantastic acts never seen before. R - Roaring lions may fill you with fright. C ...
PERSONNEL: Five Cub Scouts enter, dressed as clowns, holding posters with large letters and sayings on back.C - C is for Cub Scouts - Cub Scouts like to laugh and to have fun.L - L is for Leaders - Leaders are there to show, teach and to help.O - ...
PERSONNEL: 11 Cubs and Den Leader or Den Chief. EQUIPMENT: Cards with letters spelling out C O L L E C T I O N S NARRATOR: We would like to tell you what we collect from Scouting. C: is for COURTESY. A Scout ...
PERSONNEL: 11 Cubs and Den Leader or Den Chief.EQUIPMENT: Cards with letters spelling out COLLECTIONSNARRATOR: We would like to tell you what we collect from Scouting.C: is for COURTESY. A Scout learns to do good deeds and respect others.O: is for OUTING. The outing is one of the most ...
Have the boys make up letter cards (that people in the back of the room can see when the Cubs hold them up on stage) for the word computer. Have them draw pictures on the cards that represent (to them) what they are saying.1. "C" stands for Cubs, we're gathered ...
Arrangement: 8 (Cub Scouts, each with a large letter printed on a card)C: Communication not confinedO: Operating and on-lineM: Memory to store awayP: Programs that we learn and playU: Utilities to keep us straightT: Terminals to match and mateE: Entering much informationR: Resource for many functions NARRATOR: In looking far ...
Supplies:8 Cub Scouts with signs with the letter on the front and the saying on the back.C is for Cub Scouts Where we all learnO is for Outdoors That we take care of and don't bumM is for Men Which we are training to be.P is for Parents Who ...
C is for Computer and Cub ScoutingO is for Output of future citizensM is for Memory of fun we'll keep for yearsP is for Program that's outstandingU is for User Friendly--Yes, we have fun in Cub ScoutingT is for Task we gladly doE is for Environment that is idealR ...
Setting: 8 Cub Scouts hold cards with the letters spelling 'Cub Scout' and repeat the following lines. 1ST CUB: C is for comradeship - we learn to get along. 2ND CUB: U is for unity - together we are strong. 3RD CUB: B is ...
Personnel: 4 CubsEquipment: Prepare posters that reflect the messages presented with the letters C U B S on them.Setting: The boys stand in front of the Pack and recite their lines:C stands for “Cut Back”. Reduce the amount of trash and waste you make.U stands for "Use". Use things again ...
As the darkness creeps into our circle of light,Embers that glow and sighDraw our friendship circle closer,Whisper memories that will not die;God's magic danced in our fire's flames,And fills the gathering nightWith mystery and a wondrous peace,That bids safe sleep till morning's light. Source: Illowa Council ...
Campfire Ceremony
May this fire touch us with the magic of its mystery; May we see in its dance the ever-changing beauty of the world; May this fire be good medicine Where fellowship, adventure, and fun sit side by side; May this fire tonight remain forever ...
Campfire Closing
Wood and water, wind and tree,Wisdom, strength, and courtesy,Scouting favor go with thee. ...
Campfire Closing 2
(Give each person a sprig of dried cedar, pine, juniper, etc. If using an artificial campfire indoors, use toothpicks.)Cubmaster: The light from hundreds of campfires around the world has brightened the Cub Scout spirit for many years. Tonight, we have enjoyed the warmth and cheerfulness of our campfire as ...
Campfire Lighting With The Cub Scout Spirit
Enter the Cubmaster with lit candle or torch. Others are gathered around unlit campfire.WEBELOS: Who are you?CUBMASTER: I am the Spirit of Scouting.WEBELOS: Why do you come?CUBMASTER: To give light to those who need it.WEBELOS: Will you give light to us?CUBMASTER: If you are prepared to serve God and ...
Campfire Opening
(Audience is seated and all lights are turned off. Campfire is ready to light from each corner.)First Person: (Enters campfire area with candle in hand and stands in front of campfire facing audience. Lights candle with lighter and says...) "This is the light Scouting. It radiates enthusiasm. As light brings ...
Campfire Opening Ceremony
Personnel: Narrator and 7 Cub Scouts (each with hi part written on a card or memorized) Equipment: Real or artificial campfire, seven candles Cubmaster: Welcome to the Cub Scout campfire. Akela is amont us. Let us draw from this campfire all its vibrance and ...
Can You Imagine
Use a mirror (the kind with a handle) Put a neckerchief around the handle and a Cub Scout hat on the top.Try not to obscure the view too much. Call all of the Cub Scouts forward to look at themselves in the mirror. After they have all had a ...
Canada Our Neighbor
PROPS: 6 Cards/poster board with one letter of the word CANADA on each, explanation of the letter on the back. Cards or poster board may be decorated with scenes from Canada. C is for the Calgary Stampede, rodeo in the prairie provinces -- home ...
Candle Opening
(Dim or turn off room lights except for an electric candle or flashlight) "This is the season of lights and stars, when days are short and nights are long with beautiful stars. Lord Baden Powell, the founder of Scouting, once said this to his ...
NARRATOR: (Lights out) To a Cub Scout it looks very black when there is no Leader, no Den, no Pack. Wait, here's a leader - a Cubmaster!CUBMASTER: (Lights a candle)NARRATOR: But the job is more than one person can handle. He needs a Den Leader and Committeemen also, be ...
Candlelight For A Cub Scout
PERSONNEL: Narrator, four adult leaders. EQUIPMENT: Four large candles and muffin cups, enough 2 to 3 inch birthday candles for each adult in the audience to have one; flashlight. ARRANGEMENT: All lights are out. All leaders stand behind the Narrator. NARRATOR: To a Cub ...
Candlelight Is A Sign Of Welcome
PERSONNEL: Akela, four Scouts. EQUIPMENT: Six candles, log or ceremony board. AKELA: Candlelight is a sign of welcome, warmth, love and joy. All over the world people use lighted candles for cerebrating special occasions. On this special occasion, we too, will use candlelight. Let ...
Captain Of All Scouts
Now may the great Captain of all ScoutsWho created the seas and all things that live thereinAnd Who gave us dominion over themBe with us till we meet again. ...
Carols Cookies And The Christ Child
EQUIPMENT: This ceremony can be done with lettered cards, candles or objects. Each Cub responsible for reciting the meaning of one letter in the word "Christmas". C - Carols, Cookies and the Christ Child. H - Hurrying, Holly and Happiness. R - Ribbons, Raisins ...
Cars Cars Cars
ARRANGEMENT: Narrator reads the lines below while 6 Cub Scouts, one by one, come on stage, carrying cardboard models of the cars they represent... or large posters showing pictures of the cars. NARRATOR: The favorite transportation in America, we feel, is Henry ford's invention, ...
Cents and Sense
Tonight we’ve focused on dollars and sense—not cents as in pennies, and nickels, and dimes—but sense as in common sense—sense, as insensibility and sensitivity. Let’s think about that for a moment.We are all charged with the job of being good stewards—caretakers of what we are given. But let’s not ...
Ceremonies Flag Opening A Penny Saved
Benjamin Franklin was one of America’s most prominent and inventive forefathers. In his time, he helped to write the Constitution of the United States, he served the country in many important positions, he invented such machines as the Franklin stove and bifocals and he is honored with discovering electricity. Another ...
Ceremonies Flag Opening An Eagle Opening
PROPS: The boys can make posters or pictures showing the different varieties of the Eagle. Divide these lines up with the boys in your den. Adjust it to suit them. The eagle is one of the largest and most powerful birds in the world with a wing span of up ...
Ceremonies Flag Opening Light Up Your Life
ARRANGEMENT: A single light bulb is illuminated in the from of a darkened room.CUBMASTER: This light bulb is a pretty commonplace thing to people these days. But it's a fitting symbol for our Pack's Genius Night because of what it represents. Its inventor, Thomas Edison, was recognized as a ...
Charles Babbage
SUPPLIES: Flashlights, music, microphone SCENE: Turn off the lights and have a few Cub Scouts shining the flashlights around the room like search lights. Start the music. Have it start loud then soften when you begin to speak. The music can be a theme ...
Cheerful Attitude Closing Thought
"Did you ever notice how pleasant it is to be around people who have a cheerful attitude? On the other hand, we sometimes avoid a person who is grumpy and looks on the dark side of things. Sometimes we can't avoid being sad or unhappy when things go wrong, but ...
Arrangement.: Nine Cub Scouts come on stage, one by one; each carrying a large cardboard letter. As he speaks his lines, he holds up his letter, which ultimately spells out the word Christmas.C - C is for candles, we burn on Christmas night To gladden weary travelers with their ...
Christmas Closing 2
1st Boy: Our Pack Meeting is over2nd Boy: It is time to say goodnight3rd Boy: We trust our efforts please you,4th Boy: As your presence gave us delight.5th Boy: We take down our program and close it6th Boy: There is nothing further to say7th Boy: But to all a ...
Christmas Flag
Personnel-6 Cub Scouts Equipment-taped music, American Flag Setting-play "Joy to the World" softly in the background as Cub Scouts recite lines. Cub 1-I pledge Allegiance, at this joyous time of year. Cub 2-To the flag, a symbol of unity as Christ is a ...
Christmas In The Life Of Our Flag
(Flag is spotlighted) Many people associate me with sunshine and the Fourth of July. I'd like to tell you about some of my more important days. Christmas Day is not usually thought of as patriotic--but YOU be the judge. My very first Christmas, I ...
Christmas Objects
CHARACTERS: 6 Boys ARRANGEMENT: Each boy comes on stage holding the object he's speaking about, or, he can use a poster with the appropriate picture on it. He can read his lines, or they can be read by a narrator. CUB #1: THE CHRISTMAS ...
Christmas Season
CUB SCOUT #1: Will everyone stand and say the Law of the Pack. The Cub Scout follows Akela. The Cub Scout helps the pack go. The Pack helps the Cub Scout grow. The Cub Scout gives goodwill.' CUB SCOUT #2: The gifts that we ...
Christmas Spelling
ARRANGEMENT: Nine Cub Scouts come on stage, one by one. Each carrying a large cardboard letter. As he speaks his lines, he holds up his letter, each ultimately spells out the word Christmas.C - C is for candles, we burn on Christmas night.To gladden weary travelers with their light ...
Circus Flag Ceremony Opening
The Pack Meeting is set up and run like a world-class circus. The Cubmaster is attired as Ringmaster, all Cub Scouts are in costumes Ringmaster: Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to our show "Under the Big Top!" Let's greet our circus performers ...
Circus Theme
The circus is our theme for this month; we think it is a dilly; Both circuses and little boys can sometimes be quite silly. Den leaders find it natural to do this kind of show. They run a three-ring circus every single week, you ...
Close Your Eyes Opening
Close your eyes and follow me, As I describe what my mind can see. A purple dragon blowing bubbles, Spotted zebras playing doubles. A strange new world where skies are green, An ocean city where mermaids can be seen. An uncluttered mind is a wonderful gift, Use it often for ...
Closing Prayer from Apollo
Have the pack form a large brotherhood circle (arms over each other's shoulders) and then read the prayer that was broadcast from outer space by Frank Borman from the Apollo in March of 1968.Have the pack form a large brotherhood circle (arms over each other's shoulders) and then read ...
Closing I Can
PERSONNEL:4 CubsSETTING: Cubs stand at the front of the roomCUB 1:Everyone cannot be brilliant,everyone cannot be smart,I may not be a whiz at computers,but I can build a neat go-cart.CUB 2:I can dam a stream with boulders.I can climb a tree to the top.I can run for blocks and ...
Closing for Den Chief and Six Cub Scouts
Den Chief: What you are is God's gift to you. What you make of yourself is your gift to God. Make it a good gift.Cub #1: Work while you work.Cub #2: Pray while you pray.Cub #3: One thing at a time, that is the way.Cub #4: All that you ...
Clues Closing
1 - We look in the sky each morning for clues about the weather to tell us what to wear. 2 - We look at our friends' faces and bodies to find clues about how they are feeling. 3 - And we also look very carefully at the stew served ...
Coming Together
Form a circle around the derby track.CUBMASTER: Coming together is a beginning. (Now cross arms and hold the hands of people beside you.)"Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." This is a quote from the famous car maker. Henry Ford.All of the dens come together to form the ...
Commentary on the Pledge of Allegiance
As a schoolboy, one of Red Skelton's teachers explained the words and meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance to his class. Skelton later wrote down, and eventually recorded, his recollection of this lecture. It is followed by an observation of his own. I Me; an individual; a committee of one. ...
Communications 1
Make traffic signs from poster board or colored construction paper and on the back of each one is printed one or two letters (depending on the number of Cubs) from "COMMUNICATIONS". After all the boys have come on stage have them turn signs around ...
Communications 2
BOY 1: Communications reach us by means of hearing, seeing, and sometimes by means of tasting, smelling, and touching. BOY 2: We communicate by talking, writing, signaling, gesturing, singing, drawing, and even dancing. BOY 3: Man has developed such devices as radio, television, telephone, ...
Compass Opening
Personnel: Akela; Operator of the spotlight; tom-tom beater; a Cub Scout; and an Explorer Scout (all scouts in uniform) Cub Scout or adult dressed as Indian. Equipment: Indian tom-tom, spotlight, large cardboard compass board painted blue in the east; gold in the south; silver ...
Computer Closing
The theme for this month has focused on the computer. In these days, we can't imagine what life would be like without them. Computers are wonderful! But let's not forget they are only tools and they need good programming to be useful. Also, we need to know how to ...
Computer Closing Thought
The computer has changed our lives in more ways than we now know. It has opened up many new and exciting possibilities for all of us. It is in this way that the computer is like Cub Scouting. Cub Scouting allows boys to experience many new and exciting things, too. ...
Computer Dictionary
DEN CHIEF: This month Cub Scouts in Den ____ have been leaning about computers. And they would like toshare what they learned. C COMPUTER A computer is a machine that uses electricity and helps people work with different types of information. O OUTPUT Output ...
Computer Games Must Come To An End
CUBMASTER OR CUB SCOUT: Like all good computer games must come to an end, so this meeting must end. Your score for the night is 100--that's 100% for being a Scout and doing your best. Just as you must exit or complete a program before turning off your computer, ...
Congratulations To All Us Winners
CUBMASTER: At the conclusion of our pinewood derby night, I would like to say that we were all winners here tonight. Dad has more respect for his son whether he was a humble winner or a graceful loser. Mom was proud of her son whether she gave him a ...
Using eight Cub Scouts holding cutouts of cars made from poster board and painted in different bright colors. As each boy speaks his line, the car is turned over to show the-large letter printed on the back of each one to spell out the word: CONSERVE.C - Cars and ...
Thoughts to be read by one of the leaders: For thousands of years, people have gazed at the night sky with wonder and awe. As they studied the patterns of the stars, the early sky watchers drew imaginary lines from star to star, outlining ...
Counsel Your Sons Closing
As you go back to your home, I would like to ask the parents to keep these thoughts in mind. Counsel your sons that they may have eyes to behold the red and purple sunsets; that they may have sharp ears to hear the voice of the Great Spirit. Guide ...
Cowboys Philosophy
Personnel: 5 Cub Scouts Setting: Boys upfront Cub 1: We, the cowboys of the western plains are bound by our desire to live free. Cub 2: We must, therefore, show respect for our fellow man. Cub 3: Respect for his beliefs, Respect for his ...
Cub Brothers Den Closing
(Props: Large blue candle and large gold candle; denner and assistant denner)DENNER: "For our closing today would you all please form a living circle around the table? (Denner and assistant should be at the head of the table inside the circle.) As you join hands you see before you ...
Cub Grub
Equipment: Signs with letters spelling CUB GRUB and dialogue for each letter taped to the back of the signPersonnel: Seven Cub Scouts to hold and read signsC is for the character- one of the main ingredients of the Cub Scout recipe.U is for understanding our world and others - ...
Cub Round Up
PERSONNEL: Cubmaster, 4 Cubs 2nd Cub with his Dad CUBMASTER: I have come here this evening with some members of our Pack to tell you about Scouting but there must have been a mix-up because none of my Cubs showed up and I would....... ...
Cub Scout Benediction
And now may the GreatMaster of all Cub ScoutsGuide and guard our footstepsToday, tomorrow,And for the tomorrows to come. ...
Cub Scout Bird Watchers
PERSONNEL: Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, Webelos Scout, Arrow of Light recipient, Cubmaster or Den Leader. EQUIPMENT: Large poster with the picture of a hummingbird, a sparrow, a robin, a hawk, and an eagle. Parts may be read from the back of each. ARRANGEMENT: Cubs are off stage and enter one ...
Cub Scout Bird Watchers 2
PERSONNEL: Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, Webelos Scout, Arrow of Light recipient, Cubmaster or Den Leader.EQUIPMENT: Large poster with the picture of a hummingbird, a sparrow, a robin, a hawk, and an eagle. Parts may be read from back of each.ARRANGEMENT: Cubs are off stage and enter one at a time ...
Cub Scout Campfire
EQUIPMENT: Real or artificial campfire, seven candles. PERSONNEL: Narrator and seven Cub Scouts (each with his part written on a slip of paper). NARRATOR: Welcome to the Cub Scout campfire. Akela is among us. Let us draw from this campfire with all its vibrance ...
Cub Scout Fire Detectives
CUB #l: Our den leader made us detectives, Although we don't wear gold shields. CUB #2: We snoop for things that start fires, In houses and forests and fields. CUB #3: So watch where you store those old, And be careful with gasoline. CUB ...
Cub Scout Garden
As a leader reads the narration, five Cub Scouts enter in turn, carrying posters showing peas, lettuce, squash, turnips, and garden tools. NARRATOR: Here is how to plant one of those thriving, productive Cub Scout gardens that every parent wants his son to grow ...
Cub Scout Garden of Thoughts
Personnel: 7 Cubs dressed in farmer’s hats, shirts, levis, etc., with garden tools. Also need large cut-outs of vegetables as indicated.Cub 1: We’re Cub Scout farmers who’ve come your way to share with you, our garden of thoughts for the day.Cub 2: (holds up carrot) Take care at all ...
Cub Scout Handyman
PREPARATION: Have the boys in the den come early. Wrap them in bandages, slings, around their heads, etc. Make sure at least one boy has bandages on all ten fingers! Do the beginning just like a regular posting of the colors. Make SURE the ...
Cub Scout Indian Prayer
For that solemn moment towards the end of Den or Pack meeting, try this Cub Scout Indian Prayer:Morning Star wake us, filled with joy.To new days of growing to a man from a boy.Sun, with your power, give us light.That we can tell wrong and do what is right.South ...
Cub Scout Magic
NARRATOR: Tonight some of our Cubs will tell you about the Magic We call Cub Scouting. CUB SCOUT #1-- M is for Memories Cub Scouting will hopefully help you and your son build memories that you can share in the years to come. CUB ...
Cub Scout Native American Prayer
For that solemn moment towards the end of Den or Pack meeting, try this Cub Scout Native American Prayer: Morning Star wake us, filled with joy. To new days of growing to a man from a boy.Sun, with your power, give us light. That we can tell wrong and ...
Cub Scout Olympics
The physical fitness games open with a grand march into the arena, with each den carrying its den flag. When all are in place, have a solitary runner bearing the "flame" arrive and pass it to the Cubmaster. He calls for the Cub Scout ...
Cub Scout Safari Closing
Cubmaster (returning to jeep):We made it through our Cub Scout Safari. The road was a little bumpy along the way. So be careful on your way home. You never know what wild animals lurk around. You may have a Tiger or Wolf in your car. Or a Bobcat or ...
Cub Scout Spirit Closing
Arrangement. Head table holds candelabra with three candles and one larger candle in a separate holder.NARRATOR: Tonight we have had a lot of fun at the (number) birthday party of Cub Scouting and the (number) birthday of our own pack. As Cub Scouts and leaders, we are following the trail ...
Cub Scout Thanksgiving
O' Heavenly Father, we ask for your blessing For loved ones and friends that are near.We thank you for food and for love and for life And the spirit of scouting that's here.We thank you for leaders who care about boys, Who give us their time...that's better than toys.We thank ...
Cub Scouting Is A Beginning
SETUP: The Cubmaster presents the pack flag and asks each den to send one boy to the front. The boys grasp the flagstaff with their left hands and make the Cub Scout sign with their right hands. CUBMASTER: Cub Scouts are asked to be ...
Cub Scouts Have Their Own Guiding Stars
We have had lots of fun with water at this activity. As we've played in the water, we can also think about the sailors who sail on the water. How do they do it, and not get lost? How did the big ships of long ago, sail across the ...
Cubbing Is A Business Too
Cubbing is a business, too. The business of dealing with that squirming, jumping, eager, active, unpredictable, stubborn, inquisitive, laughing, quarreling, wrestling, fighting, dirty smelly loveably, small edition of manhood known as a boy. He has are affinity for whooping cough, measles, mumps, chickenpox, freckles, and missing teeth.He is a ...
Cubs Building Character
1ST CUB: (carrying hammer) In Cub Scouts we learn to build character. 2ND CUB: (carrying plank) It is not what the boy does to the wood, but rather what the wood does for the boy. 3RD CUB: (carrying a plane) Through Cub Scouting we ...
Cubs With Talents Around The World
4 Cubs in uniform, and the Cubmaster or Den Leader SETTING: A flashlight for each Cub, Room lights are dimmed. Each Cub is in a corner of the room with flashlights on. They walk to the front as they say their parts and form a ...
Custom Coasters
Personalize your drink coasters with this excellent themed craft. Your kids can customize them for special occasions like New Year, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and more. What you'll need: Graphics software (Avery Kids Printertainment works well) Color printer duplicate checker Avery Kids #03111 Square Stickers Photos, ...
Customs Of Countries
Our opening tonight is made up of facts and legends from several countries such as Greece, Holland, Scandinavia, and the United States. The legends about St. Nicholas have spread to many countries. He takes many forms and his day is December 6, which is ...
Days End
1st CUB: Often when the day is done and in my bed, I lay, (put palms together, place hands to cheek.. and tilt head to the side as if asleep).2nd CUB: I ask myself a question, did I do my best today? (Make a big question mark in the ...
December Opening
PERSONNEL: 5 Cub Scouts and Cubmaster EQUIPMENT: 5 Index cards with a script written on each, US Flag, and Pack Flag. Flags are already in the front and each Cub Scout enters from the side one at a time and reads his script. 1st ...
Declaration of Dependence
Cubmaster: I am part of Nature. I am part of everything that lives. I am bound together with all living things in the air, in the land, in water. My life depends upon Nature, upon its balance, upon its resources, and upon the continuity of both. To destroy them is ...
Declaration Of Dependence On Nature
Personnel: Seven CubsProps: Lit candles from opening.Scene: Lower or turn out room lights. Each Cub says his line then blows out a candle.Cub #1: I am part of nature.Cub #2: I have an effect on everything that lives.Cub #3: I am bound together with all living things in the air, ...
Decommissioning a US Flag Properly
“The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem of display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.” (The United States Flag Code) I always get asked how to decommission a flag properly, so here is a simple and dignified ...
Den Candle
Boys are seated in a semi-circle around the den ceremonial board.Den leader begins by reminding the boys that we use a candle to symbolize Akela, the good leader.She then lights a candle.DEN LEADER: Boys of Den ____, this light means we will follow a good leader. It even means ...
Derby Time
D - Dads and sons this month have had some fun. E - Everyone working to make their Pinewood derby car run. R - Races will be held right here tonight. B - Boys and dads hoping they built their cars right. Y - ...
Detective Closing
"Detective" enters the room and addresses the audience.This was a difficult case to solve, but the clues are all around you. And I am proud to admit that the case is solved. Once you see these clues, you will understand. The first clue was several boys and adults dressed ...
Did You Know
Did you know that millions of boys and men have been part of the Boy Scout movement since its beginning In 1916? Many of you dads were Scouts (let's see your hands), and today your sons are Cub Scouts. What a vast force to be working each day at ...
Dinner Closing
EQUIPMENT: Have a large single candle on each Blue and Gold banquet table, with a leader prepared to light it. Extinguish the house lights and ask leaders to light their candies.PERSONAL: Cubmaster, other leaders, Cub ScoutsCUBMASTER: Cub Scouting is part of family life in many countries around the world. ...
Discover America
Setting: 4 uniformed Cub Scouts, carrying suitable props (such as a megaphone, nightcap, church model, and a star) speak the following lines: 1st Boy: You can say anything that you want to say, whoever you may be. Some things cost a lot of money, ...
Discover The Sunken Ship
ARRANGEMENTS: Make the stern of a ship out of cardboard with the U.S. flag flying. The boys dressed in swim fins, make-believe scuba gear, and masks "swim" down the aisle and "discover" the sunken ship. When all have gathered by the flag, the leader ...
Do More
(Leader lights candle) Cub 1 This candle represents the spirit of Cub Scouting the world over. It bums to represent the friendship and fun we can have. Cub 2 But there is more than we can do to further the world brotherhood of Scouting. ...
Do Your Best
D-Doing for others in need O-One country, allegiance, and creed Y-Yes, a response that we give O-Oath, that we pledge to live U-Under, one flag we all stand R-Ready, to defend our great land B-Beauty, we see it each day E-Eagerness, we all should display S-Service, and love toward others ...
Do Your Best 2
Boys with key words hold up cards saying "DO" "YOUR" "BEST". 1st Cub: DO unto others as they should do to you.2nd Cub: That's called the Golden Rule3rd Cub: YOU'RE all Cubs Scouts of gold and blue.4th Cub: The Pack Law is your special tool5th Cub: the BEST way ...
Do Your Best modified
Boys with key words hold up cards saying "Do Your Best"1st Cub: Do unto others as they should do unto you.2nd Cub: That's called the Golden Rule.3rd Cub: You're all Cub Scouts of Gold and Blue,4th Cub: The Pack Law is your special tool,5th Cub: Best way we know ...
Do Your Best Future
Narrator: Whatever we want to be in the future, keep in mind:1st Cub: “D” stands for a doctor. I’ll try to help sick people. 2nd Cub: “O” stands for an operator. I want to operate a big crane.3rd Cub: “Y” stands for youth. When I grow up I want ...
Do Your Best Holiday Closing
Arrangement: Boys with key words hold up cards saying: Do Your Best.Cub 1: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.Cub 2: That's called the Golden Rule.Cub3: You're all Cub Scouts of Gold and BlueCub 4: The Pack Lay is your special tool.Cub 5: The best ...
Does Not Compute
Scene: A group of Cub Scouts is looking at a robot and talking. CUB SCOUT 1: What a cool robot! We sure have had fun this month learning about computers. CUB SCOUT 2: Yeah. It's too bad that every boy in the first through ...
Dog Rules
Personnel: 10 Cubs and NarratorSetting: Cub stands in a line holding large cards with the rules on the back and pictures of dogs on the front.Narrator: Dogs are an important part of our lives but as with any member of the family there are rules to be followed. Here are ...
Dog Skills Closing Ceremony
With all the wonderful skills dogs can learn, there is one thing they cannot do. Dogs cannot see colors. As a matter of fact, monkeys and apes are the only animals that can see colors.Do you ever feel like you cannot do something because you are too small, too ...
Doing Things For Others
Most of us are happiest when we are doing things for others. Think for a moment of a time when you were helpful to someone. Chances are it made you feel pretty good. Of course, we feel best when we do something for others without being found out. When ...
Doing Your Best Spelled Out
D - DOING, for others in need. O - ONE, country allegiance and creed. Y - YES, a response that we give. O - OATH, that we pledge as we live. U - UNDER, one flag we all stand. R - READY, to defend ...
Dollars Opening Ceremonies
Cubs hold up large pieces of paper with the letters “D-O-L-L-A-R-S” on them and say. D –is for dollars, they help us to learn. O –is for dough, the paper we earn. L -is for “listen”, the advice we can then hear. L -is ...
Dont Give Up
To be good at anything, you have to believe that you can do it, and then practice it until you can.There's no easy way to become an expert. You just have to keep at it, over and over. There will be times you'll think you just can't make it. ...
Dont Give Up The Ship
1st CUB: In the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland is a Naval Museum. 2nd CUB: It has an interesting historic display of flags and standards which are preserved. 3rd CUB: One of the most famous is the original "Don't Give Up The ...
Down Through The Ages
Down through the ages, symbols have been important to man. First, he used special-shaped clubs to recognize men or friendly tribes. later, colored skins were hung from poles and special insignia were painted on them. The color white, which is the total absence of ...
PERSONNEL: 8 Cub Scouts EQUIPMENT: A cardboard letter for each boy - E X E R C I S E SETTING: Each boy holding letter E - This is our first secret word for tonight. Your body is like a machine. X - It ...
Each Day
Each day is a new beginning. Another chance to learn more about ourselves. To care more about others. To laugh more than we did. To accomplish more than we thought we could. To be more than we were before. ...
Earth Pledge
I pledge allegiance to the Earth and all life. To protect and defend the environment of which I am part. I pledge to faithfully preserve, conserve, and recycle, and to respect all life, and to help in any way to maintain the beautiful balance of nature. I promise this, the ...
Eskimo Dog Sled Opening
Cubmaster arrives on a dog sled in cold weather gear yelling "mush" at the dogs. Stops at the front and removes coat so he doesn't get to warm. Introduces den of "Eskimos" who have thawed the flag by the fire and will present the ...
Essence Of LifeLong Memories
Our campfire grows dim. Our songs and our laughter have joined the smoke of our fire to forever drift with the winds.HEAR the gentle breeze in the trees, echoing the Sounds of campfires past.FEEL the fresh evening breeze and the cool moist grand of our woodland.SMELL the lingering smoke ...
Eureka Ive Found It
PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT: A sourdough prospector with floppy hat and gold pan, a merchant with a long-sleeved white shirt and sleeve garters, a blacksmith with black apron and hammer, teamster with a horsewhip, saloon keeper with wipe rag and root beer bottles, Cub Scout ...
Everyone Is Essential Closing
Arrangements: Three broomsticks, staves, PVC pipes, etc., a large rubber band. A Cub Scout, his parent, and the Cubmaster each hold one stick.Cubmaster: "Our pack program has three elements, each of which is essential for its success. First, of course, is the boy (Scout brings Stick forward). This stick ...
Except In July And August
Our Pack, it meets regular and boy, we have fun except in July and August.And many a contest our den has won except in July and August.We do our achievements and pay up our dues and building we do whenever we chose.A little hot weather doesn't give us the ...
Experimenting In The Kitchen
Cub 1 - We've been experimenting in the kitchen. Cub 2 - We've experimented with food. Besides learning, we got to eat our experiments. Cub 3 - But we didn't eat everything though. Sometimes stuff in the kitchen is poisonous. Cub 4 - We ...
Explain Words Of Promise
PERSONNEL: Leader may be Cubmaster, Den Leader, or Den Chief, and Cub Scouts. LEADER: Will all Cub Scouts please stand, give the Cub Scout sign and repeat the correct phrase of the Cub Scout Promise each time I pause in reading. LEADER: I, (name) ...
Explore Your Neighborhood
CUBMASTER: In those times of gas shortages and economic problems, our neighborhood has become more important to us than ever before. We've all heard stories from our grandparents about the good old days when people sat in their yards and visited and got to know each other better. There ...
Exploring Alaska Theme
(Den leader uses as an introduction to a theme) Many years ago, the part of the world we now know as Alaska was a vast frontier. There were very few people there - only the Eskimos. As Americans became restless with everyday life, a ...
Extend Thy Hand
During a hike in the woods, a troop of Boy Scouts came across an abandoned section of railroad track. Each, in turn, tried walking the rails but eventually lost his balance and tumbled off.Suddenly, two of the boys, after considerable whispering, offered to bet they could both walk the ...
F - Family is important. A - A family may have 12 people, 3 or only 2. M - Making time for each other strengthens a family. I - It matters not who is in the family or where they live. L - Love ...
ARRANGEMENT: Six Cubs each with one letter of the word Fiesta.CUB #1: F - is for fun from far away lands.CUB #2: I - is for incredible. It's going to be great.CUB #3: E - is for excitement. We can hardly wait.CUB #4: S - is for Scouting to help ...
PROPS: Four uniformed Cub Scouts hold cards spelling F-L-A-G and read the following parts: CUB F: F Stands for Freedom, on land or on the sea; for America is the land for me. CUB L: L stands for Liberty and for love of America. ...
F - F is for the frontier, our final frontier is space.U - U is for understanding, by understanding the past we can plan for the future.T - T if for together, we must learn to live together on this earth.U - U is for the universe, our universe ...
Face The Flag My Son
The following item may be used for an opening flag ceremony for troop meetings, courts of honor, PTA meetings, or any flag ceremony where it would be appropriate. It is a modification of John Wayne's "Face the Flag My Son".FACE THE FLAGFace the flag of stars and bars Of red ...
Family Thanksgiving
ARRANGEMENT: Cub Scouts cant' cards spelling THANKSGIVING. DEN LEADER: We all have a lot to thank our families for. The boys in Den ____ have these things to say to their families. Thanks for your Trust Thanks for your Help Thanks for your Affection ...
Famous Pioneer Closing
Cubmaster: "We've heard of many famous men - men with curious minds, strong purposes, courage, determination, stick-to-itiveness, and a proud, fierce loyalty for their country. For you as Cub Scouts, America is still a land of expanding opportunity. It could well be that someday, one of you will become a ...
Farmers Garden Of Thoughts
Personnel: Seven Cub Scouts with straw hats., garden tools, and large cut-outs of vegetables as indicated.CUB #1 - We're Cub Scout farmers who've come your way to share with you, our garden of thoughts for the day.CUB #2 - (Holds up carrot) Take care at all times, remembering to ...
Feed The Fire
(Everyone should be given a small twig (toothpicks) prior to the ceremony. The sound of a tom-tom is heard. Akela the Indian Chief is sitting at a campfire. Medicine Man enters slowly and majestically carrying a peace pipe and stands beside the fire. He raises his hand in the ...
Fire Detectives
CUBMASTER: Cub Scouts, all during our meeting the candle representing the spirit of Cub Scouting has continued to burn. Now we'll blow it out, reminding ourselves that a flame must never be left burning when no one is around. But let us keep the light of Cub Scouting burning ...
Fire Prevention
Room lights are turned out. Cubmaster lights a single candle at the front of the room and says: "Cub Scouts, this candle represents the spirit of Cub Scouting, lighting our way through life. But the flame also represents danger. This month we have learned ...
Fit For Life
PERSONNEL: 5 Cubs CUB 1: One of the goals of Cub Scouting is physical fitness, and we've been paying special attention to it this month. CUB 2: It's fun to test yourself against standards to see how fit you are and to compete against ...
(Tune: Battle Hymn of the Republic)1. I love this great America the land that God has blessed, Where the hope that stirs the hearts of men will never be suppressed. Through the flame of faith came forth a nation choice above the rest. This great America!ChorusGlory to the ...
Flag Ceremony Color Guards Speak
STAGING: Den Chief (or other speaker). Flag bearers for American Flags and pack flag two color Guards for each flag. ARRANGEMENT: Flags are advanced in usual manner. SPEAKER: Color guard, secure the colors. Guard of the left, why do we salute our flag? LEFT ...
Flag Ceremony for December nights
Our flag is bright with cheer, brilliant with courage, and firm with faith. Many of our holiday traditions this month involve lights such as the Star of Bethlehem, the miracle of the lamp, the Morning Star that enlightened Buddha, candles on a Menorah, and the bonfires of Yule. Let us ...
Flag Ceremony With Parent Promise
PERSONNEL: Flag bearers for the American and Pack flags; color guard for flags; speaker. If there is an uneven amount of color guard, the American has precedence and should have the most guards. EQUIPMENT: American and Pack flags, flag stands. ARRANGEMENT: Stands in place ...
Flag Closing
We watch the flag as it passes by A flash of color against the sky; Its fifty stars are a dazzling white As those few that shone by the dawn's first light.The brave, bright red that will never fade By the blood of men's sacrifice was made. The white, ...
Flag A M E R I C A
Preparation: Make seven cards with one letter on each: A, M, E, R, I, C, and A . Cub Scout 1: A is for all people in our land. Cub Scout 2: M is for the many that ...
Flag America
A: Abounding wildlife running free M: Majestic mountains from sea to sea E: Eagles soaring through evergreen forests R: Raging rivers and nature's own chorus I: Immeasurable love God has for us C: Courageous people who love this land A: Adventures in Scouting, lessons firsthand Cub Scout #8 "Will you ...
Flag Spirit of Baden Powell
Preparation: Cub Scouts bring in a different symbol for each statement the narrator makes before the color guard enters a religious symbol or emblem, a boy in complete uniform, a Wolf Cub Scout handbook, a craft project, an object from nature, a U.S. flag, and the pack flag. Cubmaster: I ...
Folk Tales
This idea could provide closing ceremonies for the whole month, and help the boys pass their American Folklore achievement.The Den Leader could provide for the boys to choose stories from or she could copy certain stories and let each boy choose one to take home and prepare for the ...
Follow The Promise
PERSONNEL: Cubmaster or Den LeaderCUBMASTER: Would you like to ride in a starship or a planet hopper, to walk on the moon or float through space, or be a part of a space station crew? These may be some things we will be doing someday. We can’t be sure, but ...
Food For Thought
NARRATOR: Years ago, doctors conducted a study in an orphanage that monitored the health of the children and compared that against the food, physical care, and attention (love) they received. What the doctors found was that, while food is absolutely necessary to survive, people ...
Footprints on the Moon
As the curtain opens a den of Cub Scouts dressed as astronauts are lined up across the stage. There are large astronaut footprints cut out of black paper and taped on to the stage floor. These footprints lead from off stage to the center ...
Four Freedoms
SETTING: Each of four uniformed Cub Scouts holds a corner of a U.S. flag in one hand and a candle in the other. The flag is tilted so the audience can see it. The narrator stands behind the flag with his head and shoulders ...
Four Winds
Oh, Winds of the South, blow upon us tonight. Come to us, Spirit of Akela, Help us to do our best At everything we do.Oh, Winds of the West, warm winds Blow upon us tonight. Come to us, Spirit of the Wolf Help us to do our duty to ...
Four Winds Bring
EQUIPMENT: Artificial campfire. Stick for each one in the ceremony. ARRANGEMENT: All boys dressed in Indian costume, (and families, if they wish to participate), carrying a stick to add to the campfire. Lights dimmed. All participants divide into four groups, each in a corner ...
Freedom CM Closing
Boys, I want to tell you a story that has meaning. When I was a boy I had three turtles. They had a beautiful terrarium with rather low sides. They had everything they needed except one thing . . . FREEDOM. Every chance they had, they would climb out.People ...
Freedom Opening
Personnel: Narrator and 6 or more Cub Scouts.Equipment: American flag, tape player, recording (such as America the Beautiful or This is My Country), Pack flag. Arrangement: The color guards advance the flags in the normal manner while the patriotic tape is playing. They come to the front and stand at ...
Freedom Is
STAGING: After flags are advanced in the usual manner and the Pledge of Allegiance is repeated, a Cub Scout reads the following: Freedom is a breath of air, Pine-scented or salty like the sea; Freedom is a field new plowed With furrows of democracy. ...
Friendship Circle
Set-Up: Each Cub has a 3-foot section of rope joined with a square knot to that of the boy on his left. The Ceremony: The boys form a circle Then they tie the knots Then the boys hold the rope with their left hands and pull back to form a ...
Friendship Logs Ashes Ceremony
This ceremony may be part of a Day Camp Fire. It is done in two parts, the opening with the friendship logs and closing with the ashes. Each unit will have decorated a log with items from nature to represent their feelings about Cub Scouts, Day Camp, dreams for ...
From Cubs Into Scouts
FIRST CUB SCOUT: I'm a little Bobcat As you can plainly see I've learned my Law and Promise So a full-fledged Cub I'd be. SECOND CUB SCOUT: Now I am a Wolf Cub With a gold arrow too, Soon I'll have a silver one ...
From Sea To Shining Sea Closing
BOOM!! SIZZLE!! Oooh! Aaah! Don’t you just love a good fireworks display on the Fourth of July? The colors are so beautiful, lighting up the night sky. But did you ever stop to think how boring it would be if all the fireworks were exactly the same? You’d have to ...
Fun In The Sun
The founder said, "The Wolf Cub Pack is designed to be a junior branch of the Scout movement in order to meet the eagerness of a large number of small boys who want to be Scouts and who are yet too young." It is important that Wolf Cub leaders ...
Fun On Wheels
PERSONNEL: Cub ScoutsEQUIPMENT: A picture of a bicycle, car, trainSETTING: Boys holding pictures as they recite or read lines.CUB #1: I have fun riding my bicycle.CUB #2: I always enjoy traveling in the car.CUB #3: Trains are my thing.CUB #4: As you can see, there are many ways to ...
Future Of Our World
EQUIPMENT: Three signs with Bobcat, Wolf, and Bear printed on each respectively. The narrator holds each sign up as he tells what the future will look like. NARRATOR: In the year 2030 A.D., Cub Scouts will be 100 years old. You Tigers will be ...
EQUIPMENT: 5 Cub Scouts with 5 large cards each with a letter forming the word G I V E S with sayings written on the back.ARRANGEMENT: Each Cub holds his card and says the following:G - Stands for Giving. It's always good to give.I - Stands for Intentions. May ...
Great time to look up people who were old Cub and Boy Scouts. Find out if they have some old uniforms. You can also look them up in old Scout books. Have skits that show some of the events in Scouting. Cubs enter carrying ...
Garbage In Garbage Out
Cub Master minute: With all the information we receive today, it is possible to get a lot of "garbage in".We need to be careful that we are not taking in so much garbage that we give "garbage out". We need to watch that we don’t stop up our systems ...
Genius At Being A Boy Closing
1st Cub: Everyone cannot be brilliant, everyone cannot be smart. I may not be a genius, but I can build a neat go-cart.2nd Cub: I can dam a stream with boulders, I can climb trees to the top. I can run for blocks and blocks and never even stop.3rd Cub: ...
George Washington And BadenPowell Share Birthdays
February is the month that Abraham Lincoln was born. February 12th is his birthday. February is also the birthday of George Washington, the Father of our country, and Lord Baden-Powell, the Father of Scouting — both born on February 22nd. With all that we ...
Getting To Know Others
CUBMASTER: In those times of gas shortages and economic problems, our neighborhood has become more important to us than ever before. We've all heard stories from our grandparents about the good old days when people sat in their yards and visited and got to know each other better. There ...
Why not pick something from this list of Christmas gifts which are NOT advertised n television?Give your parents the words, "I love you."Give your children a full day of your time.Give an ear to someone who needs a listener.Give a hand to someone less strong.Give an old friend a ...
Gifts Which Are Not Advertised On Television
PERSONNEL: Cubmaster or Den LeaderCUBMASTER: Why not pick something from this list of Christmas gifts which are not advertised on television?Give your parents the words "I love You".Give your children a full day of your time.Give an ear to someone who needs a listener.Give a hand to someone less ...
Give a Hoot Dont Pollute
Equipment: Flashlights, fan, American Flag, and cards or 7 small pieces of cardboard. On the first 6, the letters, N,A,T,U,R,E, and on the last, Give A Hoot, Do Not Pollute! If you have access to music, Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA”, “America ...
Give The Flame To Others
Cubmaster stands in front, with eight or 10 Cub Scouts in a semicircle behind him. Each holds a candle. CUBMASTER: For our theme this month, we have been helping others and giving goodwill. I hope you have found that when you help others and ...
Giving Thanks
CUB #1: In 1621, after the first harvest was completed by the Plymouth colonists, Governor James Bradford proclaimed a day of thanksgiving and prayer.CUB #2: During the American Revolution, a yearly day of national thanksgiving was suggested by the Continental Congress. In 1817, New York State adopted Thanksgiving Day ...
Goals Realized In Scouting
Cub Scouts keep themselves strong and personally fit, both for their own sake, and so they can become useful citizens of our great country. Keeping fit allows us to help the people around us. If our country is to remain strong, its citizens must also be strong in mind, ...
God Bless America
ARRANGEMENTS: American Flag posted, after the regular presentation of colors. House lights are dimmed, and flag is spot lighted. Narrator reads the following after the Pledge of Allegiance has been recited. NARRATOR: "God Bless America" is a prayer that is in every heart. While the statesmen of the world are ...
God Gives Us the World
Leader: The founder of Scouting, Lord Baden-Powell, once said, "God has given us a world to live in that is full of beauties and wonders and He has given us not only eyes to see them but minds to understand them if we only have the sense to look at ...
Gold In One Of The Cub Scout Colors
Gold is one of the Cub Scout colors, the color of warm sunlight, good cheer and happiness Gold is Golden opportunity the program provides for the boys and families Gold is Golden Rule we practice--Treat others as you would have them treat you Gold is Golden Age of childhood ...
Gold In Yourself
Gold prospectors dug for gold in the hills. They may or may not have found gold in "them thar hills" no matter how hard they worked. But there's another kind of gold that you will always find with hard work. That's gold in yourself--kindness, love, understanding, and consideration. Just ...
Gold Mining Was Hard Work
Gold mining was very hard work. Miners just didn't go to the hill and dig up gold. Very often they spent days or weeks with little result. They worked from dawn to dusk, six or even seven days a week.For hours at a time, they waded in cold, snow-fed ...
Gold Rush Party Good Night
CUB #1: Thank you for coming to our Gold Rush partyCUB #2: Aren't you glad that you weren't tardy?CUB #3: We've played some games and had great fun.CUB #4: Gold was found by everyone.CUB #5: We've advanced in rank and received our awardsCUB #6: From Bobcat to Webelos--our golden ...
Golden Rule
(Show an ordinary ruler) What do I have here? Right, it's a ruler. Some people call it a rule. This one isn't golden but it does remind me of the Golden Rule. Do you know what the Golden Rule is?"Do unto others as you would have them do unto ...
Good Deeds Closing Ceremony
Personnel: 6 Cub Scouts Equipment: Stars of different sizes for the boys to hold Cub #1: Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting, said to Scouts everywhere: Cub #2: “I often think when the sun goes down, the world is hidden by a big ...
Good Deeds Of Old
CUBMASTER: Tonight we have enjoyed recalling the days of old when brave men went forth doing good deeds. They carried their banners high, proud to show who they were. Tonight we would like one member from each den to come forward. (Either with the den flag or use the ...
Good Night And Good Scouting
Den Leaders all have candles lighted.CUBMASTER: As we close tonight and the candles go out, our spirit does not go out, but is inside us burning even brighter as we do our Good Turn daily and just grow in the spirit of Scouting. (The Leaders are blowing out their ...
Good Night Friends
Put candles on three of the four corners of a table. A different Cub lights each candle and REPEATS part of the Cub Scout Promise. Akela or Den Chief stands at the fourth corner. He says the last part of the Promise and closes the meeting by saying "GOODNIGHT ...
Good Turn CM Minute
Most of us are happiest when we are doing something for others. Think for a moment of a time when you were helpful to someone. Chances are, it made you feel pretty good. Of course, we feel best when we do something for others without being found out. When we ...
Great Events Of Scouting
CUBMASTER: On the 25th of July in 1907, Lord Baden-Powell took 22 boys with him to Brownsea Island, off England's southern coast. This was the world's first Scout camp. That little camp was the foundation of the tremendous worldwide Scouting movement. The Boy Scouts ...
Great Master We Give Thanks
Boys in an inner circle, hands across the chest. Adults in an outer circle behind the boys, hands across the chest.1st Den: For all the food that the Great Master provides for us - we give thanks.2nd Den: For all the beauty that the Great Master surrounds us, we ...
Greetings To Everyone
ARRANGEMENT: This ceremony is introduced by the den chief (the leader if no den chief), who explains that the audience is to respond by doing as the boys say. The boys hold up cards that spell out the word G-R-E-E-T-I- N-G-S. Each exposes his card as he speaks his ...
Growing Carrots
EQUIPMENT: A package of carrot seeds and a few carrots with tops CUB 1 - Inside this package of seeds are tiny carrot seeds. They don't look like much because they are tiny and fragile. CUB 2 - But if we plant them in ...
Guide Us In Every Way
Our Leader, guide us in every way.Keep us happy through the day.God, who fills our night with light,Guard us all throughout the night. ...
Guiding Star
Personnel: Akela, 8 Cub Scouts Equipment: Small campfire; blue paper or cardboard, three-foot square, with cutouts for stars in the Big Dipper and the North Star; 8 small or pen-type flashlights, one for each Cub Scout. Arrangement: Akela and 8 Cub Scouts stand near the campfire with the figure ...
Halloween Comes Once A Year
SCENE: To enhance the Halloween atmosphere, turn out the lights, and have a candlelight processional for the color guard unit.PERSONNEL: Use more than just a few Cubs, use most of the Pack to create lots of light.PROPS: If candles are not feasible because of carpeting or whatever, use a ...
Halloween GoodBye
PERSONNEL: 8 Cub ScoutsCUB 1: Thank you for coming to our Halloween party.CUB 2: Aren't you glad that you weren't tardy?CUB 3: We've played some games and had some fun.CUB 4: We didn't play tricks on anyone.CUB 5: We've advanced in rank and received our awards.CUB 6: From Bobcat ...
Halloween Stew Closing Ceremony
The Den Leader "witches" are standing at their cauldron. One of them recites:We've put a lot into this stew, And we came out with a pretty good brew. The parents have had a chance to learn The ranks attained and badges earned. Everyone will return a month from now ...
Halloween Witches Brew
The Den leader witches are back at their pot of brew. One of them recites:We've put a lot into this stew,And we came out with a pretty good brew.The parents have had a chance to learn,The ranks attained and badges earned.Everyone will return a month from now,To attend our ...
Hanukkah The Temple Is Asleep
SCENE: As you extinguish the Hanukkah candles, read the following poem:The Temple is asleep.The lamp burns bright;Judan, the LeaderHas started the light.The sun shines by dayAnd dark is the night;But always and alwaysThe lamp burns bright. ...
Happy Trails
Personnel: 4 Cubs and a narratorNarrator: Our pioneer forefathers found and followed many trails. The Native Americans explored the country first. European settlers followed. With each new person came new experiences and new challenges.Cub 1: Our trail is the Cubbing trail!Cub 2: Our experience is the fun and adventure ...
Hard Work Flag Ceremony
Equipment: American FlagCub #1: When we think of the American Cowboy, we think of long, hard-working days. Cub #2: Americans built our country with hard work. Cub #3: In Cub Scouts, we learn about the importance of work and service. Cub #4: All workers contribute to the good of ...
Heading To Your Homes
SETTING: Boys in the den line up in a diamond formation, one boy kneels holding an "S" sign, one boy stands behind him holding an "N" sign, boys holding "E" and "W" sit at either side. Each boy speaks his piece in turn.NARRATIVE:N - The time has come to ...
Helpful to Others
Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting said this to Scouts everywhere:"I think that when the sun goes down, the world is hidden by a big blanket from the light of heaven, but the stars are little holes pierced in that blanket by those who have done good deeds in ...
Here Soon
PERSONNEL: The CubmasterThanksgiving will be here pretty soon. It is a great time of the year. It opens the door to the holiday season. Think about that turkey dinner, the football games, visits with friends and family. Just about everybody likes Thanksgiving. This year let's think a bit about ...
Heres To The Red Of It
ARRANGEMENT: American Flag is posted on the stage. Four Cub Scouts in uniform have speaking parts. 1ST CUB: Here's to the Red of it - not a thread of it, Thrilled by the sight of it, In all the spread of it, But feels ...
Heroes Flag Ceremonies
Setting: The Colors advance in the normal manner. A spotlight is shined on the flag while the narrator speaks. Narrator: Heroes, with help from God, have kept me flying in the face of threats and challenges to the democratic way of life I represent. I symbolize all the achievements of ...
Holiday Lights Closing Thought
This is the season of lights. It is a time when the days are shorter so the nights are longer, yet somehow things are brighter. Stores and homes are bright with holiday lights. Thousands of homes have a single light to show the way for the Christ child, others have ...
Holiday Magic Scramble
PREPARATION: Two dens and a Den Chief can participate together in this skit. A poster board for each letter of the words "Holiday Magic" is needed. After the letters are written, let the boys decorate their posters as desired. Boys enter the stage carrying ...
Holidays Around The World
CUB l: In India and Thailand, they celebrate the Festival of Lights, With little lamps or lotus boats that float into the night. [Boy carries a Lotus Boat of foil]CUB 2: In Sweden, too, they honor Santa Lucia, Queen of Light The oldest girl will wear a crown with candles ...
Honoring Our Flag
Personnel: 15 Cub Scouts, American flag bearer, Cubmaster Equipment: American Flag, 7 red crepe paper streamers, 6 white crepe paper streamers, blue crepe paper rectangle, white cardboard five-pointed star. (Seven Cub Scouts, each carrying a red crepe paper streamer, march in single file onto stage. In turn, each boy displays ...
Honoring Our Flag
PERSONNEL: 16 Cub Scouts, American Flag bearer, LeaderEQUIPMENT: American Flag, 7 red crepe paper streamers, 6 white crepe paper streamers, blue crepe paper rectangle, white cardboard five-pointed star.(7 Cub Scouts, each carrying a red crepe paper streamer march in single file onto the stage. In turn, each boy displays his ...
Honoring The Flag
PERSONNEL: Cubmaster, two Cub Scouts who know the proper way to fold the U.S. flag.EQUIPMENT: U.S. flag.CUBMASTER: Today, and at most of our pack meetings, we post the U.S. flag when we begin and leave it standing until the meeting is over. Why do we do that? I think ...
Horizons Closing
Personnel: Cubmaster or Den LeaderCubmaster: We often speak of horizons, .not one, but plural, horizons. Did it ever occur to you that there is more than one? When you have worked and planned to reach your horizon, you stop to rest and look up to see before you still ...
How Big Is Your Jar
Here's an interesting science fair experiment I read about. The student took a baby food jar, a peanut butter jar, a gallon jar, & a big five-gallon bucket and filled each one with the dirt. Then he planted a bean seed in each and tried to raise it. Well, ...
How To Dress A Cub Scout
To make sure all of our Cub Scouts get off on the right foot, we are going to give you a hand with information about your uniform, so you can go ahead in Scouting! Wherever you go - even to dance, you would not ...
How We Use Computers
Cub #1: We live in a time in which computers are changing the way we organize our daily lives. We have computers in our schools, homes, places of work, and vehicles. Cub #2: They are a tool to help us work more efficiently. We ...
I Am Americas Heritage
SETTING: Room is darkened, Pack flag and an American flag are spotlighted. Patriotic background music is played. NARRATOR: There it is. It's still flying. It has been a long night and as the dawn appears and the smoke clears, it is fluttering in the ...
I Am An American
ARRANGEMENT: Flags are presented in the usual manner. 12 uniformed Cub Scouts have speaking parts.1ST CUB: My country gives each one of us the opportunity to advance according to his ambition. Education is for all. I am an American.2ND CUB: My country means love of freedom, faith in democracy, justice, ...
I Am More Than Your Flag
I was born on June 14, 1777. I am more than just cloth shaped into a design. I am the refuge of the world's oppressed people. I am the silent sentinel of freedom. I am the emblem of the greatest sovereign nation on earth. ...
I Am Old Glory
I am old glory. For more than nine score years I have been the banner of hope and freedom for generation after generations of Americans. Born amid the first flames of America's for freedom. I am the symbol of a country that has grown ...
I Am The Flag
By Lawrence M. Jones I am a composite being of all the people of America. I am the Union if you are united. I am one and indivisible if you are undivided. I am as strong as the weakest link. I am an emblem ...
I Am The World
NARRATOR: I am the world - Some call me mother nature. I am the mountains and the valleys and the land and the seas. All living things exist in me from the birds of the air to the fish in the waters. You see ...
I Am Your Flag
Look at me. I am your flag. I am your childhood for I met you there. You carried me in you first parade..remember...the stars I bore were no brighter than those reflected in your eyes. I grew up with you. I am as familiar ...
I Asked Myself A Question
I asked myself a question today: What does it mean to be an American? There were several answers ... and they all were good. Being an American, means I have a multitude of freedoms:Freedom to think and say what I think;Freedom to worship;Freedom to move about;Freedom to try, and ...
I Found An Arrowhead
(Show an Arrowhead) 1. O'er fields of new turned sod, communing with my God, tramped along, and in a furrow bed I found an arrowhead, chiseled from stone. 2. Then fancy fled on wings, back to primeval things, Seeking the light--what warrior drew the ...
I Have Meaning To Boy Scouts
ARRANGEMENT: Colors are advanced in a normal manner. The audience is standing, facing the flag, Flag is spotlighted by a flashlight with house lights dimmed. VOICE: I am your flag. I have a special meaning to the Boy Scouts of America because your Scout ...
I Know The Uniform
To end this evening, I'd like to tell you a story. A crowded bus stopped to pick up a bent old woman.With great difficulty, she struggled up the steps of the bus with a large basket of freshly-washed laundry."You'll have to put your laundry in the rear of the ...
I Like
PERSONNEL: Six Cub Scouts or adults.PROPS: Each Cub Scouts needs to carry a symbol of the holiday he talks about.PREPARATION: Print each speaker's lines on a card. They will be prepared to read in case they don't want to memorize the lines.CUB 1: I like holidays full of good cheer.I ...
I Made A Promise
Five boys are needed for this ceremony. Each should have his part printed on a small card he can conceal in his hand or have the part memorized. Cub #1: I made a promise... I said that whatever I did I would do the best I could. Cub #2: I ...
I Made A Promise Opening
Cub #1: I made a promise. I said that whatever I did, I would do the best I could.Cub #2: I made a promise to serve my God and my country the best I could.Cub #3: I made a promise to help other people the best I could.Cub #4: ...
I Promise
(One boy steps forward and recites each line of the Cub Scout Promise. Another boy recites the accompanying verse)I promise: An assurance I make, a pledge to do right. I keep it before me, a bright shining light.To do my best: I promise to try, then folks will believe in ...
I Stand For Christmas
Nine boys stand in a line et the back of the room. Each holds a large letter that spells out Christmas.Each steps forward in turn and shows his letter and recites his lines.C - I stand for carols and Christmas cheer.H - I stand for holly that's hanging here (points ...
I Stood Beside The Flag Today
by Louise Pinkerton Fritz I stood beside the flag today And watched it gently wave; I saw amidst the stars and stripes America, the great... A land to which the masses turn, A land that still is free, A country that still has been ...
I Think Astronauts
CUBMASTER: Think about America’s astronauts.CUB 1: I think astronauts need to know a lot, so I will do my best at school.CUB 2: I think astronauts must work hard, so I will listen to my parents and do my best at home.CUB 3: I think astronauts have to cooperate well ...
I Will Use
Cub Scout 1: This my country. I will use my eyes to see the beauty of this land.Cub Scout 2: I will use my ears to hear its sounds.Cub Scout 3: I will use my mind to think about what I can do to make it more beautiful.Cub Scout ...
I - means 'I". I want to do my best to be a good American citizen.N - stands for Nation. The birth of a new nation "under God, with liberty and justice for all."D - stands for the Declaration of Independence, the impressive statement proclaiming the freedom of the United ...
(Cubs hold up cards with slogans)Cub#1: DO YOUR BEST in everything you do on life's way.Cub#2: ALWAYS BE FRIENDLY to brighten other people's day.Cub#3: GIVE AWAY YOUR SMILES for 'tis rewarding indeed.Cub#4: BE PREPARED to help others in their daily need.Cub#5: BE HONEST AND SINCERE towards others you meet.Cub#6: BE ...
Ideas Come From Ourselves
STAGING: Narrator, eight Cub Scouts with props. Cub pantomime as their portion of the script is read. CUB 1: (Enters with a light bulb over his head ) Any kind of project begins with an idea. It can come from a book, a magazine, ...
PREPARATION-6 signs with a big question mark on the front Need 6 boys Boy l-Imagine what the world would be like without Cub Scouts. Boy 2-Imagine what the world would be like without gravity. Boy 3-Imagine what life would be like in the future. ...
Imagine Closing
Use a mirror (the kind with a handle) Put a neckerchief around the handle and a Cub Scout hat on the top. Try not to obscure the view too much. Call all Cub Scouts forward to look at themselves in the mirror. After they have all had a look, have ...
In Fair Competition
CUBMASTER: We promise that we will take part in our games, in fair competition; respecting the rules that govern them and with the desire to take part in the true spirit of sportsmanship for the honor of our dens and for the glory of ...
In The Year 2030
LEADER: Tonight we are going to embark on a journey into the future. The year is 2030AD and Cub Scouting is still going strong: Picture in your mind the possible changes that may have come about. CUB #1: (Wolf) We hold our den meetings ...
Indian Ceremony
This is really more of an outline or a complete meeting with the opening and closing based on authentic Indian rituals. It should be held out of doors with a real fire but it could be done indoors with an artificial one or the opening could be changed. If done ...
Indian Closing
Ask everyone to stand. The Cubmaster gives the words and demonstrates the signs used in the ceremony. Then everyone joins in.May the Spirit of Scouting.....(Boy Scout sign)And the Light of Akela..........(Cub Scout sign)Be with you and me.............(Point index finger)Until our paths....................(Both arms out to sides)Cross................................(Arms crossed)Again................................(Cub sign on the ...
Indian Moccasin Prayer
Great Spirit, grant that I may not criticize my neighbor until I have walked a mile in his moccasins. ...
Indian Pack Opening
This calls for 5 Cubs with speaking parts and one narrator. All except the narrator should be in Indian dress. Narrator: As we all go about our busy lives, rushing from one place to another, today let us think back about five hundred years ...
Indian Prayer
Oh, Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the winds and whose breath gives life to all the world. Hear me.I come before you, one of your many children. I am weak and small. I need your strength and wisdom. Let me walk in the beauty and make my ...
Indian Prayer Oh Great Spirit
Oh, Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the winds and whose breath gives life to all the world; hear me.I come before you, one of your many children. I am weak and small. I need your strength and wisdom.Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes ever ...
Indian Runners With Cub Colors
SETTING: Cubmaster dressed as Indian Chief stands by an artificially lit campfire. CUBMASTER: Great Spirit, what is the meaning of Blue and Gold? 1ST INDIAN RUNNER: (A Cub dressed as Indian brave runs in carrying a jar of blue-colored water) Great Chieftain, the blue ...
Indian Sign Benediction
"May the Great Spirit (point to sky) who has been with you in the past (point back over shoulder) and who will be with you in the future (point forward) bring (hands together in shape of cup) you (point to someone else) great joy." (Group does benediction together again ...
Indian Sign Language
Have Den Chief gave each Cub an Indian name and teach him how to say it in Indian Sign Language.For the closing, the boys sit in a circle around the "Campfire". Then they take turns telling their name and showing how they are said in sign language. Then the ...
Indian Version Of The TwentyThird Psalm
The Great Father above a shepherd chief is. I am His and with Him, I want not. He throws out to me a rope and the name of the rope is love, and He draws me to where the grass is green and the water not dangerous; and I ...
Indonesia Taiwan Japan Cub Scout Promise
In Indonesia a Cub Scout says: "I promise to do my best to do my duty to God and the Republic of Indonesia, to follow the family rules, and to do Good Turns every day." In Taiwan, a Cub Scout says: "I'll obey my ...
International Campfire Ideas
(Canadian)Near the waters, near the reedbeds Near the wigwam, O my brothers, We will light our evening campfire, Light the red flower of the forest, That her leaves and petals rising Call us to our friendly council.(Italian)O Drummer, summon the Legions; Send the call o'er valley and hill For ...
Interpretation Of The Cub Scout Promise
Props: Each Cub Scout holding a sign with his part of the Cub Scout Promise on it.I, _________ PROMISE A promise is a solemn vow, where your good reputation is at stake.TO DO MY BEST Your best is giving all you’ve got when you have something to do... and ...
Investment Closing
Cub 1: We would like to thank you for spending the evening with us.Cub 2: The time you spend with us is time well spent.Cub 3: You show us your value or program.Cub 4: Through your action, you set the example.Cub 5: The return on your investment will be ...
It Doesnt Take A Detective
It doesn't take a detective to figure out a thing or two.Why do we get a tear in the eye, when we see the red, white, and blue?Why do we get a lump in our throat, when we stand and sing, "Oh Say can you see?"And why are people ...
It Has To Start Somewhere
When you repeat the Cub Scout Promise, the words "Do My Best" are often lost among other important words. Let's stop for a minute and really consider these words. "BEST" describes actions and effort well above our usual performance. You are the only person who can possibly know whether ...
Its Up to You
Personnel: 5 Cub Scouts Cub 1: God gave you this day To do just what you would, You can throw it away; Or do some good, Cub 2: You can make someone happy; Or make someone sad. What have you done With the ...
Its A Beautiful Tree
PREPARATION: Each boy is asked in advance to bring an ornament for the pack Christmas tree. Later these ornaments will be donated to a needy family. Ornaments are placed on the tree as the boys arrive. Cubmaster asks everyone to be seated. Suddenly an ...
Its Just A Piece Of Cloth
ARRANGEMENT: Using two or more flashlights as spotlights -- focus on the flag with the lights out, and read: That is all it is - just a piece of cloth. But when a little breeze comes along, it stirs and comes to life and ...
PERSONNEL: Six Cub Scouts EQUIPMENT: Paint one block letter of the word J-U-N-G-L-E on each of six cardboard squares. On the reverse side print the recitation for each scout. J - stands for jump -- if you see a python, you'd better jump! U ...
He's just eight years oldHe's made of the following ingredients:Noise, energy, imagination, curiosity, and hunger.He's the "cute little fellow down the street",That "spoiled imp next door," or"My son,"... depending on who you are.He's something to be kept fed, clothed, healthy,happy and, out of trouble.But..................He's something else, too..........He's tomorrow.He's the ...
John Paul Jones And His Flag
LEADER: A great deal of interesting history is connected with the naval career of John Paul Jones, who can aptly be called the most daring sea-rover in the annuals of the American Navy. His devotion to the Flag under which he so valiantly fought ...
Johnny Appleseed And The Star
The ceremony may be read by several boys or adults. Cubmaster says the last paragraph.Johnny Appleseed was a pioneer, one of the very best. He didn't look much like one. He was small and not very strong. He wore a tin pot for a hat and a coffee sack ...
Join The Club
(Sing to the tune of the Mickey Mouse Club)If you want to join a clubThat's fun for you and me.C-U-B S-C-O-U-T-I-N-GTigers, Wolves, and Bears are thereAs well as Webelos.C-U-B S-C-O-U-T-I-N-GCub Scouting, Cub Scouting,Forever let us hold our Cub signs highHigh, High, HighCome along and join the funAnd bring your ...
Join Us At The Circus
NEEDED: Five Cub Scouts dressed as clowns.CUB 1: Round and round the elephants plod, the monkeys swing on a shining pod.CUB 2: Bespangled ponies cavort and prance, Roly-poly bears do a clumsy dance.CUB 3: A peddler lifts up his voice to sell, Fresh roasted peanuts in the shell.CUB 4: ...
Jungle Closing
You have wandered through the Jungle and your eyes have been opened to see many wonderful things. Now you go forward on your journey into the greater land of Scouting, and Akela and the pack speed you on your way with a cheery call of 'good hunting." You will ...
Just Imagine Closing Ceremony
1 - Rudyard Kipling, the famous English author, who wrote the story of the Jungle Book, wrote a little poem. It begins like this: I keep six honest serving-men (They taught me all I knew)_; Their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who. 2 ...
Keep Your Body Strong And Healthy
ARRANGEMENTS: 7 boys come on stage, carrying various kinds of muscle-building equipment. They use the equipment, and in turn, speak these lines: Cub Scout #1: Keep your body strong and healthy. A better goal than being wealthy. Cub Scout #2: When you're fit, you ...
Keeping Healthy
CUB #1: To keep your body strong and healthy is more important than being wealthy. CUB #2: When you are fit you feel so good and try to do the things you should. CUB #3: Keeping healthy and strong allows us to lend a ...
Kitchen Chemistry
We've all seen a pot of water boiling on the stove. We've seen the water vapor (which many of us mistakenly call steam) rising above the pan. If we allow the process to continue, we see that eventually there's no more water left. The H20, in its gaseous state, ...
Knocks And Scratches
(Have the boys on stage wearing cardboard feet that have scratches, cuts, band-aids, etc. on them.)NARRATOR: Our Shape Up meeting has come to an end.We now have a message to leave with you, dear friend.Our many achievements in life make feet tired and weary.But if there was nothing to ...
Leadership Closing
Setting: 6 candles, a flashlight, and 7 adults. Room darkened. All leaders stand with narrator.Narrator: To a Cub Scout it looks so very black, when there is no leader, no den, or pack. Wait, here is a leader with a lighted candle. (First leader lights candle.) But the job ...
Learning How To Cook
Preparations for ceremony besides giant pot and some cardboard vegetables: boys in chefs hats and aprons. Boy 1: We would like to welcome you tonight. Boy 2: We are learning to be healthy and light. Boy 3: Stew is what we are learning how ...
Leif Eriksson
Personnel: Cubmaster dressed as Leif Eriksson comes out. Props: American flag LEIF ERIKSSON: I am Leif Eriksson, son of Eric the Red and a mighty Viking. In 999 A.D. I went to King Olaf of Norway who commissioned me to spread Christianity to Greenland. ...
Let Us Be Thankful
The United States has much to be proud of. One of the many things we can be proud of is the fact that America was first on the moon where Old Glory was placed as evidence of this eventful day. This indeed is something ...
Life On Other Planets
Form the pack in a large circle. Cubmaster says:"We've had lots of fun this month imagining what life may be like on other planets. We've looked into the night sky and enjoyed its beauty. Some of you may have learned, too, that the North Star, Polaris, is fixed overhead ...
Life On Other Planets March In
Have all dens leave the hall in preparation for a grand march in. Den members are all in space type costumes (e.g. space creatures, planets, stars...) When ready, Cub Scout dens parade in the March of the Space Creatures. The music suggested is any ...
Light The Way
CUBMASTER: This is the season of lights. It is a time when the days are shorter and nights longer. Shopping centers are bright with Christmas lights. Thousands of homes have single candles to light the way for the Christ Child. Other thousands have candles ...
Lighting Of The Spirit Of Scouting Flame
EQUIPMENT: A fire ring of if outdoors a real fire CUBMASTER: The pioneer used fire to forge rims for his wagon wheels. The silhouette of the village blacksmith against his fire was a common sight in early America. Fire is the universal symbol of ...
Like His Dad
Well, what are you going to be, my boy,When you've reached your manhood years?A doctor or lawyer or actor whoGives laughter or gives tears?But he shook his head as he repliedIn a serious way, he had,I don't think I'd care to be any of them,I want to be like ...
ARRANGEMENT: Five Cub Scouts repeat lines of the poem below. If they are uninformed, a large Lincoln silhouette can be used as a backdrop on the stage. Or the boys can all be dressed in Lincoln costumes.1ST CUB: Lincoln was a long man. He liked the out of doors.He ...
Listen Communication
(Six Cub Scouts line up each holding a card with a letter on it.)CUBMASTER: We will close our pack meeting tonight by giving you the secret to successful communication.L - Let's all take a minute before we hurry on our way.I - If you remember this message, it can help ...
Litter Bug or Tidy Bug
PERSONNEL: 2 Cubs EQUIPMENT: Two paper sack costumes, one Litter Bug, and one Tidy Bug. SETTING: The other Cubs in the Den could be used as a color guard. Or you might dress all of the den, half as Litter Bugs and half as ...
Look For The Best CM Minute
Detectives are trained to look for things that the average person might notice. They need to practice the skills they learn. They are always noticing the smallest details.We can be detectives, too. We can start noticing the little things about people. The good things about them. The longer you ...
Love Is
Doing something for others even when you don't have the time.Making others happy when you would rather be alone.Not being irritable when others get in your way or interrupt you.Being kind and patient regardless of the circumstances.Looking for ways to make others happy no matter who they are.Honest and ...
Ludwig Von Beethoven
CUBMASTER: Ludwig von Beethoven was a great composer. Music was his life. So, when he found he was going deaf, it seemed so cruel a fate to him that he nearly ended his life.But an inner voice told him that the Lord knows what he does. He began to ...
ARRANGEMENT: Seven Cub Scouts line up across the stage holding cardboard barbells and fastened to the center of each one so it will show to the audience, is a large letter. The letters spell out the word M - Muscles can make you big ...
Magic Candle
PROPS: One Magic candle - Drill 1/4" holes every 2 inches down opposite sides of a white candle.Place scraps of blue and gold crayons in the holes. Melt paraffin and whip with an eggbeater. Cover the candle with the whipped paraffin to give the candle a rough decoration.1ST CUB: ...
Magic Candle Opening
(On the head table are arranged magic candles which should be lighted as the ceremony begins) Narrator: Our candle stands tall, straight, and white. It burns and gives forth an inspiring light. As its light shines forth, you will see our colors blue and ...
Magic Flag Ceremony
MATERIALS: Dry ice (1 lb.), Water, American flag, Plastic bowl, Large pot, Bottles Food coloring, Wooden Spoon, Milk/shoe polish, Six Cub Scouts INSTRUCTIONS: Fill disposable bottles 3/4 full of water. Color red, white, and blue with food coloring and milk (or shoe polish). Place ...
Magic Of The World
As parents, we want to show our sons the wonders of the world. In the eyes of a child, there are not just eight wonders of the world but eight million. We want him to be able to look at the stars, sunrise, sunset, and feel their beauty.We want ...
Make It A Good Gift
SCENE: Den Leader and 6 Cubs in a line in front of the room.DEN LEADER: Everyone will be gifted with the ability to be a computer whiz, but remember these words and you will make a good gift. What you are is God’s gift to you. What you make ...
Makers Of The Flag
This opening has been adopted for the use of 10 cubs. It can easily be fitted to any number. (The language may be too difficult for all but the best readers)CUB #1: I am not the flag; not at all, I am but its shadow. I am whatever you make ...
Making That Leap
We have all heard the words of Neil Armstrong as he stepped on the surface of the Moon for the first time, "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." What is remarkable about these words is that even when performing an incredible personal achievement, he also ...
Many Sides Opening
Den Leader: We will try to show you the many sides to little boys we proudly call son, but remember, these are all one boy. 1st Cub: I'm the one who lives in his dreams, always off on a cloud, at least that's how it seems! 2nd Cub: I'm the ...
Many Things That Go
ARRANGEMENT: Cub Scouts line up with posters as indicated and read their parts. DEN CHIEF: Wheels, wings, and rudders make many things go. And for the month of (name of month), it is our theme you know. CUB #1: (Wheels) Henry Ford was an ...
Mardi Gras
NARRATOR: Festival time is upon us with the Mardi Gras which means "Fat Tuesday" in French. This is the time when parades and parties and costumes were in style for a day (sometimes a week) after a hard winter and before the more serious ...
May I Closing
Cub 1: May I grow in character and ability as I grow in size.Cub 2: May I be honest with myself and others in what I do and say.Cub 3: May I learn and practice my religion.Cub 4: May I always honor my parents, my elders, and my leaders.Cub ...
Meaning Of HAPPY
Five boys holding five cards with letters on them. Each boy takes a turn holding up a card and reading verse off the back.H - H is for holidays that come this time of the season.A - A is for appreciation. We appreciate the giving.P - P is for peace ...
Meaning Of Our Flag
MATERIALS: 1 piece of construction paper in red, blue and white 1 piece of white paper cut to be a star, 1 flag, 5 ScoutsEach Scout uses one of the items above. Write the words each should say on the back of their items.LEADER: Today, as we leave, let's all ...
Means Of Transportation
EQUIPMENT: Cardboard props of different modes of transportation, have you boys make these at den meetings - a horse, wagon, car, train, plane, boat, and spaceship. Have each boy hold his prop and talk about it. Keep them in order of appearance in history. ...
Merry Cubbing Christmas
C is for CUBBERS, cheerful, and bright.H is for HELPFUL, healthy and rightR is for RESOURCES, they try to save.I is for IDEALS, they like to wave.S is for SCARF, of yellow and blue.T . is for TYING, they learn to do.M is for MAGIC, of which they all ...
Mine Is The Voice
PROPS: Silhouettes of Washington, Lincoln, Baden-Powell; backlighted shadow screen; American flag; offstage microphone. PERSONNEL: 3 adult voices; 2 or more Cub Scouts (Room dimly lighted, shadow screen brightens to reveal the shadow of George Washington) VOICE #1: Mine is the voice of George Washington. ...
Miscellaneous Den Openings
Form den in a horseshoe formation. Have a boy present colors at the open end. In turn, boys step forward, give Cub Scout salute, and step back. End ceremony with Pledge of Allegiance.Form den in line and ask a boy to hold the U.S. flag. Have another boy lead the ...
More Den Closings
1) Den Chief retires U.S. flag while boys salute. Den Chief says, "Do Your Best," and the boys respond by shouting "We'll do our best!"2) Form den in a circle. Den Chief leads in the Law of the Pack.3) Form the den into a circle. Den Chief passes the ...
More Than Two Hundred Years Ago
SETTING: Den Chief and 6 Cubs Scouts in uniform, carrying small American flags, line up on stage and each speaks his part.DEN CHIEF: More than two hundred years ago, God gave us a great nation; A land of wealth and bounty, choice among His creation. We must protect its ...
Morning Star Indian Prayer
Morning star; wake us, filled with joy to new days of growing to a man from a boy.Sun; with your power, give us light that we can tell wrong and do what's right.South Wind; we ask in your gentle way blow us the willingness to obey.North Wind; we ask, live ...
Mother Nature
CAST: Leader (Mother Nature), 5 CubsMother Nature: Everything living and properly cared for grows. It needs warmth, water, and care, and protection. Cub Scouts grow. What do they need?Cub#1: He needs food to grow.Cub#2: He needs a home for shelter.Cub#3: He needs a man to be his friend.Cub#4: He needs ...
Mountain Trail
Personnel: 4 CubsCub 1: The mountain trail is a steep trail, rocky rough and bare.All: But most trails are steep trails that get you anywhere.Cub 2:The mountain trail is a hard trail with pitfalls left and right.All: But most trails are hard that reach a beckoningCub 3: So over the ...
Muscles And Physical Skills
NARRATOR: During this month our Cubs have been working on their muscles and physical skills. CUB #1: My strength comes from my parents and my ancestors. CUB #2: My strength comes from the exercises and work I do. CUB #3: My strength comes from ...
My Backyard
Cub 1: My backyard is a wondrous place I can stake a claim for a thinking space.Cub 2: I can pitch a tent and sleep in the rain, Or listen to the whistle of a faraway train.Cub 3: I can throw a ball to Mother of Dad, Or just ...
My Choice
Props: 8 Cub Scouts hold cards on which have been printed the letters "M Y C H O I C E". In turn, each Cub steps forward, raises his card, and speaks his lines. "M" - If I could choose what I could be, ...
My Creed
My creed is to love justice, to long for the right, to love mercy, to pity the unfortunate and assist the weak, to forget wrongs and remember benefits--to love the truth, to be sincere, to utter honest words, to love liberty, towage relentless war against slavery in all its ...
My Cub Scouting Light
EQUIPMENT: 3 candlesPERSONNEL: Narrator (an older Cub Scout) and two assistant Cub Scouts.This is my Scouting Light ...it is all I know and it is all I can do. If I pass this knowledge on to another (lights 1st assistant's candle with his) what you will have is a ...
My Design
ARRANGEMENT: the American Flag is already displayed on stage. EQUIPMENT: American Flag, Replica of Alaskan Flag CUB #1: (holding replica of Alaskan Flag) I represent the Flag of Alaska. My design resulted from a public school contest conducted by the American Legion. I was ...
My Flag
PROPS: 3 candles, 1 red, 1 white, 1 blue. American Flag. The room is in darkness CUB 1: (Lights red candle) The red of my flag is the life-blood of brave men ready to die or worthily live for this, our Country. CUB 2: ...
My Pocket
My pocket is a special placeThat's full of all neat things,What Mom once called old junkTo me's like diamond rings.I gather things as I walk homeIn case they're gone tomorrow'Cause you'll never know just whenSomeone has a need to borrow.The things that go in my ol' pocketSay more than words ...
My Pocketknife
CUBMASTER: Cub Scouts, I hold in my hand a pocketknife. This is a valuable tool because it can be used for many useful things. It is a dependable tool as long as the blade is kept sharp and free from rust, and the working parts are in good condition. ...
For an outdoor ceremony paint each letter on a cardboard square and staple it to a wooden stake. Line up the stakes in the ground around the campfire circle. Speakers stand behind the letters. CUB #1: N - Stands for your name. Be proud ...
N - is for nothing so beautiful as a forest in summer. A - is for animals that are free to run and play. T - is for tall pine trees that try to touch the sky. U - is for life under the ...
PROPS: Cards with the letter "NEIGHBORS" written on the front and description of the word on the back for the Cubs to read.NARRATOR: What are the qualities you can find in your neighborhood? We will spell them out for you.N - Nice. A neighborhood is made up of nice people.E ...
National Treasures
Of all the National Treasures in our country, some of the most important are our families and friends. They are what make life fun. Our Pack is a great treasure also. Remember this as we leave and go back to our homes. Please stand as we retire our colors. Colorguard ...
Native American Den Meeting Opening
This may be read by the Den Leader or a single Scout, or you can write each line on a separate card to be read by several boys. "Today in our den meeting we honor the Native Americans who dwelt in this land before ...
Native American Flag Ceremony
Setting: U.S. Flag is posted on stage. Four cubs in Indian costume, if possible, say the following lines, with another boy to act as narrator.Narrator: We, the first Americans, call your attention to this flag—the symbol of our country’s beginning. Let us go back to a time before our ...
Nature And The Good Visitor
COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN: Our pack meeting tonight brought us all together to think about nature.We can enjoy the great outdoors but we must think of others who will follow us. Wherever you go in the great wide world of nature, try to be a "good" visitor who will leave the ...
Nature and the Good Visitor Closing
Committee Chairman: Our Pack meeting tonight brought us all together to think about nature. We can enjoy the great outdoors but we think of others who will follow us. Wherever you go in the great wide world of nature, try to be a "good" visitor who will leave the ...
Nature Closing
Wood and water, wind and tree,Wisdom, strength, and courtesy,Scouting favor goes with thee. ...
Nature Is Everywhere All The Time
It is exciting to learn about animals, birds and insects, flowers, and trees, rocks, soil, weather, water, and stars!Nature is everywhere all the time---in cities, in the woods and fields, in the winter, spring, summer, and fall.Nature is not confined by time and place--- it is everywhere.But where to ...
Nature Is Gods Handiwork
MATERIALS: 6 Cub Scouts 6 pieces of paper with a letter of NATURE printed on it Each Cub Scout holds up his letter and reads the following (glue to the back of letter card) N - N stands for naturalist - All of us ...
No Knights About Today
EQUIPMENT: NonePERSONNEL: Eight Cub Scouts in costume. In turn, each recites one line of this verse.If I had been a knight of yore,I would have opened up the door.For queens and ladies to pass through:I would have been trustworthy, true.I would have ridden giant steeds,Accomplishing noteworthy deeds!Today there are ...
No Matter Where You Live
"No matter where you live, there is a world of undiscovered secrets of nature still waiting to be explored. A naturalist is a student of natural history which includes the many things found in nature, such as plants and animals. There are many more interesting activities to help your ...
Novembers Most Important Holiday
Form Cub Scouts and leaders in a large circle with parents and other children behind their Cub Scout. A leader stands in the center and asks all to bow their heads in personal prayer, and after pausing for a moment says, "Let us all pause now after a night of ...
Now It Is Time For Us To Go
SETTING: Have one boy read each line, and when they are done you can retire the colors for the meeting.CUB #1: Now it's time for us to go.CUB #2: Taking with us a friendly glow.CUB #3: From joining together in teamwork.CUB #4: Our responsibilities never to shirk.CUB #5: May ...
Now That The Holidays Are Over
CUBMASTER: Well now that the holidays are over and our lives are getting back into their regular routine, let's take just a moment to think about life in America. Do you Cub Scouts realize how lucky we are to be able to have enough ...
NSEW Closing
North, South, East or West: Remember as you leave this pack meeting to keep your scouting spirit strong and live by the motto: Do your Best! ...
PROPS: Have one boy come out carrying the American Flag. Then have seven boys come out carrying a card with one of the letters that spell out "OUR FLAG" and then have each of the boys tell what his letter stands for. O Only ...
ARRANGEMENTS: 8 Cub Scouts and Den Leader, each Cub holds up a poster board sign with one of the letters O-U-T-D-O-O-R-S on it. 1ST CUB: O - Observing animals! 2ND CUB: U - Underwater games! 3RD CUB: T - Tracks and trails! 4TH CUB: ...
PERSONNEL: Cub Scouts EQUIPMENT: Poster with an octopus the boy has drawn SETTING: The boys form a line in front of the audience. CUB #1: In tying knots, I am the champ. With bowline or clove hitch, when my eight arms get in the ...
Ohio State Motto
Have two scrolls ready - one with the Cub Scout Motto and one with the State Motto. Make scrolls with shelf paper or tape typing paper together. Roll from both ends to the center. It will take two boys to hold and unroll the ends of the scroll.LEADER: A ...
Old Glory Red As A Sunset
(Cubmaster reads or it can be split up with a den reading several lines each.) Over the housetops, Old Glory is flying. Red as a sunset, white as a cloud, blue as the midnight where little stars crowd. Upon the flagpole, Old Glory is ...
Old Glorys Past And Present
PERSONNEL: Narrator, George Washington, Captain Sam Reid (Naval Capt.), Henry Ward Beecher (Minister), Pres. Woodrow Wilson, 11 other Cub Scouts EQUIPMENT: Several flags. They can be posters made by the boys (copied from the genuine flag), flags are sewn for the occasion, or ...
Olympic Oath
SPEAKER: I imagine most of us have watched the Olympic Games on television. It's really great seeing the World's greatest athletes competing, isn't it? Did you know that these athletes take an oath before they begin competition? Let me read the oath: "We promise ...
One Hundred Lights
(Give each person a sprig of dried cedar, pine, juniper, etc. If using an artificial campfire indoors, use toothpicks.Cubmaster: The light from hundreds of campfires around the world has brightened the Cub Scout Spirit for many years. Tonight, we have enjoyed the warmth and cheerfulness of our campfires as ...
One Hundred Scouts
ARRANGEMENT: The following should be read by a few adults.Of anyone hundred boys who become Scouts, it must be confessed that thirty will drop out in their first year. Perhaps this may be regarded as a failure, but in later life, all of these will remember that they had ...
One Nation Under God
Francis Bellamy visited President Benjamin Harrison in Washington DC. to ask him to endorse the idea of a flag over every school and the teaching of patriotism in all schools. On June 21, 1892, President Harrison signed the proclamation which read: Let the National ...
One Step At A Time
CHARACTERS: "Senior" Scout (Den Chief, Denner, Webelos), Junior ScoutsCUB 1: When I grow up I'm going to be the world's greatest broad jumper and jump like this (Jumps about 1 foot and falls down).SENIOR: Well, you'll have to remember to take it one step at a time, one step at ...
Opening Closing Flag Ceremonies 0209a
"THANK YOU AMERICA" FLAG CEREMONY #1 Thank you AMERICA, for our beautiful and spacious land, our millions of acres of fields and wooded hills, our forests and grasslands, our mountains and treeless plains. #2 Thank you for our ...
Opening Our Eyes
PERSONNEL: 6 Cub Scouts, looking around the stage. CUB #1 - What's that up in the sky - a dragon, a plane, a cloud? CUB #2 - I've seen lots of bugs, but never one like this, have you? CUB #3 - That's a ...
OPENING, CLOSING, AND FLAG CEREMONIES AMERICA AND THE ARMYA is for the ARMY that guards us well.M is for MEN and WOMEN who for liberty fell.E is for the ENEMY that knocks at our door.R is for RANKS of soldiers in the battle roarI is for INDEPENDENCE that they win.C ...
OPENING OR CLOSING CEREMONY WORLD HOLIDAY FOODS H is for Holland The Dutch exchange gifts on St. Nicholas Eve, December 6th. They put their wooden shoes by the fireplace filled with straw and carrots for St. Nicholas’s horse. By morning, the straw and carrots have been ...
Opening Closing and Flag Ceremonys 0201
"ANGELS AND CUB LEADERS" FLAG CEREMONY  [Have 3 or 4 Cub leaders in uniform standing in front, Have 3 or 4 Angels standing with them—sheet costumes. Santa can have a Santa hat for costume] LDR #1 We will all stand and sing the National ...
Other Lands
NARRATOR: This month the dens have been learning about other countries. They have played games and made crafts from different lands. They have learned other customs and found out about Scouting in other countries. Please stand as Den ______ brings in the flags from ...
Our American Heritage
Personnel: 8 Cub Scouts Equipment: Small American flags, cue cards Arrangement: Cub Scouts in uniform stand in a straight line with each holding a small American flag. Cub #1: I am the symbol of the living America, the badge of its greatness, the emblem of its destiny. Cub #2: I ...
Our Candle Stands Tall
ARRANGEMENTS: On the head table are arranged magic candles which should be lighted as the ceremony begins. NARRATOR: Our candle stands tall, straight, and white. It burns and gives forth an inspiring light. As its light shines forth, you will see our colors blue and ...
Our Country
PREPARATIONS: A small flag or a picture of our flag, picture of Statue of liberty, picture of mills or factories, scene from Texas, picture of Alaska, Hawaiian scene, map or picture of USA, recorded background music of your choice, 7 Cub Scouts. The Cub ...
Our Country Is DIfferent
Cub Scout 1: Our country is great in different ways. We would like to tell you some of the things that are different and that help make it great. Cub Scout 2: We call it the United States, and we are bound together by the Constitution, but in many ways ...
Our Country Is Different In Many Ways
DEN LEADER: The Cub Scout promises to do his duty to his country. Our country is different in many ways from other countries. We would like to review for you some of the things that are different but that makes it the greatest country ...
Our Family
PERSONNEL: 4 Cub ScoutsEQUIPMENT: American FlagSETTING: Cubs standing around the flag.CUB #1: Our families have fun by being involved in all the Cub Scout activities, like coming to pack meetings.CUB #2: Our families have fun by helping our Cub Scouts with achievements, to advance in rank.CUB #3: Our families have ...
Our Flag And Us
EQUIPMENT: American Flag; spotlight, piece of cloth with loose threads to be pulled.ARRANGEMENT: 5 Cub Scouts in horseshoe formation (open toward the audience) with Cubmaster, Narrator, and Flag in the center. House lights out. Spotlight on Flag.NARRATOR: Today as we gather, let's all keep in mind our flag and the ...
Our Flag Flew
Tonight when you look at the flag during the Pledge, just imagine where all it has been. It rode with the men on horses in the Revolutionary War and hung over General Washington's headquarters. It flew on wagon trains as they crossed the vast ...
Our Gifts And Talents
Do you like to put together jigsaw puzzles? Some families find a lot of pleasure putting together a big jigsaw puzzle on a cold autumn night, with cups of steaming hot cocoa and fresh cookies nearby. The most important thing about a jigsaw puzzle is that all of the puzzle ...
Our Heritage Of Freedom
PERSONNEL: Narrator and 6 or more Cub Scouts EQUIPMENT: American Flag, record player, recording such as "America the Beautiful" or "This is My Country", Pack flag. ARRANGEMENT: The color guards advance the flags in the normal manner while the patriotic record is playing. They ...
Our National Flag
(This is very effective if lights are out, with only a spotlight shining on the flag as someone reads the following.) I am your flag, an eternal symbol of loyalty, courage, and strength; for I am strong with pride. I fly high in the ...
Out In Space
Setting: Four Cub Scouts are standing on stage looking up to the sky. CUB 1: What's out in space? CUB 2: Mostly lots and lots of space, but also billions and jillions of stars, galaxies and solar systems, planets, and moons, blazing comets and ...
Outdoor Adventure
CUB #1: America and Cub Scouting are just one big outdoor adventure. CUB #2: This is my country. I will use my eyes to see the beauty of this land. CUB #3: I will use my mind to think about what I can do ...
Outdoor Closing
Let's remember the food we've shared, The games we've played, the songs we've sung, Let's remember all of these things.Let's remember the skits we've played, The hikes we've hiked, the problems we've shared, Let's remember all of these things.Let's remember the games we've played, The friends we've made, the ...
Outdoor Code Closing
Leader: As a citizen of the United States, I will do my best to be clean in my outdoor manners.Pack: I will treat the outdoors as a heritage to be improved for our greater enjoyment. I will keep trash and garbage out of my country's waters, fields, woods, and ...
Outdoor Code Opening Ceremony for a Den
Before taking your den on an outing, use this repeat-after-me method and explanation of the Outdoor Code; it can be a valuable tool in helping the boys understand what is expected of them. Den Leader: As an American, I will do my best to ...
Outdoor Festival
As the dew dries on the ground; the birds start their morning songs; the animal's scout for their morning meals; the trees sway with the breezes of nature; the waters reflect the morning sun; while the sun is rising and leaves are falling. Please ...
Outdoor Opening
Personnel: Cubmaster or Den LeaderAs the dew dries on the ground, The birds start their morning song, The animals scout for their morning meals, The trees sway with the breezes of nature, The waters reflect the morning sun. While the dew is rising and the leaves are falling, Please ...
Seven Cubs stand facing the audience with the first 6 Cub Scouts holding white paper plates which have the word PICNIC spelled on them with red and blue felt markers or tempera paint. The seventh Cub will lead the audience in the Pledge of ...
1st CUB: P is for Pioneers who helped explore the Rocky Mountains. 2nd CUB: I is for independence in the way they explore new and exciting places. 3rd CUB: O is for the great outdoors. 4th CUB: N is for the never-ending struggle that ...
EQUIPMENT: 7 lettered cards spelling P O C K E T S1st Cub: P Pockets are a wonderful thing. Inside them you may find most anything.2nd Cub: O Open a pocket and you may find the start of a great collection.3rd Cub: C Collections are important for a boy4th ...
Pack Meeting Closing
A narrator hides behind the stage to do all the speaking. One Cub Scout dials a payphone or a large cardboard cutout phone and holds the receiver up as if for the audience to hear. Seven other Cub Scouts hold up large traffic signs at appropriate times as the narrator ...
Pack Pack Pack
Begin with Cub Scouts in dens. Baloo enters from the center of the hall and calls: Listen, O Cubs of the jungle To these words of old Baloo, On your left paw (Cubs turn to face left) Turn to follow The trails laid down ...
Pair Of Binoculars
PERSONNEL: Cubmaster and denners. The denners remain in the audience with their respective dens.EQUIPMENT: A pair of binoculars A flashlight for each denner.SETTING: Dim the lights in the auditorium. Cubmaster on stage.CUBMASTER: Did you know that you can look through either end of a pair of binoculars? (Look through ...
Parade Of Stars
Den Leader will read as boys wave stars and later the boys will help lead the audience in song.In closing tonight I'd like to remind you that we have learned about some other countries and their customs, St. Nicholas, and the Yule log. Now I'd like to tell you ...
Pass The Torch Cub Scout Promise
PERSONNEL: Three Den Chiefs in Indian Costume, Cubmaster holding a lighted torch. CUBMASTER: "We will light our council fire with this torch which represents the spirit of Cub Scouting and a Cub Scout's promise to do his best." (Passes torch to the first Den ...
Passports To Other Lands Closing
When people travel to foreign countries, they have to ask their governments to issue them what’s called a passport. A passport is a little booklet with your name and picture in it, along with several blank pages on which foreign border officials stamp the seal of their country when you ...
Patriotic Bugs
When we get sick, we usually get a virus, sometimes called a bug. These kinds of bugs make us stay home from school, stay in bed, and make us bored while we wait for our bodies to fight and destroy them and then we’re all better. There are some good ...
Patriotic Ceremony
CAST: Cubmaster or Den Leader, six cubs Cubmaster: I asked myself a question today: "What does it mean to be an American?" There were several good answers, and they were all good. Being an American means I have a multitude of freedoms. Cub#1: Freedom ...
Patriotic Closing
Boys are holding up cards with flags of different countries. Boys are wearing costumes from other countries. As each card is turned around, the word America is spelled out.Narrator: Here is a recipe that we all should live by--Cub 1: 1 cup of friendly words Cub 2: 2 heaping ...
Patriotic Closing 1
This closing thought can be read by Cubmaster or another pack leader.What can we learn from the past?What lesson will last?.Faith in God, the honor of the country,To these truths, we hold fast.Our forefathers made us free;Stood for truth and liberty;Made inventions and ImprovementsAnd legacies for all to see.As ...
Patriotic Flag Ceremony
PERSONNEL: Four scouts. EQUIPMENT: A red candle, a white candle, a blue candle, a flag. ARRANGEMENT: Flag in front of the room. Two boys standing on either side of the flag. SCOUT 1: (Lighting red candle) The red of my flag is the lifeblood ...
Patriotic Opening
Equipment: American flag. One red, one white and one blue candle in holders.Personnel: 4 Cub Scouts, Den Chief. Staging: After flags are advanced in usual manner, and before they are posted, the 4 Cub Scouts recite these lines:Den Chief: Practically from the beginning of time, man has used symbols to ...
Patriotic Opening
Equipment: the American flag. One red, one white, and one blue candle in holders. Personnel: 4 Cub Scouts, Den Chief. Staging: After flags are advanced in the usual manner, and before they are posted, the 4 Cub Scouts recite these lines: Den Chief: Practically ...
Patriotic Opening 1
PERSONNEL: Narrator and 6 or more Cub Scouts.EQUIPMENT: American flag, tape player, recording (such as America the Beautiful or This is My Country), Pack flag.ARRANGEMENT: The color guards advance the flags in the normal manner while the patriotic tape is playing.They come to the front and stand at attention, facing ...
Patriotic Squares
CUBMASTER: Square! Another of the good old words has gone the way of love, modesty, and patriotism. Something to be snickered over or out-right laughed at. Why it used to be that there was no higher compliment you could pay a man than to ...
Peace Pipe Closing
The peace pipe as used in this ceremony is wooden, painted in bright colors, and decorated with feathers. It is not smoked. Chief may wear a headdress.CHIEF: (Cubmaster) (Steps forward, holding peace pipe in both hands, arms straight in front of him.)To our Father, the Great Spirit (holds pipe ...
Personnel: Cubmaster, Cub Scouts (enough to make a circle around the pool)Equipment: Small wading pool filled with water, 1 Pool candle meant for floating (purchase at a pool supply store)Setting: Make a circle around the wading poolCubmaster: Have you ever taken pebbles and thrown them in a quiet stream ...
Perception Of Time
CUBMASTER: We have talked this evening about what life will be like in the future. Let’s take a few minutes for the present time. A person’s perception of time keeps shifting. As the very old can tell you, time goes more swiftly the longer you live. An old man ...
Piercing Stars Baden Powell Closing
NARRATOR: Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting, said: "I often think that when the sun goes down, the world is hidden by a big blanket from the light of heaven, but the stars are little holes pierced in that blanket by those who have done good deeds in this world. ...
Pinewood Closing
Form a circle around the derby trackCubmaster: "Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success" This is a quote from the famous carmaker, Henry Ford. All of the dens come together to form the beginning of our pack. Keeping together at our monthly pack ...
Pinewood Derby
P - a Pinewood Derby is fun for all. But the whole family must answer the call. I - I entered the competition to win or lose, or whatever my doom. N - Neatly I painted my car with dad's expert help, but I ...
Pinewood Derby Opening
Announcer: Our opening ceremony tonight is to show you the use of the colored flags in auto racing! Colored flags are similar to those used to show their color meaning in an actual race. The checkered flag is made from a white crepe paper ...
Pinewood Derby Opening 2
Have Cubs with each letter on posterboard with their part written on the back P A Pinewood Derby is fun for all, But the whole family must answer the call. I I will enter the competition real soon To win or lose ...
Pinewood Derby Opening 3
Cubmaster: If you take a moment tonight to contemplate these cars, you will realize that an awful lot of painstaking work went into each one. There is much creativity and ingenuity represented here. I don't know, but I imagine that each car was designed to be the fastest. Of course, ...
Pirate Theme
The boys form a large circle around the Admiral (Cubmaster) with their parents behind them. Turn out the lights and light a single candle. The Admiral says, "Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts, this candle represents the spirit of Cub Scouting, which we talk about in the Cub Scout Promise ...
Pirates Till Next We Meet
ARRANGEMENT: 8 boys dressed in pirate costumes speak the line below.PIRATE #1: Captain Woods Rogers' the name. I'm the scourge of the Spanish Main.PIRATE #2: When they speak of Sir Francis Drake, the good people quiver and quake.PIRATE #3: Sir Henry Morgan, I be, I'm the terror of every ...
Pocket Closing
Have Cubmaster pull out what is in his pockets and explain why he carries it and how he is prepared for emergencies with it.Cubmaster: Everything a boy puts in his pockets is important to him, just as he and his family are important to our pack. We have to ...
Cub Scouts, I hold in my hand a pocketknife. This is a valuable tool because it can be used for many useful things. It is a dependable tool as long as the blade is kept sharp and free from rust, and the working parts are in good condition. But ...
Personnel: 7 CubsEquipment: Cards with letters spelling out P O C K E T S and pictures of collections.P: is for POSTAGE stamps, something people have collected for many years.O: is OLD-FASHIONED, what some call antiques.C: is for CARDS, baseball, football, basketball, or hockey. There are so many kinds ...
Pockets Are For Collections
PERSONNEL: 7 CubsEQUIPMENT: Cards with letters spelling out P O C K E T S and pictures of collections.P: is for POSTAGE STAMPS, something people have collected for many years.O: is OLD-FASHIONED, what some call antiques.C: is for CARDS, baseball, football, basketball or hockey. There are so many kinds ...
Pockets Closing Thought
Many people of all ages have discovered the fun of collecting things. Whether you collect rocks or stamps or model cars, it’s exciting to be on the watch for a new item to add to your collection and to see that collection grow. Some collections, such as rare sports cards, ...
Power Of Scouting
Props: Large cardboard cutouts or drawings of sources of energy/power against the back wallCubmaster and boys form a circle. Cubmaster: (pointing to props). Just like all of these things, there is power in us all. If we all join together (have everyone in the circle join hands) our power ...
Prisoner Of War Flag Ceremony
Equipment: American Flag mounted to a blanket. Personnel: 2 Scouts to hold flag, and a readerReader: On a summer day in a prison camp during World War II, the prisoners were just completing a talent show when, without any announcement, two soldiers stood up in front of the group holding ...
Recipe For A Wonderful Day
1 cup of friendly words1 dash of gentle humor2 heaping cups understanding1 pinch spice of life2 cups milk of human kindness1 drop of warm personality3 heaping Tbls time and patienceMeasure words carefully. Add cups of understanding to the milk of human kindness. Sift together three times to make a ...
Recipe for Freedom Opening
Cast: Narrator, 10 CubsProps: 1 large kettle, 1 American flag, 1 large wooden spoon, 1 table or tripod, strips of red, white & blue crepe paper.Curtains opens: The narrator stands behind a kettle, stirring with a wooden spoon. An American flag is concealed inside the kettle. For more effect, put ...
Recognizing The Change In Leadership
The seven-team members from the opening ceremony stand in front with flashlights held waist-high. All other lights are out.COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN: Tonight signifies the celebration of our past year in helping our pack grow. Before you stand the seven representative team members who contributed, each in their own way, to ...
Repair A Cub Scout
Props: Hammer with “Do My Best” sign on it Screwdriver with “Do My Duty” sign on it Pliers with “to God and Country” sign on it Saw with “Help Other People” sign on it Block plane with “Law of the Pack” sign on itSetting: Cub Scout is on stage. He ...
Rodeo Closing
Cubmaster: (show two strands of cord in different colors like blue and yellow.) By itself, neither of these strands is very strong. I think a couple of strong Cub Scouts could break either one. (Call forward two Cub Scouts and ask them to wind cord into a single rope.) Together ...
Rodeo Competition
CUBMASTER: Rodeos started with cowboys competing in their everyday work to see who was the best at a particular job. Later, prizes were gathered to make it more interesting. It has now grown into a huge national sport, and some of the contestants are still working as cowboys. They ...
Rodeo Opening
Dens are waiting outside the room. The boys are in western costume. Each den carries its flag. The color guard is in uniform.Cubmaster: Good evening rodeo fans. Welcome to the Cub Scout Rodeo. Like any rodeo, we have thrills and chills, feats of daring, and best of all, we ...
Rodeo Trail Opening
R is for Rodeo, a place where people challenge themselves O is for Old Glory to whom we pledge our allegiance D is for Doing our Best, the Cub Scout way E is for the Energy that we always have O is for Old ...
The giant sequoias in California have a lesson to teach us. The sequoia tree's roots just barely grow below the surface of the ground. You may think that’s impossible. If a tree's roots don't grow deep into the earth, won't it fall over in the wind? Not so, for ...
Rope Closing
Equipment: 2 strands of cord in different colorsCubmaster: (show two strands of cord in different colors like blue and yellow.) By itself, neither of these strands is very strong. I think a couple of strong Cub Scouts could break either one. (Call forward two Cub Scouts and ask them ...
Many messages are sent and received every day. But there is one that is a challenge to each of you. In times past, the message was simply “S-O-S.” Today, it comes in many forms, but it still means the same thing—always be willing to reach out and help someone else. ...
Save It For Us
The next time you’re outside, pause a moment to look at the old trees. They have sheltered countless generations of wildlife and have withstood years of extreme weather and the abuses of man. They’ve seen children playing at their roots and climbing in their branches. They’ve heard the conversations ...
Say Thank You In Other Languages
In Vietnamese, It's "Cam on new"In Korean, It's "Kamsahamnida"In Japanese, It's "Arigato"In Chinese, It's "Xiexie"In English, It's "Thank you"Thank you for coming tonight. Goodnight everyone! ...
Scout Uniforms Reputation
To end this evening, I’d like to tell you a story. A crowded bus stopped to pick up a bent old woman. With great difficulty, she struggled up the steps with a large basket of freshly washed laundry. “You’ll have to put your basket ...
Scouting Around The World
(Maybe adapted for opening, closing, or advancement ceremony.)EQUIPMENT: Globe of the world.CUBMASTER: (Pointing toward your location in the United States) This evening we are holding our Blue and Gold banquet here. But did you know that all over this world (spin the globe) Cub Scouts just like us are ...
Scouting IsOpening
Cub 1: As we prepare to join together in a banquet to celebrate the birthday of Scouting, it is important to remember why we chose to join the Scouting movement. Cub 2: Scouting is a program for young men and boys which is much ...
Scouting Spirit
Personnel: 6 Cubs, with strong voices; and one in charge of lightsEquipment: 8 small candles, 1 large candle, in holders and matchesSetting: Lights dim with Scouting spirit candlelit Speakers come forward one at a time, light the small candles from the Scouting spirit candle and read After all small ...
Scoutings Birthday
Cubmaster: This month we celebrate Scouting's (formula is CURRENT YEAR minus 1930) birthday in the United States. Everywhere Scouts are taking time to listen to the story of Scouting and to rededicate themselves to the aims and purposes of our movement. Scouting was started in England by Lt. General ...
Sea Adventure Opening
S - is for SCOUTING, a well-rounded activity. E - is for EACH Cub Scout doing his best all the time. A - is for AWARENESS of our duty to God and Country. A - is for ALL people working together. D - is ...
Seaside Opening
Personnel: Cub Scouts Equipment: A beach bucket and shovel with empty squirt guns for each Cub and Den Leader Set-Up: The Cubs come in and line up carrying their buckets and shovels. The squirt guns are inside the buckets out of view of the ...
See The Forest For The Trees
The Giant Sequoia trees that grow in the California Sierra Nevada Mountains are the largest living things on earth. They are also the oldest, some of them as much as 2,000 years old. What is the secret to their great age? One of their secrets is their strong, yet soft, ...
Setting The Example
Adult or Den Chief: What Indian boys learned was very important. It prepared them to take care of themselves and their families. They grew up to be responsible, contributing members of their communities. Everything they needed to know they could observe being done by adults around them. They learned ...
Shield And Wooden Swords
SETTING: Cubmaster and cubs are dressed as knights and carry shields and wooden swords. Cubs form a circle around Cubmaster, holding shields in front of them and facing out.CUBMASTER: We, the knights of the roundtable, are bound in a circle of steel. Let this steel wall remind us to keep ...
Sign Language Closing
Ask everyone to stand. Cubmaster gives the words and demonstrated the signs used in the ceremony. Then everyone joins in. Boy Scout Sign May the spirit of Scouting Cub Scout Sign and the light of Akela Point finger be with you and me Both arms out. until our paths Arms ...
Signs Of America
EQUIPMENT: Small flag, Wolf Badge, Webelos Handbook, and lighted candle on table Cub Scouts, these four things have been significant of Cub Scouting since it began in 1930. The badge is a symbol of Cub Scouting all over America. There are many books that are important to Cub Scouts.The ...
Simple Den Closings
SETTING:The room is in darkness. Flags are still in place at the front of the room from the opening ceremony. At the front is a table with one lighted candle representing the light of Scouting. In front of this candle, one each, red, white, and blue, unlighted. Behind the lighted ...
Six Million Scouts
So we end this evening by celebrating our Gifts and Talents. But before we go, let us take in this thought…Today in our country there are over six million boys and adults in Scouting. That's a good thing to know, a good thing to think about when we start ...
Snowflake Closing Ceremony
Have Cub Scouts and family members cut out snowflakes when they enter the pack meeting, and put their names on them. (Six-sided snowflakes can be made by folding a square sheet of paper in half, and then into thirds.) Tape or fasten to a wall, curtain, blackboard, or window.Have ...
Some Dogs Are So DogGone Cheerful
Have you ever stopped to wonder why some dogs are so dog-gone cheerful? It's kind of pleasant, isn't it, to be around a happy dog? On the other hand, we usually try to steer clear of dogs who appear to be kind of grumpy. That's the way it is ...
Somebody Else Recruiting For Leaders
During the meeting have distributed to all adults small birthday type candlesGroup of Scouts to one side - (They will repeat the Cub Scout Promise later)Boy with a lit candle and parents come forward to Cubmaster.LEADER: (name), I see you enjoyed your first pack meeting tonight. You carry with ...
Something Worthwhile
CUBMASTER: Every Cub Scout should accomplish something worthwhile every day.Each day’s accomplishments should be a little better than the last. Stand by a window with your room dark and look out into the night. Ask yourself the simple question: "Have I done my best today?" Then each day, vow ...
Something Worthwhile 2
Every Cub Scout should accomplish something worthwhile every day. And each day's accomplishments should be a little better than the previous day. Tonight, stand at your window and look out into the darkness of night, and ask yourself, "Have I done my best today?" Then each day, promise to ...
Space Shuttle
PROPS: Large cardboard box made to look like the space shuttle; projector and film. Chairs for each Cub in the skit. The chairs are placed behind the shuttle with the astronauts sitting in the chairs.COSTUMES: Den Chief dressed to look like ground control. All other Cubs dressed as astronauts.DEN ...
Space The New Frontier
In the movie “Toy Story,” an action figure named Buzz Lightyear became a hero. But at the beginning of the movie, Buzz did not act much like a hero. He acted more like a show-off, always thinking he was better than all the other toys because he could fly. It ...
America has always been known for her diversity in the landscape. We have towering mountains and low land swamps, dry deserts, and lush river valleys. With each of these environments come a unique group of wildlife that has adapted itself to that landscape. The American spirit is very much one ...
Spirit Of Scouting
Cubmaster:(Light a candle or use one if it is already lit.) Throughout this meeting this evening this candle, which represents the Spirit of Scouting has burned (if lit) OR I light this candle to represent the Spirit of Scouting. Look steadily at the flame for a moment. (Pause) Now ...
Splish Splash
PERSONNEL: 6 Cub ScoutsCUB 1: We've had plenty of fun in the water today but as we leave let's take a moment to remember how precious this resource is in our state.CUB 2: We play in the water, we bathe in it and we drink it.CUB 3: We eat ...
Spotlight On The Boy
The US Flag and a pack flag are carried to the front by the color guards. They face the audience. The lights are turned down and a Cub Scout stands in between the flags. A spotlight is turned on the setting. A good reader, reads the verse below.He's just eight ...
Spotlight On The Boy
The US Flag and a pack flag are carried to the front by the color guards. They face the audience. The lights are turned down and a Cub Scout stands in between the flags. A spotlight is turned on the setting. A good reader reads the verse below.He's just ...
Star Wars
Cub Scouts have large cards spelling out STAR WARS. As each one steps forward, he holds up his card and says his line:S stands for seek. Seek the mysteries of the future.T stands for Top. Top the obstacles of youth.A stands for Advance. Advance in the Cub Scouting program.R ...
Starfish CM Minute
"I'm throwing these starfish back into the ocean. You see, it's low tide right now and all of these starfish have been washed up onto the shore. If I don't throw them back into the sea, they'll die up here from lack of oxygen.""I understand," my friend replied, "but ...
Stars War Closing
Cub Scouts have large cards spelling out STAR WARS. As each one steps forward, he holds up his card and says his line:S stands for seek. Seek the mysteries of the future. T stands for Top. Top the obstacles of youth. A stands for Advance. Advance in the Cub Scouting ...
Stop The Presses Closing Ceremony
Narrator: Stop those presses. Some of the stories we've been hearing for years aren't quite right. Did you know…? 1 - An apple did not fall on Newton's head, he saw one fall from the corner of his eye. 2 - In old England, coins were saved in "pygg" banks ...
Stop the Presses Opening
Personnel: Five Cubs Equipment: A rolled newspaper for each boy Set-Up: The Cub Scouts run onto stage. As each Cub Scout repeats his part, he opens the paper to "read". All Cubs: Extra! Extra! Let us read to you all about it! 1st Cub: ...
Strength In Unity
This ceremony can be used just before returning the colors or by itself to emphasize patriotism.PERSONNEL: Cubmaster, Cub Scout color guard, and bearer.EQUIPMENT: A single wooden match and a bundle of five wooden matches, US flag.ARRANGEMENT: Advance the flag to a prominent place beside the Cubmaster. As he speaks ...
Summer Closing
S - is for summer, which is already here U - is for Us boys who need scouting all year. M - is for the many outings which Cub Scouting does bring M - is for more fun, cause that's our thing E - is for every parent who ...
Take Time
Take time to worship--it is the highway of reverence that cleanses and restores the soulTake time to work--it is the price of successTake time to think--it is the source of powerTake time to read-- it is the source of wisdomTake time to help and enjoy friends--this is the source ...
Have den form a living circle and sing "Taps"Day is done, Gone the sun, From the lake, From the hills, From the sky;All is well, safely rest, God is nigh.Fading light, Dims the sight, And a star, Gems the sky, Gleaming bright;From afar, drawing nigh, Falls the night. ...
Thank You Closing
Let the Cub Scouts prepare eight large placards, each with a large letter painted on it to match the initial letter of each verse. As each verse is recited by a Cub, the proper letters are displayed so that at the end of the eight verses, the words "Thank ...
Thank You Parents
Personnel: 8 Cub Scouts Equipment: Large poster divided into 8, when put together has a heart on it with the words THANK YOU in it. Setting: Each boy has a piece of the heart. After all lines have been read, the first four stand in a line and hold ...
Personnel: Den Chief and 6 Cub ScoutsDen Chief: We have a lot to be thankful for at this time of year. We work and for this, we see all the good things that come of it. Let us all share something good with each other at this time. Cub ...
Thanks for Coming
Personnel: 6 Cub Scouts Equipment: 6 cards spelling out the word THANKSCub 1: We hope you liked our show tonight. Cub 2: We tried real hard to do things right. Cub 3: It's easy to do good, you see, Cub 4: When you have the help of your family. ...
Thanksgiving Closing
Personnel: Cubmaster"Thanksgiving will be here pretty soon. It is a great time of the year. It opens the door to the holiday season. Think about that turkey dinner, the football games, visits with friends and family. Just about everybody likes Thanksgiving. This year let's think a bit about what ...
Thanksgiving Closing Thought
This Thanksgiving as you bow your head to express your gratitude for your personal blessings, remember to give thanks for the one you share with over 160 million people - the blessing of living in America. Nowhere else in the world are your personal rights so well guarded and your ...
Thanksgiving Poem Closing
I would give thanks for many things On this Thanksgiving Day. Thanks for all the blessings Life brings each day along the way. I would give thanks for life and health, For home, for food, and you, All that I count my greatest wealth - Family and friendship true. I ...
Thats What It Means to Be an American
Setting: 4 uniformed Cub Scouts, carrying suitable props (such as a megaphone, nightcap, church model, and a star) speak the following lines.Cub #1: You can say anything you want to say, whoever you may be. Some things cost a lot of money, but speech is free.All: That’s what it ...
The Antique Map
While browsing in an Antique Store, a beautiful Map of the World caught the eye of a young father. He purchased the map and all the way home wondered as to where it would most enhance his den. Upon arrival at home, he laid the map on the dining ...
The Birth of a Flag
Materials: One large container (such as a box, wash pot, etc.) One roll each of one or two-inch red, white, and blue crepe paper. Eight to ten stars or disks constructed of aluminum foil or a similar material One large spike or similar object ...
The Candles Of Friends
EQUIPMENT: 13 yellow taper candles (drip guards are optional but help a lot), 1 larger column candle (1" by 6" or larger) in a candle holder. The larger candle should be center stage on a small table with 13 Cub Scouts, each with a yellow taper, in a ...
The Computer World Is Changing
While the world is changing by leaps and bounds, let's not get too caught up in the change to leave behind the positive values of the past and present. Here's a reminder of the kinds of values that Cub Scouts hold dear.C - Courtesy. Being polite, like holding the door ...
The Cub Scouts Are Coming
Cast: 4 or more Cub ScoutsOne Cub Scout at a time trots from the back of the room to the front shouting, "The Cub Scouts are coming! The Cub Scouts are coming!" Then two boys enter carrying the United States flag and lead the pledge. ...
The Cub Scouts Are Coming
Cast: 4 or more Cub ScoutsOne Cub Scout at a time trots from the back of the room to the front shouting, "The Cub Scouts are coming! The Cub Scouts are coming!" Then two boys enter carrying the United States flag and lead the pledge. ...
The Cubmasters Pocket
Have Cub Master pull out what is in his pockets and explain why he carries it and how he is prepared for emergencies with it.CUBMASTER: Everything a boy puts in his pockets is important to him, just as he and his family are important to our pack. We have ...
The Day The USA Was Made
Once a long time ago, before you were born,God set out to make a new land, one early morn.He thought and thought for half a day.Then said, "I know what I'll do. I'll make the U.S.A."First He used a glacier-like a giant broomAnd swept the Midwest till it was ...
The Disgusted Firemen
Make some "to do" about lighting a large candle at the pack meeting. It burns all the way through your meeting. When it's time to close, have boys imitating a fire brigade come running in and circle the room toward the candle. One or two boys make siren noises, ...
The Double Circle
PERSONNEL: Entire pack - Cub Scouts, parents, and visitors.EQUIPMENT: United States flag, four spotlights or four large flashlightsARRANGEMENT: Have all present stand in a double circle, with Cub Scouts and other boys on the inside, and parents and visitors on the outside. Focus spotlights or flashlights on the flag ...
The FiftySix Men
CUBMASTER: As we come to the end of our pack meeting, I would ask that you stop for a moment and think with me about the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence over 200 years ago.Five were captured or imprisoned in the war that followed. Nine died ...
The First American Warship
CUBMASTER: The colonial Navy was born in 1632 when the English Colonists of Massachusetts built the first American warship, the 30 long ton Blessing of the Bay. They used it to fight pirates off the Atlantic Coast. By the late 1700s, the colonists have built hundreds of ships including ...
The Flag On The Moon
CUBMASTER: The Pledge of Allegiance is always a good way to begin or end a Pack meeting or activity. If it is at night and you forgot to bring your flag, remember there is a U.S. flag standing on the moon, planted there by a former Boy Scout. It ...
The Gift Of Goodwill
Arrangement: A group of 8 Cub Scouts are gathered around Christmas gifts. Each boy is wrapping a gift, Den Chief enters.Den Chief: Hey guys, let me see what each one of you is wrapping.Cub 1: Gloves for my Dad.Cub 2: An owl plaque for my Mom.Cub 3: Oreo cookies for ...
The Golden Rule
The golden rule, treating other people as you would like to be treated...Easy to do except for those that are not like us the mentally or physically handicapped. We laugh, point, and turn the other way. But wait! Have you ever heard a person say "I can't see without ...
The Greatest Show
CUBMASTER: Ladies and gentlemen, you have just witnessed the greatest of all shows in the world today. the Circus is for children of all ages, from eight to eighty. For your pleasure, we have presented the most wonderful and remarkable living animals, daring feats of skill and intelligence, a ...
The High Country
Why are there Mountains for you and mePlaced here and there across our country?For hiking - Leaders climb and youth just runThe scent of pine, wildlife, cool weather, and funAwait all who will do their bestViews forever from North and South, East and West.Mountains make outings special, too.God made ...
The Keel
SETTING: This may be read by a Cub Scout or leader just before the retrieving of the colors.NARRATOR: One of the most important discoveries of the Vikings, was the invention of the "keel." A keel is a long narrow piece of wood, attached to the underside of a ship. ...
The Last Closing Ceremony Of The Year
STAGING: House lights are dimmed. Four posters with the four Cub Scouts ranks, eight candles (two by each poster).CUBMASTER: This last ceremony of 19__ is a fine time to reconfirm our beliefs in ourselves and the Scouting program. (Lights two candles by the Bobcat poster) Will all Bobcat Cub ...
The Law Of The Pack
THE CUB SCOUT FOLLOWS AKELAWho is Akela? In Cub Scouting Akela means "good leader". My mother, father, teacher, Den Leader, Cubmaster, and other people who have shown that they are the kind of people who are able and willing to help, are Akela. I follow Akela.THE CUB SCOUT HELPS ...
The Light Of Day Has Left Us
The light of day has left us. Our campfire burns low. A good day of Scouting done, we can sit back and consider our rewards. The whole of nature surrounds us: towering trees, running water, green grass, hills and valleys, the animals of the fields and forest, the stars, ...
The Lights Of A Hundred Campfires
(Give each person a sprig of dried cedar, pine, juniper, etc. If using an artificial campfire indoors, use toothpicks. )CUBMASTER: The light from hundreds of campfires around the world has brightened the Cub Scout Spirit for many years. Tonight, we have enjoyed the warmth and cheerfulness of our campfires ...
The Little Bug Who Had The Blues
MATERIALS: Cut Scouts could make bug posters to hold up with the words written on the back.1ST CUB: There was a little bug who had the blues, And cried because he had no shoes.2ND CUB: He walked around with six bare feet, And hid them when other bugs he ...
The Little Chap Who Follows
CUBMASTER: This poem I'm going to read, is a great reminder to myself, Scout leaders, parents, and all adults that what we do and how we do it, oftentimes greatly influences our children. Give this some thought as you go home tonight.A careful man I want to be. A ...
The Many Sides Of A Cub Scout
DEN LEADER: We will try to show you the many sides to the little boys we so proudly call son, but remember, these are all one boy.1st CUB: I'm the one all full of dirt, so very sure that soap & water will hurt.2ND CUB: I'm the one who ...
The Metronome
EQUIPMENT: A metronome, a microphone Setting: The metronome is placed near the microphone so that the sound will be amplified. The narrator speaks into the microphone off stage. NARRATOR: (As metronome begins ticking) Oh, no. Don't turn around. There aren't any actors here...just a ...
The Outdoor Closing
Let's remember the food we've shared, The games we've played, the songs we've sung, Let's remember all of these things. Let's remember the skits we've played, The hikes we've hiked, the problems we've shared, Let's remember all of these things. Let's remember the games ...
The Penetrating Light
PERSONNEL: Cub Scouts, Den LeaderEQUIPMENT: A Cub Scout badge, a Wolf book, and a candle on a tableARRANGEMENT: Cubs stand in front of table Den Leader: These three things have been significant in Cub Scouting since it began in 1930. this badge is a symbol of Cub Scouting all ...
The Pledge Of The Tribe
CUBMASTER: Braves of the tribe of Akela, our council fire is lit, but the time grows late. Let all braves stand now and raise their right hands toward the Great Spirit in the sky. Now let us give the pledge of our tribe of Akela - the Cub Scout ...
The Rabbi The Soap Maker
A Rabbi and a soap maker were walking along and the soap maker questioned the Rabbi by asking, "What good is religion? There's been a religion for a long time, but people are still bad to each other" The Rabbi was silent until they saw a boy who was dirty ...
The Rings Of A Tree
Cub Master needs a large slice of tree.CUB MASTER: Look at the rings on this piece of tree. You can tell the age of the tree by the number of rings. You can also tell how much water the tree received each year by how far apart the rings ...
The Rope Circle
MATERIALS: A 2-3 foot length of rope or heavy cord for each Cub Scout.CUBMASTER: We have seen tonight that we are all geniuses in our own right.It makes you mighty proud, doesn't it? We should all be proud of our accomplishments and abilities.We should never forget, though, that we ...
The Scout Benediction
Form brotherhood circle with arms around each other's shoulders and repeat Scout benediction: "And now, may the great Master of all Scouts be with us till we meet again." ...
The Scoutmasters Benediction
For your closing, you may want to borrow this traditional Boy Scout closing, which has an Indian flavor.The boys stand at attention, with their right hands in the "un-uniformed salute" position, that is, with the elbow bent and the right arm straight across the chest, the right hand over ...
The Sky Has No Limit Closing
Cub Scouts, it wasn’t long ago that we heard some people say: “The sky is the limit.” That meant that a man could make anything of himself that he wanted ... at least on earth. Well, that limit is now off. There is almost no limit to what you ...
The Sky Is The Limit
Cub Scouts, it wasn't long ago that we heard some people say: "The sky is the limit." That meant that a man could make anything of himself that he wanted... at least on earth. Well, that limit is now off. There is almost no limit to what you can ...
The Spirit Lives
By: G.K. SammyThe Spirit lives, there is no doubt, Within the heart of every Scout,The hope lives on, the dreams survive, The Scouting spirit is alive!In England, many years ago, There lived a man who sought to sowThe seeds of the brotherhood of man, And there the spirit first ...
The Sportsman Prayer
Live in peace and harmony with nature be not in conflict with her, for her beauty and her pleasures are many. Poison not her waters, for they are the home of our fishes and the drink of our game, as well as ourselves.Poison not her atmosphere, for it is ...
The Thankful Bug
CUB SCOUT 1: There was a little bug who had the blues, And cried because he had no shoes.CUB SCOUT 2: He walked around with six bare feet, And hid them when another bug he'd meet.CUB SCOUT 3: Such a small, sad bug, always was he, Until one day ...
The Unknown Bugle Boy
There's a battlefield at Gettysburgwhere swords and sabers rust.And brothers who were flesh and bloodare scattered in the dust.But every night at Gettysburgwhen everything is still.They say a golden bugle blowson Cemetery Hill.Who was the unknown bugle boyat Gettysburg that day.And was he wearing Yankee blueor wearing Southern gray?Why ...
This poem might be read by the Cubmaster as the closing for a program or banquet, in which there have been characterizations of various famous Americans.So we march into the presentAnd it's always rather pleasantTo speculate on what the years ahead of us will see,For our words and thoughts ...
The Web Of Life
This month the boys have been studying about the animals in the world we live in. They have discovered that all things in nature are related to each other. You cannot affect one element of nature - the air, plants, Earth, water, or animals - without affecting something else. They ...
The Yardstick Closing
The importance of the ages 7 - 11, the Cub Scout years. You will need a standard yardstick with colored marks at the 3", 5" 9" and 11" distances from one end. These correspond to the ages of 7, 11, 18, 22. Look at ...
Things That Grow
Personnel: 1 Cub ScoutSetting: Boy comes forward on signal and reads the script.Cub Scout: The theme this month was ‘Down on the Farm’, I too, am a thing that grows. I need nourishment and love, and attention to grow. But most of all to grow. I need my sleep. ...
Think About This
Our country, the United States of America, is one of the greatest countries to ever exist. It’s greatness lies in the strength of its citizens—you and me. Think about this: The greatest road system in the world is the US road system. It provides ...
This Apple Is The Whole World
*This ceremony involves the use of a pocketknife, so an adult should handle this.PROPS: Apple, Pocketknife, TableCUBMASTER: Earth Day comes in April and it reminds us to be careful with our home planet. There is also an old song about April showers bring May flowers. Together, these remind me ...
This Is Cub Scouting
PERSONNEL: Six Cub Scouts parents, CubmasterEQUIPMENT: Candle holder made from cedar post or other wood, three blue and yellow candles, table.ARRANGEMENT: Lights out, Cubmaster with six candles, three blue and three yellow, on a table. The six parents each light a candle and give their part of the ceremony.PARENT ...
This Is My Country
BOY 1: This is my country. I will use my eyes to see the beauty of this land.BOY 2: I will use my ears to hear its sounds.BOY 3: I will use my mind to think about what I can do to make it more beautiful.BOY 4: I will ...
This Moment
I may never see tomorrow; there's no written guarantee, And things that happened yesterday belong to history.I cannot predict the future, and I cannot change the past, I have just the present moment; I must treat it as my last.I must use this moment wisely for it soon will ...
This Set Of Wings
PERSONNEL: 6 Cub ScoutsEQUIPMENT: One set of large cardboard wingsSETTING: Boys holding wings facing the audienceCUB #1: Tonight we have visited many different places and met some very important people.CUB #2: Our whole trip was made possible by this set of wings.CUB #3: To some of us these wings ...
Thoughts for Life
Do your best in everything you do on life's wayAlways be friendly to brighten another's dayGive away your smiles for it is rewarding indeedBe prepared to help others, for goodness - not for greedBe honest and sincere toward others that you meetBe loyal and true - a most commendable ...
Thoughts For Your Whole Life Through
ARRANGEMENT: Cub Scouts hold up cards with slogans as they read their lines.1st CUB: Do Your Best - in everything you do on life's way.2nd Cub: Always Be Friendly - to brighten others' day.3rd CUB: Give Away Your Smiles - for it is rewarding indeed.4th CUB: Be Prepared - ...
Three Flag Retiring Ceremonies
Contributed by: Brian Mileshosky on rec. scouting.1. Display the old flag, give its history, if known. Also, recite the Pledge of Allegiance.2. Respect paid to the old flag -- read aloud "I AM OLD GLORY" I am old glory; for more the 9 score years I have been the banner ...
Three Important Things Closing
To the sailor, three things were essential - a compass, a sextant, and a flag to tell which way the wind blew. To Cub Scouts, these three things are important - (show items) a badge, a handbook, and a candle. The badge tells who you are and where you are ...
CUB #1: We have talked this evening about the world of computers. In our busy world today, even with the help of computers, one of the most important needs we have is that of time.CUB #2: Our perception of time keeps changing. The older you are, the quicker time ...
Tired Dog Sled
Cubmaster rides sled to the front for last time, tired from all that work, announces the end of deliveries for the day, that the dogs are tired and hungry. Thanks to all "Eskimos" and others for enduring the cold and snow to get there, announces den to retire the colors ...
To The Sailor
To the sailor, three things were essential - a compass, a sextant, and a flag to tell which way the wind blew. To Cub Scouts, these three things are important -- (show) a Wolf badge, a handbook, and a candle. The badge tells who you are and where you ...
Summer is a good time for the family to do many things together and enjoy the beauty about them. A family that shares a lot of experiences is one that will always be a "together" family, even in later years when you are miles apart. Think about it! There's no ...
TomTom Benediction
Form a group into a large circle and do the friendship dance, everyone faces in and holds arms around neighbor's shoulders or waist while doing a slow side step dance to a one, two-beat of the tom-tom.Close by repeating this benediction. "May the Good Spirit be with you till ...
Tomorrows World
Tonight I would like to tell you a story about a boy, his father, and the paper. The boy's father is sitting in his easy chair after a hard day's work, with his feet propped up enjoying reading the evening's paper.The boy, who we shall call Johnny, enters the ...
Totem Pole Calling the Role Indian Style
At the first of the month, each den is issued a box or round carton that is to be decorated in some fashion to denote their den - designs, faces, feathers, bells, etc. Be sure to include the den number. This will take some ...
There are times when a man gropes for words and nothing seems to come. We get a little flustered taking tests, reciting poetry, thanking our leaders, etc. But, if we take our time the words for all those things soon come just as these words will come to help complete ...
Traditions Closing Thought
Each of us has some traditions that are only practiced by our own families. Let’s remember to enjoy those traditions and our families at this time of year. Remember it is better to give than to get. See if you can find the joy in giving this year! ...
Turkey Opening
Have a card with each letter on it. As boys hold their card have them say the following: T - is for the Thanks we give at this special time of year. U - is for the Uniting of families from both far and ...
Turn On The Power
What is the most powerful thing you can think of? Is it a locomotive that can pull a hundred railroad cars? Or is it a mighty rocket with giant engines that roar and belch fire? Is it a nuclear energy plant with enough power to light up a whole city? ...
Twig Ceremony
Equipment: A single twig and a bundle of twigs; American Flag Begin by posting the colors at the head of the group and follow with this statement: "Scouters, I hold in my hand several twigs. You can see that one twig alone is easy ...
Undiscovered Secrets
No matter where you live, there is a world of undiscovered secrets of nature waiting to be explored. Farmers and naturalists are students of nature. During this month, Pack __ has studied farms and farming life and learned more about the nature of our world.A naturalist stands like Columbus ...
Universal Fellowship
PERSONNEL:NarratorCub #1- carries flag representing East (Germany) Cub #2 - carries flag representing South (Mexico) Cub #3 - carries flag representing West (Japan) Cub #4 - carries flag representing North (Canada) Cub #5 - carries flag representing the USA Cub #6 - carries flag representing Cubs (Pack flag)Narrator: The Universal ...
Unusual Gifts
PERSONNEL: 8 Cubs (May be divided into more or fewer parts depending upon the number of Cubs in the Den.)EQUIPMENT: 3 large, brightly colored envelopes SETTING: Cubs come on stage with coats and hats on, chattering. Each steps forward to say their line; emphasis on the BOLD word.CUB 1: We’ve ...
Use This Strength Wisely
All Cubs and Webelos form a circle. With the right sleeve rolled up, have boys place their right foot into the circle and raise their right arms to show their muscles.CUBMASTER: May the Great Master who gives us our bodies and our strength give us the wisdom to use ...
Vikings Were Very Much Like Cub Scouts
CUB #1: Vikings were very much like Cub Scouts. They were fierce and brave, but they were also very loyal and generous.CUB #2: If Viking boys had a promise; it would be something like this...CUB #3: I promise to do my best...CUB #4: To do my duty to our ...
Setting: Five Cub Scouts, each holding a poster board with one letter on the front and their line written on the back. Cub #1: W is for wet and wild. Cub #2: A is for always around in winter. Cub #3: T is for ...
Walk Through The Woods
When you walk through the woods, I want you to see, The floating gold of a bumblebee Rivers of sunlight, pools of shade Toadstools sleeping in a mossy jade. A cobweb net with a catch of dew. Treetop cones against an azure blue. Dancing flowers, bright green flies Birds ...
Water Closing
Cub 1: Well, we sure had fun getting you wet.Cub 2: We had the best time ever yet.Cub 3: Thanks for helping in our little party,Cub 4: And joining us asCub 5: The water fun was, oh, so grand,Cub 6: But now we change from sea to landCub 7: ...
Water Fun
Have the boys make signs with the letters spelling WATER FUN. Write the appropriate verse on the back of each letter. At the proper time, the boys come forward, standing in order, and read each verse.W - We've had fun with water here.A - And we hope that you ...
Water Fun College 101
Cubmaster: Enter pack meeting room in a long laboratory coat over slacks that are easy to remove, holding a clipboard, and carrying a briefcase. (Wearing socks and slip-on shoes, the Cubmaster has on Beach clothes under the lab coat.) Cubmaster: Welcome to our Water ...
Water Fun College 101
CUBMASTER resumes position in front of the pack meeting audience, rubs his plastic water pistol fondly before setting it down, lays down his beach towel after wiping away the same imaginary drops of water.CUBMASTER: Well we've come to the end of another deliciously delightful pack meeting. In planning a ...
Water Safety Opening
This opening is for use if you are having your pack event at a swimming facility. Have all the boys stand around the edge of the shallow end of the pool or the side of the beach. On signal, they are to jump or ...
We Are America Today
CUBMASTER:We are America today! As we look down the road Americans have traveled, we see that many of their dreams have come true. We see the towns they have built, the bridges they have crossed, the mountains they have climbed. We feel the hardships they endured. We see places ...
We Need
PERSONNEL: Leader, 10 Cub ScoutsLEADER: We, the Cub Scouts, need you.CUB 1: (Enter with a sign that spells S_PPORT.)We cannot spell SUPPORT without you.CUB 2: (Enter with a sign that spells OPPORT_NITY.)We cannot spell OPPORTUNITY without you.CUB 3: (Enter with a sign that spells _NITY.)We cannot spell UNITY without ...
Wear That Uniform
A uniform is like a smile.When wearing it your right in style.Don't put it on for special timesFor saving it is just a crimeA funny smile is not a shame,And neither is a patch or a stain.So wear that smile and uniformFor that is how a Cub is formed. ...
What Do You Do At Holiday Time
In the November-December issue of Scouting magazine, there is a story about a Webelos Scout named Daniel Simon of Pack 381, Buffalo Grove, Illinois. Daniel earned a $750 gift certificate, and instead of spending the money on himself, he filled seven shopping carts with toys for other children who might ...
What Does It Mean To Be An American
I asked myself a question today; "What does it mean to be an American?" There were several answers…and they were all good. Being an American means I have a multitude of freedom:Freedom to think and say what I think… Freedom to worship… Freedom to move about… Freedom to try, ...
What Is Life
Personnel: Cubmaster or narrator Arrangement: Darkened room, campfire if available Equipment: FlashlightCM: What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow, which runs across the grass and loses itself in ...
What You Put In CM Minute
Recently I heard a story of a family on vacation. They were traveling by car on a grand tour across the country. At one point, they stopped at a scenic overlook, which stood at the edge of a steep-walled canyon. Some people at the overlook were having fun, yelling into ...
When God Made The Oyster
PERSONNEL: 3 CubsEQUIPMENT: The narrator and 2 Cub Scouts hold each poster with a script written on the back of the poster. One poster with a picture of an oyster and the other poster with a picture of an eagle.CUB 1: When God made the oyster, he guaranteed him ...
When I Grow Up
In the popular movie “Big,” actor Tom Hanks plays the part of Josh, a boy who gets catapulted into the future after making a wish at a carnival. That night, Josh went to bed as a boy but he woke up the next morning as a full-grown man! At first, ...
Which One Of These Are You CM Minute
One of the most important things about people is what they eat. Every culture in the world has different kinds of food. To some people, raw fish is a delicacy. Others love to snack on snails. Still, other people consume insects such as locusts and ants, and they enjoy every ...
Who Else
Have all the Cub Scouts and Webelos line up at the front of the room with a spotlight and the adults reading the following parts from the back of the room.ASST. CUBMASTER: Boys, are the nicest things that ever happened to me... those arrogant, self-assured, little men-children who assume ...
Why Ceremonies Are Important
Why Ceremonies Are Important  Ceremonies are important for many reasons, the most important being that boys like them. The boys like to participate in them to receive recognition. Ceremonies are also important for recognition of leaders, for achievements, for special occasions and holidays. ...
Why I Love Her
{{sq_ad_content}} (By John Wayne) You ask me why I love her? Well, give me time and I'll explain. Have you seen a Kansas sunset or an Arizona rain? Have you drifted on ...
Wildlife Pledge
(Provide copies of the Wildlife Pledge below to each person in the audience, and ask them to repeat it together.)I pledge to use my eyes to see the beauty of all the outdoors.I pledge to train my mind to learn the importance of nature.I pledge to use my hands ...
Witches Opening
Take one dark night, without a star; Add one thin cat, as black as tar, Turn on a wind, to shriek and moan, Stir in ghost, with a wail and groan.Stuff three pumpkins with witches' bane, Top with a slice of the moon on the wane; Flavor with bats, and ...
Witchs Closing
We've put a lot into this stew; And we came out with a very good brew.The parents have had a chance to learn, The ranks attained and badges earned.Everyone will return a month from now, To attend our meeting and find out howEach boy has fared, advancements made; For on ...
Within My Power
I am not a very important man, as importance is commonly rated. I do not have great wealth, control a big business, or occupy a position of great honor or authority.Yet, I may someday mold destiny. For it is within my power to become the most important man in ...
Wonderful Fiesta
CUBMASTER: Tonight, we've had a wonderful fiesta. Fireworks are part of many fiestas. Fireworks also help us to remember our flag.Fireworks remind us of a time when our country was at war and Francis Scott Key waited through the night watching the "rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in ...
World Take My Son By The Hand
World, my son is growing up. He is starting on great adventures that will include wars, tragedy, and sorrow.To live his life in the world he has to live in will require faith and love, and courage.So, world, I wish you would sort of take him by his young ...
Years End
ARRANGEMENTS: House lights are dimmed. Ceremony board or a log containing 7 small candles and 1 tall candle representing the Spirit of Scouting.CUBMASTER: (Lights candles) This last ceremony for 20__ is one of re-dedication. Tonight 4 candles represent the Cub Scout Ranks--Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos. Will all Bobcat ...
Your Family
EQUIPMENT: 15 to 20 child's building blocks.CUBMASTER: (Begins to build a pyramid with the blocks) No, Cub Scouts, I'm not really losing my mind. I'm building something that has a lesson for all of us.There! Let's say this pyramid stands for our country. If this is the whole country, ...
Your Personal Blessings
This Thanksgiving as you bow your head to express your gratitude for your personal blessings, remember to give thanks for the one you share with over 160 million people – the blessing of living in America. Nowhere else in the world are your personal rights so well guarded and ...
Youre Not Getting Older Youre Getting Better
There used to be a TV commercial that said, "You're not getting older, you're getting better." That's the way it is with Cub Scouting. It's getting better all the time. Cub Scouting is improved and updated to keep pace with a changing world and to make it relevant to ...