Our Pack, it meets regular and boy, we have fun except in July and August.
And many a contest our den has won except in July and August.
We do our achievements and pay up our dues and building we do whenever we chose.
A little hot weather doesn't give us the blues except in July or August.
Our Den Leader is peppy and ready to go except in July and August.
Our committee's the kind that we're proud to know except in July and August.
We always are cheerful and lean, while we play!
Our mothers all say that we Cubs have our day,
That Cubbing does help us up life's narrow way except in July and August.
Some folks say that they're too tired to Cub the summer though
But as for me, I'm tireder more with nothing to do.
All the kids around our place, the den, and all the pack,
Have waited all this winter though to build ourselves a shack
Our Pack's swell in wintertime with fun and stuff galore
But summertime's the time for me that's what I'm waiting for.
The fishing hole, a shady spot, may room and Dad and me.
Why Cubbin's s bound to be more fun
In summer - try it and see!