Live in peace and harmony with nature be not in conflict with her, for her beauty and her pleasures are many. Poison not her waters, for they are the home of our fishes and the drink of our game, as well as ourselves.
Poison not her atmosphere, for it is the source of her life and it is necessary for our continued well-being. Foul not with litter in her woods, her meadows, her mountains, nor her waters for they provide us with beauty and the rich gifts of her bounty.
Take not more fish from her seas nor her lakes nor her streams than we can use at one time so that there will be more tomorrow. Take not the life of her beasts wantonly, nor her fowl, for it is wrong and you shall be condemned by your. fellow sportsmen.
Disturb not her young nor their homes, so that they may go forth and they may multiply. Tread lightly on her paths, lest they be covered with scars which will not heal.
Pluck not the wildflowers from her bosom nor the fragile plants from her mountains, lest they be rare and pass away forever, is be no more. Abuse not her laws, nor her generosity lest her gifts are withheld from your sons, your daughters, your grandsons, and your granddaughters forever.