Another Blue & Gold Closing

Have a small birthday candle at each Cub Scout table setting and have a larger candle on all tables. At the proper time, the Cubmaster announces that each Webelos Scout should come forward and receive a lighted candle to take to his table. After he reaches his table all other lights are turned off.

CUBMASTER: America's manpower begins with Boypower. As we light all our candles, you can see the room is growing brighter (Cubs light their candles). That is the way it is in Cub Scouting in our community as we increase our Boypower. One Cub Scout may not be very big, but as our members grow we can light up all our homes and make everyone aware of our Cub Scout spirit. Let's make Cub Scouting really shine with Boypower. (lights come on and candles are blown out). Do your best.

Cub Scout responds: We'll do our best!



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders