EQUIPMENT: Cards with letters spelling out P O C K E T S and pictures of collections.
P: is for POSTAGE STAMPS, something people have collected for many years.
O: is OLD-FASHIONED, what some call antiques.
C: is for CARDS, baseball, football, basketball or hockey. There are so many kinds to choose from.
K: is for KITES, to fly high in the sky. They come in so many styles and color the variety is endless.
E: is for ELECTRONICS, some people collect everything electronic they can get their hands on. TVs, radios, CD players, video games and computers the list goes on.
T: is for TOYS, every kid is a true collector. Their collecting never stops even when they grow up. They just collect different toys.
S: is for SCOUT STUFF, that every Scout collects. What Scout does not have collections of badges, patches, uniforms, ties slides, T-shirts, and camping gear.