InsaneScouter - Miscellaneous Den Openings - Ceremonies Cub Scout

Miscellaneous Den Openings

Form den in a horseshoe formation. Have a boy present colors at the open end. In turn, boys step forward, give Cub Scout salute, and step back. End ceremony with Pledge of Allegiance.

Form den in line and ask a boy to hold the U.S. flag. Have another boy lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

Sing "Home on the Range" (Cub Scout Songbook).

The assigned boy conducts the flag ceremony. Denner leads den yell.

Den chief conducts an informal uniform inspection.

Ask each boy to report on Good Turns he did during the past week for parents, teachers, or strangers.

Have denner read pocket knife whittling chip (Shavings and Chips Achievement 19, Bear Cub Scout Book). Ask, "Will you do your best?" Boys respond, "We'll do our best!"

Form a living circle. Ask boy with the best advancement record to lead Cub Scout Promise. Ask boys to observe a moment of reverence.

Form a living circle. Ask boy with the best advancement record to lead Law of the Pack. Ask boys to observe a moment of reverence.

Sing "Old Akela Had a Pack" (Cub Scout Songbook)

Practice Grand Howl (Den Chief Handbook). Den chief conducts an informal uniform inspection.

Form den in a circle and ask the visiting speaker to step into the center. Perform Grand Howl in his or her honor.

Boys respond to roll call by naming an item related to the achievement or activity badge being worked on this month. For example, if you are working on nature, have the boys name an insect or bird, or plant.

You can also have them name an animal and make its sound or call or describe the animal.

Boys respond to roll call by naming a Sports hero in a given sport.

Boys respond to roll call by naming colors made by combining primary colors.

Den chief conducts an informal uniform inspection. Sing favorite den song.

The assigned boy gives one point of Scout Law and explains it.

Form den in line. Den chief asks boys, in turn, to give Scout salute, handclasp, motto, slogan. All repeat Boy Scout Oath.

Sing favorite holiday song.

Webelos Den Chief reads the second point of Scout Law (loyal) and boys tell what it means for an athlete.

Assigned boys give skit based on Cub Scout motto.

Assigned boys give puppet skit based on Boy Scout motto.

Form den in a horseshoe formation. Den chief leads Pledge of Allegiance.

Form circle around guests and sing "We're Glad to See You Here" (Cub Scout Songbook).

Sing a song from "Cub Scout Songbook".

Webelos Scout explains the meaning of the parts of the Scout Badge.

Form a tight circle with the den flag in the center. Boys grasp flagstaff with left hands, make Cub Scout sign, and repeat Cub Scout Promise.

Denner presents colors as den comes to attention. Assistant denner reads the first verse of "The Star-Spangled Banner".

Denner reads aloud about how Francis Scott Key wrote the "Star-Spangled Banner" (Webelos Scout Book).

Ask boys to observe a moment of reverence for all those who died in the service of our country.

Do a couple of Applause Stunts.

Have denner read the first part of the Outdoor Code at the first meeting.

Have denner read the second part of the Outdoor Code at the second meeting.

Have denner read the third part of the Outdoor Code at the third meeting.

Have denner read the fourth part of the Outdoor Code at the fourth meeting.


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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders