I - means 'I". I want to do my best to be a good American citizen.
N - stands for Nation. The birth of a new nation "under God, with liberty and justice for all."
D - stands for the Declaration of Independence, the impressive statement proclaiming the freedom of the United States.
E - stands for Everything good we enjoy in this country.
P - stands for Patriotism. Our grateful love for this great country and our loyal support to it.
E - stands for the Everlasting Gospel, which was restored in this free land.
N - stands for Never. Never let us stray from the ways of righteousness.
D - stands for Deity. God, our Heavenly Father, inspired faithful men to set up a system of government under which people could use their divine free agency.
E - stands for Effort. Nothing worthwhile is accomplished without earnest effort.
N - stands for Now. Now is the time to prepare for the future.
C - stands for chance. In an independent country, people have the chance to improve and progress.
E - stands for Each of you. Every person must do what he or she can to keep this country true and free and great.