CUB #1: In 1621, after the first harvest was completed by the Plymouth colonists, Governor James Bradford proclaimed a day of thanksgiving and prayer.
CUB #2: During the American Revolution, a yearly day of national thanksgiving was suggested by the Continental Congress. In 1817, New York State adopted Thanksgiving Day as an annual custom, and by the middle of the 19th century, many other states did the same.
CUB #3: In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln appointed a day of thanksgiving and since then each president has issued a Thanksgiving proclamation, generally designating the last Thursday of November as a national holiday.
CUB #4: We, as Americans, have much to be thankful for --- especially our country's many freedoms. We have more freedoms than any country in the world. Yet how many of us think of Thanksgiving Day as a day to give thanks and not just a holiday!
CUB #5: O, heavenly Father, we ask for your blessing. For loved ones and friends that are near. We thank you for food and for love and for life and the Spirit of Scouting that's here.
CUB #6: We thank you for leaders who care about boys, who give us their time --- that's better than toys! We thank you for dads who help us learn right, for moms who sew on our badges at night. For all this, thank you, dear Lord, up above, for being in Scouting is something we love!