Personnel: 6 Cubs, with strong voices; and one in charge of lights
Equipment: 8 small candles, 1 large candle, in holders and matches
Setting: Lights dim with Scouting spirit candlelit Speakers come forward one at a time, light the small candles from the Scouting spirit candle and read After all small candles are lit, turn off all house lights.
Cub 1: Cub Scouting is part of family life in more than 60 countries around the world. In all of these free countries, on an evening such as this, families are sharing the spirit of Scouting.
Cub 2: Let us look at the candles’ flame and silently thank God, for the Cub Scout friendships we are privileged to enjoy.
Cub 3: Thanks to everyone, for your assistance, with dinner tonight. We would like to share a closing poem with you.
Cub 4: Boys in uniforms shiny and bright; with smiling faces to the left and right, we say thanks for Cub Scouting tonight.
Cub 5: A Cubmaster who is loyal and true, who works with parents and the boys in blue; in hopes that these boys will grow up to be, Super citizens for the world to see!
Cub 6: Den leaders, too, in uniforms blue, teaching Cub Scouts the need to be true, and working, singing, and playing with them. Though at times it is total mayhem! So all of you Cub Scouters, in gold and in blue, the door to Scouting has been opened to you! (Lights on)