PROPS: Six cards with one letter of the word BADGES on each card, the explanation for each letter on the reverse side.
B stands for badges to be given today. What is a badge? A scrap of colored material is not nearly so important as the job that was done to earn it.
A stands for Akela. Your family and leaders who have helped you earn your badge.
D stands for Deeds. Good deeds to be done now and in the future for family, friends, and the community.
Good deeds done with the knowledge and skills acquired through the badges.
G stands for growth. The Pack helps the Cub Scout grow.
E stands for eagerness and energy. Both are necessary to earn badges. Badges do not come easily and they should not or their value would be small. Badges must present challenges and difficulties and satisfaction in accomplishment.
S stands for Service. Service to others is on to our aims in life. Our badges help us to bring service to others.